Since the advent of smartphones, it seems like it’s become much harder to tell a story and have people believe it. “Well, did you take a photo?” or “Why didn’t you get a video?” might be the first responses that you hear after recounting an unbelievable tale. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if others are skeptical. You know what you saw, and you can always tell the story online!

Redditors have recently been recalling the most amazing things they’ve witnessed but don’t have any proof of. So enjoy reading through these experiences that we sincerely hope actually happened, and be sure to upvote the ones that you find most incredible!


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove I was staying for a week at a guest house on some property up in the middle of nowhere Washington State. I’m sitting on the porch early in the morning drinking a cup of coffee and I see a young deer in the yard about 20 yards from me. So I just stay still and take it in. Then along comes this rabbit hopping in and they notice each other. The rabbit hops up toward the deer and the deer cautiously puts its nose toward the rabbit.

The rabbit gets up on its hind legs and they slowly inch their noses closer and closer to each other. Then they touch and the deer hops straight up in the air. The rabbit runs in a full circle around the deer and then stops. Then they repeated the exact same thing. They did this like 3 times then ran back into the woods together. This was before cell phones and I’m glad it was. It was just something for me and me only and I am grateful for it.

OldBrokeGrouch , Pixabay Report

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artistamberwhite avatar
Amber White
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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You did a fabulous job describing this occurrence - I feel like I was able to see it! So special it’s yours forever.

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove When I was 10 we had a 14 year old German Shepard who was getting very sick. I was home alone momentarily as my mom went to the neighbors to pick up a book or something. Our German Shepard came over, convinced me to walk outside with him and started licking my hands, looked at me, and ran away jumping the fence and he never came back. He was so loyal and good that to this day noone believes me and thinks he was stolen because he would never leave.

I'm almost certain he did that because he didn't want us to see him die and he wanted to go to the massive forest area and do his thing. I miss you buddy.

Different_Debt_9678 , Kelly Report

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Amber White
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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That’s absolutely what happened We believe you. I had a similar experience with my 18yr old cat. You were loved.

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove Two foxes ice skating on a frozen pond. My mom and brother saw it too. We watched for a good ten minutes or more. Sometimes on hind legs, sometimes not. But they were definitely playing together and enjoying sliding around.

LeenaSmeena , Lywin Report

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healonesaves avatar
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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love thinking about the lives animals have with no human interference. ❤️

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove I once saw a cat walk up a street to a zebra crossing, stop, look for cars, cross, then walk down in the same direction on the other side of the road.
Street smart cat.

LikeSameTho , Győző Mórocz Report

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kari-du avatar
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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cats are extremely smart and great at mimicking certain things they see people do. They're really amazing 🙂

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove Back in 1995, I was sitting on the beach in Durban (South Africa) with a bunch of mates after a night out. The sun was just starting to come up, and a dolphin launched itself out of water. For less than a second, it was silhouetted in front of the rising sun, and then it was gone. Nobody else saw it, but it is an image that is burnt into my mind and will no doubt stay with me for the rest of my life.

UbuntuElphie , Chelsea Bradley Report


This happened years ago. My wife and I were moving cross-country in the US, and we'd spent a couple nights at her grandparents' place in Topeka, Kansas, which is on the far east side of the state. We left after a couple days of snow, it was a little cloudy but there was no fog, and we were driving across the width of Kansas to Colorado where we'd be staying with *my* grandma for a couple days.

Less than five miles outside Topeka, we were swallowed by the thickest, densest fog I've ever experienced, including when I regularly drove through fog-heavy Half Moon Bay in California. There was no one on our side of the highway, and no one was coming the other direction. For hours. For the first 3-4 hours maybe *one* car passed going the other direction, it was just... thick thick fog.

We pulled aside once, not even to get gas just to get snacks and to use the restroom, and the gas station was lit up, but there were NO cars parked around it, and we could see inside, and there were NO people inside. We watched for about 10-15 minutes, there were no signs of life. We ended up just leaving, because it was so eerie.

I cannot express enough how empty it was. When we talk about it, we usually call it "Silent Kansas", after the Silent Hill games, because there was just nothing but the thick fog and a sense of foreboding. We drove for HOURS across Kansas, and the fog did not lift or lessen, and we did not see another living being. There were no signs (which I KNOW are usually there) for gas stations and restaurants. It was just empty nothingness in the fog.

