50 Interesting Comparison Images To Give You A New Perspective On Things (New Pics)
When all we do is focus on our busy schedules, it can be quite hard to grasp how much everything changes around us. After all, the world is full of fascinating things that simply go unnoticed if we’re not willing to look. Well, luckily for us, there are plenty of people who make sure to document them so that we don't miss out.
If you’re wondering what one million mosquitos or 5-day-old hedgehogs actually look like, then this post is just for you. Bored Panda has found some of the most interesting comparison pictures floating around the web and put them together in a list for you to enjoy.
There’s nothing like placing two things side by side to see what a big difference time, genes, and circumstances can make. So keep scrolling, get ready to shake up your perspective, and upvote the pics that surprised you the most! Also, don’t forget to check out our most recent posts on comparison goodness right here, here, and here.
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My Kitten, Rice, The Day I Found Him 3 Weeks Ago vs. Today
The Pic On The Left Was Exactly 3 Years Ago When I Was The Best Man At My Buddy’s Wedding. I Was Close To 600 Lbs. Around 230 Lbs Now
Before And After: My Daughter Battling A Combination Of RSV, Rhino Enterovirus, And Bacterial Pneumonia. She Almost Died, But She’s Now Home Safe And Sound
Awwww wonderful! What an amazing recovery, wishing you a long, healthy life sweetheart💖
Perspective is an interesting concept, isn’t it? Just by slightly shifting our view, we can appreciate the beauty around us, see things in a completely different light, and come up with a myriad of new ideas and solutions. But to achieve that, people should keep an open mind and step out of their comfort zone every chance they get.
To learn more about perspective and what kind of role it plays in our lives, we reached out to Kelly Boys, a mindfulness trainer, consultant, and author of The Blind Spot Effect: How to Stop Missing What's Right in Front of You. She told Bored Panda that perspective has to do with how we’re holding any given moment. "It includes your viewpoint or the framework with which you are looking, as well as your values, biases, and beliefs."
In short, it’s the way we choose to see the world. Since we humans are always eager to absorb information and learn something new about our surroundings, the outlook we have on life is also shifting. Our perspective is our decision, and, like any other choice out there, it can be changed.
A Cheetah And His Companion Dog Have Grown Up Together
This Is The Same Horse 5 Years Apart. Gray Percherons Are Born Black And Slowly Turn Gray
I Am A Big Brother With "Big Brothers Big Sisters". Here Is The First Day I Met My Little Brother And The Day He Served As My Best Man - 6 Years Later
Whether we know it or not, our perspective is a powerful force that drives our thoughts. Depending on whether those thoughts are positive or not, they lead to a chain reaction where we decide what kind of actions we should take, and how we feel about them — content or not.
Our attitude can also alter and affect our mood. "Think of a moment where a stranger did something for you out of kindness — what kind of perspective did you bring into your next moment? You probably had a mood of buoyancy and happiness," Boys explained. "You saw the world through new, kind eyes. The opposite is true as well."
If we want to lead a fulfilling life, changing our point of view is not only beneficial but also necessary. "By holding different perspectives, we are able to see the whole. No one of us has the whole picture — we need each other's points of view to help us have empathy and compassion," the mindfulness trainer noted.
I’m Down 100 Pounds
After Years Of Tooth Pain And Hiding My Smile, I Got Dentures! They Literally Made Me Smile
The First Day I Adopted This Abandoned Kitty vs. 48 Days Later
He looks like he's seen some things - glad he's safe and loved now
The Size Difference Between A Full Grown And A Newborn Galapagos Tortoise
Even if we're afraid to seek out new experiences or feel discouraged to enter an unfamiliar area, we benefit from it either way. These moments help us grow as human beings, make us feel stronger and more confident in our abilities.
According to Boys, the primary way to become better at changing our perspective "is to know that a prime fallibility of humans is that we believe our own thoughts. When we don't change our perspective, we can harden into stances that limit creativity and diversity, and that hold us all back."
My Brother Waited A Year To Get These Four Shots, I Lined Them Up And Did Some Editing In Photoshop
Our Nugget Looked So Sad When We Rescued Her, But Our Sweet Girl Is All Better Now
One Pair Is Crocheted
My Grandmother At A Homecoming Football Game In 1957, And Me In The Same Dress 60 Years Later
"Getting to know your own perspectives, and how they shift over time, will help you be more flexible and open to seeing from new viewpoints," she advised. "If this is looked at as a growth opportunity and an adaptive way to thrive in our rapidly changing world, then it may be more compelling for you to seek out new experiences that show you the world from different points of view."
Boys added: "Being flexible in our thinking is the wave of the future. Amidst a society that is fracturing under polarizing talking points, it's nuance and ambiguity that are our friends and will help us solve the world's most complex problems."
After Being A Stay At Home Dad For 6 Years I, 35M, Started College Alongside My Son Who Just Started Kindergarten. We Got This
Me With Almost A Year And A Half Sober vs. Me At My Worst In Active Addiction
Congratulations! You look amazing 🤗
New Woman, Same Phone Case
Say Hello To Butters, Bottle For Scale
Well, one thing that fosters our never-ending wish to explore is our continuous curiosity. Best-selling author Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D., wrote that it leads to continual growth and learning, which drives positive personal, team, and organizational results.
It’s no secret that lifelong learning is something that many strive for. If we want to become better at it, Westover suggested challenging our assumptions and checking our biases. "We need to practice regular self-reflection, surround ourselves with difference (so we don’t get trapped in an echo chamber and our ideas can be challenged) and continually ask ourselves questions to get to the core of the issues we encounter."
Bought These Cans The Other Day And I'm Just Now Seeing The Cat On The Label
My Puppy Otis Got His First Haircut. I'm Not Sure They Gave Me Back The Same Dog
Who Wants Some Beautiful Eggs
If Holly (Ilex Aquifolium) Finds Its Leaves Are Being Nibbled By Deer, It Switches Genes On To Make Them Spiky When They Regrow
So on taller holly trees, the upper leaves (which are out of reach) have smooth edges, while the lower leaves are prickly.
