You can look at the world from a lot of different perspectives, and maps are excellent tools that reflect this diversity of viewpoints.
Each cartographer chooses the story they want to tell, highlighting elements of geography, history, economy, and other areas to paint their own version of our planet.
Maybe it details countries and their borders, maybe it shows the spread of religions, or maybe it reveals the most popular soda drink in every region.
The social media project 'Terrible Maps' shares a whimsical and sometimes absurd approach to mapmaking, and it's full of funny takes you don't normally see in geography textbooks. Continue scrolling to see our hand-picked favorites!
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Detailed Doggo Map
A Map Of Ancient Grease
A Map Of Europe Drawn From Memory
Oklahoma If It Was Used To Express Feelings
A World Map Centered On Antarctica
Australia vs. Austria, Just For Clarity
How Long Is Chile
Being A Bad Neighbour
The reason why the border is shaped that way is the path of a river. That’s exactly the same reason why the power plant was built in this place (cooling water needed). And this nuclear power plant produces electricity for Belgium (and Luxembourg, and Germany). I guess you’d have to be an ignorant idiot to call that being a crappy neighbour.
Fatalities From Texting And Driving In 1960
As An Austrian: So Good
A Map Of The Earth After A Sea Level Rise Of 480m... Just Because
Australia.. Explained To Americans
I get Melbourne being NY-ish & Sydney-Brisbane as California. But how is Canberra similar to Jersey?
Fun Fact: Cyprus Is Just A More Aerodynamic Version Of The USA
Nobody Is Talking About This
Egypt Is Smaller Than The United States, Russia And China Combined
Map Of All The Churches In Poland
Olive Oil Europe vs. Butter Europe
Map Of European Countries Playing Football
It looks more like Europe is about to step on a bleached turd.
30 People Drew A Map Of The World From Memory. The Results Were Merged
Map Of Europe But With The Wrong Font Size
Minimalistic World Map
A Map Of Poland's Subways
Most Popular Soda In Every European Country. The Scots Won't Be Happy With This
If you asked me to guess, I would have said kvass… though I am admittedly biased!
US States But The First Letter Is Missing
Took me a sec to find Labama, then another sec for the lightbulb to come on.
It's funny to me that everyone thinks Alabama is the incest state. Where I'm from we all know it's West Virginia. ;) Some serious hillbilly sh!t going on in that state.
R-kansas and Y-oming still work.... If I push it, I could include R-izona, L-aska, L-linois, N-diana and even R-egon.
Rizona sounds like a bad pickup line "are you from Arizona? Cause I'm gonna rizz you to Rizona"
A Map Of Europe With The Naughty Bits Censored
Countries That Bill Gates Is Richer Than Are Marked With A Picture Of Bill Gates Smiling
Most Popular Words In Online Dating Profiles, By State
A Map Of The World Without Islands
('Oliver Twist' - film, 1968, if anyone's interested) Oliver-twi...c414d7.gif
('Oliver Twist' - film, 1968, if anyone's interested) Oliver-twi...c414d7.gif