Having a crush is one of those near-universal human experiences that can fill our days with joy, excitement, sorrow and heartbreak. Sometimes crushes go undivulged, sometimes they blossom into romance, but, as so often happens in life, we grow up and realize that we didn’t actually know what we wanted.
Someone asked “What is something that instantly killed the crush you had on someone?” and people shared their stories. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own ideas, thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.
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He told me about how he disciplined his dogs. I called animal control…….
I had a crush on this skinny little red headed trumpet player. We were in band together and he seemed nerdy and nice. He was a year older but he was always nice to me. One night we were at a party. He told me a story about how the brother of another girl we went to school with got drunk one night and r***d her. The whole school had found out about it. He was telling this story like it was the funniest s**t he ever heard. He then proceeded to tell me that he went up to the girl at school and laughed at her for getting r***d by her brother. Not only did this 16-17 year old girl get r***d, she got r***d by someone who is supposed to love and protect her. Then everyone finds out about it. Then this piece of s**t goes up to her and laughs in her f*****g face about it. I've never gone from liking someone to hating someone so fast. I hope he's grown up and realized what a f****d up situation that was. I hope that moment that he went up to her is one of those moments that keeps him up at night and fills him with shame and regret. F**k you John
Guy everyone thought was hot and dreamy legit kicked a puppy in front of my face. Not like a football, but in a ‘you’re in my way,’ still fairly harsh, shove-with-a-foot manner.
I still hated him for it.
Years later I saw on the news he’d murdered his girlfriend in front of their toddler.
When people show you who they are, believe them the first time!
Poor baby.. I lost belief in God after seeing all types of suffering kids go through. I love kids.
Had a crush on my superior, and one day we were talking about the horrible and horrifying news of a girl being sa'd in a bus by a group of men and left to die. This was the New Delhi case that broke India and it was making headlines everywhere. I remarked that it was just such a horrifying news, and he said, "what time was it and what was she wearing??" At that moment all affections for him went out of the window. I was so mad at him and was this close to slapping him for making such a misogynistic statement.
Good god, as an Indian I should say this guy could be a psychopath, if he talked this way about "nirbhaya". That incident was so horrific, that I avoided reading the newspaper for days. And my then boyfriend (now husband) was so scared , and was afraid of me leaving anywhere after sunset.
She threw the popcorn on the floor as we got up to leave the theater. And not like dropped the bag like flipped it and gave it a good shake for good measure .
I had a crush on a boy named Troy. I first met him during summer camp in elementary school, but we lost touch. Many years went by, and in 10th grade, we discovered that we attended the same high school. I would see him around and still found him so cute; my crush on him had lasted all these years. We would hang out in group settings and occasionally catch up throughout high school, but we never hung out alone. Finally, about a month before graduation, we agreed to spend time together one-on-one for the first time.
Just for reference, I'm Black, and Troy is white. One evening, I was in his car, and we ended up making out in an In-N-Out parking lot. My heart was pounding with excitement. After we finished, he said, "God, you'd be the perfect girl if you were white." He then went on to tell me how excited he was to go to college in Ohio because there wouldn’t be any Black people there. He thought what he said was hilarious, but I was disgusted. It was one of the rare times in my life when I was speechless. I just wanted him to drive me home, but honestly, I was frightened.
Even after we graduated, he continued to reach out to me, but I ignored him. I'm pretty sure he knew his words had offended me, which is why he kept trying to contact me. Eventually, I just blocked him. My decade-long crush on him evaporated in an instant.
I had a crush on a pale, black-haired guy named Wyatt in high school. He looked so interesting and intensely handsome at the time. I also loved that his name was Wyatt. I grew up watching Tombstone and I thought that was the most amazing name for a guy.
One day, a new girl came to school and it started to rain. She was a harmless, free spirit type who was just happy experiencing life. Totally inoffensive and a little loopy, but genuinely sweet.
It started to rain outside and she, little nature-loving spirit that she was, was kind of wheeling around in the rain, enjoying herself, feeling the water, indulging in petrichor, and a group of us were watching from the porch. Wyatt, who up until then had seemed like an accepting, kind person, announced, “I hope that dumb b***h gets hit by a car.”
That was my first lesson in understanding that people you think are beautiful are not at all beautiful. Some of them are just hateful. I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with him after he dropped that bon mot.
Not gonna lie, I'd probably develop an instant crush on that loopy girl.The mere description made me smile. (Wyatt can get fukked.)
When we were young, I gave her a Valentine’s card. She smiled while looking into my eyes, ripped the card without opening it & walked away while tossing it in the trash.
It hurt terribly, but it snapped me out of that hypnotic trance. I learned personality is everything & it’s best to move on quickly.
