Never Again: 30 Times People Learned Of Their Hatred For A Certain Thing After Trying It Once
Experiences vary from person to person. What may have been memorable and worth repeating for one may have been a regrettable moment for another.
The stories you’re about to read are more about the latter. People candidly shared the first experiences they’d rather forget in response to this Reddit question that made the rounds recently: “What’s something you tried once and instantly knew that it wasn’t for you?”
Commenters talked about the first time they explored mind-altering substances, went camping, had roommates, and dated after divorce. Some anecdotes were funny, others were perplexing, while a few were slightly saddening.
Nevertheless, these were interesting reads many of you will likely enjoy.
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Dating again after my divorce. I realized I actually really truly did want my own space, my own home, my own finances, my own freedom. I was fulfilled by the relationships I had in my life.
The first relationship after my marriage lasted 14 days. The whole time, I tried. But I couldn’t do it.
I’m very happy alone.
I have been happily single and living alone for almost 7 years. No intention or inclination of making any changes to my current situation.
Exercising right after I wake up in the morning. F**K THAT.
Living with roommates. Cannot stand it. I'm fine living with a partner, family, or by myself. But a stranger, no thank you.
Outdoor Festivals
Gross porta potties, no water to wash hands, the smell of weed, the smell of p**s, people smelling of BO and alcohol, pushing each other out of the way to get to the front, people OD-ing, heat strokes, people with no awareness of their surroundings, minimal seating areas, no shade, drunk adults who bring their kids while they get wasted and over priced food lol.
Spent one night in a tent and knew I belong indoors with AC and a fridge.
Church. I got dragged to some free BBQ and music thing by a friend. Turned out to be a church pushing the hip new youth rock band they had some decade or two back.
I tried to be respectful, really. I late some food, chatted with the other folks there. Then we were led into the basement for the "concert." Fine.
The issue came when they locked the doors. This felt wrong so I politely asked to be let out. They refused. I informed them they had no right to lock me in and demanded to be let out. They grabbed the pastor.
At this point I started to get pissed. I began to complain loudly and was suddenly surrounded by church-goers trying to tell me this was normal.
Soon afterwards I really started to lose my cool. I demanded they unlock the door and basically informed them this was utter b******t.
In the end a scene was made (I shoved preacherman) and I was escorted out by three people and i have never set foot in a church since, quite happily.
Edit: I added that I got salty shoved preacher after they resisted letting me go because it felt dishonest not to tell the whole story. Also I did make the case that the locked doors were a fire hazard to no avail.
Edit 2: seems thus was a cult. It was a large-ish Christian church in my hometown that was freshly built and seemed legit from the outside.
C**aine. The high is fun but short, and my first thought was "you know what would be fun? More c**aine." Noped right out of that party and never did it again.
Big, loud parties. I’m not all that social in the first place, but it gets worse when I’m surrounded by super social people who are all socializing very loudly, typically with very loud music in the background (I also have fairly sensitive hearing).
I was a musician for ten years of my youth playing in bars and nightclubs five nights a week. It was as described every night. It was so bad that I stopped playing in bands the rest of my life.
Dancing in a club. It looked like a good time, then I discovered I have absolutely no idea what to do with my arms and legs on the dance floor, and I look and feel ridiculous. Not fun.
For me, it was dating apps. I tried one out and instantly felt it wasn't for me. The endless swiping and shallow interactions left me feeling more lonely than connected. Plus majority of people there only want one thing.
Sweet potato fries. Everyone always tells me how great they are, but if you want fries, get fries. You can't beat the classic.
Meditation . I cannot sit still for the life of me.
I like “mindful walking”, that’s great. But sitting with eyes shut, focusing on breathing, it’s so boring
Haunted houses. Having people jump out of the day and scream in my face while I walk through cheesy scenes of violence was not even a little fun for me.
It wouldn't work for me either - I HATE sudden loud noises and things jumping out at me.
Marriage. I knew before I did it that I shouldn't be doing it with this guy. I did it anyway. Big mistake. Huge. I figured out that it's a lot easier to say I do, than it is to say I don't want to do this anymore.
Everyone considering cohabitation, marriage, having kids, should all go through professional counseling before finalizing the decision .
This world. It was so bad I cried the moment I entered it.
And just wait until all the fun we will have when we have to leave it.
Telemarketing. I walked out after two hours. I felt like the lowest of low life.
