Any job is difficult if you care about its outcome. But not every worker has to hear about it from customers. Baristas are one of the "lucky" ones that do.
As Gowri Chandra has beautifully put it, we Americans worship at the altar of craft coffee, reveling in its complexity and revering its art form. But we've still managed to commodify the very people who make it: the baristas. So if we believe in the artistry of baristas — and it looks like we do — why are we treating them as unskilled, expendable labor?
From everything baristas are posting online about their job, it's clear that we, the clients, are the main cause of their headaches. Of course, they have other problems too, but probably none can screw up their day as we do. Continue scrolling to learn what trials and tribulations await baristas every single day, and who knows, maybe if their confessions get plenty of attention, people will be kinder to them? Let's hope so.
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A Really Good Mask Sign
All of these experiences might seem scary and really demanding when you're just starting out. "Many service industry roles aren't full-time, which often means you're ineligible for most employer-sponsored benefits," former Starbucks barista Mekita Rivas explained. "Calling out sick can have negative consequences in the workplace, especially one where you can't just 'work from home.'"
It’s Called Etiquette
However, the job can also prepare you for the future. Now, Rivas is balancing a full-time day job, a growing freelance business, relationships with loved ones, as well as her other needs and goals. That sounds like a lot, but she said it's within her energy levels. "Although working my way through school was challenging, my hustle is what got me my degree," she said.
That job has helped her understand that 'work-life balance' means whatever you want it to. "It's whatever makes you feel comfortable and in control. I am still trying to decipher what that looks like for this chapter in my life, but I know I'm on my way to figuring it out."
Every Peak At Least 5 Times
Just A Reminder For Those Who’ve Forgotten That We Are Human Too
Me When Peak Lasts My Whole Shift
I Tried Hard To Cheer Up My Regular Karen And She Grabbed A Straw And Mixed My Little Art And Her Ungrateful Ass Said:i Dint Ask For No Stupid Drawing
And Thats On Period
Mental Health In The Workplace
Just A Psa To The Customers:
“You Need To Be Connecting With Every Customer At The Window!”
Starbucks Employees Hate When You Scream Your Order At Them
Every Store Has One (Or Several)
Starbucks Employees Hate When You Hang Around Past Closing
Karen Strikes Again!
In all fairness, while this is true to some extent, it doesn't necessarily work that way. I can only speak for myself, but I have no desire to visit any stores on holidays. However, if they happen to be open, it might actually come in handy sometimes and I might drop by. I will definitely feel sorry for the person working, but they are not open because I MUST shop there on said holiday. They are open because their asshat boss wants to scrape in some extra dough, even if there are hardly any customers.
Do You Have Any Regulars That You Just Look At And You’re Instantly Annoyed?
Just Dropping By With This
Starbucks Employees Hate When You Launch Into A Completely One-Sided Order
Ya know what's fast and easy? Setting the timer on your coffee pot. *gasp*
Sundays Really Be Like That Tho
Just Gonna Leave This Here
Yup. It definitely is. It’s almost like workers need better pay and more protection.
Forgot The Extra Drizzle.
When Customers Ask For Something Like This
I Just Want To Know What Size 😞
When You're In The Back Doing Dishes, But You Have To Go Out And Greet A Customer:
Just Received This From Corporate In Regards To Covid-19
Psa: Please Don’t Leave Stuff Like This In The Tip Jar. Politics Aside, It’s A Really Childish And Insulting Gesture. Thank You
Especially because there's a giant turd on it. Seriously. Only the idiots in the cult of trumpsterfire do s**t like this.
Load More Replies...The trump cult does not care what they deface. They put his picture on US flags and turn them into ugly, crass campaign posters, too.
That's a great way to make absolute SURE that someone doesn't vote for him.
Stock it up for when toilet paper runs out!
Load More Replies...There will never be a dollar bill like that. And if - we're all doomed.
If I ever work at Starbucks and I see some KAREN put this is the tip jar I will lose it and proceed to PERSONALLY escort her out of the shop.
people need to stop doing that its rude and its f*cking annoying
what in the world? Tip jars should auto scan anything added for authenticity. Any fake coin or bill should set off an alarm followed by a visit from the secret service.
It is first class jerky when a party of 8 leaves a three dollar tip
And the vomitus mess created by seeing THAT face with anticipation meant for a large tip.
hang on to it, it will be a souvenir someday. Not that it makes up for bad tips.
I'm not a retail worker, but it's very plausible that they have to deal with nutcases like this everyday. Besides, it's a really terrible thing to do, food workers in the USA rely on tips for their payment.
Load More Replies...Opening Be Like This
Im So Sorry
It Can Happen To The Best Of Us
This Is How It Feels To Work At Starbucks Sometimes...
This is how it feels to work long term at any food establishment where you order at the counter....
