Nostalgia is an incredibly powerful force! The past is an often enticing place where the world seemed like it was far better, with fewer problems, better products and services, happier people, tastier food, and the like. Of course, a big part of this is your rose-colored interpretation of everything. But that’s not to say that earlier decades don’t have their unique charm—they do!
The 1980s had a very particular vibe, and our team at Bored Panda wanted to show you exactly what it was like. So, we’ve collected photos from that decade that show the atmosphere of everyday life, including some of the things—from furniture and technology to toys and knickknacks—that many people owned back in the ’80s. Scroll down for a trip into the past.
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Who Had A Spirograph Growing Up?
This Stereo System And Glass Case
The Puffiness Made Them Better
Nostalgia can be very profitable, as many people have a strong emotional connection with past decades and yearn to relive the good old days. So, reintroducing old products can be a profitable strategy for companies.
However, this approach is not without its potential pitfalls. For one, many people have very high expectations and have hyped past decades up.
Blank Vhs Tapes
Who Remembers The Waterful Ring Toss Game As A Kid? It Was So Simple, But So Much Fun To Me
The Ge Alarm Clock That Everyone Seemed To Have
Therefore, if the reintroduced products don’t quite reach all the hype, they can feel disappointed if the reality doesn’t match their (rose-colored) memories. Oftentimes, the past isn’t as wonderful and magical as we remember it to be.
You may have had a great childhood, for example, but you may simply not have been aware of the bigger social problems that affected this period of time.
Pencils With Cartridges
Anybody Remember The Fisher Price Toy Barns That Make The Moo Sound When You Open The Door?
The Casserole Dish That Every Family Had
What’s more, just because an item evokes a certain sense of nostalgia doesn’t mean that it’ll necessarily be successful in this day and age. Context changes. Tastes and trends change, too. Just because you enjoyed a certain video game, design style, or food decades ago doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll bring you the same level of joy as before.
Who All Had These, Candy Cigarettes Growing Up ?
Removing The Faceplate Of Your Car Stereo So It Wouldn’t Get Stolen
Tupperware Just Filed For Bankruptcy. Rip To That Set Of Bowls All Our Grandma's Had
Psychology professor Krystine Batcho had this to say to marketing firm Quikly: “The problem is people’s memories are fallible; they’re not perfect. So when the manufacturer brings back the old packaging or the old item, we’re disappointed because it isn’t exactly how we remember it.”
On the flip side, if a product is brought back in a way that’s authentic yet still adapted for modern tastes, you can really make a huge impact in the market.
Did Anyone Else Sleep In One Of These? I Think I Would Have To Be Helped Out Of It Today
Turned My Spare Bedroom Into A Nostalgia Oasis
My house is a 4 br built in 2007. I was born in 1981 and was trying to recreate the feeling of growing up in the 80s middle class home. Needed a project after my wife passed and it was so much fun putting it together. My teenage girls would let me convert the whole basement.
Trivial Pursuit '81, Spent So Many Winter Weekends Playing This Game
If they would just keep making updated cards. The specialty cards aren't as much fun.
Furthermore, what you yearn for may not actually be the past but the sense of freedom, opportunity, energy, and fewer responsibilities—all things that you can cultivate in the present, too.
For instance, you could focus on your health and fitness more, finding a good work/life balance, (re)connecting with your family and friends, carving out more time for your hobbies, and disconnecting from your screens.
Almost Every House In The 1980s Had A Room That Looked Like This
I Don't Know About You Folk. But, This Was Core 80's For Me
Pizza Hut's Drinking Glasses From The 80s And 90s!
You might not be able to turn back time, but you can live a happier, healthier, more fulfilling, and purposeful life no matter your age. A big part of this comes down to being more grateful and appreciative of what you already have.
If you’re too focused on the past, you might become bitter about how things are now in comparison.
Meanwhile, focusing too much on the future can make you anxious. In both cases, you might miss out on the great opportunities that come your way in the present.
Who Else Grew Up With These?
Beach Chairs From The 80s. Get A Tan And First Degree Burns At The Same Time
If You're Interested In Dust, Here's A Quaint Little Piece From The 1980s, It's Called A Dustbuster
Nostalgia can be healthy in small doses because you’re remembering the positive things that happened to you in the past. It’s wonderful as a coping strategy when things get tough.
However, if you start believing that nothing in the present or the future will ever compare to the past, then you’re setting yourself up for negativity and disappointment. Comparison is the thief of joy.
How Many Of You Owned This Bad Boy??
Who Else Destroyed Their Bedroom Walls, Taping Posters Directly To Them?
You say destroyed. I say decorated.
Fantastic Setup
According to the Admind agency, different people might be nostalgic about the 1980s for different reasons.
For example, some might miss the economic prosperity, while others might focus more on pop culture, music, movies, and entertainment, the popularization of video games, or the new technologies that came out that decade.
Tape Recorded Answering Machines
Making Orange Juice From A Frozen Paper Can
I can remember my mom getting this out of the freezer, into a Tupperware gallon jug, adding water and you you had to stir it all up.
Electric Carving Knife
Which of the pics that we’ve featured here do you personally feel evoke the vibe of the 1980s the best? What do you personally miss about the ’80s if you lived through the decade? If you weren’t born then, what do you think you’d have enjoyed about it the most?
If not the ’80s, what decade do you miss the most and why? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Scroll down to the comments to share yours.
A Classic
If You Know, You Know. If Not Then I Feel Sorry For You
The Tomato Pincushion Our Grandmothers, Mothers, And Aunts Had
Anybody Old Enough To Remember The Whee-Lo?
I’m This Old
Old Polaroid We Found From The 80s
What Was It Like Growing Up In The 80s? The 80s:
Slap Bracelets
Humble Beginnings
In The 80s Lots Of Us Learnt To Type With A Manual Typewriter. I Used To Dream Of Becoming A Writer And Even Folded Pages And Used To Craft Handmade Books
I lived in Papua New Guinea for almost 4 years in the early 70's & was doing my Degree externally through a Uni in Australia. I had to complete my written assignments using a small, portable typewriter & had never typed previously. Also, while almost all the Lecturers sent printed notes, one guy used to send tapes for his Monetary Economics unit & the tapes always started with Pink Floyd singing Money. I feel nostalgic just making this post
No Early 80’s Kitchen Was Complete Without A Set Of These Bad Boys:
Radio Shack’s New All-Electronic Cordless Phone (1982)
Who Remembers Bristle Blocks?
Visiting The Cousin’s House Circa 1986-88
This LEGO Windshield
The Clapper
Finger Monsters
Who Remembers These Switchblade Combs?
These Cereal Bowls I Used To Eat Out Of As A Kid
Anyone Else Still Have A Cabbage Patch Kid Lying Around?
Yup. Up in the attic with My Little Ponies, Popples and Light Sabres.
You Guys Hate Carpet In The Bathroom? I Can One Up That. My Parents Have A Bathroom With Carpet That Goes Up The Bathtub Walls! Bonus Points For The Terrible Wallpaper
That is impressive preservation of 80s interior design.
Remembering A Time When People Would Debate Over Fullscreen vs. Widescreen Vhs Tapes For Movie Releases
Poll Question
Which 1980s trend do you find the most nostalgic?
Music and fashion
Video games
Television shows
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Bored Panda Staff: "Let's repost this list every month. It is easier than finding new content. And some people will pay for a Premium subscription regardless of what we post."