No one’s immune to feeling snackish; and when you do, it feels like everything around you resembles food. Even though in most cases it’s just your imagination running wild, some inedible objects do look surprisingly lifelike.
We have found some of the best examples of real-looking munchies that would probably be challenging for your digestive system to take care of. Ranging from rocks resembling potatoes to “pancakes” growing in the wild, and beyond, these forbidden snacks are likely to confuse most of us here. Especially the hungry ones. Scroll down to view them yourself, but do it at your own risk—the pictures might make you seriously hungry as well.
In order to learn more about the importance of snacking and what exactly to snack on, Bored Panda turned to two experts, registered dietitians Dr. Duane Mellor and Jane Burrell. They were kind enough to share their insight on the topic, which you will find in the text below.
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A Glass Of Milk
Who Seriously Puts Whipped Cream On A Croissant?
Forbidden Gelato
According to the Food Information Council’s Food and Health Survey from 2022, quite a few Americans enjoy an occasional snack. The survey revealed that nearly three in four people in the US munch on something at least once a day: 34% stick to one time, 25% reported snacking twice, and 14% admitted to snacking three or more times a day.
Statistics prove that people enjoy eating something light in between meals; however, whether it’s healthy for them to do so remains a somewhat unsolved mystery.
“The evidence on snacking is very mixed, some research suggests having a gap between meals can help our metabolism return to a fasting level and allow the acidity levels to return to normal in our mouth, reducing risk of tooth decay. However, other evidence suggests that at least for some people, eating six smaller meals can help with weight management more than two-three larger ones,” award-winning dietitian, science communicator, and Senior Teaching Fellow at Aston Medical School, Dr. Duane Mellor, told Bored Panda in a recent interview.
Got Distracted While Buttering Bread, Buttered A Sponge Instead
Registered dietitian/nutritionist (RDN) and Associate Teaching Professor at Syracuse University, Jane Burrell, believes that snacking can be a great addition to a healthy eating pattern if you put a little thought into it. “First, snacks should be nutritious (most of the time), that is, they should be food that comes from nature and contains ingredients that you would find in your own kitchen and provide nutrients as well as enjoyment,” she told Bored Panda. “And yes, nutritious food can be delicious!”
Dr. Duane Mellor suggested that the best snacks health-wise are things like fresh fruit and vegetables (possibly with something like hummus) or a small handful of unsalted nuts or seeds.
My Mom Received These From A Friend. I Thought They Were Candy. They Are Glass
While that is cool, I wouldn't put those out- someone would eventually try to eat them.
Found A Piece Of Rock That Looks Like A Steak
Fried Pups
Prof. Burrell pointed out that snacking becomes an issue when it consists of ultra-processed foods. “That is, products made by breaking down whole foods into components and reconstituting them into new shapes, colors and textures. These foods may be disguised as healthy by adding nutrients or creating flashy packages that claim they are nutritious. Ultra-processed foods trigger appetite and have little satiety value, that is, they fill you up in the short-term but leave you hungry sooner.”
Waiter, My Cheese Single Is Moving
The Nutritionist Be Like "Sir, This Isn't What I Meant"
This Rock That Looks Like A Baked Potato
“There is not one healthy way to eat, some people do very well with three meals a day, others prefer smaller meals and including snacks throughout the day. The important thing is to pay attention to your body. When you eat mostly whole and less processed foods, it is very hard to overeat and you will feel better. Taking time to consider your hunger and satiety will free you from concern for counting calories or your macros,” registered nutritionist Jane Burrell told Bored Panda.
“In general, the more active you are, the more you need to eat so you can adjust according to your day. Another important point is to plan to eat. You need to fuel your body, not starve your body! Despite what influencers tell you about keeping your calories low, or avoiding certain foods, your body needs to be nourished with food. It is important to note that sometimes it is perfectly fine to indulge without guilt,” she added.
Tree Pancakes Topped With Whipped Cream
When You Find Out The Hard Way That The Italian Restaurant’s Hand Sanitizer Looks Exactly Like Olive Oil
This Potato With A Bite Mark In It, Is Actually A Stone My Niece Found On A Lake Bed
If you find yourself feeling snackish, Jane Burrell suggests choosing nutritious snacks that include different food groups: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins (plant or animal), and dairy (from cows or soy).
“These whole foods have a high satiety value due to their fiber content, and are very nutrient-dense, that is, they have a lot of nutrients and phytochemicals (natural antioxidants). This means they keep you full and provide key nutrients and other compounds that support your immune system, brain, physical and mental health,” she said.
“As a guide, aim for one fruit or vegetable (fresh or frozen) at each snack. You can pair it with some protein like hummus, nuts or nut butter, Greek yogurt, or low fat-cheese and a whole grain bar.”
