When all we do is focus on our busy schedules, it can be quite hard to grasp how much everything changes around us. After all, the world is full of fascinating things that simply go unnoticed if we’re not willing to look. Well, luckily for us, there are plenty of people who make sure to document them so that we don't miss out.
If you’re wondering what one million mosquitos or 5-day-old hedgehogs actually look like, then this post is just for you. Bored Panda has found some of the most interesting comparison pictures floating around the web and put them together in a list for you to enjoy.
There’s nothing like placing two things side by side to see what a big difference time, genes, and circumstances can make. So keep scrolling, get ready to shake up your perspective, and upvote the pics that surprised you the most! Also, don’t forget to check out our most recent posts on comparison goodness right here, here, and here.
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My Kitten, Rice, The Day I Found Him 3 Weeks Ago vs. Today
The Pic On The Left Was Exactly 3 Years Ago When I Was The Best Man At My Buddy’s Wedding. I Was Close To 600 Lbs. Around 230 Lbs Now
Before And After: My Daughter Battling A Combination Of RSV, Rhino Enterovirus, And Bacterial Pneumonia. She Almost Died, But She’s Now Home Safe And Sound
Awwww wonderful! What an amazing recovery, wishing you a long, healthy life sweetheart💖
Perspective is an interesting concept, isn’t it? Just by slightly shifting our view, we can appreciate the beauty around us, see things in a completely different light, and come up with a myriad of new ideas and solutions. But to achieve that, people should keep an open mind and step out of their comfort zone every chance they get.
To learn more about perspective and what kind of role it plays in our lives, we reached out to Kelly Boys, a mindfulness trainer, consultant, and author of The Blind Spot Effect: How to Stop Missing What's Right in Front of You. She told Bored Panda that perspective has to do with how we’re holding any given moment. "It includes your viewpoint or the framework with which you are looking, as well as your values, biases, and beliefs."
In short, it’s the way we choose to see the world. Since we humans are always eager to absorb information and learn something new about our surroundings, the outlook we have on life is also shifting. Our perspective is our decision, and, like any other choice out there, it can be changed.
A Cheetah And His Companion Dog Have Grown Up Together
This Is The Same Horse 5 Years Apart. Gray Percherons Are Born Black And Slowly Turn Gray
I Am A Big Brother With "Big Brothers Big Sisters". Here Is The First Day I Met My Little Brother And The Day He Served As My Best Man - 6 Years Later
Whether we know it or not, our perspective is a powerful force that drives our thoughts. Depending on whether those thoughts are positive or not, they lead to a chain reaction where we decide what kind of actions we should take, and how we feel about them — content or not.
Our attitude can also alter and affect our mood. "Think of a moment where a stranger did something for you out of kindness — what kind of perspective did you bring into your next moment? You probably had a mood of buoyancy and happiness," Boys explained. "You saw the world through new, kind eyes. The opposite is true as well."
If we want to lead a fulfilling life, changing our point of view is not only beneficial but also necessary. "By holding different perspectives, we are able to see the whole. No one of us has the whole picture — we need each other's points of view to help us have empathy and compassion," the mindfulness trainer noted.
I’m Down 100 Pounds
After Years Of Tooth Pain And Hiding My Smile, I Got Dentures! They Literally Made Me Smile
The First Day I Adopted This Abandoned Kitty vs. 48 Days Later
He looks like he's seen some things - glad he's safe and loved now
The Size Difference Between A Full Grown And A Newborn Galapagos Tortoise
Even if we're afraid to seek out new experiences or feel discouraged to enter an unfamiliar area, we benefit from it either way. These moments help us grow as human beings, make us feel stronger and more confident in our abilities.
According to Boys, the primary way to become better at changing our perspective "is to know that a prime fallibility of humans is that we believe our own thoughts. When we don't change our perspective, we can harden into stances that limit creativity and diversity, and that hold us all back."
My Brother Waited A Year To Get These Four Shots, I Lined Them Up And Did Some Editing In Photoshop
Our Nugget Looked So Sad When We Rescued Her, But Our Sweet Girl Is All Better Now
One Pair Is Crocheted
My Grandmother At A Homecoming Football Game In 1957, And Me In The Same Dress 60 Years Later
"Getting to know your own perspectives, and how they shift over time, will help you be more flexible and open to seeing from new viewpoints," she advised. "If this is looked at as a growth opportunity and an adaptive way to thrive in our rapidly changing world, then it may be more compelling for you to seek out new experiences that show you the world from different points of view."
Boys added: "Being flexible in our thinking is the wave of the future. Amidst a society that is fracturing under polarizing talking points, it's nuance and ambiguity that are our friends and will help us solve the world's most complex problems."
After Being A Stay At Home Dad For 6 Years I, 35M, Started College Alongside My Son Who Just Started Kindergarten. We Got This
Me With Almost A Year And A Half Sober vs. Me At My Worst In Active Addiction
New Woman, Same Phone Case
Say Hello To Butters, Bottle For Scale
Well, one thing that fosters our never-ending wish to explore is our continuous curiosity. Best-selling author Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D., wrote that it leads to continual growth and learning, which drives positive personal, team, and organizational results.
It’s no secret that lifelong learning is something that many strive for. If we want to become better at it, Westover suggested challenging our assumptions and checking our biases. "We need to practice regular self-reflection, surround ourselves with difference (so we don’t get trapped in an echo chamber and our ideas can be challenged) and continually ask ourselves questions to get to the core of the issues we encounter."
