If there’s one thing women love, it’s men assuming they know everything! Whether the topic at hand is period cramps or astrophysics, nobody knows better than a guy who’s seen a few YouTube videos… Right?

Mansplaining is obviously not something that all men do, but it is, unfortunately, a habit that’s become a trademark of some. So, to call out all of the condescending dudes who believe they’re authorities on anything and everything, women on Reddit have recently been sharing the most ridiculous things they’ve had mansplained to them. The mansplaining meme has become a popular way to highlight these absurd moments.

Keep reading to find a conversation with award-winning mental agility coach Anna Levesque, and be sure to upvote the stories that make you want to say, "Well, actually!"


50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them A male coworker tried to tell me what a certain computer program did. I interrupted with “I’m very familiar with that program, considering that I wrote it.”

Shalamarr , Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them A guy once said that women can only orgasm after the man has, because he needs to 'transfer his energy' Lost his mind when we told him women masturbate alone.

    rae_gun_ , priscilladupreez Report

    To gain more insight on this topic, we reached out to Anna Levesque, an award winning mental agility and white water kayak coach who's passionate about helping others build courage and confidence on and off the water. Anna was kind enough to answer a few questions for Bored Panda about mansplaining she's experienced.

    "It doesn't happen that often, but it does happen more often that I would like," the coach shared. She's actually written about this exact topic on her blog before, noting that it happens the most often when she posts about a mistake she made on the river.


    "In these posts, I'm not asking for advice, but sharing as a way to be vulnerable and relatable to my audience, and let my followers know that even former pro athletes who have been paddling for 30 years mess up," Anna explained.


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them My brother in law try explaining to me how the pain of being kicked in the balls is way worse than child birth or any other pain a woman could go through. His mom told him to shut the f**k up.

    rsvp_as_pending629 , Marco Verch Professional Photographer Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them I once had a primary physician tell me that he knew how painful childbirth was because he watched his wife give birth. Then he asked me to rate my concussion pain on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being childbirth. I looked at him in disbelief and said, “well in that case I rate my concussion at .002” He didn’t like my answer and tried to explain that he’s trying to judge my pain level. I told him I was in labor for 14 hours. Annnd this is why women don’t get the right pain meds.

    Vivalapetitemort , Jimmy Conover Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Should be reported. That's like saying you know how it feels to get stabbed because you watched it happen once, what the f**k

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    "Dudes always seem to jump on the opportunity to point out everything I did wrong and how they think I could do better, when I'm more skilled than they are," Anna added. "It's obvious that I know I messed up and understand what happened, and most importantly, I didn't ask for advice!"

    She even had an example to share from just last month "I posted on social media a paddling fail that I caught on my GoPro. I posted it because it was an obvious fail that I thought was funny," she told Bored Panda. "The caption was 'So there I was about to do something cool… [with a few laughing emojis] I don’t recommend recreating this.'"

    "The very first person who commented was a male paddler telling me why my technique didn't work, and how I should do it if I want to be successful," Anna continued. "And then there were other comments from men pontificating on what they would do or how they do it."


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them ‘Maybe you don’t know what good sex is’. Well, I know what it isn’t.

    anonymouscog , Kampus Production Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them This guy tried to tell me that ALL women LACTATE when they’re near a baby. I said that’s not f*****g true. He began to “explain” to me how I don’t understand biology. What the f**k lmao

    nightstalkerr , Karolina Grabowska Report

    Anna said she initially ignored the comments, but then she replied with a comment about how it's important to not take ourselves too seriously. "Then they kept going so I responded with: 'Wow, y’all’s mansplain game is strong! If I want advice, I’ll ask my hubby, who by the way, kicks all of your [butts]. Just sayin,'" she shared.

    "Then one of the guys responded with this: 'I’m sorry, I forgot you’re very sensitive to all but the worship comments. It wasn't a criticism. It was actually more for other people watching, maybe someone who wants to try another technique,'" Anna continued.

