Guy Writes The Stupidest Jokes On A Board At Work Hoping Someone Will Stop Him One Day (24 Pics)
The more ridiculous, silly, and groan-worthy the joke, the more we love it. While some folks might have an aversion to dad jokes, we believe that there’s nothing like a good pun or two to start the day with a smile.
Do you know what’s even better than cheesy jokes? Ones that you find at work, written in huge letters for all your co-workers to see. Imgur user Whiskeyhicks uploaded a whole gallery of photos featuring the jokes he wrote on the whiteboard at his job. They’ll make you laugh. They’ll make you cringe. They’ll make you repeat them at your own job. So scroll down, upvote your favorite work jokes, and be sure to share with your friends and family. After all, everybody needs a humorous pick-me-up to get us through another tough day at work. If you know any corny jokes, feel free to share them in the comments to spread the joy. Scroll down for Bored Panda's interview with Whiskeyhicks.
In case these jokes aren’t enough, have a look through Bored Panda’s posts about the funniest two-line jokes ever, the funniest puns ever, the funniest dad jokes, as well as the times dad jokes were taken to another level. You’re welcome. But a note of warning: some of the jokes featured here and in our previous posts are so funny/bad that it’s best that you’re not eating or drinking anything while reading them.
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Whiskeyhicks’ joke gallery was very popular on Imgur: it was viewed over 125,000 times in less than a day, got over 3,880 upvotes, as well as 273 comments. As you can probably guess, most of the comments were positive reactions to Whiskeyhicks’ attempts to improve his co-workers’ workday; while others were cheesy jokes. Some of them may have made us giggle too loudly and we’re very much ashamed of that.
Whiskeyhicks told Bored Panda that "sheer boredom inspired" him to write the jokes. "I saw the board for a few weeks at my new job and there was never anything on it in comparison to all the other boards at work. Not understanding why I just did it to see if anyone paid attention, after that it sort of just became a habit."
"For every joke I took a picture of there's about 4 I didn't and honestly those are probably the better jokes. One of my favorites went "A cheese factory blew up in France, all that was left was de-Brie."
"Being an overnight worker I don't get to speak to the staff often, if anything the jokes are my way of communicating to the staff I never see and let them know that I exist and I'm not a jerk," Whiskeyhicks explained. "Maybe one person complimented me about the jokes at most. But for the most part it's a mystery to me, I hope they enjoy them."
"As for people who get offended by jokes at workplace, I think people's feeling are valid, and it's important when it comes to jokes to try not to go for that low-hanging fruit that might be offensive. It's possible to be funny and inoffensive you just have to try a little harder, and why wouldn't you for people you work with?"
It feels great to tell a fantastic joke and have everyone laugh with you, not at you, right? Sometimes, however, you mess up the joke and it becomes awkward just like after Michael Scott delivers a cringe-worthy one-liner in any episode of The Office.
Jennifer Winter writes on The Muse that you should stop trying to be funny. Desperation is the enemy of humor (and romance, but that’s another topic altogether). While you can learn the basics of humor, it still has to be spontaneous. You can’t force someone to laugh when you’re delivering jokes you learned by heart while wearing a deadpan look on your face and nervously checking to see how everyone’s reacting. What comedy advice would you give, dear Pandas? Let us know in the comments.
the mandatory employee meeting says like "mike, we have had enough of your s**t"
That's WC Fields, essentially; "I once shot an elephant in my pyjamas; why it was wearing them I'll never know".
used to work with someone who sat next to me and we told a lot of bruce lee jokes like this one
I think he accidentally left out a word, Considering 'WHAT' this door is on leads to...