People have a lot more in common than you might think. Sure, we’re all unique in our own small special ways, but many of the things that we do aren’t exclusive to us. You might be surprised how similar you are to the strangers you pass on the street every single day.
That’s where redditor u/Miguenzo comes in. They asked anonymous internet users to share the things that most (possibly even all) guys do but that they’d never admit to. From indulging in power fantasies to crying when sad, you’ll find these men’s honest thoughts as you scroll down.
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We love being cuddled. I look like a stereotypical tough guy and know some martial arts but damn, a cuddle from my girlfriend is just the best. Personally, I don't mind revealing that I love cuddles but I know a lot of dudes don't wanna admit that
Debating ending it all often, but not doing it because of how badly it affects those around us
That little knee bend/stretch to get your balls unstuck from whatever position they magically aligned themselves
Its not for our legs/knees/hips its 100% just for the balls to reposition
"Balls stuck to thigh" is legitimately one of the most uncomfortable situations ever.
If nothing else, the r/AskReddit thread is bound to give you a sense of relatability. Even if someone seems like a complete stranger to you, you can be pretty certain that they behave similarly to you in their daily life.
Even if you have different lifestyles and habits, some behaviors are simply extremely human and it’s hard to avoid them. Whether that’s sinking into your daydreams, crying when you’re upset, or singing along to a song that you adore. It’s these little behaviors that unite us.
Daydream about insane scenarios that will never happen where you're the main hero that swoops in to save the day.
Common examples include things like thinking you could figure out how to land an entire airplane in an emergency, thinking about "What happens if there's a robbery and I stop the bad guy", thinking about saving someone from a burning building, thinking you could save someone's life if there's a random medical emergency, etc.
I've done this since I was a little girl, I absolutely have a savior complex. Why would anyone be afraid to admit they'd like to be a hero?
Try to clean the toilet bowl with your pee stream
Pee in the shower. I could pee right before the shower in the toilet, but the second the hot water hits me, my bladder says “It’s pee time.”
It’s not just certain behaviors that people have in common. Many men have very similar fears and insecurities. For example, ‘Fatherly’ points out that many men are insecure about developing large breasts. Others are embarrassed about losing their hair or being too thin or too short. On the flip side, men who are taller than their peers might have issues with their height, too.
For others, it’s their situation at home and in the office that haunts them. Guys are worried about the kinds of husbands and dads they’ll turn out to be. Others are scared that they’re not where they ‘should’ be in terms of their career just yet.
Try to use the force. It hasn’t worked yet but maybe one day..
Nose picking is more common than anyone will admit
The nose picking is no secret. The secret is what some men do with the buggers afterwards.
Another common insecurity among guys is the fear that they might not be adequate enough in the bedroom, both in terms of performance and size. Meanwhile, many men who have an older understanding of masculinity might avoid showing any emotions or weaknesses at all. In their mind, any sort of vulnerability is ‘wrong.’
This desire to appear extremely macho at all times can have some negative effects on them and the people around them, however. For example, men who avoid talking about their mental health struggles or seeking the help of a professional when they need to can only worsen the situation.
Be straight but able to recognize when another guy is a good looking guy and say it out loud.
Ya know, it's funny. I've had a bunch of straight guy friends be like "I know you're gay and all, but that girl is HOT". I always try to explain- dude, I can recognize a beautiful woman when I see her, even if I don't find her sexually attractive. A landscape painting can be beautiful to me, doesn't mean I wanna put my d*ck inside of it. Beauty is both subjective and universal at the same time. Anyone who can't appreciate beauty due to societal norms is lying to themselves.
If you're single; Having feelings/Attraction to almost every female friend you've got.
Doesn't gotta be strong feelings. Doesn't have to be romantic.
But you've thought about it. At least once. Maybe three times.
Many men are also wary of getting in touch with a doctor when they have health issues. There’s a certain deeply-rooted stigma that men ‘should’ be strong enough to handle everything on their own and that asking for help is a sign of weakness. While having a stoic mindset is definitely helpful in life, health issues aren’t something you should be playing around with.