    "My takeaway is that some men not only feel empowered to mansplain to you, but they also feel empowered to tell you that you're being self-centered when you push back," the coach says. "And, some men who aren't as skilled as you feel empowered to critique your skill and ability, and try to use your platform to pontificate on their ideas."


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them I once had somebody try to explain a software framework to me like I didn't know how to write a single line of code.

    It was a framework I wrote.

    DemonicGirlcock , Mizuno K Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them I was going into anaphylaxis and naturally called an ambulance. The EMT took a look in my throat and said, “you don’t look like you’re going into anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is when…” and proceeded to explain it to me.

    I couldn’t talk, felt like I was breathing through a straw. Blotchy skin. I would have yelled if I could.

    When I got to the hospital, the doctor looked down my throat and said, “yep, get the epinephrine.”

    sassafrass005 , Alex Green Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mf should've been fired, you could've died because he thought he knew what the f**k he was talking about

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them Had a guy explain Color Theory to me. I'm a Color Specialist (hair) with over 20 years experience. He was a mechanic and red/green color blind.

    RedHeadGeekGrl , Miguel Á. Padriñán Report


    We were also curious about some of the impacts mansplaining can have. "That depends on how confident and experienced you are, and how experienced the mansplainer is," Anna says. "Typically when I get mansplained, it's by someone who isn't as skilled or accomplished as I am in paddling, and so it's more of a frustration and annoyance. I don't let the person affect my confidence or my ability to perform. I'm also surrounded by a high performing and supportive community, so I have learned to take in feedback only from people who have earned my trust and the right to give me feedback."


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them A man has no joke tried to explain that sexual trauma can be healed through having sex with the right person… barf.

    Significant-Junket41 , Ron Lach Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hope he was told to go heal his own trauma by fecking himself.

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them The hymen. We had a guy living with us for a while, he used to be a friend, but after living with him, I would realize what a mistake that was lol. Anyways, we were watching the movie Taken, and spoiler alert: the main character's daughter gets kidnapped and sold into a sex slavery operation. At the very end, the guy who purchased her because she was 'pure' is taken out by the dad. Dude who lived with me said, out loud, "Ironic, her being a virgin saved her life!" When I tell you I threw him shade! He was genuinely confused. I told him there was no way to prove virginity, and that virginity itself is a construct. "The hymen is real!" I had to explain to a man, in his thirties, that hymens come in all different shapes, sizes, and thickness. I had to explain to him that it doesn't cover the vaginal opening totally because, if it did, how would we lose our menstrual blood. Again, to an adult man, that a hymen can rupture for many many reasons. He argued with me! I am a CIS woman. I have five children. He argued with me about the female reproductive system and the term 'loose women'. I had to look him in the face and tell him that that term described loose morals not a loose vagina. That's not a thing. No wonder he's still single.

    Verlonica Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The whole concept of virginity is so dumb. It doesn't matter. At all. And men who legit fetishize 'pure' women are digusting

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    Anna also says mansplaining can erode confidence and curb growth potential in folks who are learning or feel less confident in their abilities. "If that person is surrounded by mansplainers and doesn't have a supportive community to turn to, it can lead to them giving up on the passion, job, hobby etc.," she explained. "Because it's no longer fun, and they are constantly being treated like they don't know what they're doing or what they're talking about."


    I designed a backup camera system. The manufacturer did not properly test the system upon sending us our first production units. I got a call from the first customers (mechanics). They spent the whole 5 minutes I was there under the vehicles telling me how they’ve done this for years and there’s no way a little girl who isn’t a mechanic could figure it out. The manufacturer mixed up the positive and negative cables. I switched them as they were explaining to me how the system I designed worked. Fixed before they could finish.

    NapQueen_94 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not all men. But… too many men. Too many men behave this way.

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    Someone who was never in the military was trying to explain marine boot camp to me.

    ….I’ve been in 7 years

    fairyTigerPrincess Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them My ex husband tried to explain to me that pain in childbirth was something modern medicine invented to get women to take drugs and get them and thier children addicted. According to him childbirth isn't actually painful but medical professional convince women it is. Women use to be able to give birth then carry on with thier day without having to rest for days or weeks afterward.

