If there’s one thing we humans are really good at, it’s sweeping things under the rug and pretending they’re fine—as long as they don’t affect us directly. It’s definitely not the healthiest coping mechanism, but it’s one we’ve collectively mastered.
In a recent thread, Redditors called out the stuff society has normalized that’s actually pretty creepy. From parents oversharing their kids’ lives online to ads that seem to read your mind, here’s what they had to say.
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Electing a convicted felon to lead the country.
Child beauty pageants have got to be up there.
Only Americans say it's okay. And only a small percentage of them. Hardly qualifies as "society"
When something is widely accepted as normal, despite being anything but, the best way to challenge it is by speaking up. That’s exactly what Arcenzo, the Redditor who started the conversation, did. Bored Panda reached out to them to find out what inspired the post.
“I was just thinking about how many things in society are normalized but can actually be pretty unsettling when you really think about them—like invasive advertising, unsolicited opinions on personal lives, or even certain workplace expectations,” they told us. “It made me curious about what others find creepy but socially accepted, so I decided to ask Reddit!”
In turn, Arcenzo was surprised and even a little overwhelmed by how much attention the post received. “It’s wild how many people have shared their thoughts. Some answers were things I never even considered,” they said.
Putting your children all over social media and even worse, making separate social media accounts for your kids that can barely even walk or talk yet.
Paparazzi/celebrity gossip culture, and how we basically accept that it's okay to stalk people as long as they're famous and you can make money out of intimate details of their lives.
Kicking out your kids at 18 or thinking an 18 year old is a full grown adult.
High Schools and Middle Schools requiring female athletes to wear tight and short uniforms on athletic teams similar to what women wear on a beach.
I would rather have the men adopt the skimpy outfits, but I'm a gay man. Thank God shorts are finally getting shorter again. Our long national nightmare is over.
It's getting better but the "boys will be boys" mentality.
Boys WILL be boys. But what is considered 'boy behaviour' can be changed over time, as social standards change. No-one now accepts that owning slaves is OK, whereas it was perfectly commponplace 500 years ago. Harmful behaviours can be identified and adjusted.
Forcing your kids to hug/kiss adults when they don't want to (like grandmas, uncles, family friends etc.).
The only kiddo I have in my life is a cousin's daughter. First time I met her I told her she didn't have to hug me just because we were related. Cousin was annoyed, kiddo was relieved.
Exploiting your own children for social media clout.
Children's clothing being designed to be tiny versios of adults, specifically little girls 4 yr olds don't need booty shorts and croptops.
Recording strangers in public and posting it online.
Adults in their 30s-50s and above dating anyone with an age ending in "teen"
It's legal, yes.
But still super creepy.
A lot of people say "Child beauty pageants", adult ones are pretty creepy too.
Parents pushing their kids too far in sports. I grew up racing motocross. I went to regional amateur races. The amount of kids that were getting hit by their parents in the pits after races was sickening. Motocross parents are the absolute worst. Thankfully my parents never did that c**p to me.
Predatory financial practices (like payday loan establishments and slot machines in gas stations).
That people with a disability or chronic illness can be treated as sub-human / third rate citizens. Seems universal worldwide.
Tell me about it I’m treated like that but do I care nope says more about them than it does me !
People/strangers asking about your s*x life or how many people you’ve slept with.
Men harassing people, and it being “boys will be boys”.
Adults telling little girls that their sons are just picking on them because they’re “pretty”.
F*****g weird culture. Just had this happen with my niece where a little boy was shoving her and his mom came over and told my niece that “he just thinks you’re pretty”
I immediately told my niece that his behavior wasn’t ok and no one has the right to touch her or be mean to her.
This kind of behavior should never be excused or justified. It's one of the biggest things wrong with society. It teaches boys that it's ok to be a*****e, and it teaches girls that they should let themselves be abused. It's disgusting.
Constant surveillance, both by our governments and tech companies.
Cruelty to livestock including macerating male chicks at birth in the egg industry.
Mormons allow adult men to probe their children about their s*x life.
it's expected by the children, at least every year, that the "Bishop" will interview them and ask them if they have ever touched themselves. if the answer is yes, he will ask more about it to get the details.
People posting near fatal and fatal videos on social media. All for karma or likes . Totally disgusting.
Father/Daughter "purity dance" like a prom, but dads take their daughters.
How obsessed people are with celebrities’ personal lives, down to tracking their flights and stalking them in public.
How about making people live in pain and suffering. Seniors, sick, disabled, mentally ill. Some of them just can't take it.
The fact that most social media apps listen to us and then show ads for things we just talked about.
Perving on young women as soon as they're 18 "because they're legal". When I was 27 and on a dating app I had a 22yo message me and I felt like a p**o. just for her messaging me.
Sugar on everything.
Note: this post originally had 40 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.
Poll Question
What do you think about parents sharing too much about their kids online?
It's fine, sharing is caring
It's concerning and should be minimized
Not a big deal, everyone does it
Depends on the context
I would add: normalizing, legalizing and encouraging bigotry toward anyone who's not part of the "majority". The most disconcerting thing of all is how casually people who otherwise wouldn't embrace bigotry will give into it when this happens. Western society especially is built on this normalized hatred, it's writ large in the blood of the innocent in our history books.
Unfortunately it's being replaced by demonising those who are part of the majority, which isn't going to achieve equality.
Adding: those websites that would count down the days until a child star was legal
I would add: normalizing, legalizing and encouraging bigotry toward anyone who's not part of the "majority". The most disconcerting thing of all is how casually people who otherwise wouldn't embrace bigotry will give into it when this happens. Western society especially is built on this normalized hatred, it's writ large in the blood of the innocent in our history books.
Unfortunately it's being replaced by demonising those who are part of the majority, which isn't going to achieve equality.
Adding: those websites that would count down the days until a child star was legal