This Online Group ‘Judges A Book By Its Cover,’ And Here Are 30 Of The Weirdest Ones (New Pics)
It has been said that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But there’s an online community that’s calling utter BS on that. r/TerribleCovers has 79,000 members who all gather on a daily basis, to laugh and cry at badly dressed books. These guys have the inside scoop on all the hilarious and hideous book cover fails. And they aren't afraid to share, or shame.
From cringe old classics, to kitsch self-help books, and confusing romance novels, there’s no shortage of paperbacks and hardbacks lining up to take part in the next edition of Extreme Makeover. Or at the very least, get their pages on a better fitting jacket.
Bored Panda has put together a library of our personal favorites (or worsts) from the page. Grab your reading glasses and keep scrolling. Don’t forget to upvote your top contestants.
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Just Found This Sub, Thought You All Would Appreciate The Sodfather
Hello, My Name Is William Goldman. You Designed This Cover. Prepare To Die
This Is A Sensitive Topic
We’re often taught not to judge a book by its cover. After all, you never know what beauty and magic could be hidden within. But this doesn’t stop people from doing so anyway. When it comes to the human beings we meet or the actual, literal books we encounter in shops, on shelves or online.
One survey found that 57% of Americans buy books (and 80% avoid books) solely based on their covers. And therefore, bad cover design is one of the most common reasons for low book sales.
Jeffrey Dahmer Talks The Birds And The Bees
This Sure Is Something
When You Need To Make A Quick Buck But Are Too Busy To Read One Sentence About The Book You're Designing A Cover For
“Humans are visual creatures,” explains best-selling author Tucker Max. “We see our way through the world, and vision is our defining sense. Humans can be immediately reached, engaged, and moved by color and shape because these images enter the brain literally at light speed. This is the power of design.”
Max says that book covers exist to give visual form to written content. “A great cover makes someone in your intended audience say ‘I need to read that,’ by showing them why the book matters to them in a way they can immediately grasp (or at least raising their interest enough to want to learn more). It should help your audience realize that they should be reading your book.”
Literary Horror Classic
Why God, Why?
However, some argue that the cover isn’t the first, or only, thing someone judges before buying a book. Writing Cooperative notes that nowadays, books aren’t only bought in physical stores anymore.
“Most books are now discovered either by in-person word of mouth or online, and in both cases, what is the first piece of information they receive? The title,” reads their site.
The experts say while a good title won’t necessarily ensure your book flies off the shelves, a bad title "will almost certainly prevent it from doing well." As the Cooperative puts it, many potential readers stop considering buying the book once they have heard the title, and nothing else.
I Think We Can All Agree The Animorphs Covers Are All Deeply Disturbing
Found This Beaut On Goodreads
It's Not A Cartoon For God's Sake
A study published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services found that around a third of books are bought as gifts, women buy and read more books than men, and that higher-educated and older consumers tend to read and buy more books.
The same study found when deciding on whether to buy a book, the top factors noted by those surveyed were the "Title”, "Synopsis”, “Subject covered in book”, “Recommendation of family and friends” and “Books with discount/on sale”.
I This This One Actually Might Be The Worst
An Oldie But Goodie
I Think Orwell Deserves Way Better
According to the Writing Cooperative, "almost every potential reader will judge whether or not to buy and read your book before they have read one single word inside the book."
They also say that often, readers aren't even aware of their thought process when browsing a book store. But that it takes less than a minute for someone to give the book a thumbs up or a big fat "no" before they either head to the till to pay or put the book down and move on.
They Look Like Traumatized Hobbits
Wow. Just. Wow
This looks like a book that makes it clear Legolas and Gimli were VERY good friends...it only needs a Boromir who looks like Fabio to be complete...
Mammoths Hunters 🫠
"These buying decisions are a series of instantaneous and mostly unconscious judgments. They are made in less than 60 seconds, and they are made together, each influencing the other, not individually," notes the site. "These judgments are real and substantive; in most cases, they are the main evaluation and purchase triggers."
Three Unbelievable Book Covers
I Am Haunted
What A Hell Is This?
Interested In Initiation?
Jesus He’s Big
These Might Be The Worst Covers I’ve Seen In A Reputable Bookstore Yet
I Don’t Know What’s Worse, The Spelling Mistake Or The Cover Design
Terrible Way To Be Summoned
Some People Never Change. Some Do
This Is An Audiobook Cover But Jesus Christ
So Sad…
Setting aside the VAST quantity of food, how in the hell do you make chilled desserts (like the milkshake in the back) with a microwave?
Note: this post originally had 98 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.
Poll Question
Do you enjoy seeing terrible book covers?
Yes, they are hilarious
No, they are misleading
Sometimes, if they're really bad
I have no opinion
OK, I loved and adored these - more! More! Also, I believe BP did an article some years ago about fake book covers that came from a Reddit page? Those would be great to see here.
Self-publishing or on-demand publishing, probably. The authors are supplying the artwork or are getting a cheap artist to do it.
Load More Replies...OK, I loved and adored these - more! More! Also, I believe BP did an article some years ago about fake book covers that came from a Reddit page? Those would be great to see here.
Self-publishing or on-demand publishing, probably. The authors are supplying the artwork or are getting a cheap artist to do it.
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