I ALWAYS wondered why some holly was smooth and some spikey, even when I felt for sure that thing hadn’t been replanted. This is SO COOL!
Asking questions, even what may seem to be silly ones, is crucial. "We need to actively encourage our people to vocally question and challenge the status quo," he wrote. That way, we’re able to spark heated discussions, understand where other people are coming from, and broaden our knowledge of the world.
It can be hard to grasp what impact time and circumstances have on us and our surroundings. Luckily, taking the time to look at the evidence right in front of our eyes can suggest answers to even the most difficult questions and give a fresh perspective on life.
My Brother's Cat Got Into The Fireplace
I Read 71 Books In 2021, Here Is A Photo Next To All Of Them, I Am 5'9" For Reference
5-Day-Old Hedgehogs, Hands For Scale
Me And My Son Both At 9 Months. 35 Years Apart
My sons are 16 and 4 and the youngest is identical to how my oldest looked at that age - which isn't all that interesting until you realise they have different dads - but the youngest is also very similar to his dad as a wee boy. My oldest always gets told he looks so much like his "dad" but it's actually his stepdad. It's kinda weird
Rosie Is Almost At Her Goal Weight
My 90-Year-Old Grandmother's Handwriting Before And After Her Focused Ultrasound Essential Tremor Treatment
I Just Recently Finished Possibly My Best Painting Yet That My Sister Commissioned Of Her Cat
Before & After
My partner found this flower in the trash a year and a half ago, and look at it now. It's is not perfect, but I just wanted to show the progress it's made to people who will appreciate it.
I don't think I've ever heard fiddle leaf fig called a flower but it looks great now! Plants are amazing
I No Longer Have A Cat, Just Two Croissants
Kiara Still Likes To Sit Like A Proper Little Lady But Now Her Tail Has Gotten A Bit Bigger
What My First Paint Layer Looks Like vs. The Final Layer
The Size Of A Husky Compared To The Size Of A Wolf
My Daughter’s Bicycle Clarifying The Difference Between Austria And Australia
Before And After Cleaning Up Welds On Stainless Steel. Sometimes Work Is Satisfying
That is super cool. How do you clean up welds? Just sanding and polishing?
He's The Size Of 2 Chick-Fil-A Sauces
Finished Redoing Our Sunroom Today
My Best Friend Has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder Formerly Known As Multiple Personality Disorder) And Her Different Alters Have Different Writing Styles
Got her approval to post this to spread awareness.
My Dust Mask Before And After An 11-Hour Shift In Country South Australia
This Big Leaf. Wife For Scale
Difference Between A Crocodile (Top), A Caiman (Middle), And An Alligator (Below)
The Amount Of Sugar In Pasta Sauce & Yogurt Cups
When I was in primary school they brought out a rule that the pupils could only have fruit or yogurts for mod morning break and not chocolate bars or crisps. The reason was to have children not consume so much fat and sugar. Yogurt was soon taken off the options list when a pupil's mother, who was a dietitian, pointed out that most yogurts have the same amount of sugar as a Mars bar.
Photo Restoration As A Holiday Gift
Age 12 vs. Age 17
Want To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Fast? Just Get Bit By A Rattlesnake (Do Not Actually)
Me Demonstrating How Big Traffic Signals Actually Are
What 1,000,000 Mosquitos Look Like. Caught In A Trap In Sanibel, Florida
Greetings From Gdańsk, Poland. Witcher vs. Real Life
My Tests Fade As I Get Better
Here Is My Cat’s Relationship With His Stray Bestie In 5 Stages
Stray bestie comes to say hello for the first time. My cat helps his bestie break-in. They are now both inside. Stray bestie is no longer a stray
In Case You’ve Ever Wondered Why Women Get So Frustrated With Our Clothing Sizes - Every Pair Of Jeans Pictured, Is A Size 12
This is why it should be based on waist/leg measurements - especially when buying online - I can't tell what a 12 will be but I can measure my waist myself
A Snowy Owl And An Owl Made Of Snow
I Adopted Ruckus Almost Three Months Ago - He’s Grown Into Such A Handsome And Confident Pup
I Don't Know Who Needed To See A 4000 Lbs Block Of Cheddar Today, But Here It Is (Banana For Scale)
You Can Now Choose The Race Of Santa On Gap Socks
Cute! My son loves dark skin, he's only 4 and is obsessed and keeps asking if he will have lovely dark skin one day - he stares at people and tells them how beautiful they are in this amazed voice - he'd definitely choose the black Santa.
Owl And A Similar Visage In A Fruit
I’m impressed that this person just has an owl. Impressed and slightly jealous!
This Cluster Of Fossilised Creatures Look Like They Came From Another Planet
One Window, Two Worlds
Baby Clarabelle, Remote For Scale
Driving Into A Storm With The Sunshine In My Mirror
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone/It's not warm when she's away/Ain't no sunshine when she's gone/And she's always gone too long/Ain't no sunshine when she's gone/And this house just ain't no home/Anytime she goes away...
Professor And Her Research Team Sent Full-Size Styrofoam Cups Down A Bore Hole In Antarctica While Drilling Out Core Samples
The pressure increased so much with depth that it squashed the air out of the styrofoam and shrunk them.
I Kept All Of My Old Cell Phones Throughout The Years. Decided To Display Them For Some Reason
The View From My Bedroom During And After A Thick Fog
Where I live, there's frequently fog. On a clear day, you can see three very large, very distinctive mountains in the distance, not too far from the city. Most days, they're obscured entirely. I've found myself saying, "Oh look, the mountains are out" on clear days -- not like mountains are known for moving or anything.
