In 1992, relationship counselor Dr. John Gray published his most famous book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. You don’t need to read it to grasp the fundamental principle that males and females are starkly different species of humans.
Of course, these disparities may lead to surprising discoveries about each other. Today, we’re focusing on the ladies and their most eye-opening realizations about their male counterparts.
These women on Reddit candidly shared their thoughts in a thread from a year ago. Their responses ranged from superficial quirks that caught their attention to more profound existential observations.
As always, enjoy scrolling through this list. Ladies, feel free to chime in. Gentlemen, this should give us all a good insight into how the opposite s*x sees us.
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When I was in my early 20s I struggled with stomach issues and was always holding in farts. I was convinced no man would want stinky me. To my surprise, no man I dated has ever cared. When I told my first serious boyfriend I was so scared and said I needed to talk to him. He looked very worried. Then when I told him he roared with laughter and demanded a demonstration. .
They aren't good at getting hints. Most of the time they need to be asked directly to do something.
I still don't understand why women have a problem with this? If you want a cup of tea, ask for one. Don't just say "is the kettle on?" It isn't nagging, it's asking
They are extremely susceptible to compliments. You know those everyday compliments women give each other without a second thought, well men rarely get them. So when you do give them one it is a 100 times more effective. Want to have a man in a good mood all day, compliment him on something.
True. When I get a compliment, I don't know how to react so I allways say something silly.
When you ask a guy what he’s thinking about and he says “nothing” believe him. He really is just not thinking about anything in particular.
Alternatively, when I say nothing, it means something that you have already shown you don't care about/aren't interested in, but it's important to me, so rather then hear you c**p on it, nothing is the answer.
Oof. I never thought of it that way, but...looking back at my life...especially growing up...yeah.
Just don't ask that question. Really, it's incredibly controlling to deny someone even the privacy of their own thoughts. Just stop it.
Women are the same way. But some women, idk, just get bothered or insecure with someone's silence. I know one lady who always asks "What are you thinking about?" and won't take "nothing much" for an answer. I can't just sit in silence, or listen to a song playing in my head or on the radio, and imagine a dancer dancing to the music. Plus, whatever is going on in someone's head is their private free time.
Yes, it's "almost" always nothing. Sometimes as hurlwurk said, it's something that you don't have an interest in and thus is not worth talking about....and sometimes it just means "i don't want to talk about it" No matter which one it is, pestering them about it isn't going to end well for anyone.
Going on 15 years married and my wife still doesn't understand this... XD
Tell her 'Just planning our next aniversary' and might give you some months of silence. But you're still going to do a big aniversary surprise 😁
Load More Replies...For me is 99% a useless meaningless stuff that just popped my mind, like if who would won Goku full power or Saitama, and my ex didn't even know who they were so, yeah 'Nothing honey' was my default answer.
Haha. This. I was told the same thing when I asked my partner what he was thinking 😂
What we are thinking about will either bore or anger you, either way you will not be happy with what we say.
I thought men spent most ot their time thinking about the Roman Empire.
I hate people who ask this question, I have been on the receiving end and it makes my blood boil, because the level of personal intrusion is unjustifiable - if I wanted to tell you I would have? Even if it’s not about you (to be honest if people ask this question after sex, it most likely is about them, and I’d only tell them if the sex was great, and people who f**k well generally wouldn’t ask this dumb s**t)
Men can have super deep bonds with each other, even though they don't show it at all. My grandpa was such a serious man: a shop teacher, a shipbuilder in Seattle during WWII, then he fished tuna from the boat he built.
After he had to retire from his boat, he did woodwork in the garage. He had a neighbor who would stop by the garage shop every single day and shoot the breeze with him.
His neighbor died suddenly. I can't forget grandpa sobbed. He was the most stern person ever, but he sobbed at the loss of that daily visit with his neighbor, that his friend died. That daily visit was a lifeblood to him.
[Edited to correct "shopbuider" to shipbuilder. Added the stateside shipyard location, b/c not a veteran].
How much abuse they take, and lack of support about it.
I hated learning just how much men's emotions, especially crying from either sadness, stress or even profound joy are ridiculed and suppressed.
How few compliments or acknowledgements they get. Now I make an effort to compliment or acknowledge them even if it’s a simple thing like “that colour really suits you”, “you have a great sense of humour” or “thanks for helping me, I really do appreciate you”. It must be genuine though!
That there are a lot of men out there who love and treat women with personhood and respect. I was abused as a child and teen by some ugly-hearted people and my father. It took an amazing boyfriend to show me the light. Thank you, babe ❤️ It sucks how our perspective on the opposite sex can be so marred by the abusive. Not all men!
They're many amazing men out there who will cherish you and protect you and love you.
Their innate goodness, they bear the brunt of so many things.
