Photographer Uses An Analog Camera To Capture Eerie And Surreal Photos Of People (30 Pics)
Interview With ArtistWhen Artists create, they make their worlds. Some create happy worlds, full of sense and discovery, some adventurous lands full of magic and fantasy, some creepy and eerie worlds full of monsters and fear. That's the power of creativity. Every artist has to learn how to use it.
There's probably no question that photographer Titus Poplawski knows how to use his creativity very well. The photographer manages to create a surreal, dreamy, and sometimes even eerie world using an analog camera. Titus focuses on people in his photographs, placing them in unusual and strange environments to create the unique vibes of his photographs.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | tituspoplawski.com
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The photographer told Bored Panda: "I am an analog photographer from Poland. Working with photographic film gives you much more satisfaction from your work. It’s not about the advanced technical challenges. It’s more about letting the film influence the final artistic result of the picture. I focus on narrative photography, which is a metaphor that tells about human beings. Thus a human being is the main subject of my photos. The source of my inspiration is the broadly understood world of art. Throughout our lives, we absorb the world and art around us and this is the main source of inspiration. In my works, I show attention to detail and light."
Titus shared the main goal behind his illustrations: "Certainly, photography is my passion, which is a kind of addiction, and it is difficult to find a purpose in addiction. I like photos! I want to do them because they allow me to describe the world and answer 'any' questions."
Here's how the photographer got into the arts: "Photography came into my life in a very smooth and painless way. As a child, I got a camera. Since then, maybe on and off, but it accompanies me to this day."
Titus shared the most difficult part of photography for him: "Certainly, it is not a technical side, and probably not the composition or the visual effect itself. At this point, of course, I'm talking about the photos that I take or would like to take more. The most challenging thing will be to find the idea of conveying thoughts. In simple terms, we can say finding an idea."
"I like people, and they are indeed the main subject of the photos. However, I do not want to show them as we see them in real life, but to show their relationship with the world. That is, I want to show them as they are inside. From this desire to show the human soul, let's call it, my photos are unreal and often seem dark. The photo should convey something, say something, lead to thinking. I do not know if this is my style, but I am definitely aiming for it. I discovered this style in the natural process of changes or evolution of an artist. I like to learn and develop, so I hope to achieve what we called the style ahead of me."
How your neighbors says they are weird without saying they are weird.
"It can be said that in my childhood when I was about seven years old, I took my first pictures. I seriously took this on a few years ago, and I hope to keep doing it for as long as time permits. It may sound strange, but I am inspired by the will to develop. It is learning, developing, and improving that makes me want to take pictures all the time."
Here's some advice from Titus for people who want to be photographers as well: "Photography today is a very accessible medium. Everyone today has a camera—a phone—with them. This is undoubtedly a great thing, but on the other hand, I have the impression that everyone thinks that they are photographers because they can take a picture. The truth is that not everyone who can ride a bike will be a cyclist. We are inundated with millions of bad photos via social media and the internet. This indoctrination causes photography to die as an art; it becomes a storehouse of photos built on presets whose only purpose is to show a nice picture. My advice for people who want to take pictures is this: take pictures that you like and not that others will like. You shape the space and don't let space shape you."