I used to believe that I would try anything once. Skydiving? Sure! Foods that I’ve never heard of? Bon appétit! But as I’ve gotten older and wiser, I’ve realized that there are actually plenty of things that I will gladly never touch.
Redditors have recently been discussing some of the things that the vast majority of us should never mess around with, so we’ve gathered some of their replies below. From substances that can be incredibly addictive to experimenting with tools that might make you lose a limb, enjoy reading through all of these things to avoid. And be sure to upvote the risks that you’re not willing to take either!
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Antibiotic resistance.
Definitely This!
As a Pharmacist I deal with a TON of people who just "Stopped taking Antibiotics after they felt well" and are currently wondering why they are coughing up mucus and sneezing again..
Also, sometimes they are lucky and the infection has been dealt with and they keep the unused antibiotics to use the next time ... or even worse, give to a friend who says they have a similar issue. YIKES!!!
Joining political cults of personality.
Wild animals. Leave them alone. Yes, including feeding them. Yes, including the “cute” ones.
Bear cubs are #1 on this list. Too many people think they have nothing to worry about, that the cub can’t really do much to them. The cub isn’t the one who’s gonna rip your lungs out of your esophagus.
Kangaroos are high up there too, because they do look so cute (and there are sanctuaries where you can feed them etc) but if they get spooked you can definitely be killed.
A menopausal woman. We are feral.
We've been through 30 to 40 years of pain that isn't taken seriously, vigilance about reproducing, and mansplaning. We've just had enough nonsense.
That gut feeling to stay away from certain people, places, situations. Trust your gut.
Knee-deep flood waters can pick up a car and move it.
Don't try to drive through water if you can't see the bottom.
Every time we get flood waters there are people stupid enough to try driving through it and it ends in tragedy
"Get Rich Quick" schemes.
It is either a scam, of questionable legality, or carries extremely high physical/mental/emotional/financial risk.
The adage "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" applies.
If you don't know what you are doing, electrical wiring. There is a lot of powers in those wires, and humans are very conductive.
I don't mess with electrical stuff. Me and electricity have an agreement - I don't mess with it; it doesn't try to kill me.
Mushrooms…. If you don’t know which one is which, don’t. Just don’t. Some of those are a painful way to die. So I hear.
The ocean.
I used to be an avid swimmer and would generally spend a lot of time in the water. Until that one day I got caught in an undertow away from the beach. Luckily I remembered what to do to get out of it, and I made it back to the beach, but ever since then I fear the sea. Am just back from Benin where nobody swims in the ocean because it will kill you.
People’s kids. You want to see dude who’s never had a speeding ticket suddenly become capable of murder? Mess with their offspring.
Fireworks. I can't unsee the liveleak video of a kids hand turning into high velocity sausage meat.
This is why they are banned (for personal use) in most of Australia. My dad misses 'bonfire night' when they used to get them, at the same time as telling me about how his brother lit one and put it in his pocket once and it was very close to being a serious injury!
Garage door springs.
Absolutely right. I had one snap about 10 years ago and it sounded and felt like a car crashed into my garage
I've installed/replaced about six pairs of garage door springs, mostly torsion types. I don't recommend the experience. The tools and the technique are very simple but the forces are great and you're on top of a ladder.
Do your training, take it seriously; within breed limits, a well trained dog should do its business outside, not jump up, tolerate all handling, sit, recall, go to bed and stay on command, give up toys on a word, stop barking when told to, and walk a proper heel (by your side at the level of your hip, not loose lead in front; the difference is important on an icy day!). Exercise twice a day for an hour each. Socialise from the puppy (dogs, horses, adults of all ages, children, cars, bikes, guns if you want a gundog, the vet, busy streets, public transport, the hoover, you get the idea) Feed dog food (not human food) twice a day and take unfinished food up after 30 mins (stops obesity); do not ever feed scraps under the table. Do not encourage bad behaviour (ignore it).
Any breed can be destructive. Most can seriously hurt people or other animals if they want to. Much of this is avoidable.
Do not make a ticking timebomb for yourself.
This. A thousand times this. My dogs are sweet, housebroken (save for the older one, he's having issues), and generally well-trained, but they're animals first and foremost. They've knocked me down, including when I'm on the stairs or in other dangerous positions. I've gotten bitten a lot, not on purpose, but because cattle dogs are like velcro, I'm clumsy, and my dog gets under my feet.
Gun safety. Messing around gets really bad, really fast.
Any rotary saw (skillsaw, tablesaw, mitresaw). Honorable mention: chainsaw.
I remember our woodworking teacher introducing us to the table saw: "This is the table saw. It does not like you. it does not dislike you. It does not care how many fingers you arrive with, or how many you leave with. That is entirely up to you."
Someone who has nothing to lose.
They will not be at all afraid of you. Fear can only exist in someone who still holds a vestige of hope. A prisoner at Treblinka extermination camp attacked and killed the commandant with his bare hands, because the prisoner realised that he was going to be killed anyway.
Stone fish.
I have experienced some phenomenal pain in my life but that sting will be burned into my psyche for the rest of my life.
