Someone In This Online Group Asked “What Do You Miss About The ’90s?”, 25 Folks Delivered
We can all agree that growing up in the ’90s was extra fun. Probably because the whole internet thing wasn’t as consuming back then, and we all knew how to spend our days offline.
But let’s face it, the popular culture was much more authentic than it is now. We had these spectacular MTV shows, incredible bands, and the fashion was just *chef’s kiss*.
Of course, nostalgia for the era that you grew up in most likely will never end. Everything felt much more colorful when you were younger—it’s a fact. However, it doesn’t cancel out how amazing the nineties still were.
An online user that goes by the name @Youcancallmesizzles decided to open up a ’90s Reddit discussion. People took part in sharing their favorite things from those times, and as a result, this post received nearly 22,000 upvotes and almost 17,000 comments.
Bored Panda hopes that you will enjoy reading this article and is excited to find out about the things that you miss the most! Go ahead and leave your comments down below!
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Not being contactable 24/7.
Peace of leaving school/work and not having to deal with there nonsense till tomorrow.
I can still be unreachable if I want. Cell phones don't have to be answered and will turn off if need be. Unless I'm on call at work, it's my choice wether I talk or not.
Not being blinded by headlights when driving. Now everyone has LED/illegal lights.
I absolute hate these things, particularly when they are fitted to higher vehicles. They are blinding. They are supposed to have an automatic levelling control, but they don't seem to work. They are just as bad when they are following you, as they blind you from all three mirrors if they get too close. In the UK it is now illegal to retrofit them to older vehicles with the possible exception of classic cars. LED brakelights also get on my tits, as the trend seems to be to sit with your foot on the brake at traffic lights, rather than using the handbrake, and at night they ruin any chance of your eyes adjusting to low light - yes, I know autos need you to apply the brake, but in the UK there are still plenty of manuals.
Blockbuster/Pizza Hut on Friday nights.
I miss video stores. That was part of the fun going to pick out a movie.
Flying was so easy. Parents could meet at the gate. You could show up 10 minutes before the doors closed and be ok. You didn't have to get groped or lasered to just go to another place. It was actually quite enjoyable.
Unfortunately 9/11 saw to that, even on domestic flights. I used to rock up at the airport about half an hour before my flight, handbaggage only, hop off at the other end and straight out of the airport. Now it can take an hour to get through security and you can't take more than a tiny bag on the plane, so you have to go through baggage reclaim as well. Actually kind of glad I don't have to fly any more.
Before we had mobile phones, my wife and I would plan to meet at a certain street corner at a certain time after work. We sometimes had to wait for the other person to show up, but we knew they would.
To be honest? I miss Magazines. Like any interest under the sun had a couple of magazines. If you were on a road trip beg your parents to buy a paintball magazine or Nintendo power and just reread the articles over and over about games you could never play or kits you could never afford.
It helped feed the imagination and kept me endlessly entertained on trips.
Magazines still exist although they are disappearing. The only thing you can do is put your money where your mouth is. If you like magazines, subscribe. If you like books, buy at the bookstore. If you like the mall, don't do your shopping on Amazon. If you aren't willing to engage in the activity, don't be surprised when it becomes obsolete.
Childhood, 90s cartoons were so much better than they are today. Kids these days are like little grown-ups, they don't have a childhood as we did back then.
Saying kids these days don't have a childhood is rubbish. I see kids around me every day enjoying their childhood. Yes, the cartoons are different but a lot of them are still really good and in lots of case even better, because they lack the undertones of racism and misogyny that were rampant in television in the 80s and 90s.
Weird I know, but commercials. Specifically Christmas commercials. They were full of hope, joy, care and didn’t quite feel as monetarily-driven as the ones today.
I honestly miss the internet from the 90s.. I spent so many hours exploring, reading things.... every webpage felt like I was visiting someone's house, they were so personal as design standards did not exist yet. I enjoyed my netscape navigator. And I LOVED my IRC chat rooms. Keep in mind I was like 9 and 10. lol, so I mostly spent time in Pokemon Chat rooms that had bots.
Discord is not the same as the IRC days.
Building cubby houses, playing in the creek, rollerblading, then coming home and playing Sega/Nintendo. I miss taping stuff off the tv, hanging out in my room, still playing with toys, reading cool magazines, going through my card collections. The hype of the cinema back in the 90’s. Not being a slave to technology, but still having wicked gadgets like Walkmans.
Having a limited selection when it comes to movies. Whether it was rewatching movies from your home collection or renting at blockbuster, the limited options made choosing something to watch much less annoying.
Prime time tv, 35mm film. There's idealism in film photography that is now missing. The medium lost the sentimental value it used to have.