Many men are unwilling to see a professional if they have issues that are particularly embarrassing. Others are scared of getting bad news, so they choose to live in denial, hoping that the problems will go away on their own.
To put it bluntly, have the courage to be humble—see a doctor not just when you have health issues, but also for regular checkups. You’re not less of a man because you take care of your health. Quite the opposite!
Sneaking a peak at some cleavage. We don't even have to be attracted to the women but we still gon look
Hehehe I'm gay as the day is long, and even I find it hard not to notice cleavage when it's like... really out there. I don't get any sort of charge out of it, but c'mon, it's like... right friggin' there. Hard not to see when it literally jumps out like that. I've heard lesbians say the same thing about guys wearing speedos- like "woah! you're uhh... well, there you are" lmao
When I was in college, a guy on my dorm floor swore he had never masturbated. He was 19. I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that.
Could be religious thing. Most religious people don't really know about sexual stuff until they're married. It's possible he doesn't even know what masturbation is, just knows it's something sexual. It's really easy to keep away from things that you're not taught about or see as taboo.
Morning pee's sometimes goes sideways and there's annoying cleaning up to do
Honestly, if I'm half asleep (or drank enough beers), I'm sitting down. F*ck what anyone says.
Dreaming about owning a sword.
Struggle severely with existential levels of mental health
My doctor asks if I ever considered suicide and I tell him, doesn't everyone?
Looking at houses and cars I can’t afford everyday
Every man has tucked his d**k back between his legs and gazed upon his mangina in the bathroom mirror.
Check out women (or men if they prefer) they find attractive in public when with their partner
We both appreciate beauty in many forms. My husband and I point out good looking people to each other especially if they're "your type", I like bald men, my husband makes sure I see them all. He likes tall women, I make sure he sees them.
The truth is drinking too much. It is common for men to lie about how much they drink to their doctors and when taking surveys.
Singing along to a song that they shouldn't like, but do.
Why should anyone feel like they "shouldn't" like a song? This is just bizarre. There's plenty of songs I don't like... but to like one and feel like doing so is somehow taboo just seems... I dunno. Not healthy.
Sometimes when we shave we try and see how we’d look with the moustache of a certain Austrian painter
But if I wanted to look like Gustav Klimt I wouldn't be shaving in the first place!
not sure if this is for all guys, but my bf will never ever admit that he prefers to be little spoon 😭
I love posts about mens mental health. Anyone saying they don't like hearing stuff like this, I hope you ask yourself why. If it's because "oh well women go through this too, so it's invalid" that's not a good reason. I know this is a heated opinion but I'm just so sick of people invalidating others because "I have it worse", or "I want to spend more time focused on my problems". Men have to deal with so many things alone because not enough of us care to listen.
I agree. Telling yourself others have it worse can be a useful tool for self-reflection. Telling someone else others have it worse makes you an a-hole who is trying to invalidate other's experiences and feelings.
Load More Replies...Yes, humans. Humans with these weird chicken-skin bags of crazy marbles we’re cursed to drag through life.
So many of these are specific to individuals. Half of these I never do and I will testify under oath to that fact.
I love posts about mens mental health. Anyone saying they don't like hearing stuff like this, I hope you ask yourself why. If it's because "oh well women go through this too, so it's invalid" that's not a good reason. I know this is a heated opinion but I'm just so sick of people invalidating others because "I have it worse", or "I want to spend more time focused on my problems". Men have to deal with so many things alone because not enough of us care to listen.
I agree. Telling yourself others have it worse can be a useful tool for self-reflection. Telling someone else others have it worse makes you an a-hole who is trying to invalidate other's experiences and feelings.
Load More Replies...Yes, humans. Humans with these weird chicken-skin bags of crazy marbles we’re cursed to drag through life.
So many of these are specific to individuals. Half of these I never do and I will testify under oath to that fact.