What happened?

What happened is a question I keep getting asked. The odd part is people that have not talked to me in years are messaging me with this question.

My first thought is, well thanks for being nosey and all of a sudden having interest in my life again, but then I remind myself social media is all about being nosey, sharing photos and personal information, and we are all prone to being nosey on such platforms. That being said, I will let my guard down for a moment, and those of you I have not written back yet to, give me time.

I choose not to post depressing, controversial, or sad things on social media. It’s my choice, my page, and I can share what I want. I’m not into memes with quotes that give the viewer a deeper perspective into the troubles of my life.

I’ve been hesitant to share what is going on in my life. I recently decided I wasn’t going to stress over “who tagged me,” “who can see it,” or “what will people think?” “what questions will they ask…blah blah blah.”

The thing with social media is you can portray yourself in any way you want. I haven’t been able to fake it lately. I feel relieved. If others don’t like my honesty that is apparent in my photos currently, I’m sorry I’m not sorry. I’m being honest, this is my life now, and I’m moving on.


People that are out of the loop, in a nut shell, I made changes in my life that I felt I had to. Does there have to be a reason or label or blame? People all want a definitive answer or explanation.

Here is my best attempt to explain what happened with an analogy because there is no clear cut answer.

Think back to High School when you would sneak alcohol from your parents liquor cabinet. You start with a bottle of Glenlivet 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky.

Full of flavor, color, and it’s been getting better with age. You open the bottle and take just a little bit at a time. Through evaporation and the decision to hide the fact that the bottle is now only half full, you fill it with water. Over time of continuing this process of dilution, you are eventually left with flavorless, colorless, water. What was once there is no longer what you started with. The feelings you get when you drink it are not the same. The bottle appears full but has changed through this process.

I do not feel the need to explain myself but that is the best explanation I can give, as to “what happened”. If you can’t relate to that, I am happy for you.


I want everyone to be happy. Sincerely, I do. Through the ups and downs and mix of emotions I have been dealing with, in the end my current state is happy.

If you are happy for me, Thank you. Thank you for choosing to be my friend and care about my happiness.

If you are uncomfortable with me moving on in my life and choosing to put my happiness in the for front and having the gusto to do it, then that is something you need to deal with. I will give you time to mourn and heal. I will be here for you when you are ready.

Presently my bottle is overflowing with happiness. I’m not afraid to share that on social media.



    The Post I Never Intended On Posting