    MotherofJackals , Alexander Grey Report

    As far as what to do with mansplainers, Anna says she likes the bold approach of calling the person out, and doing so with humor if possible. "This summer, a good friend of mine started to mansplain a really simple kayak design concept to me. So I responded sarcastically with, 'Really?! Thanks for that very basic information. I've been paddling for 30 years, but had no idea!' He responded with, 'Too much?' and we had a good laugh about it. He got it, and we could move on," she shared.

    "I'm also not afraid to flex when I need to and let folks know that they've overstepped and that I'm not asking for advice," Anna added. "I encourage women to stop being nice. It's okay to straight talk to someone who is mansplaining to you."

    However, the expert acknowledges that can be challenging if there is a power differential or the mansplainer becomes adversarial.


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them My dad tying to explain to me that my fear of men is sexist and I shouldn't have been worried. I was 16 and had been followed on the street, cat called, chased, had creeps on my Instagram and there where weird teachers at school. Also tried to tell me that my period pain couldn't have been as bad as it was because he knows about them... I've been having them for 6 years and have a condition.

    anon , RDNE Stock project Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are times where fathers share precious pearls of wisdom. Then there are the times that they should just upshut, read the paper, or go weed the garden.

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them I was once mansplained what mansplaining is.

    savvydivvy Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them How to start a car. It was my car. I drove there.

    flotsam71 , cottonbro studio Report

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    Rae Rory
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My father, bless his heart, bought a new truck with a keyless push button ignition. He bought it from the dealership I used to work at as a mechanic. I borrowed said truck and he felt the need to explain how to start his truck. I, in turn, explained how to insert the key and start my car. He was not amused.

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    "I think the most important thing for all of us to remember is to only take in feedback from folks who have earned your trust and earned the right to give you that feedback," Anna says. "Seek out those people, so you have folks in your life who support you and who will also advocate for you when a mansplainer comes around. None of us have to take in feedback that we didn't ask for."

    If you'd like to hear more wise words from Anna, be sure to visit her website Mind Body Paddle!


    I was house shopping and the agent asked me if my current house has a garage. I said no and he proceeded to explain to me that if I had a garage I could park my car inside in the winter so it wouldn't get ice and snow on it. Thanks. I know how garages work.

    notme1414 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait you're supposed to keep a *car* in there? How does it fit with all the other random c**p?

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them A friend I knew in college tried to mansplain lesbian sex to me… (I date women). I immediately shut him down by asking if he REALLY thought I didn’t know how women had sex with one another. Sometimes all you have to do to make them realize how ridiculous they’re being is to read back their b******t to them. Needless to say, he was embarrassed.

    naturalturkey Report

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    Boootifull Unicorn
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    what's funny about so many of these is that they don't eve notice when they're doing it anymore

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them I heard a guy trying to explain what PayPal is…. To a woman who worked at PayPal.

    starbrightstar , Brett Jordan Report

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    two-sided llama
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    um actually its paypaulia and you use it for giving payback to paulias

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them A male friend once tried to mansplain feminism to me.
    Let's say he didn't try that again, because my laughter was very hurtful to his ego.

    AlHazard33 , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    Before a concert, chatting with people next to me, a man asks what my favorite song by the band is. I tell him “All Come True,” to which he says “They don’t have a song called All Come True.” I tell him the name of the album it’s on. He gives me the skeptical look. “Are you thinking of a different band?” No. “Do you go to concerts much?” Yes, twice a week, and All Come True is the eighth song in the set on this tour.

    Right before I pushed to the front, at the opening chord of the eighth song, I tapped him and yelled “THIS IS ALL COME TRUE.”

    When I got back to my spot they weren’t there anymore.

    whereisthequicksand Report


    Last weekend I cracked a joke to my boyfriend. He laughed and then proceeded to explain my own joke back to me as to why it was funny.... It was my joke.

