We all make mistakes from time to time when it comes to spending. We might overstep our budgets or give in to impulse purchases. But these are valuable learning opportunities, so long as we actually do better the next time around, not just promise to try our best.
From smoking and subscription services to humongous weddings, the members of the r/AskReddit online community spilled the tea about the worst waste of money they know that some people can’t seem to avoid. Scroll down for their warnings about what you should probably avoid spending your hard-earned cash on.
We reached out to G. Brian Davis, a real estate investor and the co-founder of, to get his thoughts on how to reduce money-related worries and when emotional spending starts to become a problem. You'll find Bored Panda's full interview with him as you scroll down.


“The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On The cash people donate to celebrity ministers.

Aware_Palpitation820 , Jake Guild/flickr Report

If you have a lot of debt, are prone to emotional spending, and spend more than you earn, then you’re not just hurting your and your loved ones’ future. You’re also having a massive negative impact on your physical and mental health. Being exposed to long-term stress is similar to responding to sickness.

UCL researchers recently published a study in the Brain, Behavior, and Immunity journal about how stressful experiences and financial strain were detrimental to the healthy interaction between people’s immune, nervous, and endocrine systems.

When the communication between these systems is disrupted, our health suffers. For example, we become more prone to various illnesses like cardiovascular diseases, depression, and schizophrenia.


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Donating Money to influencers/streamers.


    Parasocial relationships are so dumb.
    I've seen people regularly pay streamers $50-300, easily.

    Pineapplefrooddude , George Milton/pexels Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yeah those specialists. "I have little, let me give money to this 19 year old millionaire so he can scream at a camera"

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Brand name baby clothes. Why in the world are you buying your new born a pair of Jordans that he/she'll outgrow in a few months?

    trashboattheraccoon , Olcay Ertem/pexels Report


    Odessa S. Hamilton, the lead author of the study, said that chronic stress can disrupt the biological exchange between the immune and endocrine systems, leading to disease.

    “We found that financial stress was most detrimental to biological health, although more research is needed to establish this for certain. This may be because this form of stress can invade many aspects of our lives, leading to family conflict, social exclusion, and even hunger or homelessness,” Hamilton said.

    The people who reported dealing with financial strain, the perception that they might not have enough money for future needs, were 59% more likely to, 4 years later, belong to the high-risk group of people who develop illnesses.


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Anything Gwyneth Paltrow sells probably.

    Schlumpfyman , gwynethpaltrow Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Anything any celebrity sells! They just attach their name to a product that already exists in plenty in the market and rip off their innocent fans. If it’s a product that doesn’t already exist in the market, I can understand it being justifiable but why would one ever really need some $100 perfume bottle with just two sprays worth of content when you can buy pretty much the same scent elsewhere?!

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On As a smoker... Cigarettes are by far the most idiotic addiction I have.


    Me, as well. The whole concept is idiotic. Buy something to intentionally set it on fire? Who does that? And if that’s not stupid enough, to then inhale the smoke produced? Who does that? I do, and have for over 60 years. How am I still alive? Guess I’m too stupid to die.

    bomzzz , lil artsy/pexels Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    started at 15, 21 later still at it. Biggest regret of my life

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Huge weddings.


    I know a guy & his wife who took a loan for their wedding, and he had to sell his wedding ring in order to pay back his loan and she still pays her loan on her side.

    vanwithnotan , Jonathan Borba/pexels Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    it's like buying a car. Don't buy a Mercedes if you can only afford a Kia.

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    According to Davis, there are two approaches to reducing any money-related worries that you have. The first is changing how you think about money, focusing on gratitude. The second is how you actually spend your hard-earned cash, starting with more attention on savings. "They both help, especially when you combine them," the co-founder of told Bored Panda in an email.

    "On the mindset side, aim to put your focus and attention on gratitude for what you have rather than fixating on what you don’t have but want. That’s easier said than done—as soon as we get one thing we want, we start thinking about the next thing. Remind yourself that you have everything that you need, and then go through subtraction exercises, imagining your life without some of the things you take for granted. You’ll value them more and boost your gratitude for what you have,” Davis explained.


