15 Of The Best Animal Images Of The Decade From The British Wildlife Photography Awards
As the British Wildlife Photography Awards is celebrating its 10th anniversary, a retrospective traveling outdoor exhibition has been set up. For the first time, the exhibition will feature all the overall winners, selected category winners, and highly commended images.
For the past decade, the British Wildlife Photography Awards has showcased the most stunning work from talented photographers across the United Kingdom. "This is a unique legacy captured by thousands of dedicated and talented photographers during the last decade, which has reached millions each year through exceptional media coverage," the official web page for the awards reads.
The exhibition opened on September 19 and is currently running until March 2021 as an inventive outdoor show and experience in the Astley Hall park in Chorley, Lancashire. "Visitors can experience these images in a way which has not been done before and enjoy the original perspective of finding an underwater world in the woods and get up close and personal with all creatures great and small within the walled garden," the British Wildlife Photography Awards page reads.
In addition to the outdoor exhibition, an indoor one will also be held from November 10, 2020, at Nature in Art near Gloucester. The future venues for the upcoming exhibitions will be announced once they're confirmed.
More info: British Wildlife Photography Awards
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'Balancing Act (Little Owl)', By Ian Watson, 2017
Due to the global pandemic, unfortunately, the competition won't be held for the year 2020. "We have now chosen to defer the next competition to 2021, to ensure the best possible competition is run when it is safe and practical to do so. Meanwhile, we are undertaking the retrospective show to mark ten years of the BWPA—and to look forward to many more," the organizers of the competition explain.
'Fox Glance (Red Fox), By Samuel Morris, 2013
'Ta Da! (Grey Seal, Halichoerus Grypus)', By Kirsty Andrews, 2018
'Shy Puffin', By Csaba Tokolyi, 2018
'Mute Swan Cygnet In Canal', By Mark Sisson, 2011
"I would recommend this exhibition to anyone with an interest in art, photography, wildlife or the outdoors," Councillor Peter Wilson, Deputy Executive Leader and Executive Member for Resources at Chorley Council, told the media. "The new format this year will see the exhibition moved to an outdoor setting, in the grounds of Astley Hall, Coach House and Park," he continued.
'Mystical Mist (Fallow Deer)', By Mark Smith, 2011
'Grey Heron Walking On Water, By Andrew Parkinson, 2011
'Humble Bumble (Garden Bumblebee)', By Keith Trueman, 2017
'Great Crested Grebe Courtship', By Andy Rouse, 2016
'Beneath The Kelp Forest (European Lobster)', By Alexander Mustard, 2017
"We are confident that this not only provides a new and exciting way to stage the exhibition; but also makes it a COVID-19-secure event, in the open air and socially distanced," Councillor Peter Wilson said about the exhibition in Chorley. "The exhibition is completely free to all visitors so I encourage everyone to come and check it out; check out Chorley!"
'Portuguese Man O’ War', By Charles Hood, 2010
I got stung by a detached tentacle of theirs once in Hawai'i! It hurt a lot, don't touch these things.
'Predator And Prey', By Michael Durham, 2016
'Waiting For The Next Meal (Cormorant)', By Max More, 2015
'Autumn Jewels', By Peter Cairns, 2014
'Cuttlefish Eye', By Michael Gallagher, 2013
Is it just me or do they come out with these wildlife photos of the decade" lists every few months? Not complaining, just observing that I know it hasn't been a decade since I've seen one of these last!
Is it just me or do they come out with these wildlife photos of the decade" lists every few months? Not complaining, just observing that I know it hasn't been a decade since I've seen one of these last!