We’re constantly reminded how we’re supposed to love our neighbors and treat others the same way that we’d like to be treated. While that works in theory, the sad fact is that politeness, basic respect, and even common sense are in extremely short supply these days. Unfortunately, some people have run out of all three and substituted them with spite, jealousy, and messiness.
We firmly believe that having good, cheerful, helpful neighbors is a gift from heaven. However, they’re pretty rare in this day and age. To help you value the people you live next to right now more, Bored Panda has collected posts about the very worst things that neighbors have ever done. Nobody should have to live next to these individuals. And we wouldn’t wish them even on our worst enemies.
Scroll down to see just how bad neighborly life can get, and upvote the posts that really got your hearts racing with disappointment and despair, Pandas. If you’d like to vent your anger about the people in your neighborhood, block, or building, feel free to do so in the comment section. There’s nothing like letting off a bit of steam to help you move forward.
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Our Homophobic Neighbor Complained To The City That Our Trash Bins Are On The Side Of Our House. The City Said We Could Put Up A Lattice In Front Of The Bins
Hope she loves our new lattice!
Neighbor From Hell
Neighbors Moved Out, Took Their Cat’s Collar, But Not The Cat
Bored Panda spoke about neighborly life, and why we no longer seem to know who our neighbors are with Suzanne Degges-White, Ph.D. She is a Licensed Counselor, Professor, and the Chair at the Department of Counseling and Higher Education at Northern Illinois University. She explained to us what has happened over the past half a century in the United States.
“A lot of things have changed over the last 50-60 years that have created obstacles to getting to know our neighbors,” she told us.
Neighbor Taped This To My Door
My Friend Found This Puppy. We Took It To The Neighbor Previously Seen With Puppies, And He Said He Had “Set The Puppy Free” Because He’d Already Gotten Rid Of The Rest
Police said this isn’t the first time he’s done this.
Told My Neighbors' Kids To Knock It Off When I Caught Them Throwing Rocks Against My Fence And Siding. Found This In My Backyard 30 Mins Later. I Have A Dog
“We're more independent and less inter-dependent than we used to be. We're also more peripatetic—the number of people who grow up and stay in their hometowns or family neighborhoods has diminished so we don't have the connections with neighbors or others in the community that people used to cultivate over the years and even over generations,” the professor explained to Bored Panda.
Stealing From A Self-Isolating, Vulnerable Neighbor
Our Duplex Neighbor Of 3 Years Mysteriously Moved In The Middle Of The Night. We Had Never Seen The Inside Of His House The Whole Time. Now We Know Why
So A Mexican Can't Be A US Citizen? True Trashy Neighbor
“We are often ‘strangers in a strange land’ when we move into new cities for our jobs,” Professor Degges-White said. Technological developments have also pushed us away from interacting with our neighbors.
“Something that we often don't think about if we're living in a modern home is that up until around 50 years ago, here in the US, air conditioning wasn't common, so people would sit outside on their front porches to stay cool. This ‘front porch sitting’ also led to conversations with neighbors who were strolling by.”
My Neighbors' Son Was Hiding From Them So He Could Sneak A Smoke, He Put His Bud Out On A Paper Bark Tree And Set The Tree And My Back Yard On Fire
First photo is how close the fire was to my gas bottles.
This Is Why I Can't Wait To Move! The Guy Across The Street Is A Pervert Scumbag Who Blocks Our Entire Street With RVs That He Repairs As A Side Business From His Home
They'll stay parked in front of his place for months. Guess what? There is NOTHING we can do about it! We live in a private community and the cops said they can't stop him we can only complain to the HOA but the guy is renting from friends of ours so we complain and our friends get in trouble not him. 3 more weeks.
My Neighbor “Allegedly” Refused To Pay The Guy Who Cleared His Backyard. He’ll Be Coming Home To This Gift Left In His Driveway
There was a somewhat similar story in France. The tenants left a house in disarray with garbage from floor to ceiling. Since it was in a small village, the landlord was able to find their new address, rented 5 trucks and dumped their trash on their front door. It was very public and in the news.
According to the professor, there was a focus on engagement, and folks wanted to “get to know their neighbors.”
“Kids also had a lot of free time that would be spent outside because there was more freedom to run, to be loud, and to engage with other kids in the neighborhood.”
