There are few things more “internet” than the humble meme. Despite starting as a term to describe the “viral” spread of culture and ideas, we’ve now taken this concept to make funny images that make millions laugh across the entire world. So if you are feeling bored, tired or just a little sad, feel free to stop by and browse.
“The Life” Facebook page is dedicated to hilarious, relatable and just random memes you might want to share. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and comment your thoughts below.
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For those who perhaps didn’t know, the term meme didn’t used to mean what it means now. The word’s origin is, like so many things, ancient Greek, but was properly introduced into English by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. He argued that ideas, concepts and cultural norms could “travel” and spread much like a virus.
The more modern iteration of the word most likely comes from 1993, in a Wired article by Mike Godwin. He posited that the internet had sped up Dawkins’ idea. After all, people could now share images and ideas so much faster than ever before.
What’s so bad with an iPhone 6? A newer model would be nice, but its not the worse thing in the world.
It's because Apple users give a c**p what you have. I've had a xiaomi android for years and no-one noticed
Load More Replies...Year after year, decade after decade, they still seem to fall for it. I was renewing my mobile phone contract a few weeks ago, trying to get the best deal, and they were offering the latest iPhone or Samsung as an 'incentive' on some deals, even though you actually have to pay an extra monthly fee for it. Sorry, even if it's only ten francs a month or whatever I do not want it. New tech is a PITA, it's always progressively more difficult to get it to just do the things you could do on the old model without loads of extra hassle..
ummmmmm, the correct wording is spicy pillow, (if you get the reference from the person you are my new fav person-)
Oh how I feel this. I just got a new android phone and dread learning to use it. I really wanted to keep using my old phone, but there are apps that I need and cannot get on the old phone because it cannot be updated from android 6
I'd see it as a bonus: being able to keep tech alive beyond their planned obselence date is an admirable quality, and one I'd happily be associated with
Nothing, but the OP is being a materialistic snob while riding public transportation. It's not like she's driving her Bentley...
That is how I read it. I guess I'm too far removed from the apple world to get the underlying irony. Oh darn...
I'm over here rockin' an 4 year old Android and perfectly happy with it. I use my phones until they roll over and die. Even when I was still working and making bank I didn't understand my co-workers running out and spending crazy money every time a new iPhone came out. The fact that I despise Apple also has something to do with it.
I think Apple is fine, particularly yellow delicious.
Load More Replies...I'd never had a better tasting apple in my life until I discovered the Honeycrisp apple! Was always a Granny Smith lover but in 1991 when the HC apple was released in Minnesota, I said goodbye Granny👋🍏, hello Honey🤚🍎
The US has more apple stuff and Europe has more android, or so I've heard.
After I went through my 6th iPod in a two year period I gave up on apple. I've been rocking a OnePlus Nord N100 for 4 years. Yeah.....
You all can keep all of your up to date phones. I am not going into dept for the latest phone. To me it is stupid to pay over a thousand dollars or more for a stupid phone.
I searched for a new phone because I want a better camera. When I saw the the prices I thought "that's an effing laptop"
Load More Replies...Newest foldable phones going for nearly $2K, that's a really good laptop!
How do you ID a phone model from across the bus? All smart phones look the same to me. Basic rectangles with rounded corners. I couldn't even guess if it's Apple or Android.
Apple snobs like the OP know the exact lens layout/backside of all their Apple products so they can judge each other.
Give me an unlocked android from Argos any day! Have had my Motorola for almost 5 years. Nowt wrong with it. Will keep it going til the day it dies.
My cell phone is 8 years old. And it still works fine. If you judge me for it I'll take your picture with the awesome camera it has. :)
I can HONESTLY say I have NEVER noticed what brand or model someones phone is. I can't imagine being so pathetically shallow
So he doesn't automatically update to the new model just because something new and shiny came along. Isn't that a good thing in a potential partner? Like if someone prettier comes along hes not automatically going to dump you.
Well, I guess an attractive man with an Android phone wouldn't even register on the radar of "Ms latest generation iPhone users only, please".
It's the fact it's an iphone that's the problem. [ ]
Depends on the year, if it was 2010 it would have been quite impressive
Runs the same os as newer models. Only need to change when that becomes impossible.