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Stanley cups.
    I said what I said.

    Affectionate-Main968 , muriloaugusto31 Report


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Sending money to politicians. What the f**k are you doing.

    Cyber_Insecurity , Asad Photo Maldives/pexels Report

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    General Anaesthesia
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Corporations and billionaires can always afford to buy more politicians than you can.

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    Meanwhile, when it comes to the spending side of things, Davis said that a higher savings rate leads to lower financial worries. "Bridge the gap between mindset and tangible spending by looking back at how you used to live five or ten years ago, how much less you lived on. You weren’t miserable then, even though you lived on less. How can you live on less once again without it feeling like ‘sacrifice?’”


    Lowering your living expenses means that you increase the number of months that your savings could potentially sustain you if you were in an emergency. That, in turn, leads to less overall stress about money.

    Furthermore, you have far more flexibility in your career if your expenses are lower. "You can go pursue your dream work, even if it doesn’t pay well, as you live happily on a lower budget."


    New phone every year.

    kingslayer962 Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Given how ridiculously expensive phones are nowadays, doing this would be such a financial disaster to anyone. Most phones work perfectly for at least 2-3 years and if it’s the design, that’s also pretty much the same across most of the new models now. I used my last phone for 6 years, upgraded it to a new one last year, and plan on using that for at least 5 years. My old phone is still in great condition and was passed down to my mom.

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Adobe subscription. f**k you adobe.

    themightymoron , Adobe Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    GIMP, it's got a terrible name, and it's admittedly not as good as Photoshop, but it's pretty top notch for a free product. Inkscape is the free vector art program, and I think that's also awesome.

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Outrageously over-priced concerts.

    ToYourCredit , Gregory Borges /pexels Report


    Davis told Bored Panda that another important aspect to consider is comparing yourself to your peers. In short, you shouldn't do this. The reality is that we don't know all the details of a high-earner's life. "They may earn twice as much as you—and hate their jobs. You don’t know how they really feel about their high-octane job or the sacrifices they make for that high paycheck. All you see are the curated social media photos," he shed some light on this.

    We were also curious to get Davis' perspective on emotional spending. Specifically, when it starts becoming a real problem. He pointed out that it's an issue when someone starts exceeding their budget for discretionary spending.

    "If you budget $300 per month for discretionary spending like lattes and restaurant meals and shoes and clothes, there’s nothing wrong with you spending that money in whatever way brings you the most happiness. That includes emotional spending, such as indulging yourself at the spa or whatever floats your proverbial boat. But when you blow past that $300 because you splurged on emotional spending, you’ve blown your budget. Now you have less to spend on more essential expenses like groceries," the co-founder of told us.


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Designer and luxury anything.


    Designer clothes.
    You're literally paying a company to become a human billboard for them. Just so you can be associated with wealth and status.
    No one will care as much as you do about your brands.

    abfukson , Alexandra Maria /pexels Report

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    The Chronic Insomniac
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I saw someone driving one of those hideous Tesla trucks today and some gang member had tagged the back with spray paint like you would see on an inner city wall or something. I'm not condoning defacing someones property but it did make me burst out lauging in my used Chevy Spark.

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    Getting nails and lashes done. My coworkers spend $150+ on nails monthly and $200+ on lash extensions and always complain about not having money.

    morninglight789 Report

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    Bernd Herbert
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    unpopular opinion: Nobody looks better WITH fake nails or lashes

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Reiki, Homeopathy, all the other pseudo-science b******t.

    itfiend , Anete Lusina/pexels Report

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    Ian Webling
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please don't elevate them by calling them something as flattering as "pseudo-science".

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    If you’re feeling a lot of financial pressure, your first step is to create a budget so you can sleep more soundly at night. Slow down. Sit down. And go through your expenses in painstaking detail. To oversimplify a bit, you have two main tools at your disposal to dig your way out of this hole: reducing your expenses and increasing your income.

