This Facebook Group Shares Strange Things About The World, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Pics
Interview With ExpertThe world around us is a fascinating place. However, many of us are too busy to notice a lot of interesting and peculiar details. If we were to get into the habit of slowing down and taking a look around, we might enjoy our day-to-day lives far more.
That’s where the popular ‘Stranger Things in Stunning World’ Facebook group comes in. The members of this online community share some of the most impressive things that they’ve come across, from wholesome images and acts of kindness to strange events that might change your perspective.
Bored Panda got in touch with Jodi Wellman, MAPP, who shed some light on why we rush so much in life and what we can do to be more present and notice our surroundings more. Wellman is a speaker, author, and leadership coach, as well as the founder of the ‘Four Thousand Mondays’ project. You’ll find the thoughts she shared with us below.
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My Brother Made These Two Quilts, And He Is Ashamed Of Being A Seamstress, So I Thought It Would Be Interesting To Post Here In The Group So That He Feels More Motivated To Continue, Because He Has A Lot Of Talent, And I Don't Want Him To Stop
According to Wellman, people value productivity and efficiency. This “contributes to the ‘go go go-ness’ of our days,” she told Bored Panda via email.
“But I think many of us are caught up in what’s known as an existential vacuum, which is characterized by a nagging sense of meaninglessness in life. When we’re feeling unfulfilled in life, we get pretty savvy at filling the void with manufactured busy work,” the founder of the ‘Four Thousand Mondays’ project said.
Brazilian Priest Juan Pablo Takes Abandoned Dogs Off The Streets, And Feeds And Bathes Them. Then He Introduces A Dog To Each Mass And To Find Each One A Home. Dozens Of Stray Dogs Have Families Because Of This Man. We Hope This Idea Catches On. God Bless You Father
Don't Know Why This Hasn't Received More Publicity, But This Fifty-Foot Sculpture Was Unveiled Recently In South Dakota. It's Called 'Dignity' And Was Done By Artist Dale Lamphere To Honor The Women Of The Sioux Nation
“We might want to be suspicious of the purpose task-rushing is serving for us and start connecting to a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life.”
Wellman noted that, from her perspective, remembering that we’re all going to die can help us be more present in the here and now.
“We are temporary, finite, ‘limited time only!’ This ancient practice known as memento mori works because it’s only when we contemplate our mortality that we snap to attention and realize all we have in this momentary existence is This Moment,” she explained to Bored Panda.
“I want everyone to count their Mondays; we get about 4,000 on average, and tuning into however many we have left can open our eyes up to what matters, what’s special right here and right now.”
This Crow Broke Her Beak 8 Years Ago In A Collision With A Car. He Has Patiently Fed Her And Loved Her Since. They Have Babies Every Year And She Is An Affectionate Mother, And The Entire Flock Protect Her. Living Proof That Compassion Is Not Limited To Humans
Easton's Mom Told Him He Could Adopt A New Pet. He Had The Choice Between A Puppy Dog Or A Cat. He Chose To Adopt Tiny, A 10-Year-Old Cat Who Had Just Lost His Home. Of All The Animals, He Chose To Adopt An Overweight, Old, Shy Cat. Love Is Blind, As It Should Be. On The Ride Home, Tiny Got Out Of His Cage And Cuddled In With His New Owner And Has Been Stuck To Him Ever Since. Great Job Easton, Tiny Is One Lucky Cat!
94 Year Old Agnes Kasparkova Turns Her Small Village Into An Art Gallery In The Czech Republic
The members of the ‘Stranger Things in Stunning World’ community are extremely active, so there’s a constant feed of new posts for members to look through.
The Facebook group was first created back in early November 2021. Over the next two and half years, it grew to nearly 113k members in size. The team running the group is very social and encourages everyone to invite their friends to join them to “feel the difference.” They see the community as a sort of way to make the world a better place by sharing positive and interesting content.
Our Cow Bertha Wasn't Feeling Good So Last Night, My Son Went Outside To Spend Time With Her. I Woke Up This Morning And Found This
My 84-Year-Old Grandmother Apologized For Having To Wear Her Nightgown In Front Of Us. I Said It Was No Problem And That It Actually Looked Very Comfortable, So She Immediately Offered One To Me. It's Not Like I Could Have Rejected This Generous Gift
What a wonderful grandson! He looks good in it, too.
Every Year This Mama Duck Brings Her Babies To My House And I Help Her Take Care Of Them. This Morning I Opened My Door To 13 New Peeping Fluff Balls
Telling ourselves to slow down to appreciate life more is easier said than done. However, if we make the change, we potentially avoid a lot of stress. Physician Susan Biali Haas, M.D., has a range of strategies for people to try to help them stop rushing so much and slow down. She notes that the first step is becoming aware that you’re in the habit of rushing in the first place.
“When you catch yourself doing it, ask yourself if it’s really necessary. Are the extra seconds or minutes that you might gain really worth all the tension and stress?” the physician writes on Psychology Today that, most often, it’s not worth rushing about everywhere. The next step is to slow down your pace consciously.
