I made these drawings using fineliners. What I like about working with ink is that it is final, and there is no correction. The images flow from my mind. Things I see in my day to day life morph into my little surreal reality that makes me laugh, admire, and marvel. It makes me reflect on the things I do and why I do them in that particular way.
Every person makes their own reality, whether they know it or not. I like to make people aware of that by exaggerating reality. But also, just make them smile.
More info: redmerhoekstra.nl | Facebook | Instagram | twitter.com
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Penguin Waldo, a fish, a boot, a banana, other things, this is like a scavenger hunt.
I've seen things like this in a children's book called W***y The Dreamer https://www.google.com/search?q=w***y+dreamer&source=lmns&bih=755&biw=1536&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwj1ktqk56foAhUQna0KHRbGDI0Q_AUoAHoECAEQAA
HOW DARE YOU! Do you know how much heart and soul this artist pours into these creations?
What kind of brain do you have?! These are amazing! Could you please tell me how you get these inspirations and what do you do to increase your creativity and vision?
Absolutely gorgeous your so talented I especially loved the whale coming out of the banana fascinating
Absolutely stunning. I could look at these every day. The cheeky steampunk aesthetic is quite engaging
You're INCREDIBLY GOOD at art! All of these awesome drawings look super cool & quirkily fun! It's refreshing to see something so unique and I truly don't mean any offense in saying this but personally I find some of it kinda disturbing (mostly the human face or hand combos). Please don't take it the wrong way-all of these are super cool & quirkily fun/different-just to me personally some of the human combos sorta rub me the wrong way.
These are so fantastical, magical, and brilliant. I'm so enamored by them. Your creative and critical thinking skills are truly phenomenal. I have so many favorites, but I think the humans inside the heart, though more simplistic than some, are beautiful. Some favs are the dandelion swans, bunnies riding inside the snail, the cat riding the mouse powered old fashioned bike, 47 cause I'm not quite sure what to call it, and 60 the octopus human. Too many to choose really. I did wonder what it would look like to have a opposite of your giraffes and have their legs rooted in the ground and heads in the trees. This has been the most wonderful surprise to find on here. Thanks so much for sharing. I've always been a huge fan of this type of art.
What kind of brain do you have?! These are amazing! Could you please tell me how you get these inspirations and what do you do to increase your creativity and vision?
Absolutely gorgeous your so talented I especially loved the whale coming out of the banana fascinating
Absolutely stunning. I could look at these every day. The cheeky steampunk aesthetic is quite engaging
You're INCREDIBLY GOOD at art! All of these awesome drawings look super cool & quirkily fun! It's refreshing to see something so unique and I truly don't mean any offense in saying this but personally I find some of it kinda disturbing (mostly the human face or hand combos). Please don't take it the wrong way-all of these are super cool & quirkily fun/different-just to me personally some of the human combos sorta rub me the wrong way.
These are so fantastical, magical, and brilliant. I'm so enamored by them. Your creative and critical thinking skills are truly phenomenal. I have so many favorites, but I think the humans inside the heart, though more simplistic than some, are beautiful. Some favs are the dandelion swans, bunnies riding inside the snail, the cat riding the mouse powered old fashioned bike, 47 cause I'm not quite sure what to call it, and 60 the octopus human. Too many to choose really. I did wonder what it would look like to have a opposite of your giraffes and have their legs rooted in the ground and heads in the trees. This has been the most wonderful surprise to find on here. Thanks so much for sharing. I've always been a huge fan of this type of art.