“Tongue red as an apple, dark hair as the noir, give me your heart my dear, dear four legged soul.”
What it is Black Pet Syndrome, according to Wikipedia is a phenomenon in which black domestic animals are passed over for adoption in favor of lighter-colored animals. Animal shelters often use the term BBD or BBC, or big black dog, big black cats to describe the type of larger dark-colored mixed-breed said to be typically passed over by adopters.
The Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/black-dog-syndrome-study_us_56698faae4b009377b23ef4b) wrote in his article details as the ruff time that dark-colored doggies or kitties are thought to have making it out of shelters and into homes.
The Daily Mail (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2538920/Black-dog-syndrome-More-black-dogs-without-homes-color-fur.html) explain The reason is largely because of some common misconceptions about them. They also wrote Black dogs are are euthanized at a much higher rate than dogs with different complexions. The chances of being adopted are poor if you’re a black dog, even if they are pure breed or mixes.
BBC Nottingham has a video related to the syndrome cases (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-nottinghamshire-41686518/what-is-black-dog-syndrome)
To refute all this nonsense about colour or race in animals here is my serie of the most luxurious, elegants and mysterious black pets
More info: k9studiophotography.com
I have two BBDs both adopted after awful starts to their life. I also adopted a tricolour setter with a bad history too. They are my loved family. Lovely boys.
I have two BBDs both adopted after awful starts to their life. I also adopted a tricolour setter with a bad history too. They are my loved family. Lovely boys.