And then, we crossed the state border into Colorado, and within like 2 miles, before even hitting the mountains (so we were at the same altitude as we'd been before hitting Colorado), the fog was gone, the sky was clear and blue, and there were multiple cars on the highway going both directions.

We both experienced it. But we will never be able to prove it happened, because it was before the era of ubiquitous smartphones, and neither of us had the ability to record it at the time. It remains one of the most terrifying and inexplicable experiences I've ever had.

suchanirwin Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove Our 15 yo daughter emptied the dishwasher without being asked. Others remain skeptical, but I swear I saw it.

WittyTitle5450 , Castorly Stock Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove I was stalked by a mountain lion when I was young. My family was ahead of me and I saw it in a tree watching me. I yelled forward to my parents and looked back and it was gone. I was under 10 at the time and am almost 40 now. I don't even know if it was real anymore.

justmethedude , Pixabay Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove I saw a raccoon ride a deer. I don’t think it was consensual. Kind of like an 8 second bull ride as it sprang out of a dumpster and landed on a doe. Both disappeared into the woods. I still wonder how long that little bastard hung on.

whofartedinmycereal , ifer endahl Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove At work on the railroad, going down the mainline at 40mph, middle of the day, middle of the woods.

Watched a massive... Thing... Leap from one treeline to the other, completely cleared a span of about 30 feet without touching the ballast. It was on all fours and muscular (bear... shaped but much bigger). And it's skin was fleshy pink.

I jumped out of my seat when I saw it, my engineer didn't as he was looking at me while talking. Told him what I saw, described it expecting to be given s**t about it. To my surprise he told me 2 weeks before a different conductor he was working with saw the same thing in right the same area. Never heard another thing about it.

GamblinGambit , Enric Cruz López Report

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Mimi M
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I really needed serious distraction, I'd go to r/humanoidencounters. Yeah, people really do see stuff like this. We live in a strange world.

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove A morbidly obese squirrel near my apartment in college dragging a half eaten Big Mac.

ObvsThrowaway5120 , Brett Sayles Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove I was at my parents, sitting in the living room. They have a dog and I was looking at her, waiting for her to give me her attention. After a few minutes, she looked at me. I wanted to teach her something unnecessary, my parents would wonder about later. I began to raise my eyebrows. She looked at me still. I did it more often. She was still very curiously looking at me. I went on raising my eyebrows over and over again for at least a few minutes. After staring at me for a really long time, she suddenly raised her eyebrows. I found it so funny and couldn't believe, she really copied me. When I told my family, no one believed me and my parents dog would not do it again. This was three years ago and from time to time I sit in front of her, raising my eyebrows. But nothing...

plcduck497 , Marina Zvada Report

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zedrapazia avatar
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Dogs can raise their eyebrows, and the best part about it is that they can only do it because it evolved to make them better at begging for stuff from humans. So pretty much, dog evolution allows them to mimic a human expression (aka puppy eyes) because looking very innocent gave them a natural advantage. Wolves, which obviously don't live with humans, don't have development in the responsible facial muscles.

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove Babysitting my brother's one year old twins. Both have a couple of words but not anything close to a sentence - ‘mum’, ’dad’, ‘cow’, ‘hi’, sort of thing. One of the kids grabbed my phone off the floor and I asked for it back. He said ‘would you like your phone back’ pretty perfectly. I said yes please and he handed it me. No one believes me.

Puzzleheaded-Box2536 , Meruyert Gonullu Report

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vponcen avatar
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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My brother did not speak much until he was about 5 years old. My mom was really worried and took him to the doctor. The doctor said that my brother was capable of speech but he did not need to speak as my mom would just respond to him glancing at something and know what he needed. When we got home, my brother kept looking at the fridge (his way of asking for milk) and my mom purposefully ignored him. Then he said “Mother, may I have milk please?” Like full articulated sentence. He was even polite about it!

