Jimmy Fallon Asks People To Share The “Cold” Insults They’ve Gotten And They Deliver (30 Tweets)
Jimmy Fallon is at it again. For this week's Hashtags segment, he asked the viewers of The Tonight Show to share their most memorable #ThatWasCold moments. And oh sweet shiny glacier, were they chilling. From two-year-olds shaming their "pregnant" fathers for their bellies to mothers questioning whether their children have friends and beyond. These remarks were so brutal, the good intentions behind them were quickly overshadowed by the savage deliveries.
Scroll down, upvote your favorites, and be sure to check our earlier Jimmy Fallon's Hashtags #WeddingFail, #TextFail, and #FitnessFail.
Watch Jimmy Fallon read these hilarious tweets in the video below
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Hosting the highest-rated US late-night talk show of 2018 has obviously done wonders for his online fanbase. Currently, Fallon has a whopping 51.5M following on Twitter, making his account the 19th most popular one on the entire site.
Donald Trump has also helped Jimmy’s Twitter account to get attention. Back in June, Trump attacked Fallon for apologizing for having the now-President on his chat show and playfully ruffling his hair. Trump told Fallon to “be a man.”
Oh, and if you're wondering, Barack Obama is the most followed person on Twitter with 110.2M. With the presidency now behind him, Obama mostly tweets about work being done by his Obama Foundation and other activities.
Can't imagine not responding "yeah, things were more rosy 8y ago".
Lol! I had a similar moment when I was teaching swim to little kids. A little girl edith ethnically dark skin asked, "teacher, why are you wearing tights in the pool?" I'm not wearing tights, I told her. "Yes, you are, your legs are white!" In her world you don't get snow white appendages without tights.
"She thought" . Apparently she had a change of mind and made you
Order a pizza and angry eat it all by yourself. Revenge is a dish best serve empty.
"Daddy's having a baby." "How do you know?" "His tummy is big". "You want a sister or brother?" "A sister, but I think he's having a elephant." "An elephant?!?" "Uh huh. It's nose is hanging out"
I'm always amazed when someone as old as you has never heard of tact.
Happened in my family. I was the pretty one and my eldest sister was the brainy one. We both felt insulted.
Blind? No (maybe thinking about Ray Charles?). But dead since 30years, yes.
It's sad she has the impression that only makeup would make someone look pretty...
I once informed someone that I'm half Mexican. He said, "That's ok, you don't look Mexican." wtf.
Once i was messing around with my little sister, my dad walked in and said "hey, be careful with her, she's the only one with potential anymore." Another time my older brother was telling our little sister that she needed to go to bed to get her beauty sleep. then he pointed to me and said, "as you can see Cadence hasn't been getting much of that lately"
I was at a funeral once my mom of course being a chatty kathy with her relatives was bragging about my kids. She asked me to show one of her cousins a picture of them, her cousin says "oh wow they're so beautiful" I said "Thanks! they get a lot of it from my husbands side, he's from South America" She turned away so fast I couldn't even blink
god, why are people such a******s? aren't you tired of it? don't you just want to be nice sometimes?
My name is Dana and a friend asked why my parents picked that one, I said "They wanted something pretty but not weird" Another friend calls out "well they got the opposite with you!"
When my mom announced her second pregnancy to her parents my grandmother told her and dad "Don't make the same mistake we did!". My mom is her second child. Ironically my little brother is her favourite grandchild.
I was around 11 or 12 and my Dad took me shoe shopping. The ONLY thing I remember about that day is Dad remarking to the salesman (as my feet were big for my age) "oh, just sell us 2 boxes and she can wear 'em home." OK, one little ouch moment from the best daddy in the whole world, and trust me, I've gotten lots of mileage on that one. :D
My mum and I were talking about an acquaintance. The woman had extremely deep creases on her face. I said that I hadn't realised I was a few years older than her, and I'd read that being bigger keeps the wrinkles at bay. My son turned around and said to my mum, "Nana, you'd better put some weight on". The twinkle in his eye was the only thing that saved his life.
I walked into someone's house with my two small daughters and the woman said, "What beautiful children. Is your husband the good-looking one?"
Our grandfather was the founder of one of the most famous supermarkets in the world. We all worked there at one time. My cousin was the owner of a supermarket later. One day at a party I told my cousins wife that our son is working in a supermarket now. I was so proud of him that he inherited the work ethic and loved it too. Her answer was: oh, that's nothing to be ashamed of!