Bought These Cans The Other Day And I'm Just Now Seeing The Cat On The Label
My Puppy Otis Got His First Haircut. I'm Not Sure They Gave Me Back The Same Dog
Who Wants Some Beautiful Eggs
If Holly (Ilex Aquifolium) Finds Its Leaves Are Being Nibbled By Deer, It Switches Genes On To Make Them Spiky When They Regrow
So on taller holly trees, the upper leaves (which are out of reach) have smooth edges, while the lower leaves are prickly.
I ALWAYS wondered why some holly was smooth and some spikey, even when I felt for sure that thing hadn’t been replanted. This is SO COOL!
Asking questions, even what may seem to be silly ones, is crucial. "We need to actively encourage our people to vocally question and challenge the status quo," he wrote. That way, we’re able to spark heated discussions, understand where other people are coming from, and broaden our knowledge of the world.
It can be hard to grasp what impact time and circumstances have on us and our surroundings. Luckily, taking the time to look at the evidence right in front of our eyes can suggest answers to even the most difficult questions and give a fresh perspective on life.
My Brother's Cat Got Into The Fireplace
I Read 71 Books In 2021, Here Is A Photo Next To All Of Them, I Am 5'9" For Reference
5-Day-Old Hedgehogs, Hands For Scale
Me And My Son Both At 9 Months. 35 Years Apart
My sons are 16 and 4 and the youngest is identical to how my oldest looked at that age - which isn't all that interesting until you realise they have different dads - but the youngest is also very similar to his dad as a wee boy. My oldest always gets told he looks so much like his "dad" but it's actually his stepdad. It's kinda weird
Rosie Is Almost At Her Goal Weight
My 90-Year-Old Grandmother's Handwriting Before And After Her Focused Ultrasound Essential Tremor Treatment
I Just Recently Finished Possibly My Best Painting Yet That My Sister Commissioned Of Her Cat
Before & After
My partner found this flower in the trash a year and a half ago, and look at it now. It's is not perfect, but I just wanted to show the progress it's made to people who will appreciate it.
I don't think I've ever heard fiddle leaf fig called a flower but it looks great now! Plants are amazing
I No Longer Have A Cat, Just Two Croissants
Kiara Still Likes To Sit Like A Proper Little Lady But Now Her Tail Has Gotten A Bit Bigger
What My First Paint Layer Looks Like vs. The Final Layer
The Size Of A Husky Compared To The Size Of A Wolf
My Daughter’s Bicycle Clarifying The Difference Between Austria And Australia
Before And After Cleaning Up Welds On Stainless Steel. Sometimes Work Is Satisfying
That is super cool. How do you clean up welds? Just sanding and polishing?
He's The Size Of 2 Chick-Fil-A Sauces
Finished Redoing Our Sunroom Today
My Best Friend Has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder Formerly Known As Multiple Personality Disorder) And Her Different Alters Have Different Writing Styles
Got her approval to post this to spread awareness.
My Dust Mask Before And After An 11-Hour Shift In Country South Australia
This Big Leaf. Wife For Scale
Difference Between A Crocodile (Top), A Caiman (Middle), And An Alligator (Below)
The Amount Of Sugar In Pasta Sauce & Yogurt Cups
When I was in primary school they brought out a rule that the pupils could only have fruit or yogurts for mod morning break and not chocolate bars or crisps. The reason was to have children not consume so much fat and sugar. Yogurt was soon taken off the options list when a pupil's mother, who was a dietitian, pointed out that most yogurts have the same amount of sugar as a Mars bar.
Photo Restoration As A Holiday Gift
Age 12 vs. Age 17
Want To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Fast? Just Get Bit By A Rattlesnake (Do Not Actually)
Me Demonstrating How Big Traffic Signals Actually Are
What 1,000,000 Mosquitos Look Like. Caught In A Trap In Sanibel, Florida
Greetings From Gdańsk, Poland. Witcher vs. Real Life
My Tests Fade As I Get Better
Hey BP, getting REALLY tired of the pregnant belly pic. Not that it was appropriate in the first place, but now it's extra triggering.
I'm curious, what is inappropriate about a pregnant belly? And what is it triggering?
Load More Replies...If it hadn't been for the toes I would have thought for sure it was a turkey.
I just need a tighter theme to my pictures. These are fun, but very disparate.
What's desperate about them? I know, disparate. I'm just an ass
Load More Replies...Perspective is strange. One day I was on at train on my way to work, and wondering why everyone I met seemed to be in a bad mood. Then suddenly I realised, that they were maybe reflecting my own look because I didn't feel exactly great. So I tried to force myself to smile at someone, and when she smiled back, I felt so much better. And my forced smile became genuine. And I felt much better
Hey BP, getting REALLY tired of the pregnant belly pic. Not that it was appropriate in the first place, but now it's extra triggering.
I'm curious, what is inappropriate about a pregnant belly? And what is it triggering?
Load More Replies...If it hadn't been for the toes I would have thought for sure it was a turkey.
I just need a tighter theme to my pictures. These are fun, but very disparate.
What's desperate about them? I know, disparate. I'm just an ass
Load More Replies...Perspective is strange. One day I was on at train on my way to work, and wondering why everyone I met seemed to be in a bad mood. Then suddenly I realised, that they were maybe reflecting my own look because I didn't feel exactly great. So I tried to force myself to smile at someone, and when she smiled back, I felt so much better. And my forced smile became genuine. And I felt much better