"The Minipeople" is an art series that started as a way of coping with depression back in 2017. Each image was a message from my subconsciousness trying to show me the way and guide me through difficult times.
These works were a way to communicate with my soul when my mind was trying to keep me occupied with negative thoughts. After I got better I maintained the connection with the place of inspiration and continued with the series which led me to many beautiful works. Below you can see the most recent of them.
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"Meeting Again"
"The Path"
"Coming Home"
Your work is wonderfully eerie and dreamlike. The herons could be predators, guardians, or just fellow travelers -- and I like the fact that I can't tell.
"Dos Hermanos"
"The Calling"
"Return To The Roots"
"It Is Not Over"
If I had half of your talent, I would never get depressed again, these are beautiful, sad and a little funny too.