I Gained My Chin Back
I Polish Shoes At A Golf Club. Sometimes I Think My Work Is Oddly Satisfying
This Large Kitty Is Perfect As A Bodyguard At Night. Human For Scale
My Completed Reading List For 2021 vs. Me. Bonus - The Cat
Vertical Bisection Of A Normal Human Cadaver vs. Morbidly Obese Cadaver
Fascinating pictures.
My Sister Saw The Rock That Was On The Cover Of Her College Textbook
Before And After
The Before And After Of My School Bus Home
This is one of my "after my youngest goes to college" projects. Looks amazing!!
My Photo Top And Norman Rockwell’s 1967 Painting Bottom Of The Main Street In Stockbridge, Massachusetts
This Impressive Restoration Work (By Eugene Vdovin)
GallowBoob , Eugene Vdovin Report
The Taiwanese And Australian Firefighters Without Forced Perspective
I Completed An 18,000 Piece Puzzle, Me For Scale
Imagine getting to the end of this and finding there was a piece missing...
I Always Knew My Brother Looked Like Our Dad, But I Didn't Realize He Was A Duplicate Until Now
I Painted The Same Picture, 4 Months Apart
These Jars Contain The Same Amount Of Jam
My Nana And My Little Sister, 64 Years Apart. They're Nearly Identical
2-Years-Old Tiberius vs. 12-Year-Old Tiberius, Missing Some Freckles But Somehow He’s More "Buff"
I’ve Been Seeing A Lot Of Twin Posts, So Here’s Me And My (Fraternal) Twin
Fraternal twins can still look quite alike, even male/female ones!
Here’s My Little Gremlin Before And After Getting Groomed. I Like The Before More. Which One Do You Prefer?
One Of My Favorite Goodwill Finds Ever! Can’t Imagine Why It Wasn’t With The Halloween Stuff
"Comparative hearts: Fish carp, amphibian frog, reptile snake, bird pigeon, mammal rabbit"
Gee, Do My Sister And I Look Alike?
The Same Place, 100 Years Apart. Poland
This Post Office Has A Helpful Size Guide If You Want To Buy A Box
Knitted A Line Everyday In 2021 To Represent The Temperature Of Day
I started one this year. I’m excited to see how it turns out - only 10 more months to go
Dave Ghrol's New Book Is Mainly About How He Copies My Style
Two Kidney Stones I Passed Today. Hand For Scale
I Found A Turtle That Matches My Tattoo
Do you mean to tell me that turtles… look like turtles?!
A Hard, Very Thick Beard Hair I Just Pulled Out Of My Face, Next To An Average Beard Hair
I Finally Finished My Embroidery. I Hate It
I Got Caught Off Guard When I Saw My Carpet In Warzone
This Pretty Large Dragonfly We Found, Hand For Scale
Did you know that during the age of the dinosaurs, dragon flies used to be 1 foot long? The reaon was because thre was more oxygen in the air then than now
Identical Dining Chairs Look Like They’re Different Colors In Sunlight
Quartz Crystal Cluster On Display In A Museum In Namibia. This Is The World's Largest Quartz Cluster
It was discovered in 1985 at the bottom of a 45 metre deep cave in the Otjua mine near Karibib in Namibia. It weighs 14,100 kg and took three years to excavate and remove.
The Level Of The Snowflakes In This Sealed Decoration Shaped Like A Cone, Right-Side Up vs. Upside Down
The Way This Backyard Was Renovated
100+-Year-Old Clam From The Great Barrier Reef
My Daughter's Tigger Has Distinct Bright And Dark Stripes In Normal Light, But Is Entirely Pale White In Night Vision
My Husband And I Had A No Recipe Cupcake Baking Competition Today
Honey Collected From The Same Hive Within 6 Months
My 2-Year-Old Daughter's Pockets Are Bigger Than My Wife's
This has to be the one true conspiracy—the purse and clothing industries are in cahoots.
I Took A Panorama Of Bar Harbor, Maine In 2019. Yesterday I Found A 1901 Panorama Taken From The Same Spot
The steamboat dock looks way cooler than the modern parking space.
What I Pack For A Weekend Away vs. My Husband
I’m like the husband’s side except I have medications and don’t use toothpaste
Had A Storage Tub Lid Under My Workbench Against A Cabinet, Finally Time To Clean Up The Sawdust And Found This Beautiful Mound Showcasing My Recent Wood Species
Same Dress, Same Person (Me), 25 Years Apart
Before And After Of A Hoarder's House We Cleaned Out. Ready To Renovate
My Girlfriend's Scrubber Looks Like It's Trying To Impersonate My Bluetooth Speaker
This New Growth On This Pine Tree
Normal Brain vs. Alzheimers Brain
Shelly-Is-Smelly , Prof.K.Prabhakar Report
I Like To Use Colored Pens At Work, Usually Choosing A Color That Coordinates With My Outfit. Here Are The Ink Levels After About One Year
Winter Really Brings Out The Angry Floof Phase In My Guy Albus
Never Thought I Looked Much Like My Mum Til I Found Her Driver's Licence From 1971
Accurate But Blursed Calligraphy
My Pops At The Same Location 15 Years Apart
'Glad they've swapped out the Confederate flag for the Americana, I guess.
My Bus Stop Before And After Daylight Savings
This Is $721 Of Pure Platinum. Hand For Scale
This Gamestop Next To This Smashburger Really Highlight The Similarities Between Both Of Their Logos
The Variety Of Colors In The Eggs My Friend’s Chickens Laid
Life-Sized Model Of A Megalodon Hanging At The Smithsonian Natural History Museum
My 14-Year-Old Daughter Took A Selfie And Tried Some Photo-Realism On Her Tablet She Got For Christmas
Oh wow! I thought I was looking at the same photo until I read the description!
My Family Has Always Said I Look A Lot Like My Grandma & My Mom At The Same Time. I Think I See It Now
The Person Caught The Same Fish A Month And A Half Later
I bet that was interesting for the fish. No lessons were learned.