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove 2012 I lived in the midwest near an Air Force base. I delivered newspapers in the early morning hours to make extra money. 4 o'clock one morning a drone starts shadowing me on my route. Not a tiny drone like today, this f****r was big and it was way up in the air. I saw it through my sunroof. I could hear it humming. It followed me for blocks. I got out of my car to make a porch delivery and looked up at it and it flew off. Still creeps me out.

filthy_lucre , Ian Usher Report

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binurithenabadu avatar
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would like to think that they were tasked with following someone sketchy but accidentally followed OP and effectively ended up losing sight of the person they were supposed to follow!

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Came back from dinner with my then girlfriend (now wife) and our friend to friend's house. Friend said Shhhh and we crept up to the window next to the front door. Her chocolate lab was laying asleep on the couch that he wasn't allowed on. She jiggled the door k**b for a few seconds before unloading the door and opening it. We went in to find the dog across the room in his dog bed pretending to be asleep. She goes over and "wakes" him up - he looks at all of us like he's just woken up and sleepily starts wagging his tail and gets up and stretches. One of the funniest things I've ever seen and proof that he was smarter than half the humans I've met in my life. If we had that on camera we'd have won the $100K on AFHV for sure.

da_benster Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove I was driving down a long stretch of road around 12-1am on either side just short grass and metal fences. I saw a man in a suit with a suit case walking the opposite way I was driving. Thinking how odd this was I looked in my rear view mirror and poof no man. He vanished with no where to hide. I’m 99% sure I saw a ghost.

Gloomy-Celebration-9 , Mak Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove When I was a kid, probably 12 years old, I was out cycling without my phone. While I was riding over a bridge in the countryside, I saw something huge down by the river bed. I stopped, got closer and I swear to god it was a 2 meter (cca 7 feet) long leech or a worm or something on the ground, slowly moving towards the river. I rushed home to get my phone to take a photo, but by the time I got back it was gone. I still have no idea what the hell that was or where it ended up going, but it was there that day 10 years ago.

Edit: just for reference, the river itself is only 5 meters wide and in parts narrower.

For reference, it's in Croatia, not a humid tropical country where something like this might realistically happen. It couldn't have been a snake because for one we don't have big snakes here, and it didn't slither like a snake, it squished itself and then extended like a worm does.

__impala67 , Julian Zwengel Report

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adrianhobbs0 avatar
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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

An eel, perhaps. If it happened in Australia I'd suspect the Giant Gippsland Earthworm (Megascolides australis) which can reach 3 metres in length and an several centimetres or so in diameter.

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I mean I can't prove it but I once saw a woman pull up to a drive thru window with no arms. When I handed her her two drinks she grabbed them one at a time between her neck and collarbone. She moved them each to a cup holder, grabbed the straws between her big and second toe, leaned back put it in gear and drove off with one foot on the wheel.

And when i say no arms I'm talking NO arms. Her torso just ends at the shoulder. I would never have believed it if I had not seen it myself. Talked to some coworkers and they knew all about her. Apparently she has an Instagram and is a painter.

Really humbled the f**k out of me and made me realize I take for granted a lot of s**t and b***h about insignificant s**t a LOT.

NiteFyre Report

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zubia818 avatar
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I totally believe this one. I get Christmas cards from the Mouth and Foot Painters organization. Their paintings are so beautiful and there are so many talented artists.


A cougar, I was very young and outside alone at my Nan’s house- her house was kind of nestled in the woods by a creek. I was walking back to the house after the “dinners ready” call, but heard something behind me so I stopped and turned around and it was a big cat staring at me. I stood there frozen staring back at it and then my dad came outside and so I turned back towards the house and when I turned back around to see the cat again it was already gone.

I tried to explain to my dad that I seen a cat but they thought I was talking about a small house cat, I was so young I couldn’t properly explain it but it 100% was a cougar. Long tail kind of curled upwards, tan coloured, big paws.

pluffypuff Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove A lady in white on the side of the road around 2am in rural new jersey. All white long dress. The other 2 people in the car didn’t see her, I turned back to look, saw nothing.

jnn045 , Oleksandra Derkach Report


A ghost while at a bar, the bartender actually saw my reaction and told me there has been multiple reports of the sighting.

themikegman Report

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I saw the ghost of a keyboardist friend about 6 months after he passed in 2019, sitting in the tour bus waiting for the show. I saw him in the reflection of the window, when I looked at the seat he wasn't there. When I looked back at the window, he was gone. Try to explain that to the rest of the band.

loopymcgee Report

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove A guy in Spiderman costume in middle of forest.