I loved 35 mm cameras and still use one once in awhile. My Canon AE1 still works. There was real challenge in using 35 mm - focus, aperture, shutter speed, etc. Digital cameras still do all these things, but it was different - I didn't get any preview of what I took. The anticipation, then delight in seeing your photos after development was pretty cool.
The CD players/stereo systems. I had a beautiful Sony one with double tape deck and 3 CD changer. Had lovely coloured lights on the display and it was just brilliant to listen to Eliminator on. My dad got it for me and at the age of 10 I thought I was so cool.
I'm sorry can we just appreciate the fuzzy guitars in that photo for a moment?
I’m a Xennial, so being in middle age now, I miss everything about the 90’s- I really miss having no true responsibilities but choosing what color jelly shoes to wear that day or begging my mom to bring me to the store for more stickers for my sticker album.
Jelly shoes were gross, I refused to wear them in the 80s. Made your feet sweaty and blisters galore.
Ed, Edd and Eddie; Code Name Kids Next Door; Samurai Jack; courage the cowardly dog; Powerpuff Girls….. the 90’s had really good cartoons.
My Super Nintendo being cutting edge technology.
Urban legends. Like, the fact that we have the Internet to fact check everything is still pretty cool, but I always loved the mystique when you hear an urban legend about a band or artist you enjoy.
Like Marilyn manson having his lower ribs removed to suck himself off lol.
The pager.
And the brick phone.
My parents in the 90's: "Only drug dealers and doctors need pagers or cell phones!"
Slap bracelets.
I know these as slap bands. They came back a few years ago but have since died down again.
The rapid change in video games. Started the decade with like Sonic the Hedgehog, a fun but only minority iterative 2D sides roller. Ended it with Deus Ex and Baldur's Gate, which were practically the Citizen Kane of games. Quake if you like online FPS, all those novel-at-the-time 3D mascot platformers, JRPGs of unprecedented scale, whatever. Something for everybody. The medium feels so explored now; everything's Halo or GTA by comparison. I talked with people who remember 1970s rock and they say about the same thing.
The pages would take forever to load because of complete nonsense but it was awesome. 36 gifs and an autoplay 20 second loop of music, just to see someone express about their favorite rock.
I just thought of another thing: I miss some aspects of buying physical music. Now it's mainly downloads. Back then it was a special trip to the record store to browse through music and when you had it, you could spend quite a while appreciating the artwork and the little booklets in CDs (and cassettes!). I was always thrilled if they included the lyrics!
Getting a new CD at the music store was so exciting. Looking around at all the music and getting in small lines to listen to clips of specific CD's. That was fun. I miss that too.
Load More Replies...This is probably really specific but I really miss the days when emails were meaningful. What I mean by that is that these days I open my emails and it's just full of junk mail, automated messages from whatever company I once ordered something from, bills, whatever. I remember back in the late 90s I'd mainly have emails from friends and family! It's how we kept in touch across the miles before social media and it was much more personal. I miss joyful inboxes!
Oh yes, all those “Forward this to 20 people and you will get good luck/bad luck/get better/get sick/meet the love of your life/lose the love of your life/DIE” chain emails were really meaningful.
Load More Replies...Answering machines. Coming home and seeing that red light blink was a nice memory. When caller ID first came out, it was simple. Before internet became big, actually going to the library and looking for info on that school report. It was quiet, calming and relaxing.
We still have an answering machine and we just let all calls go to it because we are so fed up with scam calls it tends to put them off having to wait for the beep and then leave a message.
Load More Replies...I just thought of another thing: I miss some aspects of buying physical music. Now it's mainly downloads. Back then it was a special trip to the record store to browse through music and when you had it, you could spend quite a while appreciating the artwork and the little booklets in CDs (and cassettes!). I was always thrilled if they included the lyrics!
Getting a new CD at the music store was so exciting. Looking around at all the music and getting in small lines to listen to clips of specific CD's. That was fun. I miss that too.
Load More Replies...This is probably really specific but I really miss the days when emails were meaningful. What I mean by that is that these days I open my emails and it's just full of junk mail, automated messages from whatever company I once ordered something from, bills, whatever. I remember back in the late 90s I'd mainly have emails from friends and family! It's how we kept in touch across the miles before social media and it was much more personal. I miss joyful inboxes!
Oh yes, all those “Forward this to 20 people and you will get good luck/bad luck/get better/get sick/meet the love of your life/lose the love of your life/DIE” chain emails were really meaningful.
Load More Replies...Answering machines. Coming home and seeing that red light blink was a nice memory. When caller ID first came out, it was simple. Before internet became big, actually going to the library and looking for info on that school report. It was quiet, calming and relaxing.
We still have an answering machine and we just let all calls go to it because we are so fed up with scam calls it tends to put them off having to wait for the beep and then leave a message.
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