Also the f****r in bottom right in the picture is a PAINFUL sting! Damn, my toe went black and the pain crept up my whole leg.
Kinda basic, but d***s. It is so easy to say you're not addicted and can quit anytime. Then your life is ruined, you're in a debilitating addiction and in a hole that gets deeper every time you try to fill it in.
Yep. I almost went to the bottom of that hole. Drügs were the only thing that shut my brain up and stopped the "bad thoughts", so I became addicted almost immediately during a very dark part in my life. I had my family and my boyfriend trying all kinds of things to help get me clean (boyfriend was the source of 90% of the problems in the first place, though, honestly.) None of their attempts worked, and I ended up on cocaine. The only thing that finally convinced me to get clean was thinking about how my cat depended on me and how I was responsible both to her and responsible for her wellbeing. That helped me get clean. I've been clean for 3 years now. It's scary to think how I had NO idea what was in the cocaine that I was buying and using. I could have gotten a fentanyl-laced batch and simply died. But addiction is INCREDIBLY difficult - don't let my little summary make it seem like it's "simple" and "easy" to quit - it's not. It is an atrocious struggle.
Carbon monoxide! I'm a inspector, and carry a detector with me at all times. It definitely has saved my life before. It's literally everywhere and can kill you instantly.
Blue ring octopus.
Just a PSA, blue ring octopuses don't always have blue rings! They only get blue rings when they feel threatened, so avoid any octopus that has not been 100% identified. Heck, avoid all octopuses.
Peoples emotions. You don’t know what a person is capable of doing until it’s too late.
Most people don't realise, themselves, what they're capable of until it's too late.
Large capacitors.
It's a good way to start a career change, as long as you want your new job to be "charcoal briquette"
I cringe when I see YouTube videos pop up in my feed for things you can do with a old microwave
Storm surges. Stay off the shore in bad weather!
And don't go in/around storm water drains. Flash flooding can happen so quickly.
Street pills, or a prescription that isn't yours. Just isn't worth the risk.
About THE dumbest thing someone can do is help themself to someone else's prescriptions. You could be allergic to any of the ingredients; it could exacerbate an existing, or otherwise dormant, medical condition; it could permanently disable you, if not outright kill you. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Felling trees by yourself that are in range of your home or other property.
This is so true. There's a guy I went to high school with who got paralyzed trying to help some friends remove an old tree that had died. He's in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
Trains, forklifts, and the people that prepare and serve your food.
Oh no... I'm a forklift driver on a train station and I'm cooking my own food!
Pulling money out of your retirement accounts before you retire.
Here in Australia, the rules were relaxed during COVID. Some people will regret their actions down the track.
Swans. They can beat you to death with their wings. Geese bites hurt like all hell. Was bitten on the thigh when I walked past a hidden nest. Then chased another 25 feet. Thank God for the nest it didn't chase me further.
As a former lift operator, do not f**k with a lift with damaged hydraulic lines on the boom/mast. Refuse. That fluid is under enough pressure to shoot through your skin.
This goes for any hydraulics. I can confirm, I used to be a hydraulic mechanic.
Breath play. I know, I like it too, but it's so dangerous, even if you "know what you're doing" even if you're "careful" even if you "never do it alone". It's not even the possibility of dying that's the worst part, it's the possibility of sustaining brain damage due to miscalculations and negligence of your partner(s). Certain methods are worse than others, too. Certain methods can leave lasting negative impacts on your health, like strangling and nooses. Your family will not understand. Your partner might see jail time if they were there. Just don't.
Poll Question
What's your stance on trying potentially dangerous activities once?
I would try anything once
I am selective about what I try
I avoid dangerous activities
It depends on the activity
As an advocate for the ‘Darwin will have his way’ collective I wholeheartedly endorse anyone who wishes to test their ability to overcome the odds. Want to see if the warning sign is right? Go ahead. Want to prove everyone else wrong and tackle that bear? Go right on and give it a tickle. Think that automated machinery can detect a human in its path? Go on, put yourself in harms way. You are doing the world a favour by removing yourself from the gene pool. You are the person to become the next ‘example for others to be aware of’, thank you for your services to humankind, we are getting stronger without you.
Follow EVERY safety rule when using power tools. Yes, you do need to take your wedding ring off and put it in your pocket. If you still won't do that, go to Google Image Search, and look up "degloved finger".
As an advocate for the ‘Darwin will have his way’ collective I wholeheartedly endorse anyone who wishes to test their ability to overcome the odds. Want to see if the warning sign is right? Go ahead. Want to prove everyone else wrong and tackle that bear? Go right on and give it a tickle. Think that automated machinery can detect a human in its path? Go on, put yourself in harms way. You are doing the world a favour by removing yourself from the gene pool. You are the person to become the next ‘example for others to be aware of’, thank you for your services to humankind, we are getting stronger without you.
Follow EVERY safety rule when using power tools. Yes, you do need to take your wedding ring off and put it in your pocket. If you still won't do that, go to Google Image Search, and look up "degloved finger".