I’m the older sister in my family, and growing up with a younger brother, I always felt the weight of setting a good example. And I tried my best, I really did, but he was a pro at pushing my buttons. Naturally, this led to some ridiculous arguments—we’d fight over the last cookie and the TV remote like it was a matter of life and death.
At Bored Panda, we were curious about what other silly things siblings bicker about, so we went looking around on the internet. We found a bunch of hilarious and relatable moments, and just had to share them with you. Check out our favorites below, and don’t forget to upvote the ones that made you smile!
P.S. Don’t tell my brother, but… I might have secretly made sure he got the bigger piece of that last cookie every time.
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“Competition with siblings is just a fact of life. And we, as people with siblings and people with children, can just try to manage it as best we can,” says Jeanine Vivona, a professor of psychology at the College of New Jersey.
While it may be surprising, these conflicts, as long as they don’t go too far, can actually help children become capable adults. Through these experiences, they learn to listen, cooperate, manage emotions, and solve problems—all crucial for building strong relationships.
Pfffft I just laughed too hard I too will damage my spleen if you keep touching her balls (pffffft bahahaha)
Moreover, during fights, children can actually develop their unique personalities. By taking a stand for something they believe in, they figure out what truly matters to them – their favorite activities, hobbies, and passions. This self-discovery can make them feel more confident and independent as they grow up.
For parents, though, these disagreements can be a big headache on top of everything else they have to deal with. Experts say it’s important not to brush them off and to help kids find ways to work things out instead. “The more proactive you can be, the better off you’re going to be in terms of setting the stage for success,” advises Stephanie Lee, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute.
It takes patience, but stepping in when needed can prevent deeper rifts between siblings and create a more peaceful family dynamic in the long run.
Easy, they get a pool each. One with a diving board, one without.
You can only ask me for a kidney twice, but there's no limit to those water trips.
When children are left to handle everything on their own, there’s a chance things can escalate to full-blown bullying. This can have lasting effects, as kids who are picked on by their brothers or sisters often grow up feeling less competent and happy in life. Studies also find that bullying increases the likelihood of experiencing depression and engaging in self-harm during adulthood.
Thankfully, there are some tips you can follow to resolve even the silliest fights. The key is to understand why they happen in the first place. Look for patterns; your children’s constant toy battles could have a different explanation.
“What the kids might really be fighting for is their parents’ attention after they’ve played nicely for a long period of time,” says Dr. Lee. “Kids aren’t really so concerned about the toy, it’s more that they’ve figured out these patterns of behavior that when I yell, when I kick, someone gets involved immediately.”
Another great strategy to discourage negative behaviors is to focus on reinforcing positive ones. Dr. Lee recommends praising your children when they behave well by saying, “Wow, great job taking turns”, or “I love how you guys are playing together”.
My 3 year old niece once threw a massive tantrum because her brother gave their mom a high 5. Apparently she's the only one who's allowed to do that! Kids are weird.
Sally Beville Hunter, a clinical associate professor in child and family studies at the University of Tennessee, reminds parents that when you’re praising children, it should be done so that all of them can hear you. However, if you need to correct one child, take them aside to talk privately, away from their sibling. Or else, the other child might use it against them later, saying something along the lines of, “Mom said you couldn't jump off the couch!”
Public Service Announcement: “All kids fight all the time” sums up this entire listicle.
If you choose to break up a fight by taking away something from your kids, like a toy they can’t share, always give it back. Do so within a few minutes, Dr. Lee stresses, and encourage them to collaborate by taking turns to play.
This is a thing. Trying to get as close as you can to smacking each other with your hands while not making connection, and then they zig when you thought they were going to zag. So technically...
Finally, look for moments to gather as a family. “Try to find common activities that allow everyone to be flexible, and to feel connected,” suggests Vivona. For instance, if one child loves dancing and another prefers chess, everyone can still bond over a movie night together.
So, don’t be discouraged by sibling quarrels. Use them as an opportunity to grow closer and create some funny memories to look back on!
It's your turn! No it isn't, it's yours! I did it last time! No you didn't, I did!
I fed all the cats the same food, but they would change bowls, hiss and smack each other, until I separated them.
