It’s no surprise that gossip or stories of incidents that really happened travel very fast, especially in high school. If somebody saw some students making out, half of the school is going to know the next day, if somebody got in a fight or made a fool of themselves - the same situation. 

However, there is nothing more interesting than seeing your teacher where they aren't supposed to be or, let’s say, spotting them on a date. Oof, those stories travel way faster than any dramas that students were involved in. But you know what’s even more interesting? Finding out that some teacher got fired and the reason that they got fired makes you even question if you are talking about the same person.

So speaking about that, one Reddit user created a thread asking folks online to share some stories about their teachers that led to them getting fired. Scroll through these incidents and upvote your favorite - just be ready because some of them are literally insane.

More info: Reddit


Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver She walked into her house to find her only son had hung himself. The school district did not allow her any grieving time and then fired her because “she wasn’t at the same level she used to be and her students were falling behind”. Needless to say the community ripped the school board a new a*****e and she was hired back and received the rest of the school year off.

bigmac22077 , Claudia Wolff Report

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Katie Lutesinger
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's one of the worst things I ever heard. :( I know someone whose son did the same thing and they're still a wreck one year later BECAUSE OF COURSE THEY F*****G ARE. Good lord.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver My middle school choir teacher was a closeted gay man. He had a long-term boyfriend but none of us knew about it, until one day a parent saw them at a HOUSE PARTY making out. They spread rumors throughout the school and multiple parents immediately removed their children from his class. The parents complained to the school and got him fired. The good news is, he eventually quit teaching and opened up a bakery with his partner, which did very well and got featured on Cupcake Wars.

    xain_the_idiot , Jay Wennington Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver In the early 90s, A female student at my high school was receiving obscene phone calls. When police interviewed her, she told them "he sounds kind of like my history teacher." The police put a tracer on her phone, and the caller did turn out to be her history teacher.

    mythrowaweighin , Ivan Samkov Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Teacher called up a female student to work a problem on the blackboard. The student didn't want to participate. After some verbal back and forth, the student went to the blackboard and muttered something under her breath.

    The teacher grabbed the student's hair with both hands and proceeded to slam her head into the blackboard. "You **(slam)** will listen **(slam)** to me **(slam)**!"

    About three seconds later, the teacher realized what she was doing and released the student's hair. The student looked at her, said "You are sooooo fired" and left the room.

    We had a new math teacher the next day.

    reference999 , Pixabay Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had any of my teachers did this to me or my siblings, my dad would gladly have gone back to prison for the same reason he spent a number of years there.

    The CareTaker
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is why I tell people I can not "be" around kids, Not that I don't love them, but I have anger issues and Find "Basic common questions/why/ kid logic" as "no common sense"

    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why is this updated? If you can't even control your anger them maybe you should try and get some therapy.

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    Patrick Smith
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a Spanish teacher slam me against a board, full body, about 30 years ago or so. Still remember it clear as day. Don't know what ever happened to him.

    ohjojo (you/your's)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What do you think the child said under her breath that set the teacher off? What would set you off?

    Michael Braisher
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Professional misconduct, clear and simple. However, just from this, the kid seems to be all mouth in the long game and the teacher simply flipped. REALLY flipped. Life's too full of d******d kids. I'm ALMOST with the teacher on this one.

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is no reason other than selfdefense to hurt a student. That teacher is not fit to teach kids.

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    Norman Yenney
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    9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even as a middle schooler, I would have fought off that SOB bc, you know, hormones.

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Students where I went to school would've grabbed that teacher and dragged her to the office before she even had a chance to think about what she'd done. Some would've even done worse given the chance.

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even if the student is just an a**hole, ignore it. You have to. The student will pay the price later in life, but a teacher cannot force-feed students with attitudes. If you cannot ignore those comments, send the student to the principal's office, or forget teaching.

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can’t believe there are comments defending the teacher here… slamming someone’s head into something could cause a serious brain injury. Hit your head the right way, and it’s game over.