    The latter is fairly straightforward (if not so simple to do in practice): you can look for a higher-paying job, work more hours, pick up a part-time gig, monetize your hobbies, invest, etc.


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Subscription services to everything is becoming a massive problem that, despite our protests, are becoming more numerous and people just seem to be coming to accept.

    I even fall pray to it for a few things.

    Onigumo-Shishio , Andrea Piacquadio /pexels Report


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On There’s a government website that allows anyone to donate to covering the US national debt. People do it. 

    eaglebob1 , things-not-worth-wasting-money/pexels Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    what??? the GOVERNMENT is asking for tips too now?????????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Vapes.

    Started out as a way to help quit smoking. Now most people do it because they think it looks cool.

    jamie9000000 , Rafa Barros/pexels Report

    In the meantime, reducing your expenses inevitably means that you will have to adjust your lifestyle. To be sure, this can be unpleasant. When you’re used to a certain standard of living, it can be painful to imagine making any serious changes. Luckily, human beings are very adaptable.

    You can start by eliminating all of the things you spend money on that have literally no benefit. For instance, you might have signed up for some digital subscriptions that you don’t have the time (or desire) to use. You might have a gym subscription, but it’s been months since you went.



    heck__off Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If Starbucks is the only option in a town full of the likes of McDonald's and Taco Bell I'll still happily go hungry.

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    Honestly, paying thousands of dollars just to keep their old pet alive. Like, I appreciate that they love their pets, but there's a point where you have to realize they are suffering and you should let go. No point in spending so much money so they can live a few more months.

    Dash064 Report


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Gambling. Especially lotteries.

    It's never "worth" it from a math/odds perspective, but people continue to do it just for that small chance. It's basically just throwing your money in the trash, and 99.9% of people will never win big. It ends up being a huge amount of wasted money for many people over their life time.

    WonderfulChild , Kim Scarborough/flickr Report

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    Paul Rabit
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I look at buying one lottery ticket as it's own form of entertainment. For a couple days, you have real license (albeit terribly small) to dream about all the wonderful things you could do with your winnings. That's better than $40 for two hours at the movies! Plus, a slim-to-none chance of ONE ticket is infinitely better than a none-to-none chance with no ticket!

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    Or you might feel so overwhelmed in life that you try to make yourself feel better and feel like you’re in control by impulsively buying things. This can look different for everyone. Some people buy lots of shoes, bags, or clothes they don’t even have a chance to enjoy. Others might buy video games or books at a discount even though they’re too exhausted to get to them. Still, others splurge on dining out and takeaway (cough avocado toast and lattes cough)—the costs of which quickly add up.

    Whatever your weakness might be, it’s important to identify it and be honest about what this is: emotional spending. It makes you feel good for a moment, but it leaves you feeling hollow later on. This does not mean that you shouldn’t enjoy the finer things in life. However, you should be realistic about how much of that enjoyment your budget allows for. Treat yourself… once in a while, not every day, unless you've budgeted for it.


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Tipping the cashier when I’m standing in line to place and receive my order. The way they swing that credit card thing around, either you tip or you wonder what they did to your food.

    Traveler_Protocol1 , Report

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    Mc Hobbit
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes I am amazed by how out of control US tipping culture is. Y'all used to tip your hairdresser, nail tech, waiter, someone at Starbucks hands you a doughnut and then wants a tip. I'm honestly waiting for the day the US asks for a tip to cross the street. I'd be terrified to even go anywhere in the US. I'd literally just go to the grocery store and through self-checkout.

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On In app purchases in games.

    Kaya_Tily , Pixabay/pexels Report

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    Lavena William
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I play MOBA games, it's completely free to play. It helps me cope throughout dark times in my early adulthood. And I buy two skins that I really like, that's it. Paying for two cheap skins is my way of thanking the dev.