I know the feeling. I lasted only 45 minutes of the actual calls and the few hours briefing before that.
Corporate job… it’s not for me. Except it’s now been 20yrs soulless years and I have zero will to live.
Honestly the happiest at work I've ever been was when I worked retail, specifically in merchandising. Just letting me wander around the store organizing stuff and putting up displays was a dream. Now I have a corporate job where I make 3x the money but feel like a caged animal at a desk sending emails all day.
I put on roller blades, stood up, sat down and took them off. Was going to break my damn neck.
Shrooms. The first bit was pretty good, but then while I was laying in bed my Kurt Cobain poster fell on top of me. I was freaking out as to why Kurt Cobain came of out of heaven to specifically attack me. Nonetheless, I k*lled him a second time.
As well, I tried shrooms once while still in a very strict boarding school in Ireland. I was away for a weekend with a friend and we wanted to have some fun. Anyway while on it, I saw a picture of her with short hair and thought it looked amazing. So we cut mine right away. Yes, you are right. I didn't look amazing and the school was not very amused... And I had to walk around sporting my G.I. Jane look and hating it. Good memory though.
Wine. Still have no idea how people can drink it.
I agree. "Tastes like blackcurrant, chocolate, berries, etc" - No, it tastes like a bitter swill.
Trying to change people who treat you like s**t.
Cigarettes. Didn't care for the dirty ashtray taste that lingered in my mouth.
I quit three weeks ago and I feel great. I have so much energy. I used to get so lethargic around midday, and now I'm normal. I actually don't start feeling tired until around seven or eight.
C**aine. I tried it and realized it was for me, like it really really was for me, thats when I knew it wasn't for me. I'd be dead if the pleasure sector was more in control than the logic sector. .
Weed. I don't understand how people enjoy it. Just gave me panic attacks. Never again.
There's two different basic kinds of weed, Indica, and sativa. Indica is the stuff that makes you a goofy, giggling lump that can't stop eating, and has a stronger body high, anti-anxiety, sleep inducing. Sativa, is cerebral. It's more energizing, allows you to function fairly normally, helps creatively but can cause paranoia and panic attacks in those not accustomed to it. Most dispensaries rely on sativa/indica blends unless they're specifying a particular use case, I.E "pain, stress or insomnia relief is going to be 100% indica" But.....weed isn't just THC....it's THC and 80-100 cannabinoids, and another 300 chemicals, different concentrations of all those chemicals have wildly different effects, and they also effect different people in different ways, and the delivery method also matters. Smoking is the least impactful for the shortest duration (smoking 1 gram of 40% THC bud is going to be strong, but not overpowering and only last an hour or two)
I was shocked at how much I hate weighted blankets. People say so many good things about them! I put it over me, boom, instant claustrophobia. I don't even have claustrophobia. Except with weighted blankets.
I bought 2 for my daughter, one heavy & one light. She doesn’t use them & I don’t blame her they’re awful.
Being a teacher. I love the teaching part. I hate being a teacher.
That stinky fermented norwegian fish thing. I thought maybe it just smelled bad and tasted ok but yeah it's awful all around.
Poll Question
If you had a bad first experience, what was your main takeaway?
Never trying it again
Give it another shot
Share the experience with others
Gain insights about myself
Being with a woman? Tried it when I was a teen. Nope. I'm definitely gay.
men I guess, lmao. as a lesbian myself, I had a boyfriend for a couple of months at like, 13 or so.. he kept asking to kiss and i didnt know at the time that i was a lesbian, so we finally pecked lips, i hated it and i avoided him for days and we broke up after I finally confessed. Funnily enough, around 5 years after that we bumped into each other and he said he thought he was gay, so... we became good friends because I was the only one who supported him coming out at the time. Unfortunately, he passed away after a motorcycle accident.... RIP, man, I still miss ya.
Being with a woman? Tried it when I was a teen. Nope. I'm definitely gay.
men I guess, lmao. as a lesbian myself, I had a boyfriend for a couple of months at like, 13 or so.. he kept asking to kiss and i didnt know at the time that i was a lesbian, so we finally pecked lips, i hated it and i avoided him for days and we broke up after I finally confessed. Funnily enough, around 5 years after that we bumped into each other and he said he thought he was gay, so... we became good friends because I was the only one who supported him coming out at the time. Unfortunately, he passed away after a motorcycle accident.... RIP, man, I still miss ya.