For sure, living in 2021 can be exhausting sometimes. Society requires extra attention as nowadays, we're expected to behave, react and look a certain way. The majority of us are already used to this idea, and we're simply getting on with our days, doing things we might hate. 

This article covers what online users have to say about this exact matter but in a more entertaining and relatable way. Things that are not overly personal, but for sure most people hate doing.

More specifically, the Reddit user that goes by the name @DionSinghLanda decided to brighten up our grey days and ask the online community, "what's something you're sure everyone is just pretending to like?" The post itself received over 22,500 upvotes, nearly 16,000 comments and a flaming hot discussion about the things most of us hate doing!

Scroll down to read some of the best answers and comment on your favorite ones. If there's anything else you might want to add to the list of things that we pretend to like, then Bored Panda is strongly encouraging you to share your thoughts and comment down below at the end of the article! 

More info: Reddit


29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Influencers.

Seriously. Who the hell cares what the very few chosen/popular people are saying and doing, and what they're shilling?

My life has enough drama with just myself and my family and friends.

OpinionBearSF , Garry Knight Report

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Lord Mysticlaw
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They're like Greek gods. They only have the power the rest of us give them. Who's watching everything they do and liking and subscribing and whatever? We are. They wouldn't be doing it if there weren't thousands or millions of people hanging on their every word.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Bars or restaurants where nobody can hear eachother

    I can't understand why people put up with that. Also as a foreigner it's 10x worse. Evenings like that just depress me.

    claraclara000 , Steven Lilley Report


    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Getting absolutely f@#$%^g wasted to the point you pass out and lose all memory of it the next day.

    infinityking1 , Mike Burns Report


    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Flat Earth Theory. I don't believe you. You don't really think that. You're pretending for the sake of obstinacy.

    EarthExile , Tim Bartel Report

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    Phil Vaive
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought that until Covid started. There is no way all these protesters and anti-vaxxers are just being obstinate. Not when their own health is on the line. I think these people really are that stupid

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Outrage. Social media has turned pretended outrage into a spectator sport, and we don't seem to be able to look away. And yet, if you actually get any two people in a room together, without an audience to play to, just about anyone will get along with anyone. I make exceptions for actual psychopaths, but those are far, far less common than what Twitter would lead us to believe.

    DeadFyre , Kurayba Report

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    Mohammad Ammar
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Anonymity. That's the problem.Online, You can yell at people without getting slapped.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Like and share - 1 like = 1 prayer

    No Rebecca - you don’t really care about this family/child/person etc.! Stop pretending!

    Apprehensive_Tea8686 , Miguelb Report

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    Don't Look
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I f*****g hate these. Absolutely hate them. It's about as tacky as you can get.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Hustle culture.

    Overworking every day, in every aspect of life, has to burn you out. I think it gets to a point of vindictive “I suffered and so must you”, as well as weird masochism. You can be successful while maintaining boundaries, erasing them just sets a new and unattainable “normal”.

    To anyone out there busting your a%@ working three jobs to survive, this isn’t directed at you! I’m talking about people who are relatively comfy, but throw their entire identity into work martyrdom. And bosses who use those people to work the rest of us to death.

    miss_kimba , City of Boston Mayor's Office Report

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    Mewton’s Third Paw
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hustle culture is for entrepreneurs. If you’re just a worker, it doesn’t apply at all to you. If you’re an entrepreneur, there’s really no other way to go about things than this “hustle culture” way. Unless you just suck at making money. I lost my life / identity to running my own business. For now anyway. Once the Ms stack up a little more I’ll get out and just be a normal person again. It’s worth it. Hustle culture isn’t a lifelong thing.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group I’ll tell you something that people are pretending to hate, Nickelback.

    Someone decided they didn’t care for them, and that’s fine. Others just piled on because they didn’t wanna be the ones who liked Nickelback. But you don’t really hate them, you just do as you’re told.

    brandinho5 , Angela Dietrich Report

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    King Joffrey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't pretend to 'hate' (a very strong word) Nickelback, I just think their music is utterly crap. Other people might think the same about music I like...

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Pregnancy. In any other context the vast majority of women would hate gaining massive amounts of weight, puking, skin mapped with scars from blowing up so rapidly, feet and face swelling, nipples darkening and expanding, crying spells, etc. Obviously many are excited about the product of it, but I genuinely don’t believe all the women who say “I LOVE pregnancy! I LOVE getting fat and feeling like I have the flu for nine months! I feel so beautiful!”

    stranaya , Bridget Coila Report

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    Natalie Kelsey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually did love being pregnant. I didn't feel sick, I felt powerful. I didn't get fat til later. I didn't love labor, of course, but I loved making a new person and what my body could do. I did it in my early 20's though, so it was much easier, I imagine, than for people who waited til they were 40+. I have four kids, and I really did feel beautiful.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Working a corporate job and using phrases like "manage client expectations" and "circle back" and pretending to care about things that are absolutely irrelevant and meaningless to anything that actually matters in life.

