Artist Uses His Photoshop Skills To Create 48 Fantasy Edits And Surreal Worlds
We are pretty sure most of us are aware that photos can be used to tell stories and explain certain narratives. Even more so given the current state of editing technology's fast development. Digital artists have the ability to create fictional worlds, stories and send a message that transcends the confines of our own world when given the proper resources and tools.
More info: Instagram
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Time for me to take a break from Teh Intarwebz. I eventually realized this was an elephant, after spending too long trying to figure out why the artist made ovaries and uterus from an island and if it was a political statement. Uff da.
"your not going to space today!" Said the giant woman or man or person
Sooooooo, aliens are really just flying around in old bumper pull Winnebagos?