The Neighbor Had A Dispute This Morning. Resulted In A Gunshot Through Our Bathroom Mirror
Better start calling the cops immediately. Better yet, have them either confiscate the gun or just plain incarcerate that neighbor.
Ordered A Bassinet For My Newborn Baby And My Neighbor Decided To Steal It
I Pay $125 A Month To Park In My Parking Spot. I’m 111B. This Jerk Is My Neighbor
Fast-forward to the present day, and things are very different. We may live more modern lives, but we’ve also become more isolated from the rest of the neighborhood. How we socialize and amuse ourselves has profoundly changed, as we increasingly rely on digital communication and entertainment.
Another Arrow To The House From A Neighbor
A Neighbor's "Security" Light That They Keep On 24/7
Crazy Neighbor Has A List Of People Who Are Not Welcome On His Front Door
“Now, thinking about today, many of us have AC in our homes, front porches have shrunk in size as we have seen the ‘backyard paradise’ expand,” Professor Degges-White said.
“People focus on their patios or decks, creating an ‘oasis’ away from the ‘real world.’ In addition, kids are hooked up to electronics, and the majority of their connecting and socializing with other kids is through electronic means,” she noted.
Moved To A New Office, I'm Amazed Of How Disgusting My Neighbors Are
My Neighbors Had A Party Last Night. That’s My Trampoline
While Moving The First Load Of My Thing Into My New House, Neighbors Greet Me By Burning Trash And Setting Their Truck On Fire
“They play video games together, use social media to chat, and can have a huge network of acquaintances that they can Facetime and Snapchat without ever having to leave their rooms,” the professor pointed out that kids tend to spend much more time indoors these days, instead of outside.
My Mom Made Me Throw Away This Good-Looking Cake Because It Was Given To Us By A Muslim Neighbor For Eid
Woke Up To Noises Coming From My Bathroom Turns Out My Neighbor Tried Getting Into My Apartment Through My Medicine Cabinet
My Neighbors Who Took A Delivery That Didn’t Belong To Them
“Safety is another reason that folks are less likely to get to know their neighbors—kids don't have the free rein they once did to roam the block or run errands for their parents due to fears about abduction,” she said that there seems to be a general lack of trust in the people living around us.
I Put Up A Fence To Keep My Thieving And Incredibly Nosy Neighbor Out. He Then Puts Up A Camera So That He Can Look In
I think this would be one time I'd be happily planting leylandii - that extremely fast-growing conifer. Not a fan normally (have had nightmares with them planted in homes I've purchased in the past) but here they'd really come into their own!! 🌲🌲🌲 In the meantime, get lessons in archery from the neighbour's elsewhere on this thread!!
Our Neighbor Shot A Hole In Our Bedroom Wall Last Night
Neighbor's Kid Decided To Decorate My Car With A Rock To Make It Look "Cute"
“Mistrust of what others do and the sensational news stories about ‘the neighbor who didn't look like a violent criminal/kidnapper/rapist/murderer’ raise the fear level. We may not even be aware of how these stories affect us unless we pause to consider why we're hesitant to speak to a neighbor or wonder about why someone's shades are always drawn.”
Amazon Delivery Picture Of My Package On My Neighbors' Porch. Asked My Neighbor If They Happened To Accidentally Get My Package. "Nope Didn't See It"
What're The Chances My Neighbors' House Has A Corpse?
This Neighbor Likes To Snap Photos Through The Window Of The Home Next Door
Someone Spilled The Soup In My Building's Stairwell, And Now Notes Are Accumulating
The "Weird" Neighbors Moved Out
The Way My Neighbor Decided To Move For A Couple Of Hours
They could easily reverse closer so at least one lane would be free. Selfish idiots.
Neighbor's 12-Year-Old Grandkid Decided To Sneak In The Car And Take A Joyride. Freaked Out, Hit The Gas, And Crossed Their Lawn And Mine To Hit The Front Of My House
Note Left On Car Of Disabled Neighbor's Social Worker
Neighbors Have Been Pouring Bleach, Dog Urine, And Dirty Mop Water On My Balcony. Today’s Treat Was Dog's Puke
Neighbor Tried To Scare Us Out Of Parking In Our Assigned Spot
We recently moved to a new apartment complex, and have out-of-state plates. Another person had been parking in the assigned covered spot we were given. We checked with the office and they said it was the spot for our apartment and the person had probably been parking there since it had been empty for a bit. They said we didn’t have to worry about being towed. I figured it was a person who was the second car in their apartment. My suspicion seems to be confirmed as three weeks later this person hasn’t parked in any other covered spot.