An 85 Year Old Lady Is Feeding A Squirrel In New York's Washington Square Park With A Puppet She Created
The Expert Chainsaw Cutter Jeffrey Michael Samudosky Used Part Of A Dead Sequoia To Create His Incredible Octopus' Sculpture. Wow!
This Man Is Recycling Old Picnic Coolers Into Shelters For Stray Cats For Winter!
The expert suggests taking a few deep breaths, relaxing your shoulders, and then focusing on whatever you need or want to. The key here is that you’re putting yourself in a state of relaxation instead of constantly being on high alert. “Let go of any magical ideas about time that keep you rushing around, perpetually late, scrambling, and feeling off-kilter,” Dr. Biali Haas suggests.
“Let go of any magical ideas about time that keep you rushing around, perpetually late, scrambling, and feeling off-kilter,” Dr. Biali Haas suggests.
5-Week-Old Hunter Snoozing Alongside His 104-Year-Old Great-Great-Grandfather Charles
This Dear Little Street Dog Is Taking Care Of Abandoned Kittens...she Has Nothing Material To Give But Gives The Greatest Gift To Bestow On Any Being...unconditional Love, Bless Her Giving Tender Soul
Sooner or later she'll have to tell her puppies they're adopted.
A Deer Walked Into A Store In Colorado. The Shop Owner Gave Her Some Cookies. After Leaving The Store, She Returned After Half An Hour With Her Entire Family
Something that saps your energy and attention is multi-tasking. Research shows that it doesn’t really work like you hope it does, and it only scatters your focus and leaves you exhausted. Whenever you can, try to focus on a single task at a time. Fully immerse yourself in it, and then move on to the next one. If you’re doing a bit of everything, you’re only unnecessarily stretching yourself thin.
French Designers Invented These Raised Gardens That Make Gardening Accessible For Seniors And People In Wheelchairs!
Captain Suzy Garrett And Her First-Officer Daughter, Donna, Are The First Mother-Daughter Pair In History To Pilot A Commercial Skywest Airlines Flight Together
A Swan Embracing A Vet Which Saved His Life. If This Is Not Beautiful, I Don't Know What Is
Dr. Biali Haas also urges people to focus on being present, wherever they might be and whatever they’re doing. For instance, if you’re speaking to someone, be fully engaged in the conversation. Don’t keep picking up your phone to check for emails or messages. Similarly, if you’re out for a walk, bring your attention to your surroundings instead of worrying about work and family problems.
In A Children’s Hospital Of Italy – Therapeutic Dogs Are Impatiently Waiting To See Their Respective Children
The Owner Of This Car Is From Denmark. He Didn't Start His Car For A Month Until This Dove Hatched Its Eggs. He Said: "As Long As She Chose My Car To Build Her Nest, I'll Match Her Spirit."
He Is Homeless Man But Everyday He Hands Out Flowers Left Over From The Markets Just To Make People Happy And Smile
In the meantime, it’s up to us to be on the lookout for opportunities to help others and be kind and generous. As we’ve recently written on Bored Panda, it’s through consistent action, not just our words, that we can spread kindness. Not only that, but we should all strive to lead by example. It’s one thing to tell someone they should be kinder. It’s another to embody our own values and inspire others with our actions.
Donkey Nannies In Italy. Each Year In Italy, Grazing Animals Are Moved From High Pastures Down To The Plains. Newborn Lambs Are Unable To Make This Journey On Their Own. Instead, They Ride In The Pouches Of A Specially Made Saddle On The Back Of A Donkey Or A Mule Nanny. They Are Taken Down At Rest Stops And Returned To Their Mothers For A Bite To Eat And A Bit Of Nuzzling
The Akhal-Teke Is Probably The Most Beautiful Horse Breed In Existence. Apart From Their Breathtaking Metallic Sheen (Lending Them Their Nickname "The Golden Horse"), They Are Also Known For Their Speed And Intelligence. There Are About 6,600 Of Them On Earth. Dna Research Found The Akhal-Teke To Be One Of The Oldest Horse Breeds Alive Today
Imagine Walking Through A Museum And Discovering A 100-Year-Old Painting Of Yourself From Another Life
Being kind and compassionate doesn’t mean that we have to move metaphorical mountains. If you’re not used to being altruistic, you should focus on tiny acts of kindness, instead of trying to do something that’s overwhelming and exhausting. For instance, smiling at someone, saying ‘hello,’ thanking them, and helping them with their luggage are all ways that you can spread kindness. If you’re ever in doubt, you can simply walk up to someone who seems to be struggling and gently ask them if they’d like a hand.
This Farmer Had A Calf Born In A Snow Storm And Had To Raise Its Body Temperature
All School Cafeterias Should Do This!! “Students Who Buy Lunches May Place Unwanted And Unopened Food On This Ice Tray. If Other Students Are Still Hungry After They Finish Their Own Lunches, They May Choose One Item From The Share Bin. This Simple Process Reduces Waste And Makes Tummies Full.”