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    The green powders people buy and mix into their drinks.

    Almost anything the Kardashian family sells (especially Kourtney’s snake oil brand, Lemme).

    courtFTW Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
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    7 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just googled them 😂 133$au for a jar of stress relief gummies 😂 Jesus just roll a joint (jokes) - $180 for weight loss ones but $67 for vâginal freshness (PH fresh ones) or the Brian booster one 😂

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Is Door Dash / Uber Eats / Grub Hub not on this list yet? I can't believe people are wasting money on this s**t. If you're disabled or sick or something I get it, but that's not who is using these services 95% of the time, and people are always complaining about surcharges! No s**t! Go pick up your own damn food!

    histprofdave , Norma Mortenson /pexels Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I use them because picking up food involves seeing people. I don't want to see people. If I wanted to see people I'd eat in the restaurant.

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    Going out to eat every day.

    Some people I work with bring in Noah's bagels, or donuts or something nearly every day, then they go out and eat somewhere for lunch every day. Same group talks about the latest cool restaurant they blew $500 on.


    Big_blue_392 Report


    More more more shoes, clothes, and stuff.
    Basically we’re over consuming everything we don’t need and yes I just bought another pair of shoes I don’t need a month ago but wanted 🫣.

    Amazingggcoolaid Report


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On I would say many baby toys. You spend a lot of money on flashy, expensive gifts that end up sitting unused, while the child plays all the time with a cheap toy from the dollar store.

    It's a bit of a cliché, but from my experience, kids often prefer the simple things, like a cardboard box. You don't need to spend a lot of money on toys and games for a 1-3 year old.

    Jacobyspiritbear , Lukas/pexels Report

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    Premium social media subscriptions.

    MRToddMartin Report


    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Bottled water.


    I lived in a city where the tap water was so healthy that they could legally bottled it. And the city was so bored of people still buying bottled water, that they did bottled the tap water to make them how stupid they acted.
    But people kept buying bottled water...

    flatstacy , Pavel Danilyuk/pexels Report

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    Mc Hobbit
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You live in a city where the tap water is so healthy that they could legally bottle it. Enough said. Some people have such abysmal tap water, a filter system or bottled water are the only options.

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    Insurance for small risks. E.g. extended warranty.

    nvdbeek Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Very few extended warranties are ever worth what they cost.

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    Ultra cheap anything. It's so far and beyond better to try your best and save up for something of middling quality or higher.

    Wether is be work boots, electronics, car parts, never go cheapest. It's just no worth having to replace them, and it will cost more in the long run.

    MajorRico155 Report

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    Premium gas unless your car has a high-compression engine.

    Crypto-Clearance Report

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    Arcady Royzen
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    if you read automotive news, you will find out that more and more new cars require premium gas. just for the sake of the experiment, i switched my premium for midgrade and fuel economy dropped about 15%. which means i have to fill up more often... guess what ... it actually cost more money in the long term

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Chiropractors.

    sideshow9320 , james love/flickr Report

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    Lyone Fein
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry your experience has been negative. Chiropractors have been a godsend for me. I have known three excellent ones who helped relieve me of great pain.

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    Cat toys. My cats seem to prefer empty boxes and the rings off of milk jugs to any expensive toys I bought.

    osm0sis Report


    Any product with excessive vitamin C for health or immunity.

    Vitamin C is *barely* involved in those processes, and is stupid easy to get your daily needs met with normal food intake. Those products do absolutely nothing.

    TheZooDad Report

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    Lyone Fein
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think this one is highly personal. I know I'm not getting enough vit C whenever my nose starts bleeding, which happens several times a month. Vitamins B reduces my anger reflex. Taking magnesium oxide reduces my pain.. . . . As you age, you may find that you need the extra help.

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    Funerals. In any way, shape and form.

    nickmightberight Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not all but expensive coffins and expensive headstones are a rip off. Better to go pine box or just cremate and hold a memorial. I laugh at those that want to preserve the corpse for the day the dead are raised from their graves. Seriously?

