Have you ever found yourself being angry at your printer that stops working out of nowhere and then spits out a dozen of the same copies? Or maybe you were disappointed by the game that you waited for for so long? Experiencing situations like these where people find some well-known product to be useless and irritating can make them wonder why these products are so popular and who still buys them. 

Having this in mind, Reddit user @jezbez asked people online “What terrible product sells by the millions?” and besides receiving 57.1k upvotes, they also found out what products made someone a millionaire but are actually awful products. 

Which one of these products do you find unnecessary or useless? Leave your thoughts in the comments down below! 

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30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group anything made by or in cahoots with kylie jenner

lozontheflipside , Walt Disney Television Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Puppy mill puppies. Sorry to compare them to a product, but that’s how they’re treated. No one should purchase a puppy from a pet store, EVER. This now extends to online brokerage websites like greenfield and puppyspot. They’re like Amazon, a few clicks and a puppy will be sent to your door, and these puppies are coming from the exact same place as the pet store puppies. Because of people’s need for instant gratification, these facilities with hundreds to thousands of breeding animals persist. They are the best cash crop you could hope for.

    Never believe a store who claims they only sell puppies from responsible breeders. No, not even if the owner has visited the breeders and “know” they’re good! By definition a responsible breeder would NEVER send their puppies to a pet store. Even pet stores that claim to only have rescues need to be scrutinized because some mills will use a shell rescue to “puppy launder”. “Licensed and certified breeders” should be a red flag - depending on the state, a breeder only needs to be licensed if they have a large number of dogs, are selling to brokers to go to pet stores, or to people “sight unseen” (online). YMMV depending on the state.

    People sometimes justify their purchases as “saving” puppies from a pet store. But that is still investing in the industry and funding their operations by giving them profit. Legislation hasn’t stemmed the tide. Only a loss of profit will make mills move on to another hustle.

    So please educate yourself and anyone you know who loves dogs and might ever be tempted to purchase a puppy from a pet store or online. Either adopt from a responsible rescue, or purchase from a responsible breeder.

    KellyCTargaryen , Lisa L Wiedmeier Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can check with stores though - my local pet store works WITH the local rescue centre to as a sort of halfway point for adoption. Store =/= bad automatically. It very much depends on location.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Women’s pants/trousers which STILL have tiny pockets.

    Mike-Drop , SoulRider.222 Report

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    Cooper Schultz
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is so horrible! I heard they do this to market the purse industry

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Diamonds.

    Diamonds are fu*king worthless and fuel a gigantic slavery trade business. We should have stopped digging for em.and just using lab made ones.

    rocharox , Jared Tarbell Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel like many are moving away from a diamond as an engagement stone.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Speaking as a European, Hershey bars are absolutely horrendous

    UnhandMePriest , Daniel R. Blume Report

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    Nikki Sevven
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Speaking as an American, about every 2 years, I order an 5kg block of Callebaut dark chocolate from Belgium. (We do have quality artisanal chocolate makers in the US, but Hershey is just disgusting. It's too sweet and the texture is off-putting.)

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group this should go without saying, but coffee pods

    Flashy-Huckleberry95 , Sue Thompson Report

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    M O'Connell
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Regardless of what it may say on the label, they aren't actually recyclable. The ones that look like a little bag with a plastic ring at the top are just as bad, there's as much plastic in that ring as there is in an entire cup.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Detoxification miracle products.

    "Get all the toxins out of your body!"

    You have already have a pancreas and liver.

    Edit: and kidney(s)Edit 2: Thanks for the silver!

    Edit 2: Glad to see so many people actually are educated about their digestive systems. One of my favorite areas of study right now are the gut microbiome and it's ever increasing known impact on our overall health. So far it really seems like one of the most important factors (if not the most) is the quality of care you give your ol' poop machine. So yeah, don't consume garbage branded as detox products that f**k your colon.

    Xalidos , LollyKnit Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If I could upvote this a million times... And then there are those 'flat tummy teas' that are really just diuretics

    John Topper
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But how could they be bad, they were made by professionals with several minutes of Google searching experience and asking advice from homeless people.

    Thomas Sweda
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How about the product the pulls the poisons out from the bottom of your feet?!

    Jean Nielsen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one pops up again and again. I remember my aunt trying to get me to buy this 30 years ago!!!

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    A Jones
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't forget the kidneys and spleen! Heck we got many other organs to list. Even the skin cleans itself.