Most men, most of the time, are protectors, even protecting others from themselves and what they’re struggling with in the inside.
Their physical and mental strength can be amazing.
Upon reading the survey results, I was taken aback by the number of men who expressed a desire to become stay-at-home dads. It was surprising to learn how many men would like to take on the role traditionally associated with women.
Due to the economy, my wife is no longer stay at home (was her choice before the negativity flows in), but I would give anything to be able to have been a stay at home dad when my children were little. I feel like I missed out on so much, and I get so much more fulfillment from being home and doing chores, etc. than being in the work force... pipe dreams I guess...
That their reasons for cheating are rarely because the mistress was hotter or something. It’s simply because they want to feel desired. Women waste so much time comparing their attractiveness to some other woman. For most men the most irresistible woman is the one who adores you the most ( unless it’s your mom).
Desired and Respected are definitely powerful attractants. Contrary to post modern sensibilities, men and women need each other and the desire to be needed is powerful when embraced. The point isn't a justification of infidelity... It is a focus on what is important in a relationship- Beauty fades - Make someone feel special and that equates to 'beauty"
That I experience significantly less misogyny at my oilfield job than my friend does at her office job with more liberal men. Most of my girlfriends want to hear that I experience misogyny often and am out fighting the good fight for women’s rights but that’s just not really true. The s**t bags I’ve encountered are s****y to everyone so it has nothing to do with me being a woman. Most of the guys out here are happy to teach me stuff and want to see me succeed.
They fantasize about saving people, mostly people they love. Sometimes they save the earth by sacrificing themselves.
I giggled when my boyfriend told me, it's cute.
NGL - OP you may have missed the subtle look of hurt in your mans eyes after you "giggled" at this. Not an attack, simply an observation from a man, that is on topic.
So much of the comments follow the pattern of “omg men are human too?!”.
So many of the lists of men/women stuff boil down to "omg they also experience [fundamental human thing]?!"
That in the US, men still have to register with selective service before 26. I knew it existed, because my dad was only a few numbers away from going to Vietnam, but I thought it had ended in the '70s. Turns out, it had for a bit back then, but is active currently.
I was embarrassed that I didn't know (no man around me mentioned anything, not even my very anti war ex), and felt angry that men still have to do it. I don't think anyone should have to, and it should be ended.
Let the robots destroy each other.
Before 26? In my day, we were marched to the Post Office the minute we turned 18.
When they are staring off looking as if deep in thought...their minds are blank. Don't ask what they are thinking because it's usually nothing.
either nothing or we are thinking about a scenario where we save the day Die hard style
That men can have a low libido or not always want sex. It took me a long time to accept that my husband's lack of desire wasn't specific to me, he just wasn't feeling sexual at those times, because the societal expectation that men always want sex and will be ready to go whenever sex is initiated. It's certainly held true with the majority of my male lovers, including and especially the one with ED. But it's also normal to NOT be that way.
The societal expectation also shows up when the topic of his low libido comes up as everyone wants to help fix him. There is nothing wrong with my husband, his testosterone is fine, he's not on meds that would stifle his libido, etc. He's a perfectly normal, healthy human. With a low libido.
I'm a high libido woman, always have been but once I hit my 40s, hoooo boy did it get enhanced with the boom in confidence that came with the age. I recently asked my husband when was the last time he thought about sex, he couldn't remember. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't have sexual thoughts. Many times a day!! So it's hard to wrap my head around a brain that doesn't. Not because there is anything wrong with it, it's just completely different from how my brain works and how I expected a man's brain to work.
I'm a man on the asexual spectrum. According to a lot of people, no such thing exists.
They're much more sensitive and get attached easier than I thought.
We are basically a sack of emotions wrapped up in a desire for compliments.
That men have a full blown list of unspoken rules and protocols about using urinals. Even if there are walls for privacy.
Many of them actually are romantics and sentimental - they were just taught to suppress that and act ‘tough’ they’re whole lives.
*Rising hand* Your Honour! I would like to declare myself, without any shadow of a doubt, guilty of romanticism against the Queen of my castle, my undisputed better half, the owner of my paychecks, the future mother of my little hellrisers, etc, etc, etc 😊
That there are men out there that refuse to take care of themselves because they think it's gay or feminine
(This could be about personal hygiene as well as mental health or anything really).
That many of them would actually really like receiving flowers or something sweet that has generally been deemed “just for women” by society.
I can vouche for this. When my wife gave me my lemon tree as a "just because" gift, I was estatic
That when a man shuts down during an argument, it's not because he doesn't care. It's sometimes because he cares too much and is overwhelmed with "flooding" - increased heart rate/blood pressure, increase in stress hormones, etc. It's such an aversive feeling that many men will withdraw from an argument so the negative physiological arousal doesn't get worse. Meanwhile, women get frustrated because they think the guy is ignoring her, leading to a "demand/withdraw" cycle that can lead to nasty results. The moral: if your dude is withdrawing from an argument, let him be for a bit.