This Funny Juxtaposition Of Door Technology I Found In A Mexican Town
The Christmas Moose Has Arrived. Humans For Scale
The Ketchup And Mayonnaise Packets I Got From A Restaurant With My Food Are The Opposite Brands Off What I Would Consider Their Specially
Ie Heinz made the mayo and Hellmann's made the ketchup
Brand New Laundry Dye Catcher vs. One Used For About A Year
Neat! I’ve never even seen one of these before ! But I need one ! I always turn everyone’s whites pink.. it’s my super power!
LED Street Light Causing A Tree To Retain Its Leaves Longer In The Fall
The Size Difference Between Basketball Players And Gymnasts
Girl on the right is giving me uncanny valley vibes... o.O (the lighting is weird maybe or she has a LOT of makeup on for her face to be a completely different colour to the rest of her body like that)
A Street In Two Different Countries - Red Sidewalk Is Monaco, Grey Or No Sidewalk Is France
Thinking Of Having A Baby? On The Left Is A Picture Of My Nonna Enjoying Venice Before She Had Kids. On The Right Is A Picture In The Same Location A Few Years Later
She is desperately trying to stop my toddler-aged father from publicly executing a pigeon.
One Of My Eyes Reacted To The Dilation Drops A Lot More Than The Other At The Eye Doctor
Same Temperature Outside And Inside. Except The Other Is Negative And Other Is Positive
$500 Bundles Of $1 Bills Uncirculated vs. Circulated
Homemade XL Snickers Bar vs. Casual Snickers Bar
Neubaugasse, Vienna 2020 vs. 2021
How This Cafe Describes Still And Sparkling Water
These Large Pumpkins I Saw On The Freeway
Australian Summer Starts Today; My 2-Day-Old Air Freshener Got The Memo
A Tiny Milk Carton Holder My Friend 3D Printed For Me, Hand For Scale
The View From My Apartment When I Moved In vs. Now
A Complete Stranger And I Got Tattoos Of Each Other's Face
I Brought My Car Battery Inside To Charge It From -30c And The Frost Showed Me The Acid Level In Each Cell
Me At 22, 32, And 41 In The Same T-Shirt
I Need Tweezers And A Microscope To Play This Tiny Monopoly Game (Nickel For Size)
Biggest And Smallest Jars I Found So Far
My Dad Grew This Giant Zucchini. Mom For Scale
My Pockets On The Left, Adult Women’s Jeans. My 4-Year-Old Son’s Jeans On The Right, Size 4T Boys Jeans
I guess we can both carry our most valuable items, like hot wheels and loose cheerios.
My Neighbor Cut Down His Tree Two Days After I Took A Picture Of Its Beautiful Fall Foliage
I Work In Grocery, And These Two Boxes Of Roma Tomatoes Came On The Truck This Morning. One Came With A Shine, The Other Didn’t
This Extremely Large Book I Found In A Waiting Room. 3-Year-Old For Scale
Absolutely Unit Of A Baby Right Out Of The Womb. Grownups For Scale
Found A Very Tall Sunflower, I’m 5’10 For Comparison
Let the Ukraine rise above Russia like this sunflower. Anyone still have doubts Putin is the devil?
All Three Packets Contain The Same Ingredients In The Same Quantity, Same Amount Of Tablets, Same Manufacturer, Three Different Prices
Basketball I Got 5 Years Ago vs. Basketball I Got Today
This Popeyes (Left) Chicken Sandwich vs. A KFC Chicken Sandwich. Both $3.99
Caught My Balding Early Enough And Fully Reversed It
Extra Long Scissors For Wrapping Paper, Hand For Scale
*Flashbacks to that poor thumbsucking boy in the Struwwelpeter book*
Climbing A Dune In Indiana, You Can See Shorter Buildings In Chicago The Higher You Go
Really Long Packing Bubble
Found in an Amazon delivery box containing 1 ink cartridge, box and contents were damaged by Hermes delivery driver.
Lemon Slices Float, But Lime Slices Don't
Red Wine Vinegar Attracts Almost Twice As Many Fruit Flies As White Wine Vinegar
This Massive Zip, Hand For Scale
This Giant Pinecone I Have. Hand For Scale
This Massive Screwdriver I Found At Work
My DMV Screwed Up, Now I Have 6 Different Driver Licenses
Officer ‘Can I have your license and registration please?’ Me ‘This one? Or this one? Maybe this one? My hair is better in this one though so this one? Now this one I was tired when they took the photo, so how about this one? Or my favourite, I’ve got my best shirt on, what do you think officer?’
All 5’ Foot 3” Of Me Wearing An XXXXXXL T-Shirt
the fact that we live in a world where we need clothes that large disturbs me... yes, I'm a bit chubby, I get XL (though I could fit a large or even a medium, but because of sensory reasons I like my clothes fairly loose) and still trying to lose more weight, but.... HOW MANY X'S JESUS FRICKIN CHRIST, I feel sorry for the people who have let themselves get that big and I hope they can get help before it's too late for them..
A Huge Rutabaga I Just Pulled From My Garden (30 Lbs 11.4 Oz.) Compared To A Pepsi Can
"The Taylor's" And I Have The Same Tupperware Bowl
The Amount Of Fasteners You Have To Remove To Change The Oil On A 2021 Nissan Sentra
I believe that on the original Porsche Boxster you had to drop the engine out to change the spark plugs nearest to the firewall. That’s great design work IMHO, keeping mechanics in work for a job that almost anyone could do if it was built properly.
This Toenail I Cut Off Of A Dog Yesterday, Hand For Scale
This Window’s Reflection Is A Completely Different Color
The left looks like the moon while the right looks like my pfp
I Asked For Extra Rice And This Is What I Got (Dinner For Size Comparison)
The Difference Between LEGO's Most Basic And Most Advanced Space Shuttle Sets
Posted By A Teacher Friend
Do you hate the teacher? Plastic coated pencils suck!