This Planter Was Almost 100 Years Old And My Grandmother's. Thank You, Next-Door-Neighbor's Demon Child, Aka Spawn Of Satan
What Could Go Wrong If My Jerk Neighbor Put Hot Charcoal From His Grill Into A Trashcan
How The Neighbor Left My Garage After Fixing His Truck
My Neighbors Throwing A Party During Covid
Apartment Neighbor Blasting Music With Full Bass For Hours, Making Myself And My Pet Uncomfortable
My Neighbor Down The Street's Recycling Pile Must Be Over 100 Empty 1/2 Gallon Bottles Of Captain Morgans Rum. The Recycle Bin Was Full As Well. A Lot Of Captains In Him
My Neighbors Keep Putting Their Bins In Front Of My Van On My Property
Just Had Part Of The Neighbor's Trampoline Fly Into My Niece's Bedroom
What are these houses made of? No tornado, hurricane or strong crazy humans (!?) could make an hollow steel bar go through an actual decent wall made of concrete, bricks or even wood… How could you build a house with paper thin walls?
My Landlord Texted Me This After He Kicked My Sweet Elderly Neighbor Out Of Our Duplex So He Could Move In
I remember one neighbour ask me for that. Hell no! If they do something illegal online, it's with your wifi.... 🫠Plus just no.
Give it to him. Then in a couple of weeks switch the router off randomly, especially if you can work out when he games or watches online. You can even get a button-pressing smart switch, and switch it off and on from your smartphone. You can probrably set up an app to switch off the router for two minutes every seven minutes. Talk to the people on the other side of him, and explain what he did. Maybe they also liked your elderly neighbour.
Wow, that's some next level petty revenge! Lots or wireless configurations allow you to set schedules, so the extra tech is likely unnecessary. You can also set data caps for specific MAC addresses.
Load More Replies...While I do feel sorry for the previous tenant being kicked out at least it's due to the landlord having to move back in rather than other reasons. However the WiFi is a bit much.
I wouldn't respond, I'd just change my wireless network SSID to "my neighbor is a miserly elder abuser"
My son set ours to read something like "Surveillance van F133"
Load More Replies...Huh? So he's entitled to his tenant's WiFi pw???
Load More Replies...Tell him that your wifi cost X amount per month and you would happily deduct half of that from your rent. LOL
Uh huh.... surrrrre he did. No landlord is asking to get your password. Zero evidence any landlord was involved in this text. Why do people feel the need to lie?
My Nosy Neighbor Peeping In My Window When I Didn’t Answer The Door
This Is My Girlfriend's Neighbors' House, It's A Large Family Of Around Maybe 7-8 That I've Seen (They Just Got Evicted)
Came Home From Working All Night To Discover My (Townhouse) Neighbors Didn't Put Out Their Fireworks Completely Last Night
You were lucky that the wooden beams didn’t catch fire. Some kid threw fireworks into a friends bin last year and it burned down their carport and caused significant smoke damage to the kitchen and living room. Insurance covered everything but they had to live elsewhere for 4 months and it’s only fully fixed now after almost a year.
My Neighbors Put Spikes On Our Shared Fence To Stop Our Cats From Jumping Up
So, after reading through this article two things came to my mind: 1. The US truly is a more selfish society than I am used to here in Europe. 2. The US sometimes looks like a third-world country, where modern society still hasn't caught up yet completely.
I have been fortunate to have never seen people that live like this, even the poorest people I know, and most people I know are not selfish individuals. The US sucks sometimes, yes, we know and people on here from other countries make sure to remind us every chance they get. But I'd like to say the US is also filled with kind, hospitable, and friendly people who go out of their way to help their neighbor. Please know the entirety of the US is not reflected in this post. Thank you for your time. -an unselfish US citizen
Load More Replies...Just wow! Where do these people live?! The neighbor to the left of our house sometimes cuts our grass when he cuts his own. He also often shovels out our driveway in winter. When we lost power for two days after a bad storm, all my neighbors came together to share food and to help one another. Our other immediate neighbor is an elderly woman living alone. Everyone in the neighborhood looks out for her and takes turns helping to keep up her property. I just can't figure out how or why people act the way the folks in this article behave, it's just so insane.