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    Home warranty companies.

    Complete scam. You pay $75-$100 just to get someone to come out for what most likely would cost you $50 to do yourself. Even if you do have a major appliance or HVAC system repair or replacement, you're getting the cheapest s**t installed by the lowest bidder.

    And for that privilege, you pay them a monthly fee.

    Put that monthly fee into a savings account for home maintenance and repairs, and you'll be far better off.

    freetattoo Report

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    Kit Black
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mine is $56/month. I get a couple of estimates before I call them, and so far it's saved me ~$600/yr, averaged out.

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On University degrees with low job demand.

    Yoisnia , Agung Pandit Wiguna/pexels Report

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    Sand Ers
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Universities aren’t supposed to be trade schools. If your primary motivation for getting a particular degree is how much money it will make you, you’re probably going to hate your job.

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    “The Whole Concept Is Idiotic”: 35 Dumb Things People Continue To Waste Their Money On Snapchat + (yes I actually know people that pay for it).

    Maturegroundhog , Sanket Mishra/pexels Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Paying for what? The app or to view certain peoples stories? I haven’t snap chat app’d since 2012

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    Based around last year’s audit, the pentagon.

    darkwulf1 Report

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    Lyone Fein
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every year it's the same story. We've been hearing about $300 hammers for thirty years now.

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    Fabric softener. It ruins clothes, towels, and linen and is more expensive than old school nanna hacks.

    Fabric softener is a con perpetrated by Big Wash!

    Yakob_Katpanic Report


    Premade burger paddies.
    Just get ground meat, season ir to your liking and literally press it with your palms. You'll be paying half for 5x the quality.

    ristlincin Report

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    E Henry Todd
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ground meat - just buy pre ground meat and grind it yourself. Pre-ground meat - just get a cow

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    Soft drinks are a big sinkhole. In the grocery store near me they rotate between the 24-pack and 30-pack on special, if it's not on special it'll be something stupid like $50 for a 30-pack or $40 for a 24-pack and when they're on special they cost about $10-15 less. Since I live with my mother and her and my brother love coke I just decided I'm not drinking this s**t anymore and voila the groceries are quite a bit more manageable and now I can buy treats that I usually wouldn't like brioche buns for burger night :).

    First-Junket124 Report

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    Sky Render
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here in the US they're worse than most places because they're basically just flavored high fructose corn syrup and water. HFCS is basically poison to your digestive system as the body doesn't process it the same way it processes sugar and you end up not having your sugar craving sated by it.

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    Tinder gold.

    adornedingold Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What’s that? Does it match you with gold people? Like that gold thing that came out of the Seine for the Olympics closing ceremony?

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    Expensive Jewelry.

    GoBlue2007 Report

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    New cars.

    Inevitable_Rabbit_67 Report

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    Sand Ers
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Somebody has to buy them. Used cars at any level of quality started out as a new car somewhere.

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    Anything labeled Organic.

    MatrixOutcast Report

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    Bernd Herbert
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait, what? That is so not true. I'm not sure if this is an American thing, but here in Germany I try to buy anything where animals are involved as organic. There are strict standards and I gladly pay the premium if it means the animals are treated better.

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    Some of these might be hot takes.

    - Reddit premium
    - most VPN's
    - YouTube Red / whatever they're calling it now (just use reVanced)
    - full coverage car insurance (most situations)
    - Grammar correcting services
    - meal prep programs
    - Amazon Prime (a lot of people don't order enough to make it worth it on a non-family account)
    - self help gurus
    - any p*rn (OF)
    - "fat burner" pills
    - pretty much anything made by Chrysler
    - every single vehicle oem replacement part manufacturered by Doorman
    - most sportsbikes

    Typhoon365 Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YouTube premium gets me ad-free YouTube /and/ YouTube music premium. It's my most-used platform, so it's very useful to me. I know it's not for everyone though

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