He "accidentally" had a picture of his d*ck on his phone and ever so subtly made me look at it by holding it up to my face. When I asked what the hell he was doing, he said, "Oops! Wrong picture. What did you think, though?" Absolute disgust from then on.
He and his group of friends bullied another kid so bad the kid switched schools. Instant nope.
Had a crush on a guy in high school. Overheard him saying he thought women should be silent and submissive. I was instantly repulsed by him.
Dude said,
"I don't say 'Please'. It's a beggar's word."
Roflmao okay dude.
Went to meet his family, within 2 minutes he kicked his family dog. His dad then said ‘bad dog!’ and took the dog outside, making it pretty clear where he learned the behavior.
I wanted to take the dog with me so badly. It’s been over 10 years so not sure she’s still with us, but I would think of her from time to time.
Cruelty to animals is a red flag, hell, it's a red everything. Report any form of animal abuse.
Its a handful of red flags actually. Bro's living in the land of red
Load More Replies...Get the dog and get rid of your friend. That would have been the first thing I would have done.
I'm afraid of dogs though if I see someone kick one, I would kick them and ask them how they like it.
I wish I could say I would have taken the dog and ditched them, but I'm not sure I could have handled the repercussions. My ex's family was trying to get rid of their aquarium through neglecting the remaining two fish and hoping they would die. I fed them every single time I was over. Even if it was just a quick visit, I would make an excuse to go upstairs where the tank was. Did it for over 10 years, one did eventually pass, the other one was still alive when we split
i woulda taken her and gone to a vet and the police straight away
Who the f**k abuses animals?? This is so sad bc I have grown up with dogs nearly y whole life and it makes me wanna punch someone!!!
I would have had an all out fit ! I would demand to go home and call authorities and report cruelty to an animal....YOU not doing anything is almost just as bad....Animals don't have a voice WE DO
Why have a dog, one of the most loyal pets, if they don't care for them? Poor pup!
Animal abuse should be a felony and prosecuted to the max every time.
Sounds like a family needs to be treated exactly how they treated that dog. I really dont think I could keep myself from rescuing thag dog one night it was outside.
I agree wholeheartedly with Ricky Gervais when he said people who abuse animals are total c***s.
I am wondering as if he got older if he had gf's or a wife and end up treating them the same way? Hope not.
Love that scene in Reacher where he rescues the dog by punching the owner and walking off with the dog.
I was in 5th grade and went to my girlfriend's house. I brought my younger brother there for the first time. Her dog was barking at me and my brother, so I reached through the torn screen to pet her. The dog almost tore my finger off. Carrie's mom was washing my hand in the sink...I was crying, but I felt worse for the dog because, Mike, Carrie's mom's boyfriend was just punching the dog senseless as she was trying to hide under the kitchen table. I lost all respect for that mfer.
I probably would have snuck into their yard at some point after than and run away with the dog....
He finally got my phone number, and within 2 hours he had texted me over 50 times and called me 20 times and was irritated i didn't answer him within a couple of seconds. Eff that s**t. The nerve.
They called me stupid. To my face. In front of another person. Because I asked a simple, reasonable question while trying to make conversation. Yeah, never looked at them the same again.
Well f**k you for asking a reasonable question that you didn't know the answer to /s. Ignorance is okay, not everybody can know everything about everything.
Had a thing for this girl until she sent back food at an Indian restaurant bc it was too spicy, after being told it would be spicy and there was no other way to make the dish. She acted super condescending and demanding and it embarrassed me a tonnnn lol. You could tell she never worked for service haha.
He said if somebody ever came to him thinking about suicide that he’d tell them to stfu because mental illness isn’t real. Definitely struck me wrong and my crush disappeared so fast.
We’d only been dating for about two weeks. He took a long detour to take me home, and I thought it was because he wanted to spend a little more time together. So I said something like “Hey, so how come you took the long way back…” trying to be playful about it and expecting him to say something sweet. He said “Because I’m not driving through *that* neighborhood. There are too many N-words there.”
Nope. Nope. Nope.
When, after he had flirted with me for days both in person and over text, i suggested we make plans and he replied, "sure! not sure if this changes anything but just so you know, i'm married.".
There’s a girl I met when I was 14 at Anime Expo and had this really magical romanticized innocent young love summer type of feel. These were the early days of the internet. We kept in touch over AIM and one day she sends me a video of a guy getting decapitated alive by some soldiers and she wrote “lol”.
Pretty much killed all the magic for me and stopped talking to her after that.
He said it’s only cheating when girls do it, not when boys do it.
It was a build up of things, but one of the big things was his friend joking about how he (his friend) could have spiked my drink on a night out: he said nothing. I’m a believer in the concept that you are who you hang out with, so hearing this made me really uncomfortable.
He said nothing, could mean that his friend and him usually joke like that? "Muestrame con quien andas y te dire quien eres", i also belive that you are like your friends meaning if you hang with people like that it's cause you are the same as them.
