50 Times People Made Themselves Something Really Cool And Just Had To Share It In This Online Group (New Pics)
For those who think that few good things, if any, came out of the pandemic, let me remind you how we all became at least a little bit more mindful and self-reflective. After all, many people developed new hobbies (or at least tried them!) like knitting or baking, while others took on projects they never had time for, like renovating an old garage in their backyard.
And those who were especially dedicated have turned up with some seriously impressive results. Thanks to the corner of Reddit known as “Something I Made,” we have an amazing collection of DIY projects to get you inspired.
Think of a beautiful handmade gown, a Roman bust aquarium, iridescent stained glass—it seems like nothing was impossible for these creative people who gave their idle hands some work to do.
Psst! Part 1 of the article with more incredible stuff people made while in quarantine waits right here.
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My Handmade Gown. Please Rate My Work
I want a life where I can wear this every day. Or wear fantasy-game outfits and it being normal.
Giant Safety Pin Lamp I Made From Aluminium And 3D Printed Parts. It Turns Off When You Close The Pin And There's A Second Switch In The Point
I'm A Beekeeper And I Preserve Natural Pieces Of Honeycomb I Find Inside Hives With Resin Into Pendants And Art
Bored Panda reached out to one such Indiana-based artist that goes by the Reddit handle @weenphisher76, who has been sharing some amazing handmade vinyl stickers. You can browse through their portfolio of some funny, lighthearted, witty and inspirational stickers on the Etsy shop “WeenphisherStickArt.” We asked them how they found enjoyment in making sticker art and what it's like to make something by yourself.
I Created A Giant, Stormy Wave Painting That I Am Very Proud Of
Some Turquoise Glow Pieces I Made Using Precious Metals, Resin And Glow Pigment So It Absorbs Light To Emit Light
I Make Bumper Stickers That Challenge Stereotypical Narratives About Women
“I’m a clinical social worker and the stress of my job requires that I engage in creative endeavors to help me cope with the trauma that I am exposed to on a daily basis,” the artist told us. Moreover, @weenphisher76 added that they started making stickers in order to pay for the music festivals they love attending. “I sell the stickers in the lot and usually pay for my tickets.”
Someone Threw Out My Mum's Wedding Purse And It Was Ruined In The Rain. I Managed To Save It And Make A Keepsake Pillow. Hoping To Gift It For Her 27th Anniversary. What Do You Think?
I Painted A Watercolour Portrait Of A Pitbull Enjoying The Sun
I Make Backgammon Boards Out Of Pressed Leaves And Foliage, This Is My Favourite One So Far
“Eventually, this morphed into making stickers of other subjects. I opened an Etsy shop as a platform to sell my work,” the sticker artist recounted. However, during the turbulent election in 2020, @weenphisher76 became inspired to make not only lighthearted and fun stickers, but also ones that elicit conversation. “I usually choose subjects that are controversial or demand conversation. I like to offer a counter-narrative to the hegemony of American culture,” they explained and added that “I try to stay abreast of pop culture phenomena and political current events.”
White Oak Eagle Stump Job
Our Nursery...my Wife Had A Vision And It Deserves To Be Seen
I grew up on Calvin and Hobbes, I still have all the books! Some tattier than others! The documentary about Bill Watterson is amazing.
I Made The Yarn, The Hat, And The Human Wearing It
When it comes to the whole process, @weenphisher76 said that “I make my stickers after I come home at night. I usually design a sticker in one sitting, that’s how I work.”
The sticker artist said that the support from people who appreciate their art is very important. “I love how my ideas and art have been accepted by many who have been suffering through the pandemic and need a laugh or feel that they are empowered and that they are not alone in this fight,” the artist concluded.
It’s worth noting that their bumper sticker which says “I like my women how I like my coffee… Strong and Valued in the workplace” has amassed 5k upvotes on the r/SomethingIMade subreddit, where people share all the DIY projects they create.
I Made These Two Pieces By Painting On Top Of An Acrylic Pour
Made A Fake Security Camera Birdhouse From Scrap Wood
I Made Some Shelves
The maker has a video on how he did it. I had initially assumed the pieces were steam-bent, but it actually much simpler. They are laminated from edge-banding veneer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHe1QZBfn8g
Load More Replies...Wow! so creative...I love to have some..A great business to start..especially when so many of us have to live in tiny places, they would add so much character =*..*=
These are so creative and brilliant! Beautiful also!! You need to design more and sell them!
My Handmade Wedding Dress
Little Triceratops With Flowers
A Pet Portrait I Completed In Pastel Pencils And Panpastels ✏️
Hello Everybody! I Am Engaged In Deer Antler Carving (Just Want To Inform You That You Do Not Need To Kill Deer For This. Every Winter Deer Shed Their Antlers To Grow New Ones) These Are My New Hairpins. I Want To Share This With You
I Made A Pair Of Boots For My Partner
I Made All Of These This Week. Rather Than Listening To Negative Persons Who Called Them Ugly Earlier Today, Im Still Proud Of Them
Lord Of The Rings Bag And Book Cover Combo I Just Finished
I Hand Painted This Helmet!
Up Cake!
I'm Making 1,000 Of These 3" Tall Hearts To Sew Together To Make A Quilt. Laying Them Out Like This After 3 Months Of Sewing, Cutting And Stuffing Was Incredibly Satisfying. I'd Like To Share The Fruits Of My Labour With A Group Of Folks Who Will Appreciate It. I Hope You Enjoy This Image
A Lakeside Firepit I Built (100% Solo!) With Native River Rock. This Is The Biggest Freestanding Stone Structure I've Ever Built
A Portrait By Me
We Turned Our Son’s Race Car Bed Into A Pirate Ship
Favourite Bouquet Of The Week, I Loved Making This!