    A Jones
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But hey, if you want the real product that does help the body detox it's simply water. Just be hydrated.

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    Kate Jones
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't forget all the "organic" peddlers out there. If you do your research you'll find the standard for getting organic on your label is almost nil. To me these vitamin/miracle cure s**t is almost as bad as people relying on horoscopes and astrological signs. Like the crystals people. If I walked into my doctor's office and saw anything saying "the healing power of the crystal," I'd literally run away.

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    okay but what about detoxing your pits after using aluminum deodorant for years, is that actually necessary or is it bogus as well?

    Analyn Lahr
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just eat as clean and healthy as you can and get at least some form exercise. I can't stand fad diets.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group GOOP

    Snoo79382 , Disney Television Report

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    Panda Kicki
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never heard of it, had to google. Apparently not working well in Sweden.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Cigarettes.

    DudeFromSaudi , Falko Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Big thanks to all the corporate jerkwads who got our grandparents hooked on nicotine several decades ago! (This is sarcastic lol)

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Plastic water/soda bottles. Environmentally terrible

    baron_von_pancakes , Abdulla Al Muhairi Report

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    Blakkur Sverrir
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am not 100% sure about that one. Yes plastic isn't easy to recycle. (Although HDPE (Lids) and PP (bottles) can be recycled quite well. IF you recycle).. but: It is a lot lighter than glass. Less weight means less energy/fuel for transport. And that means less CO2 (for transport). So.... if you look at the facts and add up the numbers (instead of just going: "Plastic is Evil) you might be surprised. Could be that, as enviromental bad as they are, they could still be better than glass

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Any product where marketing is 95% of the production budget

    Pjseaturtle , Bill Rice Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Cheap toilet paper that your finger goes right through unless you fold it over several times.

    Back2Bach , Micah Sittig Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Homeopathic “remedies” that are so diluted they might contain one molecule of what they purport to hold. And no, shaking them does not “activate” them.

    birdgoil , ilovebutter Report

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    Blakkur Sverrir
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They are facing a problem im the EU now. They cant be labled by what they are working against (because they don't) and they can't be labled by what's suposed to be in it... because there is almost nothing of it left. So soon they will habe to be labled as what they are... sugar

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Herbalife.

    Inaboxwithafox , Eduardo Francisco Vazquez Murillo Report

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    Bettie-Jean Neal
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of the techs at my dialysis unit just started this. She's only in her 20's and has no idea how long it's been around. She was going on and on about it and I just rolled my eyes.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Fast Fashion clothes

    _mochi_1430 , Nurul Balqis Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Nestle Bottled Water

    Phat_Noodle , Paul Downey Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group MLM products.

    -eDgAR- , Jeffrey McPheeters Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Beats headphone, speakers etc. The headphones are so cheaply made that they put weights in them to make them feel higher quality

    Edit: for those asking, you can't go wrong with JBL - they're invincible, affordable and unbelievably high quality for the price.

    Edit 2: not saying weight = quality, I'm saying that people think weight = quality

    _foolishgenius , shanejwelty Report

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    John Topper
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Other excellent headphone manufacturers include Sennheiser, Klipsche, Audio Technica, Sony (they have a wide range including some very good stuff) and Bose (overpriced, but better than Beats).

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Stuff with microbeads.

    Seriously, how was this ever legal in the first place and why is it still legal?

    Edit, apparently mictobeads were mostly banned in the US (where majority of redditors are from) in 2018 (enacted 2015) but I missed that. However, this is not a strict ban as they are still allowed in "non-rinse off" products such as make-up or pillow stuffing and you can order large quantities of them on Amazon. So while this is a step in the right direction, it is certainly not good enough. Furthermore, they should be banned worldwide like CFCs were as their environmental impact is equally as bad.

    moleratical , Oregon State University Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Printer ink cartridges.

    KindHearted_IceQueen , CartridgeSave Images Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Diet shakes/pills/teas etc

    Odd-Plant4779 , Patrik Nygren Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group LOL surprise Toys or any such surprise toy , they sell like crazy and the whole idea is to buy them open the wrapper and see what you have got , once opened the toy is never used

    Enginecoder , Lizard10979 Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Microtransactions in games.

    The cosmetic ones I can understand, they can be fun, but the pay to win ones are terrible and yet they make millions every year.

