I started studying Tarot quite a few years ago. I became not only fascinated with the cards themselves, but also the fragments of history and many origin stories surrounding the cards. During my studies I started to see images of the cards. I decided it was time to do my own deck, based around the Waite Deck symbolism.

More info:


    Queen of Cups- Loving, tenderhearted, intuitive, spiritual, gentle.

    3 of Cups- Celebration, exuberance, friendship, community.

    Queen of Pentacles- Nurturing, bighearted, down-to-earth, motherly, resourceful, trustworthy, loyal, generous.


    8 of Cups- Find a deeper meaning, find personal truth, look for answers, move on, let go, feeling drained, losing hope, weary

    Page of Wands- Be creative, be confident, have an adventure, go in a new direction, act wholeheartedly.


    Page of Swords- Be just, use logic, learn and teach, be truthful, have fortitude.