    Ambiguous-Insect , Governor Mark Dayton Report

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    Phil Vaive
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nerp. Not feeling this one. Managing client expectations is essential to make sure that there are no miscommunications, and to reduce unhappy customers. Until recently I sold glasses, and had a coworker always tell customers they would be ready in "a few days". Our policy was to book pick up appointments while they were ordering, but this co-worker never did this (or would just randomly schedule them in without actually asking them). This meant we constantly had unhappy customers because their idea of "a few days" was very different from this co-worker's. Also, circling back is just a shorthand for saying "we're clearly not getting anywhere on this right now, let's move on to something else and come back to it later"

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Most of the “popular” Netflix original shows…Tiger King wasn’t that great, we were all just bored in quarantine!

    ArlingtonAmorette , Henry Burrows Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That show was like a car crash and you were not able to look away anymore.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Church on Sunday.

    Everyone is always like, "I'm filled with joy, i love Church!". You look at the faces, no ones body language says joy.

    I think everyone is lying to everyone else, no one enjoys it like that. They're all just to afraid to be the first one to say, 'No im not happy today my house burned down we got issues Jesus...'

    Yes, I'm Catholic.

    redditsdeadcanary , Paul_the_Seeker Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think this needs to be corrected to "Church on Sunday for people who don't really want to be there". There are many that feel very fulfilled including this in their life. The people that only go because they are "supposed to" or have been thought they should, yeah, I don't get why they go. Do what makes you happy! If that's church, great! If it isn't...don't do it.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Stringskip said:
    Waking up early in the morning to work out.

    MungoJennie replied:
    Waking up early, full stop.

    Stringskip , David Howard Report


    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group bubbles2pop said:
    Employer's holiday parties

    adventuresquirtle replied:
    My office tried to be “trendy” and appeal to millennials so we had cold Chipotle catering and White Claws in trash cans full of ice.

    bubbles2pop , Wade Rockett Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I must be lucky because I like my colleagues and we have great parties...all 400+ of us!

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group "Share or bad luck" type s@#t.

    You could be my closest friend if you put something like that on my page I lose some level of respect for you, grow up.

    "I don't usually do these things but I have a job interview coming up!!!" Falling for s@#$%y reshare bait haphazardly thrown together in MsPaint isn't going to help you.

    Horoscopes too but those kinda fall under spiritualistic(?) stuff which is none of my business.

    Homo-Homie , Troykelly Report

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    Robert Bailey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every single astrological sign is off by a month. We've moved through space in the 2000 years since that crap was created. This sends people who believed it in the 60s/70s into a headspin.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group missjett97 said:
    Getting roasted on r/roastme
    Sincerely, I’m too sensitive for that

    MeropeRedpath replied:
    I absolutely agree. That sub is full of posters engaging in self harm and I find it really unhealthy.

    Friends roasting you don’t press on the buttons they know will hurt (if they do - they’re not your friends), and they know you enough that if you allow it it can be all in good fun.

    Complete strangers on the internet are not going to have the knowledge to not hurt you and you cannot trust them to not have malicious intent.

    That sub is bad news all around.

    missjett97 , Frederick Dennstedt Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This must be a thing for masochists - what other reason could there be for asking strangers to insult you?

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group DreamQueen710 said:
    Their health insurance policies.

    Pokabrows replied:
    In America I think it's just because they're grateful to have something, anything, to help deal with healthcare costs and allow them to afford to get treated when something goes wrong.

    When plenty of people sleep on the floor even a mattress made out of straw seems like an amazing thing.

    DreamQueen710 , Roman Harak Report

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    Taylor Carroll
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This. I'm just grateful I have it because I can't move to another country right now so

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Not everyone but those people who keep saying they want everyone to stop working from home and return to the office. I just can’t believe that they’re not just shilling for some sort of profit.

    TimeToLoseIt16 , Peter Dowley Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I miss the office. I miss the people. It just isn't the same not being able to take a minute away from my desk to walk down to see someone and shoot the breeze for a few minutes.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Turquoise1720 said:
    Shows like masked singer and the like.

    ChainsawPlankton replied:
    it might be fun if there was like a condensed version or something. they just spend too long blabbing on about who it might be and just name dropping countless celebs inbetween performances.

    Turquoise1720 , Les Chatfield Report

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    Erika Jones
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The show has a fun concert, but it's so overproduced I can't watch it.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Watching golf on TV

    Like playing golf is fine and I believe exhausted dads like having a reason to sit inside and zone out on the weekends but outside of its role as a socially acceptable white noise delivery system I refuse to believe anyone enjoys it.

    Frank_Lloyd_Trite , Jaysin Trevino Report


    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group EvitaPuppy said:
    Facebook. Everyone who has quit it is happier.

