Sundays are a bittersweet day of the week. On one hand, it’s a day to relax, recharge, and savor the last moments of a seemingly short weekend. On the other hand, the looming shadow of Monday can make it hard to fully enjoy the day.

Sundays can often feel like a race against the clock, with looming work stress, unfinished tasks, and the impending return of the weekday grind, it is fine. But instead of letting Sunday dread take over your life, why not switch up the mood and find humor in the situation through funny memes?

Our collection of 30 funny Sunday memes captures the relatable mix of emotions that come with the end of the weekend. From the joy of a lazy Sunday morning slowly sipping on your cup of coffee to the creeping anxiety of Monday’s to-do list, these hilarious memes will remind you that you’re not alone in your Sunday struggles.


The Evening Before Your Day Off

A Sunday meme featuring a man sitting at an outdoor table with a sign that reads, "The evening before your day off is more satisfying than the actual day off." The bottom of the sign says, "Change my mind." The man is holding a mug, smiling confidently, inviting debate on the topic.

wcslater Report

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ppepworth avatar
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1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Definitely, and the evening before you next work is worse than a an actual work night.

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The Noisy Neighbor on a Quiet Sunday

A Sunday meme showing a man using an oversized power drill with a huge drill bit against a metal surface. The text above the image reads, "'Finally Sunday, I will sleep all day long,'" and the text below says, "My neighbor at 7 am," humorously depicting the frustration of being woken up by noisy neighbors early on a Sunday morning.

However-Mrls Report

Why Does the End of the Weekend Bring Anxiety

In an article for the Cleveland Clinic, psychologist Susan Albers confirms it’s normal to get the Sunday blues when the weekend comes to a close (1). According to Abers, the feelings of intense anxiety and dread routinely occur every Sunday afternoon; however, “depending on a person’s level of anxiety, these feelings can start as soon as they get out of bed.”


Anxiety around Sunday can even have physical manifestations, like a racing heartbeat, sweating, difficulty breathing, trembling, an upset stomach, trouble sleeping, or even a throbbing headache. Remember: This happens to many people — you aren’t alone.

Physiological symptoms can be mentally rooted since our cognitive load is significantly lowered during the weekend, so letting our guard down is easy.

Albers suggests that it takes a lot of mental energy to prep for upcoming tasks, and the Sunday Scaries represent our brains gearing up to access the parts that weren’t utilized during the weekend.


How Companies Can Help Ease Weekend Anxiety

Researchers at the University of Exeter discovered in 2023 that the boundaries between home and work life have blurred since the pandemic, intensifying the Sunday blues (2).

Professionals most affected by the Sunday Scaries are those who receive emails over the weekend, those who feel forced to work through weekends or have unfinished work, and those who suffer from their self-imposed pressure to perform.


To lighten the mood on Sundays, managers can actively participate and offer ways for their employees to cope with the anxiety. Thanks to extensive research, the University of Exeter developed a toolkit with strategies managers can apply to help their workforce deal better with Sunday syndrome.

The University has outlined several methods, including checking in with teams on Fridays, arranging positive interactions on Mondays to give people something to look forward to, and encouraging employees to complete their to-do lists on Fridays to help alleviate the Sunday night blues. However, it’s important to note that it takes a collaborative effort between employers and employees to make the plans work. 


“The Moment When Monday Crushes Your Weekend Vibes”

A Sunday meme depicting a yellow cartoon character enjoying a large chocolate wave labeled "Weekend." In the first three panels, the character stands in front of the wave, which then crashes over them joyfully. In the next panel, the character looks content, saying, "Huh... I don't feel sleepy." Suddenly, the character appears shocked and worried as a massive wave labeled "Monday" approaches, and the character shouts, "Nooo."

John-333 Report

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Sunday is the Day of Rest in Many Cultures

The world may be divided on whether a week starts or ends on a Sunday, but there’s a consensus about what the day means. The word used across languages commonly translates to the “Sun’s Day” or “Day of Sun,” writes Jack de Graaf on Fact Site in 2023 (3).  


We must admit that we like the Slavic meanings the most. According to Graaf, in the Slavic languages of Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian, and Bulgarian, the word Sunday means “no work.”


“When You Need Another Sunday”

A Sunday meme featuring a sleeping French Bulldog with its tongue sticking out, looking relaxed but tired. The text above the image reads, "I'M NOT READY FOR MONDAY!" and the text below says, "CAN I HAVE ANOTHER SUNDAY?" humorously expressing the wish to extend the weekend and avoid Monday.


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tax23 avatar
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1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Poor torture breed.😢

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From Fine to Frazzled in a Weekend

A Sunday meme featuring two images of a cat. The top image, labeled "FRIDAY," shows a relaxed and content cat leaning back against a curb, looking carefree. The bottom image, labeled "SUNDAY," shows the same cat looking disheveled and confused, sitting in a field with the caption "Where the hell am I?" humorously capturing the feeling of weekend disorientation and regret.

matmangrl Report


“When You Work Weekends”

A Sunday meme with a four-panel layout. The top two panels show a man holding a happy dog labeled "Friday" with the text "Everyone" next to the dog, while a cat in the background looks on with a blank expression. The bottom two panels zoom in on the cat's face with a wide-eyed, slightly sad expression, labeled "Me who works weekends," highlighting the feeling of missing out on the joy of Fridays due to weekend work commitments.

Eastview10 Report


Sunday Night Blues

A Sunday meme featuring a sad-looking puppy with big, droopy eyes sitting on a rug, appearing downcast. The text over the image reads, "I GOT THE SUNDAY NIGHT BLUES," capturing the feeling of gloom and melancholy that often comes with the end of the weekend.



