These Are Some Of The Lots Of Images I Have Of My Little (I Mean Big) Floofer.
My younger floof is a 9 month old Great Pyrenees named bear. he is lovable and a giant goof ball, I am a new panda so this is only my second post. I hope you enjoy these pictures of him. I am so thankful my family got him. he is one of the best things that ever came into my life.
Bears 1st weird hobby
Bear likes to go to the top of the stairs and lay down so his head is hanging off of the first stair. I crack up everytime I see this.
Bears 2nd weird hobby
This picture was taken awhile ago, But he still does it. he gets in my room and steals a sock. then he climbs up my bed and sits there like he did nothing.
I know this is a blurry picture and I apoligize. but its the only one I had. I took this after my dad put him in the crate. I still think he is sticking his tongue out to my dad.
Nothing like a cool Autumn day
I was throughing leaves outside and he would jump up and try to bite them. I got the picture the second his paws hit the ground. This is one of my favorites.
I came down the stairs and I guess he was sleeping. because when I went to pet him He got up and and gave me this look.
Bear managed to get back in my room while I was making my bed, I let him lay there while I was taking off all my blankets. this one landed on him. I quickly grabed my phone and snapped a picture. To make it funnier he was in mid yawn.
You can’t see meez
Bear is a big dog, but he thinks he is small. My brother was calling for him from upstairs and bear layed down like this. We all think its because he was trying to hide. even if it wasn’t. it gives us a good laugh.
Words can’t explain how I feel about this one. I love it so much. Is it because he looks so professional and Proud? Or that he is just so Cute? I don’t know. But I love this.
Maybe he wanted to play more? or he was just tired. I don’t know what made him want to lay on my foot but it was a sweet gesture.