    ProlongedMaintenance replied:
    I think I must use Facebook differently than everyone who says they're life was better after they quit FB. I feel like it doesn't affect my life much.

    I see my friend post fun stuff about their lives and I see my community complain about stuff in the community group. I also found out why the police are down the road etc.

    Besides news comments, it's pretty tame.

    EvitaPuppy , George Redgrave Report

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    Kevin Wright
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Convenient for local community stuff and being able to log into my oculus quest. The trick is to just ignore all the useless random groups they keep trying to push on people.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Big celebs when they get bad plastic surgery. They're like "I love my new face" and I just don't buy it.

    I do feel really bad when they over-do it due to all the pressure and then they're just trying to save face (pun intended) and make things feel okay... I guess I just hate when they get this hype and media support like "yes, their face is great! THIS IS WHAT IS HOT NOW!"

    It makes me feel so crazy. Like what am I not understanding?

    1000spiderz , Navy Medicine Report

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    Robert Bailey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey great surgery. Let me get you a yarn wig and you can be a muppet.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group anon_a-miss said:
    Vacationing with extended family.

    Lumber-Jacked replied:
    My wife's sister is getting married in Mexico and invited us all to her resort wedding. Now I like my SIL and her future husband, but the rest of my in-laws are terrible and all I can think is it's going to be the most money I've ever spent to not have fun.

    Me and my wife either need to stay in the hotel room the entire time or pay for as many off-resort activities as we can to keep away from the rest of the family.

    anon_a-miss , Faungg's photos Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Actually, im convinced a lot of people are just pretending to like their own blood relatives, including immediate family.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group As a teen, I was so gay that I thought all men were pretending to like women to fit in. I could not even fathom how anyone couldn't be so horny over men that your knees tremble. Women did nothing for me. And my feelings were so overwhelming that it was hard to imagine the other guys feeling any other way.

    wad11656 , GoToVan Report

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    King Joffrey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This cuts both ways, I'm afraid, and is probably the reason why so many people are anti-gay. They must think exactly like this guy but in reverse...

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group No_Yesterday_3344 said:
    The taste of hard liqour that is not in a mixed drink.

    pickles_and_ketchup replied:
    I'll admit liking whiskey on the rocks or neat, but it has to be a high quality one.

    I'll also admit it was an acquired taste.

    No_Yesterday_3344 , Jamin Gray Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have the tastebuds of a 4 year old - all alcohol tastes disgusting to me - with whiskey being the worst I've tasted. I rarely drink, but when I do, it's a mixed drink with a ton of sugar in it. Circumstances (other people) have brought me to Jameson in Dublin and Highland Park on the Orkney Islands where I have been offered trays of different vintages and types of whiskey. Completely wasted on me. As was the port wine cellar in Porto. I don't know why people bring me to these things.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group AmberinAZ said:
    Small talk.

    Chicero replied:
    The difference in energy of trying to force small talk, or just give me something to do is crazy. I can talk with the best of them, but if I don’t have a reason to you might as well give up because I will state at a walk for an hour rather than talk.

    AmberinAZ , Governor Earl Ray Tomblin Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll do small talk, big talk or no talk - I don't mind.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group EntrepreneurCandid92 said:
    Children’s art

    friz_CHAMP replied:
    My 4 year old son drew a picture of me and him. It's horrible, but I love it. The fact he likes me enough to draw us together makes it worth framing his garage quality art.

    EntrepreneurCandid92 , Denise Krebs Report

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    King Joffrey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Children's art is only ever amazing if it's your children who made it.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group CorporateDeathBurger said:
    Mumble rap. There's just no way....

    Snuff_Film_At_Eleven replied:
    I'm an English major word snob who loves Aesop Rock and all that other s@#t but you are damn right I zone out to mumble rap. The beats are fun and the performance tends to be energetic and that's all you need. I don't give a s@#t if it's not blowing my mind with layered meanings and metaphors.

    Sometimes you just want to chill out and drink Miller Lite. You can't ONLY sit and sip Pliny the Elders and Dark Lord stouts.

    Corporate Deaht Burger , Travis Rigel Lukas Hornung Report

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    Nikki Sevven
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's probably weird for a 56yo white woman, but I actually like quite a bit of rap (Ice Cube, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, et alia). For me, the entire point of rap is the lyrics, the social commentary, the varying rhyme schemes and rhythmic way of speaking the lyrics. Mumble rap seems to be the anti-rap.

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    29 Popular Things That Everyone Pretends To Enjoy, As Shared By People In This Online Group Ok so I keep having this thought that what if nobody was actually religious. Like there’s people that pretend to be religious to avoid being made fun of and stuff right? But what if everyone was like that. And please don’t take this as disrespect for any religion.

    Superb-Bother7058 , Aaron Fulkerson Report

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