In Carbondale, IL, is the only dome that dome inventor Buckminster Fuller ever lived in. “Bucky” and his wife, Anne, lived there for 12 years, 1960-1972. The dome is now a historic landmark, and after 20 years of work, it has been fully restored to how it looked when the Fullers lived there-both outside…and INSIDE!
Please see these then and now photos!
More info:
Buckminster and Anne Fuller in their living room, c. 1965
Board member Judy Ashby and guest Mike Chervinko in that same living room, c. 2023
The entryway/front hall for the dome, c. 1965
Same doorway, c. 2023
Long trestle table in the living room, c. 1960. The woman in the photo is the Fullers’ daughter Allegra
C. 2023, the exact same table (gifted back to the Dome by the Fuller Estate) and a different picture of Allegra (A copy of the original has yet to be located)
C. 1960, a corner of the Fullers’ kitchen
Same corner, c. 2023
Bucky was a world traveler and once brought these fu dogs back for the home (Photo, c. 1960)
And, now, they (the originals) have returned! (Photo, c. 2023)
The home’s bedroom, c. 1960
The bedroom today in 2023
Fuller reads in his upstairs loft which doubled as his office, c. 1965
The author – definitely NOT Bucky – duplicates the pose, c. 2023. Those are Fuller’s own books on the shelves
The living room of the home when the Fullers lived there (C. 1960)
The living room now, c. 2023
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