He was 39, I asked him what his biggest age gap was while dating and he told me recently dated a 19 year old. Then went on to complain that she was lost in life and had daddy issues. Instant ick.
Had a crush on a girl for a little while. Then I went to a family reunion and saw her. We share great grandparents on our mother's sides.
Second cousins are legally allowed to marry in the USA but you're definitely gonna get hate from SOMEONE in the family.
I actually had a conversation with him, it stopped right after that.
Always remember, light travels faster than sound . That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
When he kissed me he wobbled his tongue in my mouth like some kinda lizard.
I've always felt like a total weirdo because I never ever liked kissing with tongues in each other's mouths. This is even worse lol.
Told me I’d have to become a christian to date her. I have no problem with people having different beliefs than me, and I actually really respect that she brought it up before things went any further, but it was just an instant “ick” for me that that was the most important factor for her.
She slapped me. When I asked why, she said "Because I was frustrated." Nope... walked away and never spoke to her again.
I think my strangest one was a girl I liked at uni. I had a dream about her one night - nothing sexy, nothing unusual, in fact I can't even remember the details - and when I woke up I just didn't fancy her any more. Can't explain it!
Opposite for me. This colleague of mine who I had no feelings for came in my dreams. Next day I felt so awkward and shy when I met him.
Load More Replies...I met a guy through work, instant connection, asked me out straight away and i said yes... then I heard he'd been bragging about how soon he'd get me into bed. Big nope
I had a crush on a girl, and then young woman, for an unhealthy length of time. I finally got up the nerve, or matured enough, to ask her if she'd ever feel the same way. She replied that she'd like to be friends. Just like that the spell was broken, and I went on with my life. I still see her occasionally, and we're still friendly, but I have no regrets that it didn't work with her.
Some of these are a doozie! I am newly single after getting out of an abusive relationship i was in for 17 years. I am in noway looking forward to dating. This article only confirms my stance on getting close to anyone and starting another relationship. It's slim pickings anyway and I would rather be alone the rest of my life then fall back into a relationship with the wrong person again. As bad as the people in this article are, I still have a tiny shred of hope that I will find someone in due time. :)
Gotta remember that these are the worst of the worst and most will be embelisshed as it's Reddit after wall
Load More Replies...I was chatting to a guy online for months, and it was very flirty and fun. Then one day there was a protest in his area - I can't remember the cause of it, but Black people were protesting. I said "What's going on with the protests?" and he sent me a photo of his frankly huge gun collection and said "I'll sort those n-words out" and I have never blocked anyone so fast in my life. I hope his tattoos get infected forever.
Oof, as a tattoo lover myself (I have 20, lol), that is indeed a helluva curse! But in his case, I absolutely agree with you!!
Load More Replies...when I saw his car had a "Rush is right" bumper sticker on it. (for you younger folks and non-USians, that's for Rush Limbaugh, rightwing windbag talk show person in the 80's/90's who perfected "hate radio". He's dead now.)
Oh boy, where to begin... was on a date with a guy that lived in his MLB father's shadow. Lived in the burbs of Schmoetown, but treated people with this sneaky, just under the surface arrogance. So we're at a diner getting breakfast, and he says the the server how in order to get her tip, his coffee should never get cold, and she should make eye contact and smile at him every time she sees him. That was a massive red flag, first and foremost. So we go back to his apartment, and he tells me that if I do and say the right things, we could have a really nice life together. Noped the fugg out of that future restraining order. I've also learned that if a person has to continually convince you that he or she is a good person, even though they lash out like an absolute sociopath, that person is the direct opposite of what is trying to be conveyed. Oh, almost forgot this one... guy would drive me to work, sit with me on lunch, pick me up from work to drive me back home, while...
Accusing me of cheating with my coworkers because I wore a nice blouse to my business casual office job. Stay far away from insecure psychos, folks. They'll run you into the ground.
Load More Replies...Ppl are so f****d up :( racists, sexists or psychopaths.. This species is doomed. Maybe for the better.
I was at a park with friends and there was this girl, didn't catch my attention. But then I heard her voice and it was surprisingly dark and smoky and I was so intrigued. Gave her my number, had first date and voila, her voice was a normal girl's voice. Turns out she had a cold. I lost interest but still went on to see if we match. We didn't.
another one where simply having a conversation with the person removes any hint of romanticism...you may be gorgeous, but you gotta have brains/intelligence to seal the deal!
Had a huge crush on a boy in middle school. Then one day in home room I saw him pick his nose then eat it. You’ve never seen anything evaporate as fast as my crush.
It was the 1990s. She said she "kinda (liked) AIDS" because it was causing people to reign in their libidos. (The "homosexuality is sinful" bit was only part of it -- any casual sex at all was the bigger issue for her.) I should have fallen for her younger sister. She also saw homosexuality as sinful, but she had a good heart (and eventually got her head right about LGBTQ people). But once you pursue one sibling, you can't really make a course correction, "Little Women" aside.