Many of these posts involve mental illness, I suspect. I live in the US, and our neighborhood is very much like yours. Middle class, working class, and everyone helps each other and looks out for each other. These examples are NOT the norm.
Load More Replies...Wow. Nobody mentioned snakes. We had a divorced lady next door who had a jr high kid she couldn't control. He had a live snake collection. She made him go live with his dad when she had enough. He turned the snakes loose in our neighborhood before he left. We were finding them everywhere . There was one I think was a Pecos rat snake that took up residence under their tool shed. It was longer than my 10 ft patio. She sold the house to a Muslim couple with small children. I went over and told them about the snake. Many more we would find around. All exotic to our area. One fell on me when I opened my garage door. Before he left I kept catching him running out of my side fence when I would come home. After he left we found a box of condoms and some soft toys and red bras over there. Gad.
Yikes! Snakes, why did it have to be snakes! ( Had to throw in some Indiana Jones in there but it sound more like a Samuel Jackson situation!)
Load More Replies...This isn't as bad but: There's a German shepherd that lives on my street. Every time a person walks by, or even a car, she comes right up to her gate and barks as loudly as possible. She'll run back and forth and back and forth in her yard(I don't know the gender, i'd like to think she's a girl). Normally this would be a dog that just doesn't get out much. I'm not saying she's being abused, just not taken care of properly. She's super skinny and she's always outside. She always scares me when I walk my dog at night, she'll just pop up as loud as possible. If I stay long enough she'll start foaming at the mouth. I think people forget just how much work certain breeds are, and it pisses me off. German shepherds make AMAZING dogs-once trained. I've met the owner once. I was walking my dog when when he came out to water his flowers. That's the only time i've seen her stop running, but she was still barking. I said his dog is pretty and he smiled and said thank you, that was it.
That's so sad. First, I'm sorry that you can't walk your dog at night without being scared near this house. Second, the poor dog. Can you call animal control?
Load More Replies...I miss my neighbors where I used to live, all of them are still such great people. We used to get together for game nights, and dinners, BBQs and we'd help each other if it would snow, ya know, normal stuff, that a decent neighbor does for another.
Homeless in in America and I can attest that most Americans are just evil. However, like in most of the world there are a very small group of kind hearted American. Just good luck finding one. Most of these have been taken advantage of and joined the majority.
I am sorry you are homeless, and that most Americans you've encountered are evil. I am an American, and while I've met some shitty people, on the whole most are friendly and kind. I gave the last of my money to a homeless vet, he needed it more than me.(I'm currently unemployed.)
Load More Replies...My neighbors are fantastic and we all get along and give each other fish or baked goodies every now and then..
I stopped reading about 1/2 thru. I can't believe how many idiots & mean people there are in the world.
We just had new neighbors move in next to my parents house. Well, first the house was purchased right before Covid. The owner set it up for Airbnb. The neighbor on the other side turned the house in and so we have new renters. They have 3 or 4 dogs set up in outside kennels. They don't rinse out the kennels and they left the dogs out in over 100F heat. The dogs did have some kind of mister but I felt bad for the dogs. Just a week ago, the neighbors put some type of covering on the kennels weighed down with wood. It looks even more trashy. The stench when you walk up to my parents' front door is awful.
Yet again I come to the end of an article and praise that I live in the UK and not the US!
I would never recommend coming here to anyone from another country. After living on streets for a month and how I got there. How the government and people treat a human being. Why in the world would you come here. I am 52 years old and never in my lifetime seen anything good come from the people. Dog eats dog mentality rules most folks.
Load More Replies...So, after reading through this article two things came to my mind: 1. The US truly is a more selfish society than I am used to here in Europe. 2. The US sometimes looks like a third-world country, where modern society still hasn't caught up yet completely.