    Snuglets Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them Scuba diving. By a guy who saw a YouTube video. I clocked like 400 dives so far.

    schwarzmalerin , Richard Segal Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them A bartender explaining to me why alcohol is more expensive in hotels and restaurants as opposed to grocery stores. “Because it’s a business” is verbatim what he said to me.

    I’m the Corporate Food & Beverage Manager. For the entire company.

    breazeale1 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well I mean it doesn’t seem like that’s specifically because your a woman he’s just used to people complaining about markups

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them I sent an ex to the store to buy me tampons and I sent him a photo of the exact ones I needed.

    he did not buy the right ones but it was “ok” according to him because “*all tampons are the same and do the exact same thing*”

    for context I wanted U by Kotex Click REGULAR and he got me the OB Applicator Free SUPER PLUS.

    Starlight_City45 , Karolina Grabowska Report


    Gay colleague who (maybe except for his mother) has never seen a woman naked tried to explain the female anatomy „down below“. Let’s just say it was very amusing to let him go on and begin to stutter once we began asking questions.

    escasu Report

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    Feathered Dinosaur
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How do these men get it in their heads they know more about a subject (they clearly know little about), or even that they're expert at it

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them Mansplained woman shouldn’t have body hair and he can. He simply said “cause I’m a man” lmfao cringe till this day.

    Most-Profile2472 , Deeana Arts Report

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    two-sided llama
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    well how about we take him to a little waxing clinic that likes to go bare bone

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    An ex confidently informing me that I masturbate "wrong" while also explaining that there's obviously something wrong with my vagina because OtHeR GiRLs cUm FrOm PeNeTrAtiOn and I did not.

    glitterskinned Report


    Women’s rights in the United States were one mansplained to me—by a dude who wasn’t American and who never lived in America.

    I read him the riot act for his arrogance.

    NefariousQuick26 Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them BIL tried explaining to me that I didn’t know what it was like to be poor.

    The man has never been really poor. Even when he was unemployed, his father was sending him money so he didn’t have to change his lifestyle.

    I hit him back with, “Yeah, I know what it’s like to be poor. I was living out of my car in 2013.”

    He then proceeded to explain why I have poor financial literacy. 🙄

    spicybabie , Thirdman Report


    I worked for the fire department as a firefighter and in administration. I was in charge of a lot of stuff including payment of voluntary firefighters. One of the volunteers complained about the payment method at length and then proceeded to explain to me how it's done. He was wrong. Very very wrong. When I told him and also told him I know because that's my job he didn't believe me and told me "let's agree to disagree". I laughed and told him no. The other guys were laughing at him too. That was three years ago and the man still avoids me and doesn't like me.

    loeschzw3rg Report


    I was mansplained at the grocery store, and when I told my husband about the encounter, he mansplained to me how the first guy had been wrong. Mainsplainingception!

    faayth Report


    My ex tried to explain the difficulty of playing the trombone to me. He had no musical experience whatsoever. I had played 3 instruments, one of which being the trombone.

    anon Report


    A coworker of mine had to have a quadruple bypass. His good friend (Peter) was telling me and two older male colleagues about what happened. Peter didn't look at me until he looked me in the eyes and said "quadruple means four" turned back to my male colleagues and continued talking.

    I have a BS in math and computer science and worked in CS research at the time.

    nhug14 Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them My ex tried to tell me that if I *really* wanted to get rid of the pooch belly fat that is common for women to have, I could. He then proceeded to give me fitness and nutrition advice. It was laughable to hear his thoughts since it's not possible to target specific fat loss, especially fat that is specifically there to protect female organs.

    jablo_me , Andres Ayrton Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not going to say anything about this one. I've never heard of "pooch belly fat to protect female organs." I don't know about this one.