Being childfree looks better and better the further I go down this list XD Though, my two cats fight all the time, so.... XD
As the mother of twin boys, yeah, you’d have to find an identical broken plastic fork 🙄
I dunno man if animals could kiss then Warrior Cats would be very dramatic indeed
I’m the sibling who starts that arguement… “STOP BREATHING SO LOUD!!” “WHAT, DO YOU WANT ME T9 STOP BREATHING!?” “YES PLEASE DO THAT”
Looking back on my childhood I kinda feel bad that my dad built me a lovely wooden dollhouse and I was gifted many pretty furniture pieces from the Yield House.....and I ended up making my own dollhouse for some stuffed animals out of a large box that I added sections to for walls/floors and built all my own furniture out of cardboard and fabric and pictures cut from magazines. In my defense, my mom would constantly rearrange the furniture in the wood dollhouse to the way SHE wanted them. I'd get home and be like, 'do you want me to put this in your room then?' The furniture is beautiful and all but fragile. You don't give that stuff to a 7 year old. I wanted a house I could play with my own way.
That's not fair! We were very attached to our imaginary plot that we put blood, sweat, tears, and a whole 126 seconds into!
Those always ended up in Barbie's house. They made great side tables, night stands and when I covered the top with scrap fabric - a footstool
I still have a blue dot "tattoo" between my eye brows when my brother let go of the pencil and I stabbed myself in the face with it
Me and my sister used to do this… until our parents realized that we have 2 bathrooms.
I got asked once "In a zombie apocalypse, which one of us would you save". I said "The dog". "No seriously, who?". "The dog". "Seriously????". "Yes. The dog is far more useful than you lot. She can help with hunting, warmth, companionship, and protection. What can you lot do?". I wasn't popular.
The dog is also a source of food "do I smell steak?"
Load More Replies...I never fought like that with my brother and it's rare for my three.
Same. My brother and I rarely, if ever, fought. We got along great and hung out with the same friend group. My three are pretty much the same. The younger two fought a little when they were really little but it was nothing too crazy. As teens--and now young adults, they've all gotten along great. It's funny because my oldest and youngest are 7 years apart and they're completely best buds.
7yrs between my oldest and youngest too, my youngest is still only 10, so a long time until she's an adult, but I like to think they will get along well when they are.
I feel like this all boils down to siblings are stuck living in the same house and competing over resources with someone they did not agree to live with.
Mine was for survival, my mother didn't believe the neighbor when she said my sister was abusing me until she came home 1 night and saw bruises on me. She worked 2nd shift and got a lady down the Rd to stay with us. I was so freaking happy when I came home from a church camp and she had moved out at 16.
My brother and I have a family saying - "Never play SORRY! at the top of a flight of stairs."
My sister who's 2.5 years younger than I, get along better when we see each other sporadically. Always fought throughout our lives and we are in our 50's now.
I grew up squabbling with my older sister and slightly younger brother. Dad was just as immature, so the discipline was left entirely to her. They separated. Hubby and I have raised two girls together who were the opposite - they are each other's bestie and hug-a-holics to boot!
I got asked once "In a zombie apocalypse, which one of us would you save". I said "The dog". "No seriously, who?". "The dog". "Seriously????". "Yes. The dog is far more useful than you lot. She can help with hunting, warmth, companionship, and protection. What can you lot do?". I wasn't popular.
The dog is also a source of food "do I smell steak?"
Load More Replies...I never fought like that with my brother and it's rare for my three.
Same. My brother and I rarely, if ever, fought. We got along great and hung out with the same friend group. My three are pretty much the same. The younger two fought a little when they were really little but it was nothing too crazy. As teens--and now young adults, they've all gotten along great. It's funny because my oldest and youngest are 7 years apart and they're completely best buds.
7yrs between my oldest and youngest too, my youngest is still only 10, so a long time until she's an adult, but I like to think they will get along well when they are.
I feel like this all boils down to siblings are stuck living in the same house and competing over resources with someone they did not agree to live with.
Mine was for survival, my mother didn't believe the neighbor when she said my sister was abusing me until she came home 1 night and saw bruises on me. She worked 2nd shift and got a lady down the Rd to stay with us. I was so freaking happy when I came home from a church camp and she had moved out at 16.
My brother and I have a family saying - "Never play SORRY! at the top of a flight of stairs."
My sister who's 2.5 years younger than I, get along better when we see each other sporadically. Always fought throughout our lives and we are in our 50's now.
I grew up squabbling with my older sister and slightly younger brother. Dad was just as immature, so the discipline was left entirely to her. They separated. Hubby and I have raised two girls together who were the opposite - they are each other's bestie and hug-a-holics to boot!