A Peaceful Month

A Sunday meme with two images. The top image shows a character with a satisfied expression and closed eyes, with the text, "When the month starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday," alongside a calendar screenshot showing February 2021 beginning on a Monday and ending on a Sunday. The bottom image is of Master Oogway from "Kung Fu Panda," also with closed eyes and a calm smile, saying, "Finally, inner peace," humorously expressing satisfaction with a perfectly aligned month.

Beansable Report

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jamesstevenson_1 avatar
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1 week ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I a month starts on a Sunday it will have a Friday the 13th. (I think)

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The Employee Who Has Random Shifts

A Sunday meme with text at the top that reads, "People: Sunday nights are stressful, I hate Mondays. Me who works at random shifts and forgot the meaning of holidays:" Below, an image of a character with glowing red eyes and a determined expression, captioned, "I don't have such weaknesses," humorously capturing the resilience and indifference of someone accustomed to irregular work hours and indifferent to the typical dread of Sundays and Mondays.

YD099 Report


Sunday Realization

A Sunday meme featuring a close-up photo of a small dog with wide, startled eyes, looking slightly anxious. The text above reads, "When you laughing with bro but realize that it's 5pm on a Sunday," humorously capturing the sudden dread of realizing the weekend is almost over.

South_Guitar_9786 Report

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“Me at 6:30 A.M. on Sunday”

A Sunday meme featuring a scene from the movie "Borat," where the character Borat is excitedly walking through a village with a big smile. The text above reads, "Me at 6:30AM looking at my alarm set for 7," and the text at the bottom says, "I go to sleep," humorously capturing the futile hope of going back to sleep when only a short time remains before the alarm goes off. Report

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“Me Every Sunday”

A Sunday meme featuring two panels. The top panel shows a to-do list with three items: "Play too many video games," "Not get anything done," and "Have a full-on existential crisis at around 8," all with empty checkboxes. The bottom panel shows Mike Wazowski from "Monsters, Inc." holding a marker and clipboard, smiling as if he is about to check off the items on his list. The caption reads, "Me every Sunday," humorously capturing the unproductive and stressful nature of a typical Sunday.

embodimentoffailure Report


The Difference Between Friday and Sunday

A Sunday meme featuring two images from the series "Squid Game." The left image shows an elderly man (Player 001) energetically crouching and smiling, captioned "Me on a Friday Night," representing high energy and excitement. The right image shows the same man sitting slumped against a wall with a tired and resigned expression, captioned "Me on a Sunday Night," humorously depicting the exhaustion and dread of the weekend ending.

SudhitYadav74 Report


The Day-Off Slump

A Sunday meme featuring two captions. The first caption reads, "Me: I can't wait for my day off." The second caption says, "Me on my day off:" followed by an image of a man with a tired and disappointed expression, holding a coffee cup while slouching on a couch. The meme humorously captures the contrast between the excitement for a day off and the reality of feeling unfulfilled or exhausted when it arrives.

Aconsistentfailure Report

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khwahish_n avatar
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1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please normalise being this on our off day. I dont like the pressure of appearing sane or happy.

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“When the Work Week Comes After Your Sunday”

A Sunday meme depicting a humorous chase scene where a young girl is running away, looking terrified. Behind her, an orangutan rides a small bicycle. The text above the orangutan reads, "THE WORK WEEK," while the text over the girl reads, "MY SUNDAY," capturing the feeling of the workweek quickly approaching and chasing away the peace of Sunday.



Misplaced Holidays

A Sunday meme with a four-panel comic of Tom from "Tom and Jerry." In the first panel, Tom looks at a piece of paper with curiosity. The second panel reveals the paper says, "YOUR COUNTRY'S INDEPENDENCE DAY IS COMING UP." In the third panel, Tom looks excited and happy, but in the fourth panel, his face gets splashed with water, and the paper says, "IT'S ON A SUNDAY," humorously capturing the disappointment of a holiday falling on a weekend. Report


“You Don't Say..”

A Sunday meme featuring a close-up of a dog's face with wide, skeptical eyes, looking upward. The text above the image reads, "WHEN YOU HEAR SOMEONE SAY SUNDAY FUNDAY," humorously capturing the disbelief or annoyance at the idea of considering Sunday, a day often filled with pre-Monday dread, as a "fun day."


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Pewing Monday Away

 A Sunday meme featuring a playful orange cat with its paws stretched out as if playfully "shooting" something. The text above the image reads, "GO AWAY MONDAY!" and the text below says, "pew pew pew," humorously depicting the cat trying to ward off the arrival of Monday with imaginary laser sounds.



Different Day, Different View

A Sunday meme showing a cartoon of two people sitting on opposite sides of a bus. The person on the left, labeled "Sunday Afternoon," looks sad and dejected while staring out at a dark, rocky cliffside. The person on the right, labeled "Friday Afternoon," appears happy and excited, looking out at a sunny, scenic landscape. The meme humorously captures the contrasting emotions felt on a Friday afternoon versus a Sunday afternoon.

BDiddy_420 Report

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1. Cleveland Clinic. “What Are the ‘Sunday Scaries’?” Cleveland Clinic Org, December 8, 2023. |

2. Ben Dickenson Bampton. “Sunday Night Blues caused by weekend emails and blurred boundaries, study reveals.” University of Exeter, March 14, 2023. |

3. Jack de Graaf. “22 Super Facts About Sunday.” FactSite, January 27, 2023. |