Cheap pencils have internally broken graphite. So frustrating!
These are perfectly fine!
These last forever! Worth the investment! Label each pencil with your child's name!
You work with what you can get when you're poor. Shaming families for only being able to afford dollar store clearance PENCILS is a really weird cross to bear.
US Bank Notes Are Actually Slightly Color Coded. I Boosted The Saturation In The Pic
I'd likely always count money wrong in the US - they look too similar. I like the different colours and sizes of the notes here
I Saved All The Napkins I Got With My McDonald's Breakfast Meals For One Week
I'm more disturbed at the fact that you eat breakfast at mcdonalds regularly....
Mannequin Heads. One Normal. One Exposed To 6000 Bar Of Pressure
Temperature Difference Between An International Facing Wall And An External Facing Wall
Had Surgery To Repair My Left Achilles Tendon. This Is The Difference Between Both My Legs After Only 3 Weeks Of Not Using The Left One
That tendon is Critical to the operation of your feet. thankfully i was gifted 2 Mastodon-size ones (used in medical references).
In Response To Little Carrot And Little Potato, I Present Little Reaper. Coins For Size Comparison
The Size Of This Bay Leaf, Hand For Scale
I read it as baby leaf the first time. I had to scroll up to reread the title.
LEGO C3PO From 2000 Compared To The Detail Of One From 2020
Both have got legs that are the wrong colour! C3P0 had one gold leg and one silver lower leg.
My Mac And Cheese Flavor Dust Are 2 Different Colors, And They Match The Box Discoloration
The Difference Between The Phone My Brother Used For The Past 12 Years vs. A New One He Got Today
This Tinier Than Usual Bag For My Breakfast Burrito, Hand For Scale
The Way The Sun Hits My Place At Sunrise Creates 2 Different Color Temperatures
The Right Picture Is My Boyfriend's (23M) Ear And The Left Picture Is Our Daughter's Ear (7 weeks old). They Have The Same Small Indent That Looks Like Hole, On The Same Ear
Hardly a surprise given that preauricular pits are often an inherited trait.
Immediately After Seeing Doctor Sleep, My Boyfriend And I Realized That His Shirt Is Almost The Same Exact Pattern As The Lead Actresses Dress
I Found This Absurdly Large Grape, Hand For Scale
Rebranded Labels But Not Bottles
My Colleague Just Bought The Biggest SD Card That She Could Find For Her Switch And We Did A Comparison To A Standard PS2 Memory Card
Kind of irks me we don't still have memory cards... instead it's built in memory, and you pay more for a model with more memory. And even then it's not a lot because the games themselves take up a lot of room... also miss the days you could just put a disc in and play, now you've got to wait forever for it to install...
This Cute Little Butcher Knife We Found Today
A Truck That Looks Similar To My Son’s Toy Just Pulled Up In Front Of Our House
Old vs. New Syrup Branding
They didn't bother to update the plastic bottle itself. Still has "Aunt Jemima" embossed at the top.
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I’m a “one-man orchestra” both in life and here at Bored Panda, even though my title is a visual editor. After finishing my Creative Industries studies with the BA in Communication, I explored the city driving a cab and created many t-shirt designs working as a graphic designer, right before my career took off at Bored Panda office back in 2017. Since then I’m dedicated to find the best pictures of funny and adorable animals for the articles I make, though I especially love supplying readers with tattoo designs. P.S. Tell your dog Akvile said hi!
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Akvile Petraityte 🇺🇦
Author, Community member
I’m a “one-man orchestra” both in life and here at Bored Panda, even though my title is a visual editor. After finishing my Creative Industries studies with the BA in Communication, I explored the city driving a cab and created many t-shirt designs working as a graphic designer, right before my career took off at Bored Panda office back in 2017. Since then I’m dedicated to find the best pictures of funny and adorable animals for the articles I make, though I especially love supplying readers with tattoo designs. P.S. Tell your dog Akvile said hi!

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Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. After learning the Swedish language and getting completely lost in the world of Scandinavian mythology, she figured out that translating and writing is what she's passionate about. When not writing, Ieva enjoys making jewelry, going on hikes, reading and drinking coffee.
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Ieva Gailiūtė
Author, Community member
Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. After learning the Swedish language and getting completely lost in the world of Scandinavian mythology, she figured out that translating and writing is what she's passionate about. When not writing, Ieva enjoys making jewelry, going on hikes, reading and drinking coffee.

Austėja Akavickaitė
Author, Community member
Austėja is a Photo Editor at Bored Panda with a BA in Photography.
Hey BP, getting REALLY tired of the pregnant belly pic. Not that it was appropriate in the first place, but now it's extra triggering.
I'm curious, what is inappropriate about a pregnant belly? And what is it triggering?
Load More Replies...As a woman who has had 3 late term miscarriages, the sight of a full term pregnant woman can send me into a deep depression over my lost babies. You never know what a person has been through, or what triggers them. Always choose empathy.
So…..what, Sandi? Do you believe the internet is just going to fold and cave to everyone’s littlest whims and triggers? God. You do realize just how truly ridiculous you sound? “Always choose empathy”? While I express sympathy for your loss, I would never willingly partake in a foolish quest such as yours where you attempt to silence others simply because you cannot handle the content of what is being shared. Especially such as this which is wholly non-threatening. Truly. I would suggest you learn some therapeutic exercises to help you work through your triggers. I can’t imagine how you deal with real life pregnant woman. Good luck with your life.
Leah, if you were to get over yourself for a second before blowing up on folk for no reason - you would see that Sandi was just answering Nicole's question. Sandi never said a single thing to imply what it is you're accusing her of. She answered 1 persons question, and you've been trolling on about her for hours and hours. I don't think she's even had a 2nd post regarding the topic. Just answered someone's question - that's it. You're ability to let this eat at you, to the point where you're spending hours trolling 1 comment, even to the point where your demanding she gets on meds, is insane and sad. YOU need the therapy. It's the internet. Grow up.