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them One time I commented that a particular movie was terrible because the female lead was really dumb and made bad decisions. Some dude replied, 'It's not bad writing; you just don't understand female psychology.' And then proceeded to explain why the behavior was normal or common or whatever. The movie was My Father the Hero, for the curious. The lead was a teenage girl who lied and said her father was her lover because she was interested in another older man, and she thought it would make her seem sophisticated. Yeah, it was that terrible.

    heidismiles , cottonbro studio Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them Told him I’ve been learning Japanese for three years and said ‘Have you heard of Katakana yet?’ ‘Yes’ Proceeds to explain to me what Katakana is which I learned on day one three years ago…

    Pleasant_Week_3464 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    Phoenix(or nix)they/them
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am on year 3/4 of Japanese as well, and this guy is a fugging idiot.(not three fourths, I mean 3-4 years)

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    I went to my eye doctor for eye stuff and he mansplained my ear problem (Meniere’s disease) as a “garbage diagnosis” that probably wasn’t the cause of my balance issues (it is, because my right vestibular nerve doesn’t function). Again, was at the doctor for EYE STUFF. But me and my ear doctor had a good laugh about it later.

    Mrshaydee Report


    My coworker at my last job mansplained VCRs, cord phones, and VHS tapes to me (I'm old enough to know and have used all of those things.) Then when I brought up Legend of Zelda, he said he didn't play newer games. Had to explain to him that the first game came out in the 80s then had him mansplain the video game industry to me.

    battling_murdock Report

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    Megan Curl
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At what point did I stop reading the posts, and was just looking at Barbra’s unhinged comments? I don’t recall, but it happened.

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them My period. A man was confusing menstruation with ovulation, basically trying to convince me they're the same thing.

    Downtown_Detail2707 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Female anatomy. I’m a woman and a nurse.

    Caltuxpebbles Report

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    Happy Homemaker
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a male friend try telling me that women don’t make testosterone. I gave him links and everything and he still didn’t believe me. He told me that he used to be a nurse so he knows more than me. So I said I guess that makes you smarter than my endocrinologist then? They deal with hormones in the body.

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    I had a guy mansplain how to use & clear a spray paint cap as I was literally 6 hrs into spray painting a 45’ mural….I teach people about how to use spray paint.

    stardust54321 Report


    The most recent one, some dude telling me what's a balanced nutrition. Ive been a dietitian for more than 10 years lmao

    PistaccioLover Report


    My boss telling me in great detail how I should wash my vagina. He didn't have a vagina.

    MajLeague Report


    That PMS is actually psychosomatic and it isn't actually real. That I will just not experience the symptoms if I don't think about them.

    Sensitive-Airline-65 Report


    I was eating lunch at a cafe when I was told I shouldn't be eating salad because when you're pregnant you don't have an immune system and that it could kill me. He was a doctor. And no, when I asked if he meant to warn me about food borne illness he laughed and said no, it was the ranch dressing bacteria. He also tried to explain to me what pregnancy felt like.

    mostlikelynotasnail Report

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    Rayne OfSalt
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You don't have an immune system when pregnant? What, does he think it goes on vacation or something?

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    Me ex tried to tell me a certain alcohol was safe for me to drink… I have celiac disease and it’s not a safe alcohol for me to drink and I repeatedly told him the reasons and he argued til he was blue in the face, even though even before diagnosis I didn’t like that alcohol anyways so even if I could drink it I wouldn’t. I’ve had celiac disease for 10 years now… he’d never even heard of it before meeting me. But yeah he attempted to mainsplain several aspects of my own disease to me throughout the relationship.

    InspectionPrudent563 Report


    Had a partner at work attempt to explain lightning/electricity to me (in reference to defibrillation).

    I was a physics major in college. He knew this. One of our first units in physics was electricity and magnetism.

    SunsandPlanets Report

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    Rob(erta) Roy (They/Them)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm usually a pretty nice person, and I'll probably get downvoted for saying this, but you can go to hell Barbra

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    What women like myself, actually want in a man despite telling them over and over.

    ASLOli Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No one likes being told what they want. Especially by someone who hasn't got a clue.

