Many things tend to change over time, be it finding out that broccoli is actually not that bad or learning that crocheting can be fun even when you’re less than 70 years old. But even though time can change a person’s views on nearly everything, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s changed for the more positive.
Redditor u/Boring-Advice7763 wanted to learn more about how time can affect people’s opinions on things they do and don’t like. They asked members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community what it was that they started to dislike more and more the older they got, and redditors had plenty to share, covering everything from social media to loud noises, and much more. Scroll down to find their answers on the list below and see if you’ve started to dislike any of them yet yourself.
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People. I used to be a people person, but people ruined it.
The lack of common sense and independent thinking in the world today
Social media. Literally f*****g everything about it. Grown people making f*****g staged videos for likes.
As someone who was raised by boomers, I will die on the hill that people have always had untreated mental issues; it’s just that they used to only flow down. These videos are stupid, but they don’t remotely compare to teachers hitting indigenous kids every time those kids spoke their own language. Or parents hitting their own kids, for that matter.
How rigged everything is in favour of rich people's interests, making maximum profit and screwing everyone at every possible opportunity.
Late stage capitalism, in my view is driven by pure psycopathy.
I fully believe that the uber rich all suffer from the same mental health condition that so-called hoarders suffer from, but they hoard money rather than things. I also believe they are sociopaths, every last one. Money and power give people brain damage.
Apps. I shouldn’t need to download an app for everything
Definitely forgot BP has an app. Or Facebook. I refuse to dl an app if the site works fine in a browser.
People talking on speaker phone in public.
People, in general, just disregarding that other people exist.
Should be beaten black and blue..............."No I will not move so you can get that perfect shot".
Other drivers.
As you get older you begin to realize just how stupid the average driver is. It’s appalling, and I’m tired of having to constantly prevent accidents.
Not every human being is meant to drive. The sooner we all understand that, the safer we'll all become.
Starting to get really tired of manufactured outrage. Every day, there's something new to be outraged about across pretty much all spectrums. Politics, sports figures, celebrities, even just general life things that people write articles about, or tweet about, or whatever.
Constant outrage to get clicks and eyeballs. Gotta get people all riled up and steaming mad. Just getting sick of it, day in and day out. I don't know if there's an actual term for it, but to me I'd call it outrage fatigue.
This site is a shocker about it. Half the headlines make me think “this article did not need to be written”.
Anytime the grocery store rearranges itself. Goddamnit, it’s taco Tuesday, I shouldn’t have to hunt for the tortillas
People with no manners or civility.
I don’t know, I feel like I used to be less tolerant of others & more militant in my beliefs when I was younger. Now I’ve become more apathetic towards & pity cruel or uncivil people.
Loud cars and trucks. I genuinely think it’s noise pollution and should be illegal.
People that make their cars loud are just letting everyone know that they are an idiot 😂
How my optimism that the world would get better has been crushed.
It’s 2023 and we’re going backwards on rights for almost everyone, we lionize idiots, and the environment is only slightly less f’d.
Loud noises.
Loud noises aren’t that bothersome, but high-pitched screeches have become more grating the more I age. My 10yo boy will sometimes do this when in VR & deep in a battle and I swear it makes my ears bleed.
Aging. In myself, I don't feel any different to 30 years ago. But my knee usually hurts, my back frequently hurts, and recently I've been getting sharp pains at the base of my spine. Getting old sucks it's just better than the alternative.
Every workplace feeling like high school. Just do your job, get paid, quit b****hing about everybody else, and go home and enjoy your free time.
The lack of compassion in the world
People who are more concerned with winning than understanding
I feel we would all make so much more headway if we could agree to make an honest effort to understand each other and try to work for everyone's best interest instead of constantly trying to one up each other.
The expectation to socialise. Leave me alone and let me be a happy hermit.
If you insist on knowing why I am not surrounded by people, you will surely find out.
Sugar. I’m not a heath-nut by any means but any time I eat something sugary like candy, cake, ice cream, etc, I just feel like it’s too sweet and I feel like it’s rarely worth the calories.
Fashion trends. Loved them when I was younger. Now I feel like a crotchety old woman when I look at low rise jeans coming back in disgust.
Now I get why older people sometimes get stuck in a decade clothing wise.
The internet. I came here for bluey memes and cat vids not people being d***s to each other
The community & camaraderie back in the AOL IM/Chat rooms, IRC, bulletin board, new group days were much stronger & more supportive.
Patriotism - I speak from the USA, but I think it applies to all countries. It's b******t, all this energy poured into us first, us great, us alone, Yada Yada. My country right or wrong makes for a whole lot of of wrong. As George B. Shaw said, "Patriotism is the conviction that your country is the best country in the world because you happened to be born there."
Normal things that sometimes don't work like they need to like the broom that just won't F*****G STAY STILL FOR A GOD DAMN SECOND ON THIS F*****G WALL And little s**t like that
How despite working a good job with ostensibly good pay, things are going backwards and opportunities contract.
