Man Spends Thousands Of Dollars Trying To Keep His Dog’s Hair Stylish Every Single Day
Kevin Chan, the owner of probably the most stylish dog in the world, a three-year-old Afghan Hound AJ Nirvana Battle, has already spent more than 100,000 Chinese Yuan so far (15,000+ US dollars) and 6-8 hours per week trying to keep his pet’s fur fabulous every single day.
Chan says that Battle was already the most beautiful dog in the world when they first met each other, and he doesn’t mind spending time or money on his pet since he’s a family member. Battle is given regular baths every 7 to 10 days and his owner does everything by himself. All the grooming equipment cost Chan more than 100,000 CYN already, and he additionally spends 4,000-5,000 CYN (more than 700 US dollars) on bathing products every month.
The 29-year-old owner, who works as a marketing director in Beijing, even bought a camera and started taking photography lessons just to be able to capture his pampered pet in the best possible way. Scroll down to see this majestic dog for yourself. (h/t)
This 3-year-old Afghan Hound AJ Nirvana Battle is probably the most stylish dog in the world
His owner, Kevin Chan, has already spent 15,000+ US dollars trying to keep his pet’s fur fabulous every day
Chan says that Battle was already the most beautiful dog in the world when he first met him
And he doesn’t mind spending time or money on him since he’s a family member
Battle is given regular baths every 7 to 10 days and his owner does everything by himself
All the grooming equipment cost Chan more than 100,000 CYN ($15,000+) already
And he additionally spends 4,000-5,000 CYN (more than 700 US dollars) on bathing products every month
The 29-year-old Chan even bought a camera and started taking photography lessons just to be able to capture his pampered pet in the best possible way
Do you think he’s succeeded?
See the video of Battle below:
Share on FacebookAfghan hounds are pretty dogs - but not the brightest lights in the chandelier. As for the money he spends, so what? He can afford it and it makes him happy. Some people spend their money on booze, others spend it on their gardens...and so on.
Shes beautiful, loved & well taken care of, nothing wrong with that in the least. If I had all the money I wanted to lavish my fur baby I would, I would love to go on trips and explore the world, unfortunately I can't afford vacations very far from home so we make do in life. I'm blessed beyond measure, compared to what some have. I see nothing wrong with taking care of of someone you love like this man's doing.
Afghan hounds are pretty dogs - but not the brightest lights in the chandelier. As for the money he spends, so what? He can afford it and it makes him happy. Some people spend their money on booze, others spend it on their gardens...and so on.
Shes beautiful, loved & well taken care of, nothing wrong with that in the least. If I had all the money I wanted to lavish my fur baby I would, I would love to go on trips and explore the world, unfortunately I can't afford vacations very far from home so we make do in life. I'm blessed beyond measure, compared to what some have. I see nothing wrong with taking care of of someone you love like this man's doing.