Nothing positive about this. Basically, negative bru haha. Whatever is lovely, whatever is pure, whatever is good. Think on these things. This is what humans need. Our world is getting too dark. You don't see this?
He defended his friend after I told him they were hitting on me and groping me while we were all out.
She slapped me. When I asked why, she said "Because I was frustrated." Nope... walked away and never spoke to her again.
I think my strangest one was a girl I liked at uni. I had a dream about her one night - nothing sexy, nothing unusual, in fact I can't even remember the details - and when I woke up I just didn't fancy her any more. Can't explain it!
Opposite for me. This colleague of mine who I had no feelings for came in my dreams. Next day I felt so awkward and shy when I met him.
Load More Replies...I met a guy through work, instant connection, asked me out straight away and i said yes... then I heard he'd been bragging about how soon he'd get me into bed. Big nope
I had a crush on a girl, and then young woman, for an unhealthy length of time. I finally got up the nerve, or matured enough, to ask her if she'd ever feel the same way. She replied that she'd like to be friends. Just like that the spell was broken, and I went on with my life. I still see her occasionally, and we're still friendly, but I have no regrets that it didn't work with her.
Some of these are a doozie! I am newly single after getting out of an abusive relationship i was in for 17 years. I am in noway looking forward to dating. This article only confirms my stance on getting close to anyone and starting another relationship. It's slim pickings anyway and I would rather be alone the rest of my life then fall back into a relationship with the wrong person again. As bad as the people in this article are, I still have a tiny shred of hope that I will find someone in due time. :)
Gotta remember that these are the worst of the worst and most will be embelisshed as it's Reddit after wall
Load More Replies...I was chatting to a guy online for months, and it was very flirty and fun. Then one day there was a protest in his area - I can't remember the cause of it, but Black people were protesting. I said "What's going on with the protests?" and he sent me a photo of his frankly huge gun collection and said "I'll sort those n-words out" and I have never blocked anyone so fast in my life. I hope his tattoos get infected forever.
Oof, as a tattoo lover myself (I have 20, lol), that is indeed a helluva curse! But in his case, I absolutely agree with you!!
Load More Replies...when I saw his car had a "Rush is right" bumper sticker on it. (for you younger folks and non-USians, that's for Rush Limbaugh, rightwing windbag talk show person in the 80's/90's who perfected "hate radio". He's dead now.)
Oh boy, where to begin... was on a date with a guy that lived in his MLB father's shadow. Lived in the burbs of Schmoetown, but treated people with this sneaky, just under the surface arrogance. So we're at a diner getting breakfast, and he says the the server how in order to get her tip, his coffee should never get cold, and she should make eye contact and smile at him every time she sees him. That was a massive red flag, first and foremost. So we go back to his apartment, and he tells me that if I do and say the right things, we could have a really nice life together. Noped the fugg out of that future restraining order. I've also learned that if a person has to continually convince you that he or she is a good person, even though they lash out like an absolute sociopath, that person is the direct opposite of what is trying to be conveyed. Oh, almost forgot this one... guy would drive me to work, sit with me on lunch, pick me up from work to drive me back home, while...
Accusing me of cheating with my coworkers because I wore a nice blouse to my business casual office job. Stay far away from insecure psychos, folks. They'll run you into the ground.
Load More Replies...Ppl are so f****d up :( racists, sexists or psychopaths.. This species is doomed. Maybe for the better.
I was at a park with friends and there was this girl, didn't catch my attention. But then I heard her voice and it was surprisingly dark and smoky and I was so intrigued. Gave her my number, had first date and voila, her voice was a normal girl's voice. Turns out she had a cold. I lost interest but still went on to see if we match. We didn't.
another one where simply having a conversation with the person removes any hint of romanticism...you may be gorgeous, but you gotta have brains/intelligence to seal the deal!
Had a huge crush on a boy in middle school. Then one day in home room I saw him pick his nose then eat it. You’ve never seen anything evaporate as fast as my crush.
It was the 1990s. She said she "kinda (liked) AIDS" because it was causing people to reign in their libidos. (The "homosexuality is sinful" bit was only part of it -- any casual sex at all was the bigger issue for her.) I should have fallen for her younger sister. She also saw homosexuality as sinful, but she had a good heart (and eventually got her head right about LGBTQ people). But once you pursue one sibling, you can't really make a course correction, "Little Women" aside.
Nothing positive about this. Basically, negative bru haha. Whatever is lovely, whatever is pure, whatever is good. Think on these things. This is what humans need. Our world is getting too dark. You don't see this?
He defended his friend after I told him they were hitting on me and groping me while we were all out.