Top-Coach8319 , Stem List Report

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove One time after a simpson's episode in the early 2000s, I saw a naked woman flash across the screen for a single frame, before it cut to the news.

ceelion92 , Andrew Booth Report


59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove An entirely white owl. In Brazil, Atlantic Forest. Arriving home 3am. Live just beside a closed forest area.

The owl was on the sidewalk. Stop to photograph but it flew away.

Probably albino ou leucistic. Never saw it again.

febranco , Alex Devera Report

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My aunt and a hooded figure standing at the foot of my bed 10 hours after her funeral. I felt a sense of calm and just knowing that she was checking on me before she goes.

BigCranberry789 Report


I saw about 6 or 7 whooping cranes fly over me in NE Montana. I heard them first and thought they were strange sounding sandhill cranes, but their white color and red markings on some of them distinguished them. I’m a birder and biologist so I am confident that what they were. I found out one of their migratory routes indeed brings them over NE Montana.

DullAccountant1554 Report

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My uncle walking right before he died. My uncle was a quadriplegic my entire life. He was in an accident while I was in utero. I was very fond of him. He was in the hospital very ill and I was at home states away. I looked at the head of my bed and saw him walk in my room, wave and walk out. He was so chill about it , it didn't dawn on me what I saw. My mom called me in hysterics about an hour later telling me he died. Everyone said it was a shame I didn't know him before the "accident" or see him standing.

I see most of our family members right before the pass, as did my great aunt. The most heart breaking one was hearing her say (I'm hard of hearing so that makes it really strange) "It's your turn ole girl. You can do it". (Ole girl and weird girl were her nicknames for me).

Bulky_Try5904 Report

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I was walking out of work (near Seattle center) and a spotted owl flew right by my head. I have never seen a spotted owl in Seattle or in the metro area. It was pretty f*****g cool.

Adversely_Possessing Report

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My dads lucky number was 13. We built his coffin, and around 1 week after he passed we went to buy the wood. We ended up needing 13 lengths in total, each priced at £13, with only 13 pieces in the yard…

We were driving back and then a car pulled in front of us on the motorway with the number plate DAD….

Ok-Profession-6692 Report

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I pulled up to a stop light, looked to my right and saw Kurt Vonnegut sitting in an 80s Bronco.

pal1ndrome Report


While sitting in a parking lot, facing a major street, I saw a woman running in regular clothes like she was scared, then a car pull up, a person jumps out grabs her ponytail, punches her in the face, picks her limp body up and puts her into the backseat and drives off. I called the police, they told me all dispatchers are at a DUI check and since I didn’t have a license plate they couldn’t be of anymore help. It’s been 20 years, and I think about this situation often and now wonder… did it happen? I know it did, but it’s just insane to have witnessed.

deeds530 Report

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Ive had my sight shift in a forest.

One moment I was sitting peacefully with my bf enjoying my surroundings, the next the forest was crawling with life, like the noises of a lively gathering, with see through beings crawling all over. It was just a split second, but reminded me of the stories of dryads and fey in general.

And while my sight shifted back when my bf started talking to me,that’s not where the experience ended.

The next 15 minutes we heard the rustling of leaves cascade. First far away near the edge of the forest, and so closer and closer to us.. then someone would walk by us, and the leaves to the other side would rustle.

It felt like an ‘intruder alert’ system.

This happened with several bypassers.

That was one of the most memorable days Ive ever had in the forest. Like I was accidentally part of another world for a moment.

Other-Divide-8683 Report

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When I was 5 or 6, family moved into a different house. For 4 months my brother and I would scream and cry in the middle of the night, telling mum we saw a man. I would look in the corner of my room where he would always stand. He wasn’t mean but he didn’t look right which scared me. My mum did some digging and ventured up in the roof and found a bed up there and numerous other things as if someone was living there. We found out it was the last man who ever got hung in Australia, his hideout while running from authorities. We got out of that house pretty quickly. I-still remember that man in the corner to this day 33 years ago.

Kazzalenko Report

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This was maybe six years ago in the US, but I swear I saw a fast food place where you could get lunch and a drink for under $10.