Incredible Shot
At the same time, we cannot forget to look after ourselves. We can and should be kind and generous, but we ought to prioritize our welfare first. When we’re full of energy, we’re in the best possible position to help others. That means looking after your physical and mental health by getting enough exercise and sleep, eating well, drinking plenty of water, having an active and positive social life, and finding meaning in your work.
This Beauty Is A Sorrel Peacock Leopard Appaloosa, Owned By Gws Appaloosas. His Ancestors Were Owned By Nez Perce Indians
The Mud Maid Is A Living Sculpture By Sue Hill At The Lost Gardens Of Heligan, Cornwall, UK. Depending On The Season, The Mud Maid’s ‘Hair’ And ‘Clothes’ Change When The Seasonal Plants And Moss Grow Over The Sculpture
Here Is 100 Year Old Rhododendron And The Woman Who Planted It
Well, unfortunately, that is not who planted this amazing Rhododendron. It's almost 130 years old and was planted by some old Victorian explorer. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4391750/Rhododendron-planted-120-years-ago-Britain-s-biggest.html
Which of the pics in this list, as shared by the members of the ‘Stranger Things in Stunning World’ Facebook group, resonated the most with you, dear Pandas? What do you do to slow down so you can notice what’s going on around you? Do you go out of your way to be kind to others? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
This Sculpture Of A Loving Pair Of Life-Sized Lions Was Created Entirely Out Of Cardboard With The Exception Of A Bit Of Wood In The Base For Stability
Sleeping With Your Best Buddies – What Could Go Wrong? Jim Kowalczik, The Founder Of This Bear Orphanage, Takes Care Of The Rescued Bears Day By Day. He Feeds Them, Bathes Them, Plays With Them, And Sometimes They Even Take A Nap Together, As You Can See
I've heard of sleeping with the fishes, but not the bears.
Turtle, Waking Up From Hibernation
Ice Hummingbird Created By Nature
A Newborn Turtle Touches The Sea For The First Time
This Guy Holding An Umbrella Over A Soldier Standing By The Seat And Plaque Dedicated To The 92,000+ Unaccounted For American Soldiers Since Wwi
Ice Tree In Canada
Bowerbirds Create Elaborate Structures To Attract Potential Mates By Placing Different Bright Objects They Collect In And Around A Bower, Spending Many Hours Meticulously Arranging The Collection
Sad that it's decorated with plastic, we as humans really need to get our act together to stop the damage we are doing to the world's fragile ecosystems.
You Pull Into The Driveway And See This…
Fun Fact: Pufferfish Release A Toxin When They Puff Out That Is Meant To Impair The Attacker, So They Can Safely Escape. Ironically, This Doesn’t Work On Dolphins In The Same Way.. It Actually Gets Them High. So They Purposely Inflate Them And Pass Them Around To Their Dolphin Friends For Fun
We Had A Surprise This Morning When We Assisted One Of Our Pure Lleyn Ewes Give Birth - We Were Expecting 5 Lambs (Not Overly Uncommon For Our Flock) But She Was Actually Carrying 7, A Septuplet! A First For Us Anyway!
4 Types Of Tigers In The Same Photo: Golden Tiger, Snow White Tiger, Bengal Tiger And White Tiger
The Sumela Monastery In Turkey!
A Chimpanzee Who Suffers From Alopecia Shows How Muscular These Primates Actually Are Underneath Their Usual Coat Of Hair
"Giant African Land Snails" Are The Largest Living Snail Species In The World
Nature Is Truly Amazing! These Are Banyan Tree Roots In Hong Kong
The Oldest House In France. It's Found In Aveyron, It's 700 Years Old, It Was Built In The 13th Century And Belonged To A Jeanne. The Ground Floor Is A Little Smaller Than The Upstairs Because In Those Times You Only Paid Taxes On Occupied Land, So Everyone Built Like This, ′′ Cheating "! The House Tells Us Jeanne Was Relatively Rich, Because She's Built From Stone. It's Currently Under Restoration
The house after restoration.
https://www.neozone.org/societe/la-maison-de-jeanne-la-plus-vieille-maison-de-france-est-situee-en-aveyron/ plus-vieil...ccf066.jpg
Identical Twin Brothers Josh And Jeremy Married Identical Twin Sisters Brittany And Briana. Both Couples Gave Birth To Male Babies At The Same Time. Although Technically They Are Cousins, Children Are Genetically Brothers. It Gets Weirder: Both Families Live Together In The Same House
The Size Of A Grizzly Bear Paw
Could have done without the dead bear. People who kill for sport are sick in the head. Perhaps being able to kill animals keeps them from killing people.
I have no problem with well-managed hunting for sustenance where every part of the animal is used, nothing wasted. I have a HUGE problem with trophy hunters though.
Load More Replies...Could have done without the dead bear. People who kill for sport are sick in the head. Perhaps being able to kill animals keeps them from killing people.
I have no problem with well-managed hunting for sustenance where every part of the animal is used, nothing wasted. I have a HUGE problem with trophy hunters though.
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