My Best Tie Dye Work Yet! What Do You Think?
My Very First Welding Project!
This Ghost Lady I Made With Chicken Wire
Wood / LED Desk I Made From Scrap Cuts. Probably My Favorite Commission To This Day
My Crochet House Plant Collection!
Mechanical Owl Key Hooks That I Designed And Printed
I’m An Adult And My Friend Is Moving Away. I Made Her A Friendship Bracelet As A Parting Gift
My Daughter’s 11th Birthday Cake. 12” Diameter, 10” Height. All Frosting, Filling, And Cake From Scratch. Not Bad For A Dad
Not bad for anyone. I know I couldn't do it, still learning to get the pressure and precision right with an icing bag.
Grumples The Mushroom Mug (Mushroom Cap Comes Off), The First Of His Species
I Made A Gemstone From A Piece Of Glass From A Beer Bottle
Secret Room Tardis. Our Son Always Wanted A Secret Room So I Built Him This Dr Who Tardis. It’s Bigger On The Inside!
My Sister Is Starting Her Own Business Doing Hand-Made Home Decor. She Seriously Doubts Herself But I’m Really Proud Of Her And I Want You To See The Beautiful Stuff She Makes
Back To Wearing Masks At Work, So I Made A New One Out Of 4mm Eva Foam And Foam Clay. I Made The Cigar Light Up With Some Flickering Tealight Leds And Made A Switch I Can Press With My Lip. Pretty Happy With It
Did It All Myself. Proud Of The Result, Let Me Know Your Opinion
Personally, I prefer the "then," but I like overgrowth. If you prefer the "now," congrats!
I Made A Knife With A Handle Of Old Skateboard Decks
I Invented My Own Alphabet And Turned It Into A Font For A Book I Made!
Holy cow 🐮 that is beautiful! What is the book? Where can I buy or find out more please
Beth Harmon's Mint Green Dress From The Queen's Gambit Recreated
I Made Grilled Chicken Sandwiches On Ciabatta Bread Out Of Clay
I 3D Printed Some Purposely Visible Hearing Aids Because My Normal Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aids Suck
I have a lot of questions about these. Where can I go to find out more info please
Turned My TV Into A Nintendo Switch
I Made A Roman Bust Aquarium!
Enjoyed all of these! Now I'm gonna go off in the corner and feel inadequate.
You two are funny! Why don't you try your hand at something? I bet you can!
I both love and hate these lists. Love em because they are all amazing pieces. Hate em cause I know that I'll never be able to posses said pieces.
You'll find your own talent someday and enjoy the fruits of your hobbies. Everyone has something they enjoy doing even if it's not appreciated by anyone but yourself.
Everyone who contributed should be so impressed with themselves. The work they have produced is admirable. Well done to all.
i could comment on every single one of these creations about how incredibly beautiful they are and how talented the creators are but i'm going to save us all some time and write that down here :-) this comment covers every single picture. the creations are beautiful and the creators are all incredibly talented :-) i especially love the fire pit, the eagle made from a tree stump and the made up language book
Wow! All I do when I have extra time on my hands is eat snacks and watch YouTube, lol
Wow wow wowee. What craftspeople, hobbyists and artists. It's wonderful to see your imaginations outside your minds manifesting in real life! There are some great businesses waiting to boom. Beautiful work!
FYI, most of these aren't your average DYI. These are talented artists...
Sorry I didn't upvote anyone. How could I choose? I wish I had just 10% of the talent I've seen in here
I checked some of these on a site that evaluates images to see if they are AI. Child with painting, guy with two paintings, woman with bouquet, eagle carved out of stump and welded bear all came up as high probability of being AI. I think Bored Panda should check for this before posting.
Every single item in this article is a work of art! Great job you guys
I did not know I needed Spongebob Squarepants stained glass in my life till now.
Enjoyed all of these! Now I'm gonna go off in the corner and feel inadequate.
You two are funny! Why don't you try your hand at something? I bet you can!
I both love and hate these lists. Love em because they are all amazing pieces. Hate em cause I know that I'll never be able to posses said pieces.
You'll find your own talent someday and enjoy the fruits of your hobbies. Everyone has something they enjoy doing even if it's not appreciated by anyone but yourself.
Everyone who contributed should be so impressed with themselves. The work they have produced is admirable. Well done to all.
i could comment on every single one of these creations about how incredibly beautiful they are and how talented the creators are but i'm going to save us all some time and write that down here :-) this comment covers every single picture. the creations are beautiful and the creators are all incredibly talented :-) i especially love the fire pit, the eagle made from a tree stump and the made up language book
Wow! All I do when I have extra time on my hands is eat snacks and watch YouTube, lol
Wow wow wowee. What craftspeople, hobbyists and artists. It's wonderful to see your imaginations outside your minds manifesting in real life! There are some great businesses waiting to boom. Beautiful work!
FYI, most of these aren't your average DYI. These are talented artists...
Sorry I didn't upvote anyone. How could I choose? I wish I had just 10% of the talent I've seen in here
I checked some of these on a site that evaluates images to see if they are AI. Child with painting, guy with two paintings, woman with bouquet, eagle carved out of stump and welded bear all came up as high probability of being AI. I think Bored Panda should check for this before posting.
Every single item in this article is a work of art! Great job you guys
I did not know I needed Spongebob Squarepants stained glass in my life till now.