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them My own mental illness that I've had for a decade.

    artecomet Report

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    Happy Homemaker
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My brother told me, a child r*pe survivor, that I didn’t have C-PTSD because I’ve never been in a war. Okay, sure bud. You lived it up at Nana’s when I was “playing horror house” for a year then getting stalked for a year by my 19 year old next door neighbor when I was 7. Nope, no PTSD here./s

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Had the janitor at my old job mansplain colonization in canada to me. I'm native and was like ??? the whole time.

    brilliant-soul Report

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    Kat-Renee Kittel
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a colleague that tried to tell me that I wasn't of native American descent because the shape of my eyelids were wrong.. He had taken one class in anthropology so he should know. Tell that to my DNA sample LOL

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    My ex told me I wasn’t walking properly and tried to teach me.

    terranervosa Report


    My FIL went into great details to explain endometriosis to me.

    All I did was let him know that I was having a surgery done to help and it had a bit of a recovery time.

    At that point I had been living with endo for a decade.

    Yes please mansplain my own body to me.

    Dbot13 Report


    A man once mansplained sexism to me. He even had the audacity to say that he thought “more feminine men” had an even harder time than actual women do. I was in so much shock, I didn’t even think to punch him in the face.

    thequeenofspace Report

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    Boootifull Unicorn
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my forehead has a welt on it from all the times I've face palmed on this list

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    I once had a guy explain to me how oxygen perfusion works in the human body ... I'm a nurse.

    upsidedowntoker Report


    I compared our reproductive system to that of chickens because we're both born with all of our eggs. He interrupted me to say that women actually make new eggs every month. 🙂

    wasnotagoodidea Report


    Told my bf what grandparents law was and days later he said “ i read somewhere about grandparents law ,, “ and started to explain it exactly how i did until i interrupted him and told him i was the somewhere.

    TynnyJibbs Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair, I do this. I will tell someone "I was just talking about (topic) with someone the other day," and either they will say yeah me, or I'll notice a face after talking for a little while and be like, oh it was you wasn't it? I'm just dumb and forgetful.

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    My partner once explained to me how wifi and modems work… I’ve been in telecom for almost 20 years and was a journey person before moving to manage network engineers and architects. It was heartwarmingly cute when he put his foot in his mouth after about 5 minutes when he realized what he was doing.

    anon Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband does this with technology. It's cute though because it's not that he thinks I don't know, it's that he's so interested in it. He also does it to everyone, not just me. He just gets carried away in his enthusiasm.

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    I was wearing a company jacket with the shape of Ohio on the back. A random guy at the gas station kept yelling at me until I turned around. He proceeds to say "bet you don't know what state that is on your jacket, yeah it's Ohio..." and goes on to explain to me about why it's shaped that way.
    Thanks guy. I had no idea where the company I work for is located. Like where my income is from. Glad he could clear it up for me.

    ThePolishSensation Report

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    Kat-Renee Kittel
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, and you had no idea there was an image of a state on the back of your jacket. It just appeared there.

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    Had a guy try to "educate" me about tracking my period and how it's essential to my health and well being on being up to date on it so i can give honest answers when sked. Like, let's forget it's a bad time in our history to use apps and tracking, but like... dude what? Like yes I know to keep track and an idea on it, why do you think you need to educate me on this topic to begin with...

    Mind you this was a phone sales guy who was showing me new features on a smart watch, one being a period tracker, so it wasn't even someone important in my life, just some random dude.

    LeChiotx Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That was unprofessional in every way. I hoped she didn't buy a phone from that moron.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My fiance and I have been on whiskey tours etc and tonight he explained to me that on the rocks means a drink has ice in it.


    (He was pretty drunk tbf)

    seeemilydostuf Report


    On a first date, he asked if I knew what a urinal was. I took it as a one off thing… the next date, he asked if I knew what a multi tool was, and then said “really?” when I said yes.

