It's been almost six years since the first season of 'Stranger Things' was released on Netflix, and during that time it has won seven Emmys and countless hearts all over the world.
Fans adore the show for the emotional rollercoaster it takes them on, with the Stephen King vibes and '80s nostalgia hitting you right in the feels as you try to catch all the jokes while following intricate group dynamics.
What I'm trying to say is there's a lot going on. So much so that many (rightfully) choose to rewatch the whole thing, and find new hidden details and Easter Eggs with every viewing.
So we at Bored Panda decided to put together a collection of such gems, and give you even more reasons to appreciate the series. Enjoy!
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That 70’s Show & Stranger Things!
Lucas performance with Max broke my heart! I was balling my eyes out!
Cool It Easter Egg In Stranger Things 2
According to Jack Seale, a journalist who specializes in TV, 'Stranger Things' season four was bigger and better than anything the show had done before.
"It was clearly more expensively produced, with a larger cast and a surer sense of why all the monsters, heroes and hangers-on were there," Seale wrote in The Guardian.
"The double-bill denouement – held back for a month by Netflix to allow hype to build – is more expansive still. It's crazily, luxuriously sprawling, running to nearly four hours, and does everything fans could have expected plus several dollops more."
Neat Detail: The Rainbows On Half Of The Rainbow Room Are Upside Down
On The Left: Scene From The First Season Of Stranger Things, Set In 1983. On The Right: Me, Wearing The Exact Same Shirt In 1983
Winona Ryder Provided 1980s Fact Checks On Stranger Things And Even Got Script Changes For Period Accuracy
But if it hasn't quite overstretched itself yet, Seale does wonder where 'Stranger Things' can possibly go from here.
Consider where everything took place. In Hawkins, Indiana, in 1986, waiting for a gang of plucky teens to mount a final assault on Vecna, the demon who roams a dank dimension beneath the town.
Psychic superheroine Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) unlocked memories from a childhood spent in a secure facility for kids with strange powers, revealing that she opened up the interdimensional portal while confronting One, a murderous fellow inmate (thus turning him into the vengeful Vecna).
It Was Improvised
She Still Has Her Door Open 3 Inches!
It's not really an Easter egg if she says it outright in the last episode.
In The Stranger Things Episode ‘Chapter Three: The Pollywog’ (S2e3), If You Look Closely At Mr. Clarke’s Town Model, You Can See The Betelgeuse Tombstone From Beetlejuice (1988) - A Nice Little Nod To Series Star Winona Ryder, Who Had Her First Breakout Role As Lydia Deetz In That Film
In Stranger Things S04e03 (2022) Dustin's Comment Regarding Missing Collarbones Refers To His Real-Life Condition 'Cleidocranial Dysplasia' - A Rare Genetic Disorder Gaten Matarazzo Suffers From, That Also Affects The Growth Of His Teeth
In the meantime, a group of sympathetic adults got stuck in a grimy Soviet Union prison, battling a creature left over from a previous season.
"A showdown looms – but hey, we’ve got four hours, there’s no rush. And so season four's last two episodes are surprisingly talky, giving almost every character a tender, watershed two-hander with a significant other," Seale explained.
When Victor Creel Is In His Cell And Scratching His Fingernails On A Desk, It Is A Purposeful Nod To Freddy Krueger, Who Robert Englund Notably Portrayed. It Was Meant To Represent Freddy's Razor-Sharp Blades Attached To His Fingers
Max Escaping Vecna Thanks To "Running Up That Hill" By Kate Bush Isn't The First Time Music Has Been Used To Defeat Creatures From The Upside Down. In Season 2, Jonathan Notably Played Will's Favorite Song "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" By The Clash While He Was Possessed By The Mind Flayer
Music has the power to do all kinds of things and actually works at the pleasure center of your brain. It can lift you out of depression give you some energy and tell people how you're feeling. If Vecna ever gets me play Brain Damage by Pink Floyd
Spoilers: A Small Detail You May Have Missed... Just In Case You Wanted To Cry Again
While Playing Dungeons And Dragons, Dustin Tells Eddie, "Never Tell Me The Odds," Which Is A Reference To Han Solo's Line In Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Which Came Out In 1980
"Lost love is lamented, halting young love gets closer to being properly expressed, and the show’s barely discernible – although fans who pore over every scene have certainly discerned it – hints about Will (Noah Schnapp) being gay become something more overt during his moving speech about learning to live with being 'different.'"
The TV critic thinks the creators of 'Stranger Things, the Duffer brothers, understand what underpins their reference points, and in particular, they get how the neighborhood apocalypse genre works.
When Eleven And Will Go To School With Their Class Projects, You Can See That Will Did His On Alan Turing, A Code-Breaker During World War II. This Is Also A Notable Easter Egg Because Alan Turing Was Notably Prosecuted For Being Gay, And There Have Been Fan Theories Suggesting Will Is Too
I think this is one fan theory that accidentally rang true. It's like he wants the best for his best friend but he's also in love with him and has to watch him be in love with somebody else. It's a classic tale
In Stranger Things Season 4 Episode 8, The Assault Resembles The Opening Assault On Leia's Transport In Star Wars: A New Hope
Yessss I was sitting watching this scene thinking about how much it reminded me of Star Wars
In Stranger Things 3 A Quick Wide Shot Of The Machine Shows A Possible Escape Route For A Certain Character
Nancy's Fake Resume Says She Was A "Youth Worker" In The Years She Spent Helping Her Little Brother And His Friends Save The World
"These stories say that it’s OK to be different – to be shy and angry, or a Dungeons and Dragons nerd, or secretly gay, or a heavy metal freak – because your small town might just be the most important place in the world, and maybe you’re not different, but special," Seale wrote.