I have been fortunate to have never seen people that live like this, even the poorest people I know, and most people I know are not selfish individuals. The US sucks sometimes, yes, we know and people on here from other countries make sure to remind us every chance they get. But I'd like to say the US is also filled with kind, hospitable, and friendly people who go out of their way to help their neighbor. Please know the entirety of the US is not reflected in this post. Thank you for your time. -an unselfish US citizen
Load More Replies...Just wow! Where do these people live?! The neighbor to the left of our house sometimes cuts our grass when he cuts his own. He also often shovels out our driveway in winter. When we lost power for two days after a bad storm, all my neighbors came together to share food and to help one another. Our other immediate neighbor is an elderly woman living alone. Everyone in the neighborhood looks out for her and takes turns helping to keep up her property. I just can't figure out how or why people act the way the folks in this article behave, it's just so insane.
Many of these posts involve mental illness, I suspect. I live in the US, and our neighborhood is very much like yours. Middle class, working class, and everyone helps each other and looks out for each other. These examples are NOT the norm.
Load More Replies...Wow. Nobody mentioned snakes. We had a divorced lady next door who had a jr high kid she couldn't control. He had a live snake collection. She made him go live with his dad when she had enough. He turned the snakes loose in our neighborhood before he left. We were finding them everywhere . There was one I think was a Pecos rat snake that took up residence under their tool shed. It was longer than my 10 ft patio. She sold the house to a Muslim couple with small children. I went over and told them about the snake. Many more we would find around. All exotic to our area. One fell on me when I opened my garage door. Before he left I kept catching him running out of my side fence when I would come home. After he left we found a box of condoms and some soft toys and red bras over there. Gad.
Yikes! Snakes, why did it have to be snakes! ( Had to throw in some Indiana Jones in there but it sound more like a Samuel Jackson situation!)
Load More Replies...This isn't as bad but: There's a German shepherd that lives on my street. Every time a person walks by, or even a car, she comes right up to her gate and barks as loudly as possible. She'll run back and forth and back and forth in her yard(I don't know the gender, i'd like to think she's a girl). Normally this would be a dog that just doesn't get out much. I'm not saying she's being abused, just not taken care of properly. She's super skinny and she's always outside. She always scares me when I walk my dog at night, she'll just pop up as loud as possible. If I stay long enough she'll start foaming at the mouth. I think people forget just how much work certain breeds are, and it pisses me off. German shepherds make AMAZING dogs-once trained. I've met the owner once. I was walking my dog when when he came out to water his flowers. That's the only time i've seen her stop running, but she was still barking. I said his dog is pretty and he smiled and said thank you, that was it.
That's so sad. First, I'm sorry that you can't walk your dog at night without being scared near this house. Second, the poor dog. Can you call animal control?
Load More Replies...I miss my neighbors where I used to live, all of them are still such great people. We used to get together for game nights, and dinners, BBQs and we'd help each other if it would snow, ya know, normal stuff, that a decent neighbor does for another.
Homeless in in America and I can attest that most Americans are just evil. However, like in most of the world there are a very small group of kind hearted American. Just good luck finding one. Most of these have been taken advantage of and joined the majority.
I am sorry you are homeless, and that most Americans you've encountered are evil. I am an American, and while I've met some shitty people, on the whole most are friendly and kind. I gave the last of my money to a homeless vet, he needed it more than me.(I'm currently unemployed.)
Load More Replies...My neighbors are fantastic and we all get along and give each other fish or baked goodies every now and then..
I stopped reading about 1/2 thru. I can't believe how many idiots & mean people there are in the world.
We just had new neighbors move in next to my parents house. Well, first the house was purchased right before Covid. The owner set it up for Airbnb. The neighbor on the other side turned the house in and so we have new renters. They have 3 or 4 dogs set up in outside kennels. They don't rinse out the kennels and they left the dogs out in over 100F heat. The dogs did have some kind of mister but I felt bad for the dogs. Just a week ago, the neighbors put some type of covering on the kennels weighed down with wood. It looks even more trashy. The stench when you walk up to my parents' front door is awful.
Yet again I come to the end of an article and praise that I live in the UK and not the US!
I would never recommend coming here to anyone from another country. After living on streets for a month and how I got there. How the government and people treat a human being. Why in the world would you come here. I am 52 years old and never in my lifetime seen anything good come from the people. Dog eats dog mentality rules most folks.
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