Some people are just horribly insensitive. I am always happy when young ones work.
Load More Replies...My husband told me : hummm, you smell so good, your skin is so soft. You gonna have 70% discount... He was speaking while dreaming. I was still reading and I thought he was serious before I realized he fall asleep. Now when he do a complement I always ask him how much discount I will have.
My husband and I had our first son in 1989. About 3 years later my brother and his wife had a son, and my father said out loud, "now I have my grandson".
Once while out with a friend and her daughter another kid asked me if I was the girl's grandmother!!
A few weeks ago I asked my teacher for help and he said: "Oh, I think you need lots of help in more ways than one."
One of my nieces friends was singing the song "Whatta Man". She then looks at me and says "Oh, I didn't mean you"
A young woman in the store who saw me from the back referred to me as "girl". A just started to get happy, when she saw my face and said "oh, I am so sorry, you are not a girl, madam!". Yes, I am over 40, but still, kinda bummed me. She could have just not said that, and leave me happier.
A total stranger once told me I should have been beautiful when I was young. I was only 30 at the time :(
I once informed someone that I'm half Mexican. He said, "That's ok, you don't look Mexican." wtf.
Once i was messing around with my little sister, my dad walked in and said "hey, be careful with her, she's the only one with potential anymore." Another time my older brother was telling our little sister that she needed to go to bed to get her beauty sleep. then he pointed to me and said, "as you can see Cadence hasn't been getting much of that lately"
I was at a funeral once my mom of course being a chatty kathy with her relatives was bragging about my kids. She asked me to show one of her cousins a picture of them, her cousin says "oh wow they're so beautiful" I said "Thanks! they get a lot of it from my husbands side, he's from South America" She turned away so fast I couldn't even blink
god, why are people such a******s? aren't you tired of it? don't you just want to be nice sometimes?
My name is Dana and a friend asked why my parents picked that one, I said "They wanted something pretty but not weird" Another friend calls out "well they got the opposite with you!"
When my mom announced her second pregnancy to her parents my grandmother told her and dad "Don't make the same mistake we did!". My mom is her second child. Ironically my little brother is her favourite grandchild.
I was around 11 or 12 and my Dad took me shoe shopping. The ONLY thing I remember about that day is Dad remarking to the salesman (as my feet were big for my age) "oh, just sell us 2 boxes and she can wear 'em home." OK, one little ouch moment from the best daddy in the whole world, and trust me, I've gotten lots of mileage on that one. :D
My mum and I were talking about an acquaintance. The woman had extremely deep creases on her face. I said that I hadn't realised I was a few years older than her, and I'd read that being bigger keeps the wrinkles at bay. My son turned around and said to my mum, "Nana, you'd better put some weight on". The twinkle in his eye was the only thing that saved his life.
I walked into someone's house with my two small daughters and the woman said, "What beautiful children. Is your husband the good-looking one?"
Our grandfather was the founder of one of the most famous supermarkets in the world. We all worked there at one time. My cousin was the owner of a supermarket later. One day at a party I told my cousins wife that our son is working in a supermarket now. I was so proud of him that he inherited the work ethic and loved it too. Her answer was: oh, that's nothing to be ashamed of!
Some people are just horribly insensitive. I am always happy when young ones work.
Load More Replies...My husband told me : hummm, you smell so good, your skin is so soft. You gonna have 70% discount... He was speaking while dreaming. I was still reading and I thought he was serious before I realized he fall asleep. Now when he do a complement I always ask him how much discount I will have.
My husband and I had our first son in 1989. About 3 years later my brother and his wife had a son, and my father said out loud, "now I have my grandson".
Once while out with a friend and her daughter another kid asked me if I was the girl's grandmother!!
A few weeks ago I asked my teacher for help and he said: "Oh, I think you need lots of help in more ways than one."
One of my nieces friends was singing the song "Whatta Man". She then looks at me and says "Oh, I didn't mean you"
A young woman in the store who saw me from the back referred to me as "girl". A just started to get happy, when she saw my face and said "oh, I am so sorry, you are not a girl, madam!". Yes, I am over 40, but still, kinda bummed me. She could have just not said that, and leave me happier.
A total stranger once told me I should have been beautiful when I was young. I was only 30 at the time :(