Here’s For The Lady Today Who Hadn’t Even Paid Me Yet And Said “I’m Glad Your Coworkers Are Having Such A Great Conversation, But They Need To Get Started On My Drink Because I’m In A Rush”
Truth. Why can't people just wake up 5 minutes earlier or hurry up in the morning if they k ow they want to stop somewhere.
What It’s Been Like Working In Dt With Cafe Closed
Welcome To My Ted Talk
But sometimes, exactly because it's free, they totally ignore you and never give you that glass of water. Sometimes I order it like 10 times before I get it.
When A Customer Is Rude But Leaves A $5 Tip
Dear Customers, This Is What Happens When You Reach Around The Shields To Help Yourself. Please Stop.
When You Both Open And Close Regularly
I posted the same thing above, but I am soo sorry to any baristas out there who think I am being creepy by looking. I am just curious about how you make stuff. Sorry!
yes! I get my coffee at home by slapping in a pod and pushing one button, so, very interesting to watch a barista :-D
Load More Replies...It doesn't cost you anything to be nice (or at least not rude) to the retail workers or baristas or waiters/waitresses. They provide us with service and without them we wouldn't be able to drink fancy-schmancy coffees or eat our fav fast food. The world is a shitty place, let's not make it shittier.
I used to work at a very busy Starbucks in a major city. A lot of these entries remind me of a few "bad apple" co-workers, who had little (or zero) tolerance for dealing with less-than-perfect customers. Most of the rest of us, though, knew it was our job to grin and bear it. This was specifically something that the company worked hard to develop in all their stores, making it a safe and comfortable space that people would want to spend time in. Granted, not all businesses stress this, and a lot of the issues stem from a trickle-down effect from horrid managers. My own take was that I had the opportunity to turn that surly customer's day around, not just by providing them with the product they wanted, but by my attitude. You can control how an awful lot of interactions go by being confident, compassionate, and by trying to get a sense of where the other person was coming from. Sometimes this meant adjusting my own pace or my own energy to match theirs, while conversing with them.
My mom at Starbucks, drinking a venti dark roast: "Wow. This is bitter, but it's weak." _____ Me sipping same drink: *neurons blown to crisp* _______ Moral to the story: Don't try to outdrink coffee with a career nurse coming off night shift.
These seem to be just an US thing, because of the "Customer is always right" of theirs. Anywhere else in the world, it's just normal equal human interactions and nobody has to put up with anybody else's s**t.
I'm glad to live in an average town in France where i go to a bar, ask for "a coffee", and get a COFFEE (mindblowing!). Just an espresso, with a piece of sugar aside, and a biscuit or chocolate treat for 1.20 euros, and you can sit there for hours if you like.
1,20? do you live on a mountain top in the middle of nowhere?
Load More Replies...This is a two-way street. Customers need to be polite, accept they aren't the only person in the world, and appreciate potential issues, servers need to listen, do their jobs efficiently, and apologize properly when they get it wrong. It shouldn't be hard, but I rarely witness it.
I go to Starbucks every day, I do my best to learn everyone’s name (memory issues); if I use the drive-thru and recognize their voice, I greet them by name; I always bring my own straw and tell them so when I order *and* have it in my hand when I hand them my card; if I don’t know their name and I’ve seen them several times, I find out what it is and then tell them I may need to do this several times because my brain isn’t working so well. I always do my best to treat people with dignity, just as I would like to be treated.
I'm 31 and live in a college town and literally avoid & never go into coffee shops, which are everywhere. After reading this, probably not a place I want to apply to work either.
A new cafe just opened up (not a chain) and they have a sign by the register with a Aust learners permit attached that says "we are a new cafe and all our staff are "learners" and getting used to the layout, please be patient". We aren't in the city so I doubt someone will come in and shout thier order at them. In the city is a different kettle of fish all together
I hope the baristas know that people like my husband, a charming older man, really likes that you remember his name and he knows yours too. Thank you.
Folks, please be polite, especially to the people who make your food. Fast food workers are all lazy af, but if you’re rude, we will go out of our to ruin your food or mess something up for you.
It's just coffee. I get mine at convenience stores. Tastes as good or better. I can mix it the way I want it, cheaper, no tipping required, you don't have to go through that pretentious grande crap, and you're in and out at your own speed. Be courteous to the cashier naturally.
Honestly, Starbuck's is the worst coffee I've ever had, not to mention it's expensive, the baristas are snooty, and it's all so pompous. Why tall? Why venti? What's wrong with small, medium, and large? I agree with you Kenny Kulbiski, I'd rather hit a Speedway or a 7-11 for coffee.