12345_PIZZA Report


Not me, but my not quite 3 years old daughter. For a solid week in 1985 she kept talking about the angel at the end of her bed. Quite frankly, it freaked me the f**k out!

The following Friday we had a house fire and she died in her bed.

Pissedliberalgranny Report

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clairesteele avatar
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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so terribly sorry. I hope she is at peace with her Angel x


Was brought to a home by a friend, to fix a PC, in Ireland, in a border town. Entered the cottage living room. On the old sofa was a case stuffed full of cash. Looked around, there was a fairly used looking rocket launcher behind the door we had come through from hall. I was there as a young I.T. guy to repair a slow machine, that I later found out was being used for an unofficial bookie racket and possible money transfer setup. I did my job, said little while there, pleasent words, asked few questions, and got the hell out ASAP. I told my friend never to bring me back there again. The owner of the cottage, years later was arrested for laundering money for a republican army fighting British soldiers in the north of Ireland.

Verity_Ireland Report

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A shipping container sized “chunk” of rain hit the ground 15 feet in front of me. It was an extremely hot sunny summer day in southern Maryland and it came outta nowhere but it was so hot out it somehow nearly immediately evaporated from the grass so I really couldn’t even verify for myself that it actually happened but I saw and heard it. Location was on a farm in mowed grass so no neighbors or anything for an 1/8th mile minimum. No clouds, no planes, it didn’t rain before or after the event that day. Just a single “chunk” .

CarelessVolume6159 Report

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Flying at 39000 feet over India I saw an orange light moving on my right hand side. My first Officer saw it too. We contacted Air Traffic Control to confirm there was another aircraft in our vicinity but they said negative. Aircraft don't have orange lights either....

Apuonbus Report

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I heard a loud noise, almost like a train. Only, I wasn't near civilization --- I was camping, near a lake. I ran towards the sound, and saw a several story high whirlwind over the water. I fumbled for my phone but couldn't get the camera open before it dissipated. A few seconds later, rain fell from the sky, on a perfectly clear day.

Nobody saw it but me and I have no proof.

whilst Report

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I saw a cat in my house, but I don’t own one.

zezizuyasaw9kyn Report


A daddy long legs spider lassoed to a mosquito it caught (it was dangling from the mosquito’s lassoed legs as the mosquito flew through the air, past my ear). In the mosquito’s panic, it slammed them both into one of our walls, but the spider was ready: he held tightly to the mosquito with some of his legs, then held tightly to the wall with the rest.

I still can’t believe it happened like that - but my partner was there, and he saw the whole rodeo, too.

StarsofSobek Report

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I saw one of the modified stealth helicopters that were used in the Bin Laden raid.

I used to live near Mchord airforce base growing up. During the 90's we'd occasionally see a F-117 or B-2 flying during the day.

But one night in 09 or 10 I was hanging out on the shore of a lake doing teenage things and heard something weird. I was along a flight path and nearish to the aforementioned airbase so I was used to planes and helicopters flying past. I'm familiar with what Chinooks and MH60'S sound like but this was different, something was off.

That's when I saw two helicopters with normal lights break through the tree line, I assume apache but it was dark and I'm just guessing there. However between them was a third helicopter with no lights at all. Almost like the other two were escorting it.

I know it's incrediblely rare for any aircraft to be granted permission to fly with no lights. And again it sounded weird I could differentiate between the normal "thwump thwump" of the two escorts and the mysterious third craft that had a much more muffled "thwip thwip".

Anyways in 2011 seal team six crashed one of their modified stealth helicopters during the Bin Laden raid and they had to acknowledge that the Comanche program wasn't as dead as we were lead to believe. Ever since then I've been convinced that's what I saw that night a few years prior.

TysonTesla Report

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59 Things People Swear They Witnessed But Just Can’t Prove Went jogging at 5am, stopped to say a prayer at a statue in front of the church, there was an old lady praying too so i stopped by her side closed my eyes and then I heard the old lady crying so I opened my eyes to check and holy s**t she was no where to be found, so I thought I'd imagined her or something and started jogging again only to hear something in the back, so I turn back and look and there she is staring at me. And I ran as fast as I could, most intense jog i'd ever had tho.

drakenmihawk , Pablo Rebolledo Report

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I saw what I can only describe as seeing a star dying.