    -eDgAR- , Binary Koala Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For me ideally there shouldn't be any but i understand the cosmetic ones in free games. But microtransactions in a paid game? Bullshit

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Hartz brand pet flea treatments/medication. It's dangerous and has been the cause of death for many pets. IIRC it's a nerve agent that's supposed to make the pet's blood toxic to fleas.

    I used some on my cat once and she started freaking out, then had trouble waking normally (her legs were twitching and kicking, clearly out of her control), and tears of brown thick liquid started streaming down her face. I picked her up and frantically gave her a bath hoping to wash any of the remaining chemicals off the back of her neck before any more of that poison seeped into her skin.

    MoopyMorkyfeet , BOMBMAN Report

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Fruits that have to be repackaged individually.

    kxiongw , Maciej Lewandowski Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Cable TV (from major providers)

    They made money f*****g people over and then when streaming services changed the game they decided to continue finding new ways to f**k you over. God help you if you live in a rural area.

    green49285 , hjl Report

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    John Topper
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is absolutely no reason to have cable anymore. I have Netflix, Disney+, Amazon prime, Hulu and Funimation subscriptions and all of them combined cost a fraction what cable does,. Include limitless on demand content (much of which is better than anything on cable) and without 30% of the air time being commercials. Cable is dead. It died a horrible and well disserved death and it will not be missed.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group There's an old IT joke about being in a room with three truly despicable people and a printer and a gun with two bullets. Who would you shoot? The answer for IT people is you would shoot the printer twice.

    crokinoleworld , rjp Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Pay-to-win games

    saro476 , dronepicr Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And games that cut the ending so you need to buy DLCs. I am looking at you EA...

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Fifa

    StormNapoleon27 , steamXO Report

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Lottery tickets.

    Actuaryba , Mike Mozart Report

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    M O'Connell
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Gambling will always exist. State-run lotteries at least have some small benefit to them. In Wisconsin (where I live), 57% of lottery revenue goes to prize money, 30% has been allocated to reducing property taxes for state residents, 6% to benefit businesses in the state, and only another 6% to operate the whole system. The Illinois lottery gives a chunk of its proceeds to fund public education.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group WILDLY Overpriced micro transactions in video games, it’s genuinely absurd. 25 dollars for a little outfit for your character in a first person shooter where you do not see your little outfit is a perfect example.

    Marsupialize , mache Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Alienware computers. They used to be genuinely top-of-the-line gaming machines, expensive but well balanced and good bang for your buck. Then Dell bought them and ran the productline into the ground, stuffing them with way too much RAM and way too little everything else but keeping the premium price. The brand still has enough cultural momentum among teenage gamers, however, that they still sell despite the terrible pricepoint.

    Notmiefault , aaronmjr Report

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    Devil's Advocate
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was, however, always cheaper to build the same spec system yourself, without the badge.

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Anything offered in the Canadian cellular plan market. Thanks for nothing CRTC.

    Alphacrap , Aaron Yoo Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group It's not still being sold by the millions (I hope!), but the hot gift of Christmas 1975 was the pet rock. It was literally a rock picked up from a beach in Mexico put in a box with air holes and a cute list of how to take care of it like it was a real pet. The guy who came up with the idea sold more than a million of them at $4 a pop, which was not bad money at all in the mid-70s. The product has been relicensed as of about a decade ago by a different company. I'm very happy they haven't found a million new customers among the new generations.

    faceintheblue , ian munroe Report

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Literally any sport games that come out once a year

    Fickle-Window9609 , dronepicr Report

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    Michigan Guy
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    but but but....think of the poor workers. if they actually waited til they had a good reason to release a whole new game...hundreds of workers doing the annual busy work....would be thrust out into the cold cruel world with the rest of us schmoes...

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group NBA 2K franchise. just keeps getting progressively worse, more Ads, more incentives to spend money, gameplay barely changes

    dyla4034 , dronepicr Report

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    Steve Goodman
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hmm, I don't remember reading that EA bought the 2K Franchise but from your description, it sounds like they have.


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Bottled Air

    gambit_- , Santeri Viinamäki Report


    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Shark cards, gold bars, or any other micro-transaction which gives you virtual money in a world you'll be playing alot *anyway*, so you'd be getting that money anyway.

    Creative_Waltz_9462 , Report

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    30 Terrible Products That Are Still Sold By The Millions, As Shared By This Online Group Funko pop

    Fuzzy-Rub-2185 , Mike Mozart Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't get what is so wrong about people enjoying buying these collectibles?

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