    Oh-My-God-Do-I-Try Report


    I was telling my longtime pal (who knows me to be very mechanically minded and met me at our stupidly brainy college), that the auto-lock on my apartment door didn't work. Without examining the door, he insisted repeatedly this was impossible. He wasn't rude, I just thought it was wild that in his mind, a) "she is wrong about a simple observable fact" was more likely than b) "door is broken."

    singpretty Report


    Cures for PMS. As if 1) he would know more than a 40+ year old woman about this topic, or 2) every woman has the same pain and gets relief from the same treatments.

    forwardfold Report


    The female orgasm. He watched a lot of p*rn, he said.

    saltysleepyhead Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them That my muscle pain from my thyroid disease was ackshually probably just overexertion, instead, because he (a healthy person) sometimes had muscle pain in the same place & that was what the cause was for him.

    ScarecrowNighmare Report


    How to get a job. Literally employed, graduated grad school and made more than them.

    anon Report

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    I had a guy in one of my college classes explain to me the general concept of undergraduate research. I had published two papers at that point.

    chuuyasdomme Report

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    The explanation of what my feminizing HRT can do, specifically for uses unrelated to HRT. Thank you Mr. Man Doctor, I had no idea taking estrogen can increase my levels of estrogen. You've enlightened me.

    CivillyCrass Report


    Showers. I was telling a boomer man that my brothers hot water heater was dying and he mansplained that i just needed to wait for the water to warm up 1st. I was 40 at the time.

    the_sea_witch Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I was a beauty therapist for 9 years. I don't think his intent was to mansplain, but my dad would often try to explain to me the importance of eyebrow shape to flatter a face shape. I know, man. I got the diploma.

    glitterskinned Report


    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them I bought a six pack of beer one night from the liquor store and the man on the check out explained to me in great detail how I needed to hold the pack from underneath to stop the bottles falling out. Complete with instructional hand gestures. Thanks Newton, I know how gravity works.

    No-Tangerine5799 , Chris Waits Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, you just don't understand how many times these carriers ripped and he got blamed for it. He's just trying no to be responible for others stupidity.

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them One time I was looking at my phone while standing near a gas pump about to put gas in my car, because I was transferring money over in my bank account. This random guy walked up to me and started explaining to me how to put gas in my car. He was rightfully embarrassed when I was like, "I'm just transferring money to my checking account..." I was 24. I swear I don't look SO young that it would be reasonable to assume I don't know how to put gas in my car. I also know I didn't have a 'confused' expression or anything. It was honestly too funny for me to even feel insulted.

    worldprincess13 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was just trying to be helpful, there are people out there that struggle to do so.

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    I once saw a film on a date in which some lava monster flung magma all over the place. I joked "I like the way they made fire scarier by making it goopier." Dude said, incredibly helpfully, "Um actually, that's called lava. It comes from volcanoes."

    T-Flexercise Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd say s**t like that too. Not because I don't think you know, but because I'm Autistic and speak without thinking. I can't stop doing it no matter how hard I try, so now I just try saying "Captain obvious away!" afterwards to admit how stupid it was of me to explain it.

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    How to wash a cup.

    bluebuns123 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Coffee cup? Tin Cup? Menstrual cup? Paper Cup? Red plastic Solo cup?

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    That I cannot POSSIBLY have a cramp in my boob because there is no muscle tissue in boobs, just fat. No breasts have muscles, you see. Not even the ones on display at the Mr Muscle contests, apparently.

    SisterYahtzee Report

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    Evelyn Mraz
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They don't though... the muscles lie BENEATH the breasts over the ribs. This is coming from a female (a biological one at that) with breasts.

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    Had an ex explain to me what the eggplant emoji was used for….. -_-

    bbqbeefbowl Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    SO... I know now because I just googled. I don't tend to 'talk' in emojis

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    50 Women Share The Dumbest Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained To Them Hormonal acne. I wash my face and don’t use make up often. I still struggle with it.

    anon , Anna Nekrashevich Report


    I work in biotech and I was mansplained what PowerPoint was for a team team activity to present an intro to our team to the entire department. Needless to say, this team activity had lots of arguments which also included dismissing everything our co op said. Obviously, our team presentation was boring as hell while other teams had fun and informative intros to their team like having parody intros to full house.

    beansproutclout Report