Sometime back before 2015, not exactly sure when, my brother had a friend over for a sleepover. Because of this, we were sleeping in the living room that night. We lived out in the country, so the night sky was very clear, and our living room had very large windows facing away from the urban glow.
I couldn't sleep so I was just staring out at the stars. Then, I saw one of the stars I was looking at erupt. It formed at large, thick ring that expanded to several times it's original size. Then, it very quickly stopped and the collapsed back in on itself and vanished.

Honestly, I know it doesn't make any sense for it to have really been a star exploding and then collapsing, but that's what it looked like. I still have no idea what it really was.

nminc Report

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I would like to start by saying I KNOW WHAT I SAW.

I saw a big cat (like panther) in Australia. I looked at it for a long time trying to figure out what it was before it ran away. It had the profile of a cat, and ran like a cat, and had a long fat tail.

I know what I saw.

shayla-shayla Report


2 juvenile bigfoot/sasquatch chaising each other across a mountain road about 8 miles from the nearest town, at 310am. They were not bears but looked like apes. This was at the sw base of Mt st Helen's in Wa State about 20 years ago.

CantFeelMyLegs78 Report

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artistamberwhite avatar
Amber White
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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Listen to Mysterious Universe - there’s a lot of coverage about these occurrences.

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The fox that lives in the graveyard near my house.

Once while walking there in the daytime.

Once while sitting out at night, when it just ran across the grass and hopped up onto the fence like a cat and ran along it.

Once out the front at twilight while I was tidying up.

On one other occasion my son saw it at the same time as me, and that's the only thing I've got to stop my wife teasing me about it being a figment of my imagination.

Stripes_the_cat Report

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I SEE shadow people on the regular.

It started when I was a kid after SA. I have and do go to therapy sessions. I am fairly certain that experience has led to my addictions and struggles.

I SWEAR I see this and would be comfortable with saying I saw them too.

Edit: They are not more pronounced under the influence. This is to include alcohol, THC, Psilocybin, c*caine or LSD.

In most cases, they just seem to be there. In some, they seem to take an interest in others.

They have only seemed to have taken an interest in me noticing them on one occasion.

This has been going on for 40+ years.

A_Gray_Old_Man Report

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eviehschmidt avatar
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

PTSD can trigger hallucinations in some cases! I see shadow people too, they usually disappear quite quickly and they have never harmed me. If that experience has had a profound impact on your life, maybe that could be the case? Just food for thought.


When i was about 8 (around '96ish i think), i saw a weird being in my dad's girlfriend's house.

i was spending the night with my sister over there and had to get up to pee. i saw a light on in the living room and it was this... thing, rocking in her rocking chair. it was like the shape of a human, but completely made of white light. no features, no face. just bright white light. it reflected off the windows and everything.

even though it didn't have a face, i felt it "look" at me and had the distinct impression that it felt surprised or caught. i stared at it for a minute, decided in a very kidlike way "well, f**k this" and went ahead to the bathroom. when i was done, the thing was gone and everything was dark again. never seen anything like it before or since, but it was there and so was i.

extratestresstrial Report

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My girlfriends dead ex husband. I was sleeping in her spare bedroom because she was sick

I felt something standing over me; I felt the presence. When I opened my eyes to look he poked me in the ribs

I knew what he looked like from pictures and later found out his ashes were in the same room I was in. F**k that dead guy.

WheresFlatJelly Report

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binurithenabadu avatar
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

An uncle who was still living with my grandma (his mum) passed away right outside his door. My grandma who discovered him was traumatised. Given that she was living alone after his death & was struggling mentally, she opened her doors to boarders, renting out his room. Most came and went (for reasons like stealing from her) but the last one that stayed was a young man. He was estranged from his own mom & starting fresh. My grandma immediately took him under & even used to say that he’s her son. She was very fond of him. He was around for several years until when he started experiencing weird things in his room at night, like being choked or pulled out from the bed by someone. He was in my late uncle’s room so everyone assumed that the uncle was jealous of my grandma’s affection for him. They did some religious “cleansing” of the house but that man was so spooked that he left all his belongings & fled. He kept in touch with my grandma until she died & now is still in contact with us.