You're right, and this is from someone who has had five miscarriages. She's just one of those people. The others jumping are you are just trying to get SW awards.
I would suggest you tone it down & learn some actual empathy & decency, & gain some groundedness & maturity. Your response was vitriolic, nasty, ugly, & rabid. Chill.
I am very sorry for your losses. I have had multiple miscarriage as well. And, I still mourn the babies that I did not get to birth (though I was very, very blessed to be able to carry, birth, & raise one healthy child). But, I am not going to expect the world to hide all pregnant bellies because of it. I do not get the reasoning. I am happy for those who get to be pregnant & give birth. ❤️
What you are failing to understand is that this is YOUR problem. Not anyone else's. This is your opportunity to express empathy. You need to get some therapy to deal with your unfortunate miscarriages. You don't seem like a hateful person, but it's not the world's problem. Don't let your emotions be in such control, of you. Therapy can work wonders. The world isn't going to walk on eggshells, for you.
I could be feeling the same as you and Connie about things, Sandi. I could be triggered of people running, who haven't broken their back or be triggered by those who've been able to drag themselves out of poverty, but I don't let it bother me. Good, for them! I can appreciate such an accomplishment. If you allow yourself to be continuously triggered by something, you never grow as a person. Breaking my back seriously sucked. But that was MY problem. Not the world's. Your thinking isn't only unrealistic, it's selfish. Don't be selfish.
Can't speak for Connie, but it can be triggering for me because I've struggled to get pregnant and had miscarriage. Just hurts sometimes when I see others happily pregnant, even though I am happy for them.
I am very sorry for your miscarriages & fertility struggles. 💔 I have had them myself. I hope that you get to birth a baby, & I hope that you get the family that you want. 💗
Zane, I do see where you are coming from. Though, certain images can often remind people of their past experiences. It can involve envy, in fact it usually does, but that isnt the only emotion that can be triggered. Triggers usually bring up multiple different feelings, some stronger than others.(TW, loss): I lost my brother to a car accident a little while ago and even just seeing a hospital from the outside is triggering for me. (End TW) It's also important to keep in mind that people can't control what triggers them and what doesn't. I hope this helped :)
Triggering is an appropriate word, for the deep trauma & grief of having your babies die. Losing a child, or children, is the worst experience, the most painful thing a living being can endure--no matter how old the child is when they due. And, you classifying it as "envy" is very shallow, cold, & ugly. I hope that you actually are a child, yourself, & legitimately do not understand how & why your comment is offensive & ugly
English is weird sometimes. "Not that it is was appropriate in the first place..." means it wasn't appropriate in the first place, so Nicole's question is valid.
Guess what it's ok to be offended. So if this site or the people on it offend you it's ok. JUST STAY OFF THIS SiTE
It sad that women can't celebrate their pregnancy like they can celebrate their marriage. Yes it is a emotional time not being able to have a baby but isn't it just as emotional for someone who can't find the right mate or going through a divorce.
I don't think it's the same to not have a partner as it is to lose your babies...That said this is bored panda for Christs sake. If peeps know they are triggered by images that the majority of the public like and accept.....then please just don't look at these kinds of posts. Problem solved
But it is still an emotional event. A divorce is an emotional event. A death of a spouse is an emotional event. Because it's not a baby doesn't make it less painful. Anyway How are you to say how another person feels. The only thing I agree with you is if you don't like it then turn it off. However I was pointing out that bored panda should not stop advertising pregnancy because of someone's opinion to not show it. If this world cater to everyone's triggers there would not be an internet
It looks exactly like a turkey but that doesn't bother me in the least.
You absolutely cannot think for a second that women are gonna stop sharing photos of their pregnancy because you haven't had an easy time with pregnancy. I have trypophobia but I don't get upset everytime I see a pic of a honeycomb. Sometimes you just have to deal. The world is not going to shift to accommodate you
I'm sorry for your loss. Just curious, seriously, what do you do when you see pregnant women in real life?
It's different in real life (mostly) because you can focus on her face and happiness. That particular photo where it's just a belly positioned like you're looking down at your own body.... it's rough. Especially since they're using it as an ad and you see it over and over
They are bsing you saying they focus on their face. They feel the same irl as they do on the internet only difference here is they have the nerve to say this ridiculous requests about not flaunting pregnancy on the internet because in irl they'd be smacked by said pregnant woman 💁🏽♀️
Try therapy. It's not the internet's responsibility...or anyone else's to coddle you. It's your responsibility to heal yourself.
And FTR, yes, I've dealt with pregnancy loss and infirtility, and went on to have a child with Cancer. I still don't expect anyone to cater to me. I got the help I needed and moved on.
You should probably stay off the internet if you're offended by this. Seek therapy, get on some meds, and try not to operate heavy machinery, like a toaster or a light switch.
What, pray tell, is so "inappropriate" about a pregnant belly pick, Connie??? WTF?
Sounds like your have some work to do... If you get triggered that's YOUR issue. Don't like something just ignore it, instead of creating a cancel culture mob mentality victim story line.... In other words, pussy up KAREN
You do understand that just because the word "trigger" has been appropriated to demean people doesn't mean its original use is not still valid. I am a person with PTSD and the proper use of this term has been buried by this rhetoric. I simply avoid mine as much as possible and don't make them society's issue.
Jared N/A, you clearly have no clue what you are talking about, & lack the sense & decency to keep your mouth closed, & your ignorance & indecency to yourself. People with PTSD DO legitimately talk about having PTSD, if they want to. I do . Grow up.
Right Ali? And maybe don’t just ignore it: how about WORK on it? How about GO TO THERAPY! How about GO ON MEDICATION? How about go to SUPPORT GROUPS? There’s a litany of things one can do in order to help oneself. She just doesn’t want to do the work. She wants everyone else to do the work for her. I did the work for myself. I took charge of my mental health. She’s not. She is shifting blame and assigning all the responsibility for her feelings onto random internet strangers.