The uber wealthy. Unchecked capitalism. Technology. Republicans. Religion. Cops. The military.
The same exact things I've been screaming about my whole life.
All Republicans huh. Wrt to politics most people don't want to hear your opinion they want to hear their opinion coming out of your mouth I'm a liberal republican - can't stand Trump he's a horrible person, abortion rights should never have been touched, etc. Money and power go hand in hand. Just look at congress
People who enable abuse. Not general society, I'm talking family members and neighbors and friends and spouses who let their kid get abused by their spouse because tHeY nEeD tHeIr DaD or mom.
Don't leave out families who turn a blind eye to spousal abuse. I was trapped in one of those marriages for a long time to a man whose mother knew and witnessed it - her response? He's just like his grandfather. or.. boys will be boys... or what did you do to upset him? F*ck that, F*ck him, F*ck you. The day I decided I'd rather be dead than put up with any more was the day I kicked his @ss out the damned door. To be clear, everyone in his family knew, just all looked the other way.
Shopping. Especially clothes shopping. I used to enjoy it. Now I find it mostly a chore.
Holidays—especially ones that involve mandated gift giving. I LOVE to give gifts and often do throughout the year (I make a mental note of people’s interests). I prefer to give gifts on a random day simply because I saw something that reminded me of someone or just because. The over commercialism of holidays nowadays is just awful.
As a retail slave, this. As a kid it'd be an excuse to not go to school, but now it's become a showcase of greed.
Everything, in fact I find myself more irrationally angry at things. What an awful feeling for sure.
I'm currently in therapy to get better in this regard. Getting so angry over even small things is, at the end of the day, very draining, and I feel like if I can't transform this energy into something more neutral or even positive, it'll end up killing me.
-gestures vaguely-
People. People are disgusting. In high school I had s**t on my car door in a grocery store parking lot. It was a 8 year old sedan, base model other than having an automatic trans and power windows. I cannot fathom what brought somebody to do this other than a mental illness.
As I have grown older, all I see are people that don’t care about anybody but themselves. I see trash getting thrown out of cars weekly, if not daily. Diapers on the ground in parking lots. Drivers getting mad I am only going 9 mph over the speed limit, just to have to slow down for a tunnel 1 mile away because everybody here is afraid of tunnels for some reason. Only reason I don’t go slower is because I am likely to get hit going the speed limit. Accidents daily, if you can call them that. I don’t consider somebody weaving between lines of traffic an accident. I consider them a moron who should get fined for reckless endangerment. I have had a new car I got (precovid, when you could actually afford one) get door dings and also somebody backed into it within a few months of owning it. I only ever parked at the back of lots or away from people, so this was 100% on purpose.
If the housing market wasn’t so bad right now, I would move to the country with 20+ acres of land and not be near anybody.
Sadly, with all that said. I know I am only seeing the lower 20% (or maybe even 2%) of the population. You don’t see the people doing the good things or people picking up somebody else’s trash. You only really pay attention to filth you see doing bad or stupid things.
Had a snowstorm we drove in, could go no faster than 35mph in a 70mph zone. Jeep blew by me near the speed limit. Was it wrong of me to feel glee when I saw them a few miles up the road stuffed 100 ft off the road into the ditch?
The general public
Bad infrastructure
Poll Question
Which aspect of social interactions do you find increasingly tiresome as time goes on?
Forced politeness
Small talk with strangers
Attending unnecessary meetings
Trying to keep up with social media
Men. I don't like it, and goddamn am I *trying* to fight back against it, but it really feels like as I get older, I've really lost my empathy for men as a group. I feel like I've just been worn down too much by misogyny; I've retyped this comment many times and the only way I can describe it is compassion fatigue. It doesn't make the problems men face less real or valid, but I've found it harder and harder to muster sympathy when it comes up. I don't know if I'm the only one, and I have no idea how (or if) it can be fixed.
Crowds. Used to love big events. Even if I just sat on the side and people watched. Now I find myself turning down opportunities because I don't want to deal with the crowds. Also, change in routine or expectations. I have a mental list of things I'm going to do on a given day and curse the person who messes that up. I try not to be cranky about it. I know I'm being unreasonable because it's usually not something important I'm neglecting. It just wasn't in my plans today damnit!
Men. I don't like it, and goddamn am I *trying* to fight back against it, but it really feels like as I get older, I've really lost my empathy for men as a group. I feel like I've just been worn down too much by misogyny; I've retyped this comment many times and the only way I can describe it is compassion fatigue. It doesn't make the problems men face less real or valid, but I've found it harder and harder to muster sympathy when it comes up. I don't know if I'm the only one, and I have no idea how (or if) it can be fixed.
Crowds. Used to love big events. Even if I just sat on the side and people watched. Now I find myself turning down opportunities because I don't want to deal with the crowds. Also, change in routine or expectations. I have a mental list of things I'm going to do on a given day and curse the person who messes that up. I try not to be cranky about it. I know I'm being unreasonable because it's usually not something important I'm neglecting. It just wasn't in my plans today damnit!