I went to an “academically selective high school” and was bottom of that particular tier AS WELL as being weird AF. I see my ex-classmates on the news giving expert opinion on international economic policies while I am, for the most part, a housewife. I’d kinda like to be invited to the odd Tupperware party now and then 😆
"Let me impress you with my mad skills of disrespecting not only the safety of others but us as well. Look how great I am risking our lives! My self preservation is garbage, be amazed!"
Besides being 2 am, I also live in a big kinda dangerous city, I know why I'm driving recklessly.. but why you??
I used to work for a place that required "All hands on deck" for special events. Even if it was your day off. Yeah I was going to work a six day week for that BS. No sarcasm I actually did it. I'd never do it again and I'll never let an employer talk me into that again. I'm calling in sick and if you fire me, you better be ready to hire someone else.
Feom memory the German BP Contigent has said otherwise in the past.
A good reason to book a hotel/motel room. Plus you can get often get a basic breakfast as part of the deal (unlike Air BednBreakfast ... lol)
I'm leaving skid marks on ball #2 and falling on my head in the water
Yawn. The moment somebody uses "boomer", this person agrees to be addressed as "kiddo" by me. Don't mess with grandparents.
Wow I know. It’s like they think it’s the OFFICIAL NAME OF YOUR GENERATION or something
Load More Replies...Please do, no one has called me "kiddo" in decades & I kinda miss it.
Please stop this nonsense it's not to do with that 😑 stop blaming people from the past for your future! The government's are loving the fact that generations are blaming eachother instead of focusing on them. They hike taxes, don't increase wages, inflation balloons up, they let amazon and eBay etc... away with tax evasion. Boomers, x gen, millenials, gen Z and future generations shld come together and tell the governments around the world we have had enough! They are to blame not us! They are greedy and entitled and don't care who they hurt, enough is enough!
Sick of this boomer generation blame thing! It's the government's to blame not generations. I will ask... if gen z had the same opportunity to buy a house like in the 70s wld u take it or not? Or wld u let your family live on the street and say its because your thinking of future generations!? Your only here because your family put a roof over your head and made sure they worked 9 till 5, sometimes in horrible conditions because there was not work life balance then or even respect for women in the work place. By the way I'm not a boomer I just think logical about amd know history of how people were treated. There was no mental health days and sometimes no maternity leave! So stop and think before u comment on something you have no clue about.
"stop blaming the past for the future"???? Do you know how TIME works???? Geezus, what an ignorant, matsterbatory monologue!
Load More Replies...I took one look at this and thought, "you may have been taught keyboard shortcuts, but wouldn't it be lovely if you had a basic grasp of grammar too?"
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Yawn. The moment somebody uses "boomer", this person agrees to be addressed as "kiddo" by me. Don't mess with grandparents.
Wow I know. It’s like they think it’s the OFFICIAL NAME OF YOUR GENERATION or something
Load More Replies...Please do, no one has called me "kiddo" in decades & I kinda miss it.
Please stop this nonsense it's not to do with that 😑 stop blaming people from the past for your future! The government's are loving the fact that generations are blaming eachother instead of focusing on them. They hike taxes, don't increase wages, inflation balloons up, they let amazon and eBay etc... away with tax evasion. Boomers, x gen, millenials, gen Z and future generations shld come together and tell the governments around the world we have had enough! They are to blame not us! They are greedy and entitled and don't care who they hurt, enough is enough!
Sick of this boomer generation blame thing! It's the government's to blame not generations. I will ask... if gen z had the same opportunity to buy a house like in the 70s wld u take it or not? Or wld u let your family live on the street and say its because your thinking of future generations!? Your only here because your family put a roof over your head and made sure they worked 9 till 5, sometimes in horrible conditions because there was not work life balance then or even respect for women in the work place. By the way I'm not a boomer I just think logical about amd know history of how people were treated. There was no mental health days and sometimes no maternity leave! So stop and think before u comment on something you have no clue about.
"stop blaming the past for the future"???? Do you know how TIME works???? Geezus, what an ignorant, matsterbatory monologue!
Load More Replies...I took one look at this and thought, "you may have been taught keyboard shortcuts, but wouldn't it be lovely if you had a basic grasp of grammar too?"
Ready to boost your income? Dive into our exclusive offers by clicking here!".............................__