An educator's job is often demanding, stressful, and overwhelming. This year, only 34% of the teachers in the U.S. said they were satisfied with their jobs. The pressure is real. They are responsible for shaping the minds of the future generation, after all.
So, since the new school year is already upon us, let's show our teachers some appreciation with this list of wholesome interactions between them and the parents of the children they teach. It's like the Dalai Lama said: "When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts."
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When I Dropped My Son Off At School, He Noticed A Girl In Line And Said, "That Girl Looks Cold." He Got Out Of The Car And Was Off. Later, I Got This Message From His Teacher
A Teacher Sent This Out And I Love It. Thoughts?
My elementary aged son gets an enourmous amount, my middle school aged daughters get a normal/reasonable amount, my high school daughter gets what she didn't finish... I'm sorry, but this feels backwards to me...
I’m A Teacher. Today A Child Gave Me Toy Replicas Of My Dogs That His Mom Had Crocheted Me
In 2023, researchers found that most teachers living in OECD countries feel undervalued by their community, the media, and policymakers. Soo-yong Byun, the co-author of the study, said that teacher satisfaction directly affects student satisfaction and outcomes.
"If teachers feel valued in society and by media and policymakers, their job satisfaction will increase and thus [they will] make more efforts to adopt new ideas and methods to change and improve their schools," he explained.
My Student’s Dad Painted This Picture Of My Dog For Me As A Gift
My Son’s Teacher Told Me He Looks Out For A Little Girl Who Has Just Moved From Venezuela And Doesn’t Speak English Yet. I Am So Proud
I cried at the parent-teacher conference when she told me and sent this photo.
This Heart On My Hand Is Called A "Cuddle Button." Daughter's Teacher Draws This On Both Our Hands When I Drop Her Off At School, And Every Time We Press It, It Sends A Hug To The Other
Since my wife died last year, my 4-year-old daughter has hated being away from me. So, this helps her feel connected to me.
Parents, on the other hand, place a lot of trust in local schools and teachers. A poll by PDK International’s 2022 Public Attitudes Toward Public Schools found that American adults rate their local schools very positively. 63% of American adults put "a great deal or good amount" of trust and confidence in their teachers.
These ratings are almost the highest they've been in 50 years. Still, people don't view teaching as a desirable profession. When asked whether they'd like their children to become teachers, 62% of the respondents said 'no.' It seems that parents understand how hard a teacher's job can be, and few wish their children to experience that.
Cookie Charcuterie Board For My Son’s Teachers For The Last Day Of School
Bother Me All You Want. I Think It’s Adorable That She Wanted Me To See
This Kid Is Awesome
In reality, it's not just the teacher's job to educate and inspire the next generation. It's a tough job that parents need to take part in, too; it's a joint effort. Journalist and educator Dana Brown even goes as far as to say that it's not the children who make the job hard. It's the parents. "Often the most frustrating and overwhelming duty of teaching is communicating with parents," she writes for The Educator's Room.
My Kid's Theater Teacher Asked For Fake Food For Their Play. When She Emailed "Crafty Parents Needed" That Was Like My Bat Signal
It’s Always Nice Getting Pictures From Our Son’s Teacher Showing How He’s Excelling In School
Here's To All The Amazing Teachers In The World Going The Extra Mile To Care For Their Students
That’s awesome! And so important. My oldest had to deal with a new home, a new school, and a new baby sister inside of two weeks. I had to tell her kindergarten teacher to be a bit easier on her because of this
Brown lists three main reasons why parents and teachers might not get along as well nowadays. First, it's that parents are overwhelmed with responsibilities. So, they rely more on teachers to teach their kids life skills, morality, and values. And when these clash with those of the parents, conflicts arise.
This School Year Is Going Great
One Of Our Parents Made This For Our Year 2 Teacher. The Most Gorgeous Gift I’ve Ever Seen
My Wife Had To Write A Not-Sick Note For School
Second, some parents want to micromanage their children's everyday education too much. "Yes, parents should absolutely have a say in their child’s education, but those choices should be made during elections and school board meetings," Brown claims.
School's Out In My Neighborhood
You Have A Future Olympian On Your Hands
That's So Cute
And lastly, attitudes toward teachers at the top matter. Brown says that parents often mirror the administrators when it comes to respect for teachers. When rigid regulations and micromanagement are coming from the top, parents tend to follow suit.
My Son Is In 5th Grade, And This Thursday Is Their Concert. I Thought It Was So Kind That His Teacher Reached Out To Me Regarding His Solo. It Really Warmed My Heart
Was in this position at 12. Was too shy to do the solo. Always regretted not doing it
Turned My Son’s Drawings Into Teacher Appreciation Cookies
That’s So Lovely
Still, the first issue is probably the most glaring. Many parents want to control what and how their children are learning, prompting conflicts with the teachers. Jessica Winter writes for The New Yorker that this issue might have become more prominent with the pandemic. Teachers got a direct glimpse into the children's home life, while parents could finally sit in on the process of the classroom.
Vietnamese Immigrant Parent Reminds Me Why I Am A Teacher
This Was For My Son's Teacher. She's Leaving, And They Had The Best Bond. She Came In And Burst Into Tears, Which Got Me Going, And Then Another Teacher. It Was A Very Teary Moment
Teacher Appreciation Gift For My Daughter's 1st Grade Teacher! Parenting Honestly
Winter writes how, back when she was in high school, the only calls her parents got about her from school were about missed classes or if she had to go home early if she felt unwell. Nowadays, parents get informed about even the most minor things that happen in classrooms. Even back in 2013, only four out of ten parents claimed to have received phone calls from the school about their children.