You clearly have NOT done ENOUGH work on your mental health, Leah, since every other post is you yapping & screeching, making the same NASTY comments over & over. CLEARLY, you have a LONG way to go in finding mental, emotional & Spiritual health, & human decency.
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It's not cancel culture, a*****e. Getting truly triggered by something isn't in anyone's control. Being infertile or struggling to have children and seeing a pregnant belly every damn time you try to read an entertaining article can be plenty triggering. You're the Karen here, my guy
So if you see a pregnant woman in real life????? What happens then?
Do you proceed to attack or scream at every pregnant woman you see? Just like you seem too verbally berate Every trans person? If not your comparison could use more than a little work.
Get over yourself, Connie. Seriously. Go to therapy, or get on medication, or go to support groups: just some suggestions. Honestly, take charge of your own mental health and stop assigning and shifting blame onto internet strangers and BP for your emotional dysregulation/dysfunction. We are not responsible for how you handle your triggers. Grow up. You aren’t a toddler.
My god you're a dumb child. It's ironic how your displaying full blown mental issues by demanding a total stranger takes control of their mentality - because they're tired of seeing the same pic advertised at them on a daily basis and posted a comment about it.
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YOU , clearly ARE a toddler, Leah Tyler. Or, just a Soul-dead person, with the mental & emotional DEVELOPMENT LEVEL of a toddler. Though, toddlers are cute, sweat, & endearing, & have an EXCUSE for acting like toddlers.
Notice how you people are arguing despite never getting a response from OP when questioned.😂
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ME TOO! The inappropriateness is how unattractive that particular picture makes the woman’s body look, when a more normal angle would just be a pregnant woman’s belly. And personally I hate how commonly women’s naked or barely clothed bodies are used gratuitously in advertising. Or to just drive clicks. I cringe mentally every time I see it.
I'm pretty sure the angle is the point..it looks like a turkey..some of us have a sense of humor and don't get offended by silly pics.
A pregnant belly is just biology at work. You don't have to look or celebrate it. Don't buy the product.
Needs more kitties and puppies. Maybe more hedgehogs.
If it hadn't been for the toes I would have thought for sure it was a turkey.
Hey BP, getting REALLY tired of the pregnant belly pic. Not that it was appropriate in the first place, but now it's extra triggering.
I'm curious, what is inappropriate about a pregnant belly? And what is it triggering?
Load More Replies...As a woman who has had 3 late term miscarriages, the sight of a full term pregnant woman can send me into a deep depression over my lost babies. You never know what a person has been through, or what triggers them. Always choose empathy.
So…..what, Sandi? Do you believe the internet is just going to fold and cave to everyone’s littlest whims and triggers? God. You do realize just how truly ridiculous you sound? “Always choose empathy”? While I express sympathy for your loss, I would never willingly partake in a foolish quest such as yours where you attempt to silence others simply because you cannot handle the content of what is being shared. Especially such as this which is wholly non-threatening. Truly. I would suggest you learn some therapeutic exercises to help you work through your triggers. I can’t imagine how you deal with real life pregnant woman. Good luck with your life.
Leah, if you were to get over yourself for a second before blowing up on folk for no reason - you would see that Sandi was just answering Nicole's question. Sandi never said a single thing to imply what it is you're accusing her of. She answered 1 persons question, and you've been trolling on about her for hours and hours. I don't think she's even had a 2nd post regarding the topic. Just answered someone's question - that's it. You're ability to let this eat at you, to the point where you're spending hours trolling 1 comment, even to the point where your demanding she gets on meds, is insane and sad. YOU need the therapy. It's the internet. Grow up.
You're right, and this is from someone who has had five miscarriages. She's just one of those people. The others jumping are you are just trying to get SW awards.
I would suggest you tone it down & learn some actual empathy & decency, & gain some groundedness & maturity. Your response was vitriolic, nasty, ugly, & rabid. Chill.
I am very sorry for your losses. I have had multiple miscarriage as well. And, I still mourn the babies that I did not get to birth (though I was very, very blessed to be able to carry, birth, & raise one healthy child). But, I am not going to expect the world to hide all pregnant bellies because of it. I do not get the reasoning. I am happy for those who get to be pregnant & give birth. ❤️
What you are failing to understand is that this is YOUR problem. Not anyone else's. This is your opportunity to express empathy. You need to get some therapy to deal with your unfortunate miscarriages. You don't seem like a hateful person, but it's not the world's problem. Don't let your emotions be in such control, of you. Therapy can work wonders. The world isn't going to walk on eggshells, for you.
I could be feeling the same as you and Connie about things, Sandi. I could be triggered of people running, who haven't broken their back or be triggered by those who've been able to drag themselves out of poverty, but I don't let it bother me. Good, for them! I can appreciate such an accomplishment. If you allow yourself to be continuously triggered by something, you never grow as a person. Breaking my back seriously sucked. But that was MY problem. Not the world's. Your thinking isn't only unrealistic, it's selfish. Don't be selfish.
Can't speak for Connie, but it can be triggering for me because I've struggled to get pregnant and had miscarriage. Just hurts sometimes when I see others happily pregnant, even though I am happy for them.
I am very sorry for your miscarriages & fertility struggles. 💔 I have had them myself. I hope that you get to birth a baby, & I hope that you get the family that you want. 💗
Zane, I do see where you are coming from. Though, certain images can often remind people of their past experiences. It can involve envy, in fact it usually does, but that isnt the only emotion that can be triggered. Triggers usually bring up multiple different feelings, some stronger than others.(TW, loss): I lost my brother to a car accident a little while ago and even just seeing a hospital from the outside is triggering for me. (End TW) It's also important to keep in mind that people can't control what triggers them and what doesn't. I hope this helped :)
Triggering is an appropriate word, for the deep trauma & grief of having your babies die. Losing a child, or children, is the worst experience, the most painful thing a living being can endure--no matter how old the child is when they due. And, you classifying it as "envy" is very shallow, cold, & ugly. I hope that you actually are a child, yourself, & legitimately do not understand how & why your comment is offensive & ugly
English is weird sometimes. "Not that it is was appropriate in the first place..." means it wasn't appropriate in the first place, so Nicole's question is valid.
