Every great artist has a closet full of shitty stories of their lives, and those, I believe, are the ones that shape us the most. I got over the shittiest story of my life by learning to wrap my feelings in works of art as self-therapy.
These are some of my stories.
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True! Only your inner self is responsible for happiness or sadness, external factors contribute later.
This picture is so great, I don't have right words that will sufficiently praise the artist's effort and imagination. Superb.
oo myyy goodness, I just cant stop staring @ it, scrolling up and down and drinking the colors and beauty from my eyes. Amazing.
The point where artist has merged the blue water with blue sky is so amazing. The legs of elephant still seems in water and then just at some point, it blends into sky. Amazing.
I don't know what the artist was thinking while drawing it, but to me it reveals fear, enigma, depression, anxiety and those eyes looking directly into my soul and saying to me you are my spirit animal.
I picture this flamingo in a sketchy neighborhood with like, soft jazz in the background.
This one seems like it must have such a story behind it! I want more information!
I had some dreams there were Clouds in my Coffee....clouds in my coffee and your so vain....
so the Truth is that we all live in a flamingo collar universe. So maybe it's true the earth is on a giant turtle back.
These are so absolutely gorgeous. Even without knowing the story behind them, they connote a lot of emotion.
I love all of it! If I was to rate it 0 to 10, I would rate it 10000000! Nice art!
These are so absolutely gorgeous. Even without knowing the story behind them, they connote a lot of emotion.
I love all of it! If I was to rate it 0 to 10, I would rate it 10000000! Nice art!