Load More Replies...Poor employees, but I can't get over the fact that we're talking about a freaking cake in a cup with a little coffe drizzled over it. Should be called "liquid cake bakers" instead of baristas
Jason, You said your analogy was thought out poorly but I still don't get it. There are so many different types of coffee, different strengths, different flavours (which I don't bother with but some people love them) how can you say it's "a little coffee drizzled over it"?
Load More Replies...Yeah, I don’t really get paid enough to deal with people’s bullshit. If someone is being belligerent, I’m gonna go grab my manager.
Load More Replies...I posted the same thing above, but I am soo sorry to any baristas out there who think I am being creepy by looking. I am just curious about how you make stuff. Sorry!
yes! I get my coffee at home by slapping in a pod and pushing one button, so, very interesting to watch a barista :-D
Load More Replies...It doesn't cost you anything to be nice (or at least not rude) to the retail workers or baristas or waiters/waitresses. They provide us with service and without them we wouldn't be able to drink fancy-schmancy coffees or eat our fav fast food. The world is a shitty place, let's not make it shittier.
I used to work at a very busy Starbucks in a major city. A lot of these entries remind me of a few "bad apple" co-workers, who had little (or zero) tolerance for dealing with less-than-perfect customers. Most of the rest of us, though, knew it was our job to grin and bear it. This was specifically something that the company worked hard to develop in all their stores, making it a safe and comfortable space that people would want to spend time in. Granted, not all businesses stress this, and a lot of the issues stem from a trickle-down effect from horrid managers. My own take was that I had the opportunity to turn that surly customer's day around, not just by providing them with the product they wanted, but by my attitude. You can control how an awful lot of interactions go by being confident, compassionate, and by trying to get a sense of where the other person was coming from. Sometimes this meant adjusting my own pace or my own energy to match theirs, while conversing with them.
My mom at Starbucks, drinking a venti dark roast: "Wow. This is bitter, but it's weak." _____ Me sipping same drink: *neurons blown to crisp* _______ Moral to the story: Don't try to outdrink coffee with a career nurse coming off night shift.
These seem to be just an US thing, because of the "Customer is always right" of theirs. Anywhere else in the world, it's just normal equal human interactions and nobody has to put up with anybody else's s**t.
I'm glad to live in an average town in France where i go to a bar, ask for "a coffee", and get a COFFEE (mindblowing!). Just an espresso, with a piece of sugar aside, and a biscuit or chocolate treat for 1.20 euros, and you can sit there for hours if you like.
1,20? do you live on a mountain top in the middle of nowhere?
Load More Replies...This is a two-way street. Customers need to be polite, accept they aren't the only person in the world, and appreciate potential issues, servers need to listen, do their jobs efficiently, and apologize properly when they get it wrong. It shouldn't be hard, but I rarely witness it.
I go to Starbucks every day, I do my best to learn everyone’s name (memory issues); if I use the drive-thru and recognize their voice, I greet them by name; I always bring my own straw and tell them so when I order *and* have it in my hand when I hand them my card; if I don’t know their name and I’ve seen them several times, I find out what it is and then tell them I may need to do this several times because my brain isn’t working so well. I always do my best to treat people with dignity, just as I would like to be treated.
I'm 31 and live in a college town and literally avoid & never go into coffee shops, which are everywhere. After reading this, probably not a place I want to apply to work either.
A new cafe just opened up (not a chain) and they have a sign by the register with a Aust learners permit attached that says "we are a new cafe and all our staff are "learners" and getting used to the layout, please be patient". We aren't in the city so I doubt someone will come in and shout thier order at them. In the city is a different kettle of fish all together
I hope the baristas know that people like my husband, a charming older man, really likes that you remember his name and he knows yours too. Thank you.
Folks, please be polite, especially to the people who make your food. Fast food workers are all lazy af, but if you’re rude, we will go out of our to ruin your food or mess something up for you.
It's just coffee. I get mine at convenience stores. Tastes as good or better. I can mix it the way I want it, cheaper, no tipping required, you don't have to go through that pretentious grande crap, and you're in and out at your own speed. Be courteous to the cashier naturally.
Honestly, Starbuck's is the worst coffee I've ever had, not to mention it's expensive, the baristas are snooty, and it's all so pompous. Why tall? Why venti? What's wrong with small, medium, and large? I agree with you Kenny Kulbiski, I'd rather hit a Speedway or a 7-11 for coffee.
Load More Replies...Poor employees, but I can't get over the fact that we're talking about a freaking cake in a cup with a little coffe drizzled over it. Should be called "liquid cake bakers" instead of baristas
Jason, You said your analogy was thought out poorly but I still don't get it. There are so many different types of coffee, different strengths, different flavours (which I don't bother with but some people love them) how can you say it's "a little coffee drizzled over it"?
Load More Replies...Yeah, I don’t really get paid enough to deal with people’s bullshit. If someone is being belligerent, I’m gonna go grab my manager.
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