That’s Not My is a multi-award winning series of over 50 touchy-feely books for babies and toddlers. They include bright, colorful illustrations with textures to touch and feel, helping young kids to develop language and sensory skills. Recently, however, one spinoff “expanded” the series for adults, too.

British satirical website The Poke has just released a parody of the popular series called “That’s Not My Facebook Friend…” It’s funny, direct, and most importantly, accurate. The funny pictures perfectly describe all of our contacts on the platform we aren’t very proud of but maintain for one reason or another. Which reminds me, gotta go unfollow a few people.


    Image credits: thepokeuk

    Image credits: thepokeuk

    Image credits: thepokeuk

    According to Pew Research Center, around seven-in-ten Americans use Facebook to connect with one another, engage with news content, share information, and entertain themselves. YouTube is the only other online platform measured that matches Facebook’s reach (73% of adults report using the video-sharing site). But certain online platforms, most notably Instagram and Snapchat, have an especially strong following among young adults.


    Image credits: thepokeuk

    Image credits: thepokeuk

    Image credits: thepokeuk

    Image credits: thepokeuk


    Interestingly, some Facebook users reported they had recently taken steps to moderate their use of the site such as deleting the app from their phone or taking a break from the platform every now and then. But despite these findings and amid some high profile controversies, Facebook users as a whole were just as active on the site in 2019 as they were in 2018. Roughly three-quarters of Facebook users (74%) visit the site daily, including about half who do so several times a day.


    Image credits: thepokeuk

    Image credits: thepokeuk

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