We can’t imagine the world without teachers. Yet sometimes we treat them as dispensable robots.

Abby Norman from Atlanta, Georgia, was one of them. She spent nine years in the classroom, but after “loving the students and the learning and despising the testing and the paper-pushing of the classroom,” she gave it up, went to the Seminary, and while seeking ordination within the Methodist tradition, also became a bartender.

Over the weekend, Abby made a tweet to explain the reasons behind her career change, and it immediately went viral.


    Image credits: Unsplash (not the actual photo)

    This former teacher shared how happy she is after quitting her job and becoming a bartender

    Image credits: abbynormansays

    Across the US, the average public school teacher salary for the 2019-2020 school year was $63,645, according to data from the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

    On paper, it looks like a teacher’s salary has increased over the last couple of decades but when you adjust the numbers for inflation, the average salary is just about 0.2% higher than in the 1999-2000 school year.


    The Pew Research defines middle-income Americans as those whose annual household income is two-thirds to double the national median (adjusted for local cost of living and household size). So in 2018, for a family of three, that ranges from $40,100 to $120,400.

    This puts teachers in the middle-class, however, the job comes with a unique set of challenges. Plus, it’s common for teachers across the country to spend a not insignificant amount of their take-home pay on school supplies for their students and classrooms.

    Inspired by her tweet, others also talked about exchanging teaching for enjoyable, less stressful careers that also pay more

    Image credits: AFreakingBreak

    Image credits: mollypocket629

    Image credits: 501Awani


    Image credits: TheLJWay85

    Image credits: UnofficialMsRob


    Image credits: MrAncalade

    Image credits: DB1212013

    Image credits: FenianSanta

    The thread also has teachers sharing how they realized they were severely underpaid

    Image credits: jdehlin

    Image credits: olivia_meikle


    Image credits: lisalulutweets

    Image credits: melnoah42

    Image credits: EllstonLogan

    People also spoke about why it’s getting harder and harder not to quit teaching and why so many already did

    Image credits: sehp1020

    Image credits: Matty0707

    Image credits: sheri_scary


    Image credits: librariesrgreat

    Image credits: DavidMo48520745

    Image credits: Fluff_fury

    Image credits: Yuhcyram

    Image credits: DoctorZPhD

    Image credits: StephanieShutes

    Image credits: Malerta


    Image credits: jimmy_dguitar

    Image credits: rebekahpearson