30 Bad Guys Who Were Scary Because They Were Right All Along, According To Folks In This Online Group
Have you ever found yourself re-watching a movie or re-reading a book that you first encountered years ago, but now see the whole plot totally differently? Very often in such cases, we see some of the characters in a different light. Suddenly, we want to justify those who we hated or thought to be villains, realizing why they chose a certain path. Reddit user @u/Chadderbug123 decided to ask others online “What villain was terrifying because they were right?” and received more than 25k answers. People online soon started giving interesting answers, naming villains from well-known movies, TV shows, books, games, and even commercials. These were followed by explanations and elaborate backstories of some of the characters.
Which one of these were you terrified of? And if you don’t see your favorite villain on this list, don’t forget to leave their name in the comments down below!
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The Matrix’s Agent Smith: “I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to another area, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.”
Ultron, browsed the internet for 30 seconds and decided humanity had to go.
Maleficent. The king was a peice of s**t and deserved everything she did to him.
The whole drugging her and cutting off her wings was an allegory for grape (without the G) so yeah, Stefan deserved it all.
Not a true villain but Squidward. Damn is SpongeBob an annoying neighbor I'd hate him too
Ken from The Bee Movie. I too would go absolutely berserk if a talking bee stole my girlfriend and gaslit me into thinking I was crazy
Heath Ledger’s Joker. Specifically with this quote: “Their morals, their code, it’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see. when the chips are down, these civilized people, they’ll eat each other. See I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve”. I felt this quote is super relevant based on the state of the world right now
This clearly explains how the downfall of the human race when Covid-19 hit - I was an essential worker who thought ppl were already the worse, but by god, the level of selfishness, total disgrace that the human race went to was horrifying. I had a customer spit directly on my face because I wouldn't let her have 2 packs of water, we were only allowed to let ppl have one because ppl were trying to buy ALL of them then triple the charge & sell it to other desperate ppl or simply thought they were the only ppl that matters, f**k everyone else. My manager literally did nothing when that c**t leaned forward & spit in my eye. I thought we had seen the worst POS citizens that got Trump elected, but we devolved even further when 2020 hit. The human race needs to be removed, we serve absolutely no positive aspects to this dying planet.
Colonel Kurtz. “We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "f**k" on their airplanes because it's obscene.”
Magneto is my favorite villain of all time. Every time his motives are brought to light I get that "yeah, I kinda get it" moment
King Kong. Not even because he was right. He was just alive. Minding his own business and blam....taken out of his home and made to be the villain without any choice. A real good example of human nature. Edit a word
I've never thought of Kong as the Villain of the piece. Has anyone else?
None of you said the most terrifying one.
Mo jo jo jo from the Powerpuff girls. He wanted to bring free energy and advanced technology to the people. And in one episode he actually did. He made the world an amazing place. And then the Powerpuff girls ruined it all.
Poison Ivy is an environmentalist at heart and Raj Al Ghul is a humanitarian. Both were pushed into extremism after the broken system they're trying to fix simply refused to change for so long that they decided the system itself needed to be torn down
We need Poison Ivy irl ngl, then those billionaire fuckwads might actually listen
Red Queen resident evil, I have locked down this facility to prevent a world ending virus, please could you 'good guys' pay attention and not blow holes in the doors.
Oh I remember this. Does EXACTLY what they created her to do...so destroy her
Roy Batty. What was done to him and his kind was wrong and he had righteous anger.
Totally agree. I love these movies for exactly this. The question does bear some impact on reality. Should we ever push machines into self awareness, how would we know and what we do about it? Blade runner is an exceptional look at humanity.
The Hamburglar was just trying to save children from childhood obesity!
I will forever use this excuse to continue to steal fries. Stolen fries taste irrationally better.
The Replicants from Blade Runner. Used as slaves and given artificially short lives. They just wanted to live and be free.
Screenslaver from The Incredibles 2. The monolog given during that movie regularly rings in my head. I'm sure the creepy bass robotic voice doesn't help too.