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1. The ghost of a War of 1812 era in broad daylight in my mom's backyard, when I was about 35. Yes, I was wide awake - I was reading in a lounge chair. He was only there long enough for me to say "oh, you startled me!". He wasn't frightening and by the time my brain clued in, he was gone. The house was in Toronto, and he was gazing in the direction of Grenadier Pond. He looked troubled, like he had a lot on his mind. To this day, I wish I knew exactly who he was.

2. A crow, walking along the sidewalk, stopping at the corner and actually looking both ways before crossing the street. There wasn't even any traffic!

3. A fairy. Yes, a fairy. I was walking along a path next to a creek near my house, and I saw this thin brownish humanoid figure about 6 or 7 inches tall jump onto a tree branch about 10 feet away from me. But when I tried to actually look at it, it was like I couldn't focus my eyes on it or even on just that part of the tree. I was unnerved, and got the heck out of there. I used to go there often for walks, and I never had an experience like that before or since.

Lucky-Still2215 Report

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Not a believer in anything supernatural, not religious, nothing like that. However, I was driving back from San Francisco one night to a friends house, it was about 3:30am. He lives in a sort of forested neighborhood in the east bay and the entrance to where he lives is sort tucked behind a small town, and has a one lane road leading into it.

I pull off the main road onto this one lane and right before you enter, there's a strange cross walk that is lit, on a street otherwise devoid of street lights. As I'm approaching the cross walk, I notice there is someone standing there waiting to cross. So while it's weird to see someone out this late I of course stop and let them cross, after they do I look at them as I'm passing and as I perceived their face, they weren't human. Large dark black eyes, no facial features otherwise. They stared at me as I drove past. I got as good of a look as you can get glancing at someone as you drive past them and years later the moment still terrifies me.

The other strange thing, that crosswalk itself is odd as it leads to nowhere. The other side is just dense trees, no real path or houses or anything.

I've tried to rationalize, maybe they were disfigured and preferred to be out at night when less people are around? And while I still lean towards some sort of rational explanation, I can't shake the feeling that I saw something the universe didn't mean for me to see.

CountRoloff Report

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A UFO. It was maybe 2010. It was like a green sphere. If you search the web you will find fake videos with exactly what i saw. But my eyes are real! I actually saw the fake ufo in real life. It was day time.

MagicLuna Report

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I slept on the sofa at a friend's house. Woke up and saw someone sitting on the chair. The lights were off but it was quite bright from the street lights. I thought it was his Dad so I said 'Hello Mr x.. what are you doing up?' He didn't respond to anything I said. He had his legs crossed and was bouncing his leg and just staring mindlessly. I went upstairs and woke up my friend and told him that his dad or some fkr was downstairs and being weird. He was mad and told me to fk off.

Now at no point did I think ghost. I just thought it was someone in the house being an arsehole. So I just went back to sleep. This guy just sat there. When I woke up everyone was laughing at me. I still just thought it was just some prank. He had older brothers so I thought maybe one of his friends or some ar*ehole. I was like 'ha ha OK hilarious. You got me.' It was only when his Dad came down and said no one was downstairs and that he sometimes slept downstairs and heard things in the kitchen that I realized I saw a fkn ghost!

Happy5Day Report

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I was walking in downtown Des Moines on my lunch break and saw a homeless man with a cigarette in his mouth with really bad diarrhea run up to two guys in business suits and asked them something, I couldn't tell what they were saying. Then I saw the two business men grab each leg of the homeless man and lift him up onto a trash can where he took the most explosive and disgusting s**t I have ever heard into the hole on the top.

Long-Tip-5374 Report

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I SWEAR I saw a lion from a hot air balloon flying over Luxor, Egypt. 

I got a picture, but this was back in 2009 on a digital camera, so not the greatest quality. Opinions are split. It's definitely a large animal, it doesn't look like a donkey or horse. But a lion just seems impossible. .

Lacyllaplante Report

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miriamemendelson avatar
Mimi M
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57 minutes ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Supposedly extinct (Barbary Lions), but you never know.


I saw a plane just hanging in the sky. Not that slow-moving illusion. It was only a couple of hundred feet in the air. I was in a traffic jam, looked out and up and there's a plane, like a standard large passenger plane, not moving, right above the trees alongside the road. Nowhere near an airport. Not moving. The traffic moved on and I had to go with it.

overoften Report

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Mimi M
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56 minutes ago

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