Tech Support People Are Sharing The Worst Cases They’ve Seen While On The Job (40 New Pics)
There are solid reasons why a subreddit like Tech Support Gore exists. You see, as little documented as it may be, people living in the golden age of technology are no strangers to occasional, or rather pretty frequent mishaps.
And when we talk about mishaps, we're talking about real stuff, like fry-ups, grease and nests. It sounds like something from Gordon Ramsay’s show Hell’s Kitchen, but it’s not. Burning plastic, cable nests and hand grease are all the tip of the iceberg of things technicians see and have to find ways to fix on a daily basis.
So today, we are about to dive into the collection of the worst cases these blessed workers have seen while on duty. From straight-up embarrassing to plain weird, thumbs up are simply not enough to give to tech support. Psst! More of the crazy tech fails people brought in can be found in our previous posts here and here.
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Merry Christmas
So Yesterday My Hamster Escaped From His Cage And Somehow Ended Up Inside My Computer. My PC No Longer Works...
The Bad Part About Giving Tech Support To Your Local Food Place Is Seeing This And Knowing You Shouldn't Eat There Any More
Previously, we spoke with an IT support specialist who shared a couple of insights into the crazy things technicians see on a daily basis at work. Speaking of all the crazy pictures shared on the r/TechSupportGore subreddit, Smarthawk said that “they are accurate depictions of some of the things you run into in hardware support.” He added that “some things are obviously more shocking than others,” but this is pretty much an accurate representation of reality.
Marriott Hotel Network Closet - Where Past Problems Meet The Present
Now they cant sack the guy who manages all this. He is the only one who understands this rats nest.
Internet Is Temporarily Unavailable
Thinkpad Overheating For Some Reason
When asked why so many people seem to still have little idea of how technology works, Smarthawk commented: “I think that the general population is definitely getting more comfortable using technology but, no matter how confident you are, there's always moments where someone has a brainfart and breaks something.” So even for the best tech connoisseurs, faux pas happen, and they may find their baked gadgets end up on the r/TechSupportGore community.
Today r/TechSupportGore is home to 521k members, but it seems like the community never stopped growing since its creation in 2012. They aren't interested in trivial things like cracked screens or anything—just the filthiest kind of tech fails. And it doesn't seem that they're running out of things to post anytime soon.
Anyone Wanna Guess What Happened To The Server?
Change power settings so it doesn't shut down or go on standby when the lid is closed. Problem solved.
My Client Says He Doesn't Know Why His PC Isn't Turning On Anymore...
Just Discovered This Sub - (About A Year Ago) A Customer Asked Me If I Could Recover Anything. He Bent It Across His Knee In A Drunken Rage One Night. Hdd Was Miraculously Undamaged And I Was Able To Do A Full Recovery!
My Friend Told Me She Broke Her Phone And Sent Me This
Spaghetti On A Drill
When I Was Younger, I Tried To Dry My Laptop Keyboard By Putting It In The Oven On Low
Customer States "Our Intercom At The Gate Doesn't Work" Meanwhile In The Connections Box
Lol "Gold Plated" My Ass. (Gold Doesn't Rust) 🙃
Crunchy And Fibre Rich
This Mac Book Cable Being Used By A Staff Member At Work
Well, they do cost $80 USD to replace. Mouldable glue will do the trick.
My Eyes It Burns!
It Just Bothers Me
This Beauty Of A Touchpad I Found At The Thrift…
What Mandatory Sanitizing At Work Did To My Brand New $2,000 Laptop Last Winter
That is definitely not what was supposed to happen but I must admit... I kinda like the look 😅
This How-To Video
Even When Booting, iPhone 11 Displays Other Images
Bought A Vic 20. Came With A Rad Wasp Nest. I Reckon This Is Fine
The Server / WiFi Setup Where I Work. (The Tupperware Is To Catch The Water From The Leaky Aircon)
My Mum Is Using Her Laptop In The Rain On The Beach
Can You Make A Network Map For Us?
How Do You Even Wear Dimples Into A Keyboard Less Than A Year Old? Is This The Keyboard Of A 50000 Wpm Typer?
What Do You Think It Looks Like Inside?
It is not one of those curved TVs. https://www.samsung.com/uk/tvs/qled-tv/q60a-65-inch-qled-4k-smart-tv-qe65q60aauxxu/
I Don't Think The Problem Is With The Modem This Time...
People Are Often Shocked When They Found Out I'm Such A Bad Electrician (Not My Pic)
Client Told That Old Owner Would Leave All Network Infrastructure. Thank You
“The Ports Stopped Working!” “Which Ones?” “All Of Them!”
New Girl At My Job Tried To Find Out The WiFi Password To Connect Her iPhone And Watch Tiktok During Breaks, Bent The Router Hook While Trying To Take It Off The Wall Brutally, That Metal Hook Got Stuck And Short Circuited The Router From Inside. People Are Dumber Than Donkeys
Pro Tip: Dont Store PC Stuff Near Paint When Moving Into A New House
I'm Gonna Start A Collection
The New Bookmac Amateur
When You're Given 4 Business Hours Notice To Have 7 Workstations Available For A Training Class:
Oh No!
My fiancée and I collected the last of her belongings from her ex-husband not long after we met. He gave her a laptop and said she can have it as it didn't work and looked smug about it. We left, and I thought I would take a look at it while she refuelled the car and within 5 minutes I had it working again. She asked what was wrong with it. He had used old disk compression software on an 80gb hard drive to make it 120gb and partitioned it into 2 60gb drives. I managed to departion it using disk recovery software and then decompress the drive as he had left the software on the hard drive. She rang him before we set off to let him know we had fixed it. The break up and divorce was very messy as he was a serial cheater and scammed a lot of money out of her and the other women he was cheating with. So yeah, screw him
We just found a bug in a product that allows the user to manually set the first IP address octet to 127... which bricks the product because you have no way to access it at the new address. Wonderful.
My fiancée and I collected the last of her belongings from her ex-husband not long after we met. He gave her a laptop and said she can have it as it didn't work and looked smug about it. We left, and I thought I would take a look at it while she refuelled the car and within 5 minutes I had it working again. She asked what was wrong with it. He had used old disk compression software on an 80gb hard drive to make it 120gb and partitioned it into 2 60gb drives. I managed to departion it using disk recovery software and then decompress the drive as he had left the software on the hard drive. She rang him before we set off to let him know we had fixed it. The break up and divorce was very messy as he was a serial cheater and scammed a lot of money out of her and the other women he was cheating with. So yeah, screw him
We just found a bug in a product that allows the user to manually set the first IP address octet to 127... which bricks the product because you have no way to access it at the new address. Wonderful.