Almost Drank From This Bottle Of Wood Polish Disguised As A Water Bottle
Forbidden Noodles
The Polystyrene In My Parcel Looks Like Potato Crisps
“The best tip about snacking is not to add extras into your overall daily diet,” dietitian and science communicator, Dr. Duane Mellor, told Bored Panda. “So you either ‘borrow’ the snack from meals or plan it so you eat a little less at meal times. If you have a sandwich and an apple for lunch, maybe have the apple mid-afternoon instead so you are not as hungry on the way home from work, for example.”
Jane Burrell also shared munching-related tips to lead a healthy lifestyle without having to say goodbye to having a bite in between meals. “Plan to snack; having nutritious foods on hand prevents impulse buying from the snack aisle. Include foods in a minimally processed state; this includes fresh foods with no labels or foods with ingredients you would cook with. Listen to your body; are you hungry or are you filling a different void? This allows you to eat without guilt. Sometimes your body wants to indulge and that is ok but follow steps one and two and it will happen less often.”
Some Kid vs. Random Prop Banana At A Furniture Store
Forbidden Lollipops
As a kid I always felt the urge to stick one in my mouth. Heck, they still look way too appetising. Just like the sherbet lollipops I loved back then, as a matter of fact.
These Cork Coasters Are An Accident Waiting To Happen
My parents have cork coasters that look like digestive biscuits. Yes a friend's toddler did gnaw on one
Children are one of the groups that seemingly enjoy snacking the most. Whether it’s apple bites or something less edible—lego blocks, for instance—the little ones might be equally interested in learning what they taste like. However, when it comes to actual snacks and kids, Dr. Mellor pointed out that including vegetables and fruit can be a way of encouraging children to eat a wider variety of foods.
“It's best not to routinely rely on things like crisps, biscuits and chocolate, but instead have healthier options as a norm and try not to have things like sweets and chocolate as a ’treat’, instead offering them as part of the rota of snacks, albeit less often than the fresh stuff.”
This Plant Has Leaves That Look Like Watermelons
This Stone Looks Like A Fried Egg
My Neighbor's Blooming Agave Looks Like A Giant Asparagus
Expert Jane Burrell emphasized that snacking is very important for children who are growing rapidly and have high nutrient needs relative to their size. “In fact, one-third of energy and nutrient intake should be provided from snacks. For this reason, it is important to include nutritious snacks as indicated above to ensure they are growing and developing.
“Children and their parents are very vulnerable to marketing of ultra-processed foods so planning ahead is helpful. The same principles apply; snacks should come from the food groups most of the time but it is important to allow children to explore foods and feel included in the same eating behaviors as their peers.
“Over-restriction of foods may lead to over-valuing them. This can lead to feelings of guilt or lack to control when they are given the opportunity to eat them. One final note, kids learn to eat from their parents and caretakers so modeling healthy eating behaviors and attitudes toward eating are more important than simply telling kids what to eat.”
Forbidden Chocolate Chip Cookie
Perfectly-Shaped Toothpaste Ball Looks A Bit Like A Hard Candy
My Hoya Right Before It Blooms Looks Like Candy
The pictures on this list prove that children are far from the only ones who might view something completely inedible as a snack. If you enjoyed your mind tricking you into thinking these were actual munchies, make sure to browse our previous editions here, here, here, and here.
Saw These Chocolate Bars Laying On The Table And Decided To Take A Bite. Turns Out My Brother Painted Solid Clay Brown At School Today To Prank Me. He Got Me
This Pine Cone Looks Like Shrimp Tempura
Forbidden Bowl Of Handmade Fettuccini
Forbidden Italian Ice (Diaper That Exploded In The Wash)
The Forbidden Chocolate Bar
This Mattress Looks Like An Ice Cream Sandwich
Toblerone Barriers
Forbidden Cheetos Found At The Hardware Store
The Snowfall On This Empty Planter Looks Like A Perfect Egg Cup
Are These Coco Puffs Making Us Cuckoo?
This Rock I Found On The Beach Looks Like A Hard-Boiled Egg
Chalk With A Popsicle Color, Shape, And Even Wood Handle. What Could Go Wrong Giving These To Kids?
Rock That Looks Super Similar To Bread
Algae Balls From My Lab Are Looking Kinda Delicious
I Spilled My Froggin' Ramen
The Inside Of This Golf Ball Looks Like A Boiled Egg
You Can Grow Pancakes?
A Cute Burrito
Forbidden Cheetos (Platinum Chloride Salt)
That's A Spicy Hot Dog
Guys, this might have to be the food where we abandon the tradition of forcing ourselves to chew through the searing pain...