Guess what it's ok to be offended. So if this site or the people on it offend you it's ok. JUST STAY OFF THIS SiTE
It sad that women can't celebrate their pregnancy like they can celebrate their marriage. Yes it is a emotional time not being able to have a baby but isn't it just as emotional for someone who can't find the right mate or going through a divorce.
I don't think it's the same to not have a partner as it is to lose your babies...That said this is bored panda for Christs sake. If peeps know they are triggered by images that the majority of the public like and accept.....then please just don't look at these kinds of posts. Problem solved
But it is still an emotional event. A divorce is an emotional event. A death of a spouse is an emotional event. Because it's not a baby doesn't make it less painful. Anyway How are you to say how another person feels. The only thing I agree with you is if you don't like it then turn it off. However I was pointing out that bored panda should not stop advertising pregnancy because of someone's opinion to not show it. If this world cater to everyone's triggers there would not be an internet
It looks exactly like a turkey but that doesn't bother me in the least.
You absolutely cannot think for a second that women are gonna stop sharing photos of their pregnancy because you haven't had an easy time with pregnancy. I have trypophobia but I don't get upset everytime I see a pic of a honeycomb. Sometimes you just have to deal. The world is not going to shift to accommodate you
I'm sorry for your loss. Just curious, seriously, what do you do when you see pregnant women in real life?
It's different in real life (mostly) because you can focus on her face and happiness. That particular photo where it's just a belly positioned like you're looking down at your own body.... it's rough. Especially since they're using it as an ad and you see it over and over
They are bsing you saying they focus on their face. They feel the same irl as they do on the internet only difference here is they have the nerve to say this ridiculous requests about not flaunting pregnancy on the internet because in irl they'd be smacked by said pregnant woman 💁🏽♀️
Try therapy. It's not the internet's responsibility...or anyone else's to coddle you. It's your responsibility to heal yourself.
And FTR, yes, I've dealt with pregnancy loss and infirtility, and went on to have a child with Cancer. I still don't expect anyone to cater to me. I got the help I needed and moved on.
You should probably stay off the internet if you're offended by this. Seek therapy, get on some meds, and try not to operate heavy machinery, like a toaster or a light switch.
What, pray tell, is so "inappropriate" about a pregnant belly pick, Connie??? WTF?
Sounds like your have some work to do... If you get triggered that's YOUR issue. Don't like something just ignore it, instead of creating a cancel culture mob mentality victim story line.... In other words, pussy up KAREN
You do understand that just because the word "trigger" has been appropriated to demean people doesn't mean its original use is not still valid. I am a person with PTSD and the proper use of this term has been buried by this rhetoric. I simply avoid mine as much as possible and don't make them society's issue.
Jared N/A, you clearly have no clue what you are talking about, & lack the sense & decency to keep your mouth closed, & your ignorance & indecency to yourself. People with PTSD DO legitimately talk about having PTSD, if they want to. I do . Grow up.
Right Ali? And maybe don’t just ignore it: how about WORK on it? How about GO TO THERAPY! How about GO ON MEDICATION? How about go to SUPPORT GROUPS? There’s a litany of things one can do in order to help oneself. She just doesn’t want to do the work. She wants everyone else to do the work for her. I did the work for myself. I took charge of my mental health. She’s not. She is shifting blame and assigning all the responsibility for her feelings onto random internet strangers.
You clearly have NOT done ENOUGH work on your mental health, Leah, since every other post is you yapping & screeching, making the same NASTY comments over & over. CLEARLY, you have a LONG way to go in finding mental, emotional & Spiritual health, & human decency.
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It's not cancel culture, a*****e. Getting truly triggered by something isn't in anyone's control. Being infertile or struggling to have children and seeing a pregnant belly every damn time you try to read an entertaining article can be plenty triggering. You're the Karen here, my guy
So if you see a pregnant woman in real life????? What happens then?
Do you proceed to attack or scream at every pregnant woman you see? Just like you seem too verbally berate Every trans person? If not your comparison could use more than a little work.
Get over yourself, Connie. Seriously. Go to therapy, or get on medication, or go to support groups: just some suggestions. Honestly, take charge of your own mental health and stop assigning and shifting blame onto internet strangers and BP for your emotional dysregulation/dysfunction. We are not responsible for how you handle your triggers. Grow up. You aren’t a toddler.
My god you're a dumb child. It's ironic how your displaying full blown mental issues by demanding a total stranger takes control of their mentality - because they're tired of seeing the same pic advertised at them on a daily basis and posted a comment about it.
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YOU , clearly ARE a toddler, Leah Tyler. Or, just a Soul-dead person, with the mental & emotional DEVELOPMENT LEVEL of a toddler. Though, toddlers are cute, sweat, & endearing, & have an EXCUSE for acting like toddlers.
Notice how you people are arguing despite never getting a response from OP when questioned.😂
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ME TOO! The inappropriateness is how unattractive that particular picture makes the woman’s body look, when a more normal angle would just be a pregnant woman’s belly. And personally I hate how commonly women’s naked or barely clothed bodies are used gratuitously in advertising. Or to just drive clicks. I cringe mentally every time I see it.
I'm pretty sure the angle is the point..it looks like a turkey..some of us have a sense of humor and don't get offended by silly pics.
A pregnant belly is just biology at work. You don't have to look or celebrate it. Don't buy the product.
Needs more kitties and puppies. Maybe more hedgehogs.
If it hadn't been for the toes I would have thought for sure it was a turkey.