30 Of The Most Savage Yet Somewhat Accurate ‘Then Vs. Now’ Doge Memes
InterviewThe world has changed a lot over the past few decades. But when you start comparing what things used to be like several hundred or even thousand years ago to what they’re like now, you realize just how different life really is. Throw in a couple of doggos into the mix and you get the new Swole Doge vs. Cheems joke format.
They’re all the rage this month and have spread like wildfire across the internet. The premise is simple: people pick a country or a profession and poke fun at how much they’ve changed throughout history.
Swole Doge on the left represents what the country, job, or phenomenon was like a long time ago (the so-called ‘golden age’) while the cheeseburger-loving (well, actually, ‘cheemsburger’-loving) Cheems is on the right and shows what the situation’s like now. Bored Panda’s collected some of the best 'Then and Now' Doge vs. Cheems jokes for you, so scroll down, enjoy, and remember to upvote your faves. And be sure to read Bored Panda's interview with Seamus Hopkins, who created one of the very first jokes using this format.
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"I made my meme shortly after coming across one of the original Swole Doge vs. Cheemes meme," 17-year-old Seamus told Bored Panda. "I decided to give it a go and try putting my own spin on it. I went straight to my phone and opened PicCollage (a sort of photoshopping app) gave Swole Doge some armor and added text."
He said that the meme he created was similar to the first one he say, since they were both poking fun at modern teens in comparison to the B.C. era. "At the time, my biggest post was at 2,000 upvotes so of course I was surprised when I hit over 40,000!" Seamus shared how happy he was that his post got so much attention on Reddit.
"I guess people enjoy the Swole Doge meme because it’s one of those formats where it can be applied to a variety of topics. Although I don’t really know why mine specifically went viral, it’s probably just luck," Seamus mused. He added that he only started posting on Reddit about a week ago and up until now, none of the memes he's shared had gotten that much attention.
Swole Doge vs. Cheems went viral in the middle of May 2020 and had its humble beginnings on Reddit. On May 16, redditor DiegoGamer25 posted a comparison pic comparing his dad at 17 years old to himself at that age and wanting to be a cute anime girl. The pic got a lot of attention and things started to snowball from there.
Three days later, on May 19, redditor Vulpanthrope posted an updated version of DiegoGamer25’s Doge vs. Cheems image that included grandpa-Doge when he was 17-years-old and had just come back from war. That same day, redditor Peke19 posted a pic comparing priests in the years 1450 and 2020—this made the joke format spread even further on Reddit and Facebook and sealed its popularity.
Meanwhile, Twitter user PrinceT0xic had a hand in spreading the joke format on that particular social media website when they retweeted 4 pics and they went viral. People are creating new Swole Doge vs. Cheems posts every day, so if you create something new, we’d love it if you shared it in the comments below, dear Pandas!
Or OMG Kylie Jenner sneezed, Is she dying of Corona more about it later.
Women who fight for anything, especially equality and autonomy over their bodies, are routinely told to sit down and be quiet by others on the Internet. No one seems to like it when women campaign on issues important to them... yet when women don't do it, their hobbies are dismissed as vapid. There are many, many women of all ages making use of their technology to try to make a difference and yet people are blind to anything except celebrity culture and stupid crazes.
True! I have noticed this on YouTube too. Women gamers don’t get attention like male gamers, and if they want any views at all for their gaming videos they have to show their boobs and slather on makeup, and giggle weirdly
Load More Replies...Hm, some of these seem like a result of selective focus. There are a lot of teenage girls nowadays doing cool projects and fighting for human rights, just as I'm sure there were also lots of girls in the past who only cared about finding a husband and wearing nice clothes
yes! there's a girl at my school who's sending an experiment up to space. i can't give her name because i don't have her permission, but she won the best grades is social studies, science, math, and LA award at my school. she's super talented and smart and i really look up to her. she's only a year older than me too, it's crazy to think someone like her sat in the same classroom as me, read the same books and ate in the same cafeteria food
Load More Replies...this is really annoying a insulting to all the good teen girls.... I personally hate this stereotype, and my daughter came home from school today crying because someone called her ugly for wearing a skirt below her knees... A lot of girls don't wear super revealing clothes
not all teens are like this... My daughter is a wonderful teenager, and so are most of the teenagers I know. This stereotype that all teen girls are (well, ya know...) is so annoying
Bruh she def been clapped and you just don’t know
Load More Replies...To bad that is what it comes to. I can no longer tell if anyone is actually kind of ok any more
Load More Replies...I hate it when teenage girls do that to get attention and likes.. I do not see the point of showing your a**e to be popular
Can't believe we went from suffragettes to some misogynistic women saying they'd rather own a gun than have the right to vote and have bodily autonomy....................... Our grannies didn't get arrested so you could fight against your own interests. Let the feminists fight if you don't plan to help.
Scottish teen girls: We can any BS that comes our way and stick up for each other American teen girls: mOm bEcKy cAlLeD mE a b***h oN iNsTaGrAm wAaAA
My dog goes into a frenzy if people blink outside the front of my house so I'm fairly sure he'll bark like a nutter if someone breaks in! He'd not be brave enough to confront the burglar but that's okay - I don't want him getting hurt.
Go to the Somali coast and you'll find out some pirates are still ruthless.
I know this is supposed to be humorous, and I do love anime. Anime is not Japan. It's a part that they made. I would hate if foreigners saw America and judged us by our cartoons. XD
What about the ones when you're streaming a channel and you can't skip the bloody things! When it says 1 of 9 it's time for a cuppa and a biscuit!
Nah - the point is that we supposedly don't want help 🙄 Should probably read something like - Go'way - we don't need you EU. Or some such rubbish. Sigh. 😢
This series annoyed me. There are some really funny ones, but there are also many that clearly lack historical knowledge and propose times where war, no social nets, no environmental care, no rights for women, and strong yet unemotional men were the norm. All of these are values BP normally stands up against. Disguising such toxicity in "ye good ol' times" yokes is misleading at best.
I might be missing the point by a mile but aren't these just taking the p**s out of stereotypes? By comparing past and present stereotypes because they are ridiculous?
Load More Replies...Made this for a Game of Thrones Facebook group. Was inspired by another meme someone else made that I can't post here 'cause of language. Jon-snow-5...25606e.jpg
i have detected you using http, really unsecure protocol, thanks for putting youre users emails and passwords on the internet without encrypting them (https)
I feel like the author sot of has a personal vendetta against teenagers for some reason...
This series annoyed me. There are some really funny ones, but there are also many that clearly lack historical knowledge and propose times where war, no social nets, no environmental care, no rights for women, and strong yet unemotional men were the norm. All of these are values BP normally stands up against. Disguising such toxicity in "ye good ol' times" yokes is misleading at best.
I might be missing the point by a mile but aren't these just taking the p**s out of stereotypes? By comparing past and present stereotypes because they are ridiculous?
Load More Replies...Made this for a Game of Thrones Facebook group. Was inspired by another meme someone else made that I can't post here 'cause of language. Jon-snow-5...25606e.jpg
i have detected you using http, really unsecure protocol, thanks for putting youre users emails and passwords on the internet without encrypting them (https)
I feel like the author sot of has a personal vendetta against teenagers for some reason...