“The Screenslaver interrupts this program for an important announcement. Don’t bother watching the rest. Elastigirl doesn’t save the day; she only postpones her defeat. And while she postpones her defeat, you eat chips and watch her invert problems that you are too lazy to deal with. Superheroes are part of a brainless desire to replace true experience with simulation. You don’t talk, you watch talk shows. You don’t play games, you watch game shows. Travel, relationships, risk; every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance so that you can remain ever-sheltered, ever-passive, ever-ravenous consumers who can’t free themselves to rise from their couches to break a sweat, never anticipate new life. You want superheroes to protect you, and make yourselves ever more powerless in the process. Well, you tell yourselves you’re being ‘looked after’. That you’re inches from being served and your rights are being upheld. So that the system can keep stealing from you, smiling at you all the while. Go ahead, send your supers to stop me. Grab your snacks, watch your screens, and see what happens. You are no longer in control. I am.”
TLDR: you think everything will always be okay and while you remain distracted, the powers that be will continue to steal from you.
Not really sure if you can consider him a villain.. but Peacemaker when he went on a rant about Batman causing countless deaths because he refuses to kill supervillains
Bobby Heenan. Spent the 80s telling us how awful and selfish Hulk Hogan was. Was proven absolutely correct in 1996. In hindsight, Heenan was trying to save us all from the inevitable scourge of “Hollywood” Hogan.
Frankenstein's "monster". Adam. Created by a shortsighted, arrogant doctor as the first of his race, then denied the opportunity to be part of a community (of his own, manmade beings, or the human community). He only became monstrous after it became clear that Frankenstein would never create another of his kind, and was driven mad by his desire to punish Frankenstein's hubris.
Ughhj...once again OP seems confused. Frankenstein's monster was never the villain. The whole story is to say that the true "monster" was Frankenstein, the mad scientist.
The mom in Mrs. doubtfire
As a child Robin is the best dad ever, as an adult married to them? Hard pass.
Not terrifying, but Thanos had some good points, also Ultron had his heart in the right place and he was terrifying in the What If episodes
Edit: I'll add Gorr the God-Butcher as well, even though the new movie was boring, he was pretty scary and his motives were fair, he was just giving the Gods what they have given others for centuries
Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin from Spider-Man. "In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually, they will hate you." Dude was right about how the perception of public figures changes over time.
For a long time in-universe, the public did hate Spiderman. A lot of it was due to J. Jonah Jameson and his anti-Spiderman crusade through this paper, The Daily Bugle.
Aria’s parents on Pretty Little Liars. They’re villainized for not letting their high school daughter date her teacher??
The bears from goldilocks and the tree bears
Actually Goldilocks was the villain of that. I mean, c'mon, broke into a family's home while they were out, ate all their food, sat all over their furniture and then messed up their beds. Add to that she was basically squatting when the bears came back. Yeah, I'd be rightly peeved too if I came home to that.
Dexter Morgan.
I wouldn't say he was a villain, but what he did was right even if illegal.
Where is Q from Star Trek? He introduced the Borg just to prove a point.
I always felt that Killmonger in the Black panther movie was correct all along, had proper motives but was screwed completely.
The machines from The Matrix (obviously I'm condensing everything). They began as slave labour, developed and simply wanted independence and to co-exist with humans. Humans had a massive hissy fit and effectively destroyed the planet to try and give the machines a bloody nose. Instead of the machines just wiping out humanity at this point they plugged them into a virtual utopia which humanity also rebelled against.
The Viking Chieftain from Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal. Spear and Fang killed everyone in his village, including his youngest son and wife. Later, they killed his son, and eventually him. He only went through with Vidarr's plan to resurrect him so he could save his son from being stuck in the underworld forever. Cheiftan-6...0-jpeg.jpg
I LOVE THIS, I LOVEEEEE THAT SHOW,!! I still have not seen last episode, cannot stomach what he did to spear, mirha has no choice and.. I can't. Amazing show and your spoton
Load More Replies...I always felt that Killmonger in the Black panther movie was correct all along, had proper motives but was screwed completely.
The machines from The Matrix (obviously I'm condensing everything). They began as slave labour, developed and simply wanted independence and to co-exist with humans. Humans had a massive hissy fit and effectively destroyed the planet to try and give the machines a bloody nose. Instead of the machines just wiping out humanity at this point they plugged them into a virtual utopia which humanity also rebelled against.
The Viking Chieftain from Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal. Spear and Fang killed everyone in his village, including his youngest son and wife. Later, they killed his son, and eventually him. He only went through with Vidarr's plan to resurrect him so he could save his son from being stuck in the underworld forever. Cheiftan-6...0-jpeg.jpg
I LOVE THIS, I LOVEEEEE THAT SHOW,!! I still have not seen last episode, cannot stomach what he did to spear, mirha has no choice and.. I can't. Amazing show and your spoton
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