    Edie Hart
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You may have no idea what stressors pushed that teacher over the edge. The pressure can be horrendous. She may have been an excellent teacher who just really needed some mental health time off. Still, no excuse. I would venture to say that she probably found a job outside of education that was less stressful..

    Chris Sprucefield
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would not have stopped there - just getting her fired, I'd have her behind served on a silver platter for assault, and had her disbarred from ever working with kids again, as she is clearly not safe around kids.

    Elizabeth Bennett
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My fourth grade teacher did this to a kid in the 80s. At that time, none of the adults in charge (parents, admin) believed the students. He taught several more years and retired from that position with pension. You could always smell alcohol on his breath and he carried a thermos that smelled of vodka. He liked to throw chairs across the room.

    David A Paterson
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    1 year ago

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    The kid was an absolute a##hole, too, to provoke her to the level where she did that.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver A football coach doubled as a high school substitute teacher. He was covering my history class. A cheerleader left her bag in the back of the class. I took it to the teacher to let him know and went back to my seat. From my corner seat I saw him go though the back and pull out a pair of panties. He pocked them. I stood up and said out loud “did you just pocket her panties?” He got red in the face and yelled at me “what did you say? Why the f would I do something like that?” He then stupidly stood up. They were hanging just slightly out of the corner of his pocket. Everyone saw them. Two girls ran out of the classroom and got the principal that just happened to be in the hallway. They confronted him as he tried to leave the classroom. We never saw him again. As a teacher or a coach.

    SaiyanGodKing , Lars Bo Nielsen Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One-in-seven paedophile suspects have jobs that could involve CHILDREN in posts such as teaching, health and the law.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Some foolish people thought it would be funny to accuse a teacher of groping them. It never happened, but by the time the truth came out the teacher had already lost his job and his reputation. He never worked again. Jokes have real consequences.

    zerbey , Saúl Venegas Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What the f---? How can someone believe this can be funny? They ruined the poor guy's life and these kind of fake stories affect real survivors of SA out there. Hope your pillow is always warm on both sides!

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Used corporal punishment. We were first graders and she made those of us who didn’t have their homework kneel on salt/seeds/buckwheat. One of the kids in my class was literally the most obedient kid and she was top of the class and always had her homework—that day she must’ve forgotten it at home. She made her kneel and the girl cried so quietly and without a sound and peed in her uniform. She transferred and never came back after that day.

    Yeah, it was a private school. Parents heard about it and threatened to sue.

    fiddyfy , Al Amin Khan Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh they'd have to protect that teacher for sure if she did that to my kid, that had to be so traumatizing.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver He murdered three people. So yeah, teaching just wasn’t going to work out…

    PodSixWasJerks , Kindel Media Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here in WI, they do. Knew a guy who couldn't get a student teaching position because he had an arrest (not tried, not convicted, just arrested)

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver She referred to the January 6th "event" as an "insurrection" when asked by a student and a certain hyper Republican board member's kid was in the class. She was fired 2 days later for "inappropriately political remarks" in class. Yes, this was Florida.

    GooberMcNutly , Alejandro Barba Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In our district a republicon board member rejected a history book because he didn't like what it said about Trump. Even though what was printed was factual. A***hole.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Separated students seating arrangements based on their grades. All the black kids ended up being lumped together in the lowest seating grade and was assigned additional work. Black parents got mad and stormed the classroom one day. Teacher got escorted out, never to be seen again.

    StraightsJacket , Kampus Production Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver At my school the new French teacher started [getting busy with] the old computer teacher, who was married to the geometry teacher. At the end of it just the geometry teacher had her job and all the other two teachers money because she divorced the computer teacher and managed to sue the French teacher as part of an alienation of affection suit. Then she hooked up with the metal shop teacher.

    mama_bear_740 , Afif Ramdhasuma Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver High School science teacher. Not so much fired as "forced to resign" for getting caught with a hidden camera in the supply closet in his class where he would let girls change for doing displacement experiments. A girl apparently noticed a red light or something, saw it was a camera, got tf out of there and went straight to school leadership. They came and apparently found the teacher frantically trying to delete footage. Resigning was better for the school's reputation, of course.