Tell this to my wife. She does not understand what the words "leave me alone" mean. When someone whether man or woman tells you to leave them alone berating them or trying to continue to argue will get you no where.
Apparently it's difficult to control the stream while peeing and sometimes there's a double stream and you guys can't really do anything about it while peeing?
The first time most men get flowers is at their funeral
Send your boys flowers yall.
Strength. It was jarring and surprising to see childhood friend who is same age being able to lift me up and throw me into foam pit at the gym after being same strength just 3-4 years before. It's incredible how once puberty takes off they get so much stronger while I bust my a*s in gym so much I cannot reach close to that level.
I guess it is what it is.
I do lots of sports and I feel great... until I see my husband carry things with one hand I can't even pick up, with no effort of his part whatsoever.
When they tell you upfront that they are an awful person, believe them. They are telling the truth.
… also keep your distance from the man that says that.
Careful with this one. He might be suffering from depression and low self esteem.
How many seemingly settle for someone they don't love just to avoid being alone.
My husband did this with his ex and ended up fathering a baby. Then he married her because he was scared to lose his kid. 16 miserable years later, she finally divorced him when she no longer needed his income. Cheated on him through the whole thing. Shot his confidence to pieces.
That they are soft and venurable just as much as we are and they also need compliments.
They have a much stronger sense of loyalty than women do.
Actually, this was proved by studying people in prison. Men group together and keep guards and staff in the dark. Women betray each other all the time, they inform on others, even snitch to the warden.
That some men have no idea about how periods work, why we have them, that we have 3 holes and what discharge is.
Still haven’t seen this one, so posting. I’m a man by the way.
Men are a little more polite to each other than women seem to be, because bad interactions can, on rare occasions, devolve into physical violence. And that violence can be life threatening, owing to their (generally speaking) greater muscle mass and testosterone level.
This violence avoidance/awareness is in the deep background, pretty much all the time.
Women know this fact very, very well. We are much more polite to men than we really want to be, as we don't want to get killed either
That a large majority of men have "specific" friends, not general friends.
This Meaning, a man can have 3 specific hobbies he enjoys in his life. He will have 3 specific friends for each hobbie, but those friends are not friends for all 3 hobbies, only the one. For example, if he's into sports. He will have a good friend who always loves to go to sporting topics with him, but that friend won't ALSO be a gaming friend AND a sports friend. The man will just have a different friend for gaming who also DOESNT involve himself in sports.
Women have friends who just do whatever, whenever together, because we are just enjoying each other's company while also doing some random activities as a group. We can be into many topics, and 1 friend can join us on those many topics without being interested in ALL the topics. For example, a woman can have a bestie who isn't into makeup but would still join their bestie on a makeup activity solely because their bestie is interested in it and they want to enjoy their time with their friend.
Guys will enjoy their time with their friends but only on specific topics they both are interested in. So if men do not have multiple friends, they usually don't branch out on their own to meet newer friends for newer activites and end up being lonely.
(I'm aware this doesn't include ALL men and that there are several men who have 1 best friend that does activies with them).
So... women don't have specific friends? I have friends for specific things. Some I'm more interested in chatting with than others. I have friends I can chat about the paranormal and politics. A friend who wants nothing than to rant about her job and play simple online games. A friend I go to just to get info on things I know nothing about.Work friends I get along with at work but don't get into any heavy topics with.
They’re surprisingly so much more insecure than us women are. Perhaps it’s the unreasonable social standards that they are expected to reach? As a girl I’m insecure about my appearance and body and sometimes likability, but those too are momentary, they disappear when I dress pretty or when I’m with friends.
But every man I meet has so many insecurities. It’s from height, to weight to hair to facial features to wearing spectacles, then their jobs, their income and assets. Where I work is kind of a big company in my country but my boss, who is quite a young lad with a PhD is so insecure about what people talk about him! It’s crazy because he calls for staff meetings to tell us not to gossip about him. A guy I met for a date insisted his height was 5. 8” although he was clearly around my height when I was in heels. I literally didn’t care about his height and I didn’t even ask him! But he wanted to tell me that while we were talking and I just went “Okay!”
Like guys, I’m sorry the society expects so much from you but don’t let that hurt you, y’all are okay. And guys I hope you complement each other too! Hype each other up! Life’s not a competition!
Poll Question
What realization about men has changed your perception the most?
Emotional vulnerability
Communication differences
Lifestyle habits
Cultural expectations
I'm downvoting you because you knew what you clicked on, and only came down here to s**t on it. Do better, or at least mind your business.
Load More Replies...I'm downvoting you because you knew what you clicked on, and only came down here to s**t on it. Do better, or at least mind your business.
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