The Visitors: My Digital Psychedelic Paintings Of Aliens Based On Feelings And Interpretations Of Space News Articles
I have been an artist for over 10 years and only just realized that I enjoy painting psychedelic aliens and demonic nightmares the best. Some of the most vivid creations come to me when listening to instrumental music, reading news articles about space, and using odd painterly techniques. It's a form of meditation. I decided to start creating small stories for each visitor based loosely on real-world space, science, and technology news articles. Each visitor has a strange location in the universe, a purpose for existing, some struggle like a war, and a goal.
The newer aliens are listed on the NFT blockchain for sale, a newish technology that could be really exciting for artists.
I hope you like my visitors. You're welcome to look at my gallery and perhaps grab one of the first 20! Here is a selection of the newer ones and some old favorites.
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