A Sweet Message From One Of My Student’s Parents. I Miss My Kids A Lot
Message From My Nephew's Teacher To My Sister
Didn't Expect This From The Teacher Today
When I worked in a library a little girl solemnly told me "My mum wants to die" to which her mother replied very quickly "My HAIR, my hair!!"
Psychologist Michael Thompson explains that this is due to parents just being more involved in general. "This is the most devoted, most conscientious, most aware parent cohort ever—but they're also wildly anxious." Out of that anxiety, he says, comes the sometimes overbearing communication.
That Teacher Taught Us How To Love, And You Taught Us How To Be Thankful
Teachers should be paid more. They have such an impact on our future
I Have A PhD
This Should Be Framed
The key to a good parent-teacher relationship is to trust the teacher to make the right decisions. After all, they've received qualifications and training for doing exactly this, right? "The more you call, the less the teacher feels trusted, and the more it corrodes a relationship," Thompson says.
My Autistic Daughter’s Math Teacher Sent Me This Today. This Is Absolute Comedy Gold
From My Kindergartener's Teacher Today. The Embarrassment Is So Real
The usual way is a gun or a bow and arrow. But if that’s what works, you do you
My Son's Teacher Is Proud Of Me
It just could be that due to the dad or mom's s occupation the word appraised gets repeated at home too.
My Daughter’s Teacher Knew I Loved Knitting. So She Hand-Spun Me Yarn As A Gift
My Brother's High School Math Teacher Assigned Parental Homework. My Dad Was Not Happy
I could understand this for primary school children, where you can learn more from a parent that the child (until you meet/observe them) but for a high school student, I would expect this to be filled out by the student themselves.
The Email I Got From My 8-Year-Old's Teacher Today Had Me Dying Of Laughter. Do You Know How Hard It Is To Enforce A Consequence When Trying Not To Laugh?
The mannequin head is mine, as I'm a stylist.
Accidentally Sent My Son To School With His Newly Bought Ugly Christmas Sweater. Didn't Realize What Santa Was Doing Until His Kindergarten Teacher Pointed It Out When I Picked Him Up
She was pretty cool with it. She chuckled when she told me. I laughed too once I saw it.
Parenting Is Hard. How Am I Supposed To Discipline My Daughter With A Straight Face, When Her Teacher Sends Me Pictures Of Her Falling Asleep In Class
Why is she so tired that she’s falling asleep in class? That should be your first question
She Hadn't Missed A Meal
Required reporters have to follow up even if it sounds not very plausible. Like the time my then young grandson saw a show about trappers / furs and then told his teacher they were nailing cat skins up to dry on their apartment walls. (He doesn't hate cats, he just went with an animal that was around his urban environment. )
The Good Education We Must Invest In
This Is An Actual, Unironic Email That I Just Got From My Son’s Teacher
Message To Parents I Got Today
End-Of-Year Presents For The Teachers Who Look After My Diabetic Daughter
Why is a person who shoots a ball into a hoop worth hundreds of times more than the teachers who are responsible for educating our kids? Yeah, I don't have an answer for this.
My Daughter's Elementary School Emailed This Photo So Parents Can Claim Lost Glasses. The School Only Has 190 Students
For My Son's Teacher On The Last Day Of School
Kid Went To Spend Their Entire Birthday Money At The Canteen
My Cousin's Teacher Texted This
It's Teacher Appreciation Week. I Made These For My Kids' Teachers
My Little Sister Was Misbehaving At School, And This Was The Note Home She Got Today
Seems to be more going on than just missing mum. I would suggest giving her a chewable/stim necklace while finding out the cause. I have a child in my after school care who needs something like this, but for some reason the teacher thought a chewable necklace or chewing gum would be too distracting for the other kids.
Pretty Sure My Kid's Daycare Teacher Is Former Mafia
I have a feeling that many of the commenters don’t have children or have never even been in the same room as a child. So much negativity and judgement on content that’s unproblematic.
I too was a parenting expert until I had kids. Most humbling darn experience ever.
Load More Replies...I have to share my son's special moment now. 🥰 My 6yo son is autistic. I intended on homeschooling... but he was too intelligent and too difficult for me to manage on my own. I was fried. I needed help. We put him in a small local public school this year. We JUST had a meeting with the school psychologist and his teacher today, to talk about how he is adjusting. He is apparently doing so well that they intend to remove him from the special-ed program and integrate him into all-day classes. The teacher said that, aside from his hyper-focused interests that make transitions a little tough, he is easily the sweetest kid in her class and that he is a joy to be around. I cried. I am so darn happy to hear that he loves school, is respectful, and is adjusting well. 🥳
I have a feeling that many of the commenters don’t have children or have never even been in the same room as a child. So much negativity and judgement on content that’s unproblematic.
I too was a parenting expert until I had kids. Most humbling darn experience ever.
Load More Replies...I have to share my son's special moment now. 🥰 My 6yo son is autistic. I intended on homeschooling... but he was too intelligent and too difficult for me to manage on my own. I was fried. I needed help. We put him in a small local public school this year. We JUST had a meeting with the school psychologist and his teacher today, to talk about how he is adjusting. He is apparently doing so well that they intend to remove him from the special-ed program and integrate him into all-day classes. The teacher said that, aside from his hyper-focused interests that make transitions a little tough, he is easily the sweetest kid in her class and that he is a joy to be around. I cried. I am so darn happy to hear that he loves school, is respectful, and is adjusting well. 🥳