    SecretBiscuitRecipe , Gavin Allanwood Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Robbed a bank wearing the same clothes he wore to school that day

    craziedave , Allef Vinicius Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver He cut off my grandpa in an explosive road rage incident, pulled him out of his truck and beat him to the ground so bad that my grandpa was in the hospital for weeks. Thankfully my grandpa was okay, but his job (and his marriage, and social life) didn’t survive.

    Edit: missed a whole word there

    NykxMarie , Joshua Wordel Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Teacher at my school wasn’t quite right. Students and staff had been mentioning things regularly to the deputies…just noting they were a bit odd, said a few funny things, didn’t seem to quite be with the schedule.

    One day she was supervising an exam and she s**t herself. In the classroom. Then continued supervising. Eventually a kid left for a bathroom and desperately flagged down a teacher to ask for some help.

    She left that day and didn’t return. She was weird but I hope she’s okay.

    commentspanda , U.S. Embassy Moldova Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Embezzling from the students. For quite a few years, she would collect money for this "senior trip" that never seemed to materialize.

    She was arrested a few years after I graduated. I wonder if she's out of prison yet?

    Aeolian78 , Alexander Grey Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Got caught getting high in her car between class periods

    GrimeyScorpioDuffman , Nicholas Santoianni Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver She got caught making [hard illegal substances] when her in-home [hard illegal substance] lab blew up lol

    Leonardo3Inchyy , Moaz Tobok Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This censorship is ridiculous. BP, sort yourself out, will ya?

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Used a sick day rather than a vacation day to fly to Japan to fight in mma. Got caught and was fired for improper use of time off.

    flickmypoodle , Redd F Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver This happened a few years after I had his class. He was a cool dude and taught 8th grade history. But when he was teaching class one day, he hooked his laptop up to the projector to get the PowerPoint presentation going for that days class, and apparently he accidentally left very [LGBTQIA+ friendly adult media] up on his laptop and projected it onto the screen in front of all the students. He was fired soon after

    GenericPCnoob , Go to Wonderlane's profile Wonderlane Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Middle school teacher brought in her personal camera so students could record video projects. I guess she had a bunch of tapes in a box somewhere and just grabbed a random one for us to record over. She should have checked the tape first.

    When me and my friends did something dumb in front of the camera (can't remember what we did), we rewound the tape to record over that part. When we stopped the tape to see if we had gone far enough back, we realized we probably went too far.

    When we pressed play, the video that started playing was [an adult movie]. We later found out it was our teacher's sister and new husband on their wedding night. Our teacher was transferred to a different school and we all had to have meetings with the school admin to talk about what we'd seen.

    Snuflufgus , Chris Lawton Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait... this teacher had a sex tape of her own sister and the sister's husband? Alabama wedding nights are messed up, son.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver My kids’ principal got fired because she and her husband (also a principal in the next district over) were selling guns and [illegal substances].

    yetipilot69 , ANTONI SHKRABA production Report

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver He freaked out because the 13 year old boys wouldn't stop running their mouths. He threw a textbook across the room and told the class he could [take someone's life] with his bare hands

    Ggface36 , David Kennedy Report

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    Cat Palmer
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a similar one - science teacher had a sudden breakdown in a class of mouthy 15 year olds and started smashing equipment and shouting how much he hated us and that we'd all fail our exams and he'd be glad about it. He didn't get fired, just had to take some time off to get help and we were all instructed to pretend it never happened.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Had an art teacher who basically ignored the class and sat at her computer the whole class.

    One day, a guy goes to the TV/VCR in the corner of a room and put on [an adult movie, you know the kind], muting the TV.

    She didn’t notice. Word spread and she ended up fired.

    Also, my a*****e of sophomore English teacher got fired for being “too friendly” with some female students.