"The Duffers appreciate that all this is a metaphor for coming of age, so they sprinkle their finale with universal life lessons about slaying your personal monsters and growing up."
The Numbers For Surfer Boy Pizza And The Nina Project Really Work
A Little Detail That No One Remembered
S4e2 - Neat Little Detail, Looks Like They Kept El's Scar From When They Tried To Cut Out The Growth During The Battle Of Starcourt. Not Sure If It's Been Mentioned Yet, But I Love Small Continuity Details Like This
Yes! That's what it is, I was wondering throughout the season what was on her leg. Thanks!
In Episode 3, After The Party, Nancy Calls Barb's Mom To Ask If Barb Made It Home Last Night, And Then Lies About Her Being At The Library. In Episode 8, Hopper And Joyce Enter The Upside Down And Find Barb's Corpse In The Public Library
Nancy hallucinates in season 2 and thinks she sees Barb while at the library studying with Steve.
Once the emotional framework, four seasons in the making, has been carefully put in place, the fireworks finally begin and they don't disappoint. As Seale pointed out, "with no big surprises (various characters find themselves on the edge of defeat in a fight to the death before visions of what truly matters to them give them the strength to rally at the last second) but a lot of impeccable judgments", the show delivers the goods.
In Stranger Things, Hopper’s Daughter’s Blue Ribbon Is Subtly Shown Throughout Season One And Two
I remember seeing Hopper and later El wearing it and wondered why. Now I know. Thanks!
When Nancy And Robin Are Shown "The Listening Room" At Pennhurst, You Can Spot The Names Of Songs On The Chalkboard. All Of The Songs Deal With Dreams, Which Links To Vecna And The Ongoing Theme Of Nightmares And The Fact That Songs Save People From Vecna
In Stranger Things Season 3, The First Time We See Hopper He’s Watching Magnum P.i. - Which Has Clearly Influenced Him To Grow A Moustache And Later, To Ask His Assistant To Get Him A Very Specific Shirt (Which Tom Selleck Wears In The Show) For His Date With Joyce
When Steve And Robin Are Driving, Steve Mentions That Robin's Crush Vicki Returned A Copy Of Fast Times At Ridgemont High Paused At 53 Minutes And Five Seconds. Well, That Time Stamp Is When Linda Removes Her Bikini Top During A Dream Sequence
The decisions over which character intervenes when, and how, are perfectly made – as are the ones over who dies and why, and the problem of splitting the action between Indiana, Nevada, and Kamchatka is reconciled smoothly enough.
The critic believes it could even be an ideal finale for the whole show.
But Netflix have commissioned a fifth and final season.
In Stranger Things 2, This Album Was Chosen Because It Looked Like The Demogorgon
In Stranger Things Season 4, Episode 8 - Eddie Wearing A Michael Myers Mask. This Isn't Just A Nod To Halloween; It's Also An Appropriate Call-Back To Stranger Things Season 2, When Max Wore The Same Mask On Halloween
In Episode 6 Of Stranger Things 3, Murray's Phone Number Is Revealed On Screen. It's A Working Number In The Reality, And When You Call You Get Put Through To Murray's Voicemail
You guys - tried it, not only does it work but I definitely got a chuckle out of it 😆
In Stranger Things The Book Dustin's Girlfriend Is Reading Shown Here Is Called "A Wizard Of Earthsea" Which Is About A Young Person With Magic Powers Who Accidentally Releases An Evil Being Into The World
everybody should read Ursula K Le Guin: ALL of it! I will not comment more on "that evil" because it would be a spoiler for the fourth season (and the book)
From what has been hinted, we might see a disaster on a global scale rather than a conspiracy only a select few geeks know about, and with the core cast no longer minors, there can also be some new adjustments.
But Seale thinks 'Stranger Things' "is at its best when it’s local, intimate, innocent, and homespun." And such an effect would be impossible without all the deliberate care that goes into production (often in a form of small details). Maybe it has already told this story?
When Dustin Calls Steve From The Phone Booth At School, You Can See That Someone Wrote "E.t. Phone Home," Which Is A Nod To Steven Spielberg's E.t. The Extra-Terrestrial From 1982. Spielberg's Films Have Had A Big Influence On Stranger Things Too
Eddie is obviously a metal head. Eddie is also the name of the mascot for the English heavy metal band Iron Maiden. Coincidence? I think not!
In Georgia you can actually go to the set of hoppers cabin as an escape room. Did it, it was hard but fun. And also, if you don’t make it, you get to still go in els room.
Eddie is obviously a metal head. Eddie is also the name of the mascot for the English heavy metal band Iron Maiden. Coincidence? I think not!
In Georgia you can actually go to the set of hoppers cabin as an escape room. Did it, it was hard but fun. And also, if you don’t make it, you get to still go in els room.