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18 People Reveal Things That Improved Their Lives So Much, They Wish They Had Done Them Sooner
Life is full of surprises, both pleasant and not so much. But one interesting feeling is to discover a life-changing new way to do something. The mixture of elations is only brought down by the realization that you had been needlessly suffering for years.
Someone asked “What improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?” and netizens shared their experiences. We also got in touch with the user who posed this question to the internet. So get comfortable as you scroll through, prepare to take some notes, upvote your favorites and share your thoughts below.
- Read More: 28 People Reveal Things That Improved Their Lives So Much, They Wish They Had Done Them Sooner
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Cutting off a toxic friend. After having cut off said friend I felt that I could finally breathe without the stress of setting them off or getting into fights with them. I don’t regret my decision at all.
Losing weight. Went from about 225 down to 165 over the course of 2020 (took the opportunity to work on myself) and I feel better than I have in years. It was hard work, but I've managed to keep off for the past year, so I'm hoping I can keep this going!
Working 4 days per week (a 32 hour work week). Seriously, we should all be doing it. Quality of life is 1000x better.
I started thinking of cleaning as “resetting” an area. After I cook I have to “reset” the kitchen. The little shift in perspective made me a much more neat person.
I stopped putting other people and their needs before my own well-being and sanity. Pouring from an empty pitcher is exhausting and when I finally put myself first I felt free.
Everybody here writes something amazing, but the first thing I thought of was my dishwasher...
Finally setting my pride aside and working up the courage to talk to my doctor about my symptoms of depression. Got put on a medication to try and have adjusted the dose. It’s been like night and day. I never knew being miserable all the time wasn’t normal. My relationships have improved as well because I don’t have crazy mood swings.
Cutting out toxic family, followed by friends and acquaintances. Life is too short to let people drain you. I'm always polite, but that doesn't mean you own my time or attention with your negativity.
It's amazing how much happier I am decades later.
Reading. Luckily I did start reading early on - mostly in my early 20s - I’m 27 now. I’ve read so many books which have given me much more insight to the world and my own views, especially my place in the universe. I mostly read biology books, but enjoy any realm of evidence-based science and some fiction here and there. Even the entire Bible 2 years ago. If anyone reads this, read! It’s wonderful to know our minds can see lines and dots on paper and be able decipher it! Just that concept alone makes me want to read.
Exercise. I tried so hard to be into it for so long. I'd get on a program or get into a routine and it never lasted more than a month or so. When lockdown hit I figured I'd give it another try since I couldn't go out. Best. Decision. Ever. I lost 50 pounds, gained so much stamina, look the best I've ever looked in my life, and just generally feel so much better. I wish I had gone harder earlier, I'd be so much better off.
A good mattress, followed by a good pillow. We went down the rabbit hole of mattress reviews on YouTube (seriously, you can get lost out there for more hours than you think), but settling on our new one we made the right choice. A good pillow was soon to follow, as once the rest of your body is comfortable you know fast if your pillow is right. The combo of the two if great tho.
9,000 steps a day. Throw in audiobooks and I'm improving mind and body.