    Xiao_Qinggui , Col·legi de Farmacèutics de Barcelona Report

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    Jessica SpeLangm
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a sixth grade male science teacher that gave the females grades based on their chest size alone. As far as I know, he never got fired for that.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver He got drunk and went driving naked, flashing truckers

    FlashyImprovement5 , hawraz karim Report

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    Jessica SpeLangm
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So? That happened off the clock and had nothing to do with his job. He shouldn't have been fired for that reason.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Teacher threw a donut at an annoying student.

    AdEffective3077 , Kenny Kennethh Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver He used to bribe students with good grades in return for food

    Royal_Tumbleweed_910 , Kampus Production Report

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    Stardust she/her
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same thing in my class but reverse. The teachers are trying to bribe this kid in my class with chocolate if he improves his grades

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Use of alcohol on the job.

    Bottle in the top left drawer.

    Took years, though.

    ray458 , Clarene Lalata Report

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    bob cameron
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If I had to be a teacher today I would either end up an alcoholic or in jail. Teachers are putting up with a lot of BS and are not getting the support they should from administration and or students parents.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver She made students make a tag saying “ I am a useless boy “ and made them wear it for a whole day in the school, also made them walk around the football field for an 1hr in her session.

    What wrong the students did??, well they were talking and playing odd or even in her session”.

    Next week she was fired.

    Fuzzy_Raisin_1797 , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good. There is no place in the education system for sadistic people.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Damn, they didn’t.

    Multiple semi known affairs with students among the staff and life just kept on going…

    The 80’s were a different time

    NYerInTex , Markus Spiske's profile Markus Spiske Report

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    Nancy Marine
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, yeah .. during my junior year of high school (1981) a senior cheerleader became pregnant. All the girls parents could ever get out of her was that it was one of the teachers. She wouldn't tell anyone who it was

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver Big scary PE teacher knocked the living f**k out of a guy in my year during a lesson, student started arguing with him & called him a “Scottish bastard” so the teacher f*****g sparked him… he then proceeded to get the hairiest of sacks.

    anon , Clay Banks Report


    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver The drivers Ed teacher got a DUI. So he no longer could teach that class. He then became a PE teacher.

    ggfchl , Babur Yakar Report

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    She slapped a student across the face for mouthing off at her.

    Linux4ever_Leo Report

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    Jessica SpeLangm
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yeah, that's an immediate firing from me and a permanent ban from teaching ever again.

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    Dropping the "N" word to a few of the home boys. There's actually a video on YouTube of him explaining his reasoning for using it and how the way he said isn't bad.

    28gunsKY Report


    Teacher was a communist and got into a physical fight with a student who had strong ADHD to who she named «f*****g ADHD kid». Parents got involved and it was straight out the door. No meeting

    Nokaah97 Report

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    Justin Everett (Tehashi)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure what being a communist has to do with the fact that i imagine the probably firing reason was the getting into a fight with a kid.

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    Parents found out we where pooling money to pay a tutor to pass our exams. Went to the principal, made a big deal about it (as they should) and he was "let go" and we got a wonderfull teacher using his sparetime to help us catch up

    crazymissdaisy87 Report

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    Marianna Sf
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sooo.... a wonderful teacher is the one who works for free. Awesome. That's why nobody wants to be a teacher anymore.

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    Somebody Asks “How Did That Teacher Get Fired At Your School?” And 30 Folks Deliver A Spanish teacher got fired because he was teaching with an expired teaching license.

    Havok1717 , Centre for Ageing Better Report


    Because of me I think. Once in primary school i was messing around with a classmate, she threw a sponge at me, making me chase her around the classroom. Teacher tries to stop me and grabs me by the neck making me fall on my back. It didn’t hurt but I got surprised. I don’t remember how but some way the principal and my parents got involved and we never saw the teacher again after that. He was sort of a substitute teacher and from what I can remember he was pretty well liked even by me.

    jeremydeoderant Report

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    bElLa sTairZz
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    he might not have been fired, if a substitute teacher does a bad job the school can just stop calling them, and ti doesnt rly count as being fired. they definently deserved to be for what they did though

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    Accidentally pulled a hijab off a girl (got caught on something)

    Puzzleheaded_Pizza57 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it was truly and accident, that's messed up they got fired.

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